J.l x ou. 13,InTHE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Horowitz Here After Europe 5-Year Tour Noted Pianist Has Gained Acclaim On Previous Tours In This Country Vladimir Horowitz's return to this country last year after a four-and- -one-half year stay in Europe was the signal for wild rejoicings by crit- ics and the public from coast to coast. Last year's tour culminated in an unparalleled prrformance of the Brahms B-flat major Conderto under the direction of father-in-law, Arturo Toscanini, in Carnegie Hall in May. His 1940-41 tour was sold out as soon as it was announced. Since the night that Horowitz was introduced to this country in a fabu- lous debut preceded by rumors from From Newsboy To Opera Baritone- History Of Choral Union Movement Traced That 's Richard Bonelli 's Life-Story From newsboyv to the Metropoli- it was presented four years ago. I Carlo Opera and successes in Italy, tan Opera's "Baritone of Baritones" It was while he was attending Syra- France, and Germany followed in in many vears of lessons--that is the cuse University on a scholarship, thatr story of Richard Bonelli, the man the Dean heard the young man sing. , hose life tory reads like an Haratio Musical talent ran in Bonellis fain- TIa name Bonelli was evolved from haihe Yankee, Bunn, during his stay nA1:2tir pulp. ' n Italy. where it is quite common Bonelli worked his way through for the opera manager to demand aI high school, doing all sorts of odd name of Italian fabrication. 'obs after hours. Newsboy, farmer's I While singing with Mary Gardon helper in harvest time, bank mes- n Paris he wcs engaged by the Chi- senger, bookkeeper, gardener in a cago Opera Company, returning to cemetery, auto mechanic's helper and z , America in 1925. he remained with! zinc .miner--these were but a few of I that group until he joined the Metro-t the jobs which kept the prospective polit~an in 1932.- opera star busy during his school Bonelli is not new to Ann Arbor! oeas music lovers: he appeared in lastX Mr. Bonneli who made his debut year's May Festival. He is also in-t wit the Mertopolitan Opera in 1932, dispensable to the famous festivals a' Germont, the father in "La Trav- at Worcester and Evanston. iata," supplements his operatic and concert appearances with radio broadcasts. During the past season-Sig Ges t eFrg he compiled an enviable record. He was the first Metropolitan Opera Before U.S. President singer to be engaged for the Ford Marion Anderson's only attack of "Universal Rhythm Hour," in a stgefigtiThrlogsign series that ran all summer and in t ;ai rgh nhe ,grign addition he made three appearances RIChARD >ONELLI career vas when she visited the as soloist on the Ford Sunday Eve- White House. ning Hour. She had been invited to sing for He alone, of all American bari- the President and Mrs. Roosevelt and tones, was invited to sing at the In- with his ability convinced him to she had prepared an appropriate augural Concert given in Washing- start out on the venturesome but speech of thanks to the nation's exec- ton last year in honor of PreIdent glamorous path which is the life of utive for the honor. Roosevelt. an opera star. When she entered the room, the This season, the New York Phil- After studying for a time, a friend President rose to greet her, remark- harmonic has engaged him to play offered him the money to go to France ing that she looked just like her pie- the important role of Amfortas in and study. He accepted, and after tures. Choked with emotion, the a concert version of Parsifal. Toscan- Paris, events moved swiftly. He made great contralto trembled with stage ini selected him for this part when his operatic debut with the Monte fright and forgot her speech. Sixy -woyears is a long enough in the Latin department, A man of time for most people to forget that broad culture, amateur musician of an institution like the Choral Union recognized ability, he made his home Concert Series ever had a beginning, and the church choirs that he direct- ed the centers of the musical life especially a humble one. But the re- of town and University for 25 years. cent reorganization of the University IUnder his guidance and with the co- Musical Society, sponsor of the ser- operation of other distinguished citi- ies. into a unit physically separated zens, the University Musical Society from the School of Music with which was organized and incorporated for it had been closely affiliated for the purpose of "bridging the music many years. makes it apparent that of the community with that of the the Choral Union was not always University." Provision was made for simply rollin along wthe development of the Choral Union simplyrolln an cnn-Chorus, and Concert Series, the Uni- lnsofar as one man can be point- versity Symphony Oxrchestra and the ed out as the guiding genius of the School of Music. early Choral Union movement, it was Henry Simmons Frieze, who, in At first, the Choral Union was 1879. founded the University Musi- made up of singers from the choirs cal Society and served as its first of the Congregational, Methodist, president. Dr. Frieze had come to Presbyterian and Episcopal churches, the. University in 1854 as Professor and for a short time it was known as the Messiah Club, linmn its ef- forts to the singing of (choruses frm Handel's oratoria. Then its sphere was extended to include general chor- al works. other singers -including students-were admitted. and the name of the group was changed to its present form. Its first concert was given in the Congregational Church, the second in the Methodist: and the third in the Presbyterian Church, all for the bene- fit of the respective ladies' societies. Even in that limited world, Chorus' Favorite Song In the 20 years of its existence, the Don Cossack Chorus has sung "The Volga Boat Song" more than 4,000 times in concerts from Singa- pore to Sioux City. _ .. . 1 1 i I I I I 1 a I a I o1 -I VLADIMIR HOROWITZ r - iH [2 [2 I HJm lota l u NOTHING MORE NEED BE SAID than the name Marian Anderson, for she has sung in Ann Arbor on previous occasions. No other artist has ever excelled her in winning the hearts of mnusic lovers. Her appearances always mean packed houses. [2fit [2" H N ONC N F r' [2r Europe of a second Liszt, second Ru- benstein and even by one confused newspaperman, of a second Paginini -the pianist has held a unique place in the musical life of his country, a place which even his recent long ab- sence was unable to shake or alter. He was brought up in the midst of a highly .musical Russian family. They did not notice his musical pre- cocity until, at the age of nine, he began of his own accord to learn by heart piano compositions by Grieg, Rachmaninoff, etc., In another year he had memorized the piano scoring of Wagner's "Tannhauser," "Lohen- gren" and "Parsifal" and was start- ing confidently on the gigantic Ring cycle. By this time his parents real- ized that here was no ordinary gift and they sent him to the Kiev Con- servatory. At the age of 17 he made his debut and despite the troubled times (it was during the early 20's) he gave nine concerts ir' rapid succession. In 1925 he emerged from Russia and never returned to his native land. He made his European debut in Ber- lin in 1926 and overnight became a sensation. He made his Amex i an debut in January of 1928. .L- I -91 T ""hree jw reat .yinphonies and Three Great Conductors will produce THE BOSTON SV]IIPHONV Superb Music Serge Koussevitzky Serge Koussei-zky has directed the destinies of the Boston Symphony Orchestra for the past 13 years. The orchestra is now in its, sixtieth season, and its record is phenomenal. Other distinguished conductors have presid- ed over its welfare, but it remained for Koussevitzky to substantially advance its accomplishments in many direc- tions. was founded more than fifty years ago. For manyyears it was supported largely by Colonel Henry A. Higginson, a wealthy Boston music lover, who is said to have made his fortune largely from Michigan copper. The many appearances of this orchestra in Ann Arbor speaks for itself as to its popularity in this section of the cout1iiiry.: THE NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC This is the second time the New York Philharmonic has come to Ann Arbor after the merger of the Philharmonic and the New York Symphony, two great orchestras which both appeared in this city. Last year the Philharmonic stole the hearts of the audience. It will be every bit as good this year, this its ninety- ninth year as leader of American sym- phonies. John Borbirolli John Barbirolli succeeded Arthuro Tos- canini as conductor of the New York Philharmonic. With the position he accepted the responsibility of main- taining the forefront position which the orchestra had attained under Tos- canini. John Barbirolli has not only maintained but has carried forward their artistic accomplishments. Dimitri Mitropoulos Dim itri Mitropoiulos will lead the Minneapolis Symphony Orch- estra in its local debut. The Greek-born conductor four years a:o took over rhm hton from EIieno Ormandv and since then o i - t r- - oP% k 1 r-4 -% I I e% M AL I 1t7.,,. . T...,r.11 1,. rsz t rtsst fsira m t rrm a 9A