THE MICHIGAN DAILY SgNgag; OCTOBE ;R 13, 1940 'Sigin1G Don Cossack ChorusBegan 20 Years A ro 34-Strong, Orgyanizatidonl 1l as Presented Sengs All Over The World Twenty years ago, a gr'oup of singing giants of the Steppes rie their voices around a military campii[ fire near Con tan tinople, and the} Don Cossack Chorus was born. Since that time those 34 men, descendants pf the rece of S tenka Razin, greatest hero ofth Cos- sacks, have traveled mo)re than aa million miles to sing more than 4,000 concerts in almost every corner of the earth. Singing folk tunes, Cossack soldier songs and liturgies dating back a thousand years, the group is nowa- in their eleventh season in America, pro- duct of diminutive Serg Jaroff's> enterprise. His choirmasteir trainingL fashioned a brilliant ensembie orft of 'a horde of bedraggled, homesickc prisoners. Leading them in song- around the evening campfire,.'he sensed the emotion in their voice. Te 'M4(j1, ' ,Fes' Formed r sed Player At 4, DJebut Eight Years Grou ,y ;"in .tAmy (~1 t ~(O ~r 'rpleRole ToIr hiMuselScene 1, adt ys in f II! i rucb aia A i iI 'fi mui2 ofiC' _ s ndlreo h~ ork i~e1'kin cine of a msically 1aet erioi h money as a mer :chant l o ~-po!his larg efai. Aliloshhis parents needed the ,_ .C that nil-ht hvcome from .'xpli lug ti.on as a child prod-I igy 1 e~hiscfl'dto headvice of the pianst A ri Gruf~dand sent Uvi: mu rom Czeco -Slovakia to b platced und: er the Iu-felage of Pro- ? ! 2 erkn mde his debut as 'li( ~ ~ -i - i IwihteVienna Sym- Iil"IX (t'( osti_ ut his techlers ioUi:I( I ' cela Ubewas still too C" II~' 10ac1ep,te offers of a long out]ae y-ever,,al manae. ± Ia cnti.ud his stuciies foc' sev- ;;, Cing spe(cial work in com- irstCocert The Budapest String Quartet was' h fs( or' the first time in America in 931and has played over onel thousand concerts during the last ten years, a record which is rareI amnong c'hamber music organizations. po.. v ie ArnoldA Schoenberg. Symphony, and quickly won NewC Wit-a ii final>aid begn his career. York audience approval, as well as 0eqicl in- lic('ess, playing the favor of concert audiences all in F-cca. ' nil'ndSwitzerland. over the country during tours in en- lin- i udAustria. He made suing seasons. c cil awsnjont recital with Met Wife At 17t Adl i U i init. Serkin's wife is the daughter of in1 1a i sn to the United't his musical collaborator. Adolf Busch. -- They met when she was four and he was 17. He says, "She announced thenr that she was going to marry me and1 I told her I would wait for her to1 ... grow up. As things worked out I did just that." They have two child- ren and now make their home in New York. The pianist turns to mountain climbing and skiing for relaxation. although another one of his hobbies is toy electric engines. Oan of his idio- K ~syncrasies is to, keep two pianos in his New York apartment- in r'ooms as far apart as possible. He practices for a while in one, then goes to the r ~other room. To give the neighbors at each end a rest, he explains. 4 ~Old N.Y. Sawr Philharmonitc cboniposoi . ('CilUthi r' iii'> ion nI - alist - on voiidei's xxiii. ' ''N ta po Gooi'ges Enesto. l-lian.ntu.ln mu>a at aitist, first. Regaided as lIt' ut tile C i. i''"t ot ~ 'out cm P01'S CV 1i701. 0 ii) 1 0 15 it omposci' 01 ~5 reulo. 11000> hi' \'ul 10050 \ ioliiiist Of 'i eiuai hable a - chiex oment .'' and a coudiietoi' of truly ''mast ci ful insight The ci' of mh.s: ' 1 eel iCOS 'I great part of Enesco > nor and Cii - orgy. A man of in mow 'n~cohasa gandope'ra to hi ti'Ui. is"Oedipus" taken tico incclrek rgeywas first, ipr '11d1nPi's made a 0~~~~O1 ~ra mns Ion.Ensco has divid- ed n> ll0 btwen ilolin Concerts U Imo T. IfHehas toured Fr n '. l 1i. 1lTolland and not, o \ pl'x ed bu )often as conduct- ed~~~ hP-, ou o-hstaswith which hi ape~i A. is comnpositions par- U. sil ly ih Firt ,and Second Rou-. nutnii.'-.lutpsodieshavebe)en played : > s c aisintnselove of mu11- 'a , fa~mci' andas chlidciGeorgesi .~.cctIN eposd o the national it v of he oumaianfolklore and mit ~ .lie xasso profoundly affect- ad ' h ui o f the pgypsies that he i>~.. his nt hoc Oe him a fiddle' o . , he 110he hlad seen a gypsy, .111 ~ ~ r" '. 'lpn ithout knowing a 'd'~ .'. [I ree ted faultlesslythe sons lit'fl~i I tai U Pe civing that the 'Iv Ii to hu e eaher in Rou- _ i.litrcte d him until his .1 u rea.Iand; the nsggested that Hex s ae o rscudy Tcomposition it n taous iena Conservatory ~'.a ony cnsetedto play the violin ri. a m'instrvument had to be int']idedIll he crriculum, and the x isin css~ wer the least crowded. Fl (wo ws frtunte n attracting he~i attenion o the irector Hellmes- K i'~et. wose grandfather had learned condcting- from Beethoven, and R' te haluenztial IBibesco, fain- i~~x'. ~ Athagof 13 he entered the Pars ClisrvaI o'cstudying violin, comp~sit o ad theory with such lii -en a- Mssnet, Faure, Gedalge. Lii 'ee year larthe Conservatoire a ~ ,ared ifit h highest prize for va un anv sltlytereafter he made his '0115. I ebt, playing the Beet- ho, eiCocrto( with the Colonne and welded them into an artistic and sttldteex mterfuiis ageai; iFirst World 'dour eihr''l Iy., i"(f Shortly after their fame spread be- tj:,no'swa iv}i0 O ; '}t h yond the military prison a knowing B EroolnSclotii'.i"o concert manager set them on the t~s ue-ec ' ~.i''lIi~ ot first of their world tours. dt.IiJiold' . 1 ~to ls Serge Jaroff, Tom-Thumb direc-sas 110>bni ttDnRve tor of the GatDonCoscChrsVie 10woii*1l'ettpote was consideredt as a boy "oo s aloigsta d id stay thcia t l-ItDOLI! lSERKIN First Concert States I!,th first time to play at I the ooldpeFesival in Washington. The Philharmonic Society of New EERE NS' The- flloingwinter he made his York gave its first concert on Dec. A-ie'iasolo debut under the direc- fhsRuaintr hr tioni of Arlucuo Toscanini. who con- 7. 1842, in a concert hall on Lower, peace ofiso-I l "ti . c p, e fSn! dted the New York Philharmonic Broadway in New York City, thenahecmosfra uha tele - city of less than 400,000 people. At ious a day.r~ ir to') 'eLirka.t IL') ig rllSVf- A t for much use" by his gargantuan brothers and was permitted to study music with the choirmaster of the neighborhood church. Born in the valley of Russia's his- toric Don River, young Serge showed a marked aptitude for music. After he had learned all the local. choirmaster could teach him, young Jaroff was sent to the Imperial Chor- al School in, St. 'Petersburg where his talent was brought to the atten- tion of the Grand Duchess Marie whose protege hie became. Fought In War He held a lieutenant's commission during the World War in the machine gun corps. When the war was over he fought with the White forces and was interned by the Soviets. At the camp of Lemos he groomed the home- sick Cossacks for 15 months until there emerged a birilliant chorus of 34 whose fame spread outside the -prison walls. Invited to sing in Em-j ba~sy Church, they became in 19211 the official choir of the St. Sofia1 Cathedral in the Bulgarian capital,G and for three years people streamed from all over Europe to listen to} them as at a shrine. The vicissitudes of two decades, have left the ensemble comparatively' uxiscathed. A record of which they are proud is that in four thousand appearances no one has missed a concert, and only once was a manI tardy for rehearsal. This they as- sert is due not only to the complicat- limbed Mfoie ae or'thi reckless hol'serna l-n id s"g' and fI imnie' dat's. its will bcm ~eu.a .iios bCoueIt t ! r ,..U soon...c mie- ' z 1 A, hi '0.?e t arorii Chontienal; i c]'in195.l md Nef Yrliilal'olc midd -w t tK -/io c ols ym phon Or'heL'sis li thrdond the atonof 1.1 cndtit her.Dsitiy Mit i ' l onlMarc idn h UItsIII ~ ,Qia- c xi 4i sAcelaim The four artists who comprise thisII ensemble play some of the fnetin- ~F y 4 t~nrde As Greatest str'iments of old Italian make. The 7. n ol fir'st violin is a Petrus Guanei'ius; the viola a Gr anc'iao; the 'cello a J. (Cont inue'd fromn Page 1) 13B. Qtanini: and the second violin! a iants Seraphin. x< ll coulc ri i New York (1935) with Alwkays following their American:hal'footnapast. As a result of 11' they appear in Par is, then they ! 0 i mo she appeared in a tula a series of Victor Recoids incneta anegie Hall. Since then Fur lad. Four years ago they played ! s ''ha1tinin concerts in Europe. fo rwt'oli('0'l 5in 0on' eekin Pats he -oj-.Uno. Africa, and South Wht i esltdin the greatest ,n-Amria. ,xhee the SRO sign was ,,ph they; ei' had, and which they hugoto vry occasion. In 1938 do.ubled the next season when they Ms iUCi itour'ed the United l')ayclbe'for'e a sold-out house at ttsiue most intensive course Salle Gavean and enjoyed an over- 01" ci asi concert history for any xxhelriiuu suc'cess.,1101.i'hmig seventy appear- ThePy played all the Beethoven Ai'?S Stiing Quartets three times in Paris, I owad tU ivrsity made her a twice in Melbourne (Australia), twice Doelci' 01,Mu by awvarding her an li Copenhagen (Denmark), twice in h~.i : rj ,degree and she also re- 'ewYoi'k, once in Oslo (Norwvay'), ' . ed !-i1 Grnd Prix du Chant for uiicein Stockh olm Swxeden), once( hebet 'corded voice on the Con- in Baltimore and once in Buffalo. iet H fxeci' athough some of the Ls saon Miss Anderson toured i~'atiStsucesesh av'e been achieved it I ln eventy cities to give nine-' xxintl h~i'.they ar'e knowxn ,asc finest interpreters of the moderns. tt ixconci'ts between November j Iome of these, including Hindcmniiah. and Jn In June she sailed for her, welr' played by themnov'er' thle radio. fir's, c:t. ('o Honolulu after which! that time John Tyler was resident{ of the United States and Victoria was queen of England. Ludwig van Beethoven had been dead fifteen years and Johannes Brahms was not yet ten year's old. Franz Liszt, Rich- au'd Wagner' and Giussepe Verdi were at the height of their musical careers. 1Honorary membership in the Phil- harmonic Symphony Society is an' honor that is infrequently bestowed.z The first two honorary members were twvo famous violinists of a century ago-Henri Vieuxtemps, a Belgi,.%, and Ole Bull, a Norwvegian, who were elected in 1842. the first year of the Society's existence.j Ludwig Spohr and Richard Wag- ner, composers, received honorary memberships as did Felix Mendels- sohn, Franz Liszt, Joseph Joachim Raff, Anton Rubinstein, Antonj Dvorak and many others. Jenny Lind, Henrietta Sontag and Marietta Alboni weire among the singers so honored during the nine- teenth centui'y. Edwin Booth, son of the famous John Wilkes Booth, who appeared occasionally as reader with the Philharmonic was also elect- ed. IN.Y. Plijilaritioni~c J WillAi rPriograni (Continued from Page 1t harmonic -Symphony was made in New York on Nov. 5, 1936 and the dynamic young conductor became an immediate success. His audiences grew with every concert and the af- fection and admiration extended to him by his men became more and more apparent as time went on. An inter'esting tale is told of the time when, aftei' a presentation of "Don Quixote" by Strauss and the conductor's last bow, a large number of his musicians took him into theii' collective arms and embr aced him in grateful thanks for the performance! in which they had participated. The conductor rose to the occasion by kissing them in turn, his heart warmed by the enthusiasm of hisI men. "~No," he commented later, "it couldn't have happened in Glasgow.", the Rtie de Chchy in arsou down on paper the themesand liar monies wvhich arei'ete eycoeo his being. "Melodic ideas cm noit ed years. sometimes, bfr tiii them," he said abot his mt uo o composing, "Yet nIa tIcm method of treat ing themIma.,be x cr different from wa twoud hv been at their cneto.SilI a always put an oldidatacon" He composes very soxxh. ort as because he believes;httob h ___ ac" :3 ?lo t ',: Via. : ,x ,aa sa~ninmm~ >' ":N; S sip,1returnel(d ho the United States to .,maketxwo more appearances. Eaeyawvaited in her program hee x'~lbe a grup of Negro spirit- , asi e she promised to sing in her-next coneirt in Ann Arbor. She xx's unaleto fulfill requests for ili~il whtnpse sang at Hill Audi- torii inshe 1938 May Festival be- chi-n herogram was all Brahms, butassredthae audience that she would.incld them on her next ap- AuitOin~vs are too large for pure '-i'un~ i t op(inion of Marian ' L u." headdd."thei'e's the other sideof te si ; ion. You do like tol aslS S as any people as wish to hear)ut, aind I don't think that kind o Ie pla-,u'e is ignoble." a".~ .. L_ r [ _ - . THE DON COS) HORL MInn Arbr sxtio. r181 u W i) ki te direction of Serge ,aroff, 1.5cci x o ittdiI 1" Iit*.'ao l nthis country. Thseyi, 34 ti'i" xil ciL i fo xi l k ; _,t . Cossack soldier songs, and lit tirics da.11 "1 7 ltt) F0)i x it xi hch ihe thrilled 1(1 cities lat ivaa-I iii t .1 11 1'i One of the outstanding baritones of this era, and wpl! loved by Ann Arbor audiences, will return in o solo appearance. III o1 R i Ann Arbor Itf-hve its first glance in many RICHARD BONELLI years at V'-o - Horoitz, January 1I5. The son- in-law of Tosccnini, famed in his owen right as one I i No I lilt a;