OCTOBER 13, 1940 THE -MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVtR 15-Minute Portrait Artist Makes Annual UnionLobby ADtearance M arha Cook A4 ' v 1' 's/ U~A I A- % Wee suer Annoniie(s Fb1 Staff Bllaustein Predicts Of 1940-41' lihiran Technic. 650 Faculty Vote& ____ .1 1 ~~_ P WU W U1 The Michigan campus is without tenances recorded on Steve's easel. ~100 To Fund The complete staff of the 1940-41 l oth staffs ae Rudolph Axel- a doubt happy hunting grounds for He hasn't got Tom Harmon yet but l Michigan Technic, which makes its .n, -42E, and sophomores Harry every salesman, hawker, vendor, he is going to make a concerted ef- first appearance of the year Wed- A man Kent Arnold Frank D- peddler and midway artist between fort this fall to have Tom sit for him. Alumnae returning to celebrate thenwalan ied od.rarret And after visiting the majority of - a e.'.d nesday. was announced yesterday by Land, Jim dmuds. Eric Garrett, the two world fairs; but there's an silver anniversary of te foundig George Weesner, '41E editor. artist over in the Union Lobby who'll of Martha Cook dormitory contrib- Heading the business staff is iar- Cad GutcherstrmHrsert give you 100 cents back on the dollar uted $100 to the Anne Shipman Fel- old E. Britton, 41E, wh is assisted d O ilowship Fund which is annually by Robert L. Imboden, '42E, adver- Parker, Richard Schoel, Keith Smith, He isateve. tgiven to residents a scholarrships it tising manager; Morris Miller, '42E, Cauter Taylor and Donald West. He is "Steve," the portrait artists annonced by a Jame circulation manager; and Philip facu advisory board com- who sketches you from either front '20, piesident of th Detroi Alumnae Mandel, '42E, in charge of accounts. ' ' or side and in fifteen minutes will organization at a banquet in the Philip Van Nordstrand, '42E, and pris 1f. Henry W.Miller fthe record your physiognomy in natural League yesterday. Jack Morrow, '42E. are associates on mechanics and engineering drawing color and shade. -Four girls hav' already held the the advertising and circulation staffs 1artcnt. chairman; Prof. Robert "Steve," as Dr. Harold L. Stephen- scholarshin e glished in 1937 in the respectively. D. Brackett of the engneering Eng- son calls himself, has just completed honor of Mrs. Shipman. They are Working under Weesner on the di- sph department; Prof, Ferdinand N. a tour of 105 of the country's col- Barbara Lovell, ' 8, Grace Wilson, tondal staff are Seymour A. Furbush. Menefee of the engineering mechan- leges, drawing portraits as he goes '39 Mary Fiai Rek. '40. and Bety A4lE, managing editor; Charles R. Bto teofrte d Peal eie along. Michigan is his home, how- Lombard, 41. Tieman, '41E, editorial director; ng ndep rtment. ever, for here "Steve" each year be- Twenty-five years of life at Mar- Arthur W. C. Dobson, '42E. articles gins his itinerary of the country. tha Cook were enacted before 475 head; Burr L. French, '42E, feature This is his fourth year at the Union alumnae and residents who attended editor, and George D. Gotschall, pho- " and he plans to remain a month. the dinner. It was highlighted by a tographer. Associates include Waiter "Steve" has sketched the faces of an fashion show of clothes worn by resi- C. Cowles, '42E, articles; William impressive number of the country's dents during the last two and a half Collamore, '42E, features, and Alex notables. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt decades. Skits from last year's JGP Wilkie, '42E, publications. POIXTE R served as a subject when she visited were also presented with the resi- Among those working as assistants In Congress Poll A vote of more than 650 faculty members was predicted yesterday by Albert P. Blaustein, '42. chairman of the All-Faculty Presidential Straw4 Vote, sponsored by Congress, Inde- pendent Men's Association. Blaustein also requested all depart- ments who have not as yet received ballots to contact either himself or William H. Rockwell, '41, president of the organization as soon as possible tomorrow. The voting deadline has been set at 4 p.m. Wednesday at which time ballots will be collected. Counting will take place Thursday and the re- sults will be announced in Friday's Daily. Ann Arbor last fall, and "Steve" also drew her son, Franklin, Jr., when the traveling artist visited the Uni- versity of Virginia several years ago. Joe E. Brown, George Raft, ir orma Shearer, William Powell and many other Hollywood cinema stars have submitted to "Steve's" deft pencils and crayons. Out in Hollywood he worked at his art at the Brown Derby. Steve also worked with the now- famous Walt Disney in New York City before Disney's great success in Hollywood. Seven of last year's All- American team have had their coun- _ ) 5.00 to 15.00 "HALF - SIZE" CORSELETTES The famous foundation created especially for the "little woman". If you're five feet four or short- er you'll want a Le Gant Half- Size to give you the new long lean silhouette and to give it to you comfortably. We have them.! 8 NICKELS ARCADE" dents playing the roles of the bloom- er girls of the popular play given by r'--> c oC °' « > 7 junior women. Speakers were Miss James as toastmistress, Mrs. Chauncey Cook representing the Board of Governors, For You - Mrs. Leona Diekema, social director, Mary Francis Reek, '40, Celia Chao, representing foreign students, Ade- laide Adams, the faculty, and Mar- orie Risk, '41, present house pres- j TRIM TAIn ORF.D SHIRTS - ident. Members of the faculty, returning * CASUAL SPORTS RI',sI s alumnae and residents who were re- the colleges in the country "Steve" ceived by President Alexander Ruth- *0PERY HAIRBO still thinks that Michigan has the ven and Mrs. Ruthven, include: Mrs. *SNAPPY UJRKINS most beautiful campus. Esther Cram, Regent; Dean AliceA Not only that, he also thinks that Lloyd; Mrs. Myra Jordan, former * CUSTOM SKIRTS Michigan's football team is the best dean of women; Mrs. Diekema; Miss of the lot and has more spirit Sara Rowe, house director; in the c * FRiVOOUs j11W[IRY too. Red Room from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. ... * DISTINCTIVL HATS Dental Student Toils His Way Through College As Turnkey'0 Jun G Thousands of students all over the is A.B. in 193.Debonis is now tak- 1113 i S. University country work their way through col- ing dental work for cultural pur- x lege, but at this University there is poses a student who probably has a more Lee received his appointment last -_ - novel job than any. week from Sheriff John Osborn. "He Livio G. (Lee) Debonis, a sopho- was recommended," the sheriff, said, TOW/ R D Cnrreccl Il U I 4 A DRESS that of 1944 . . . handsome tailo rowed from yo skirt has its fu Crisp, knife-edg /. 1 OIJAGE SO1I1R PLAID)S YJ J. 1 t 's new as the class and as young! The ring has that "bor- ur Beau" look. The illness gathered into ;e pleats. GRE EN 7.95 "p. - k arJ Street kfrom campus f \\ \ \\\ NN a' \\'~ 345 One block J r'" more in the dental school, is an assist- ant night turnkey at the county jail. A mild-looking, quiet-spoken chap of medium build he has a studious air that belies a short but impres- sive career in the professional prize ring. In 1931 he was bantam champ of Worcester, Mass., and the next year while attending Massachusetts State College he was a finalist in the New England Golden Gloves tournament. Then he boxed in the junior nationals tipping the scales at a' weight of 118 pounds. Later he fought as a professional for two years in the 126-pound class. Not only can he take care of him- self physically, but he is an expert pistol shot as well. Lee, who is 27 years old, has held an unusual variety of jobs. He worked in a taxidermy shop and 'then was employed as a draftsman in a muni- tions factory in Massachusetts. He has also been a surveyor at Camp Doris. While attending school here he has worked as a dishwasher (which he didn't like), in back of a short order counter, in the engine room of the Union, and then outdoors in Nichols Arboretum. His collegiate career began at Mass. State which he attended for two years and then he came here where he took landscape work. He received ( of lw". , _ \4 C~f \I Thej/ Brook sw /t LOOKING GLASS /- thseeclsveyi !, J A A The Brooks sweat- .jsi inspiratioer has gone full hsclength in a bright Sred jersey dress at d withe COLLINS shop. AK - weaIt's an Ellen Kaye f f original (Collins has " Sthese exclusiveyi Ann Arbor) and features classic grosgrain and buttons a la its classic inspiration. It's a date- nless but date-promising dress a whose color predicts a bright dfuture at 16.95. se fcolradouffik udei th aid.eethermpad rm .5 Fetahco ed c facedewitgAnew sAdr eatherai a clle- % budgt.cayuredeVdUE dbarktresps offeingtito . drooinlchyskyi hir newper-s a~V7 L 1GFe Scoth wthes yi ouhd a tli e DI in an fepenauteti-a nen d W oeds hrtwt,r udge inresst! i gOUe / ial be auty hpwist fernhad t $ dropig lcksin tereenewitpe red manntwavecontestSopinN tolli n uire bou dein (heM j plid.Othe plids rom7.95 7, is 55 Gonejus Scoh wth matic traSclanghacentThate tin wrbyishat tesses- / CAKN -LONHp has n j tes nwOnae shitast essas _ backrouie nd wtruedfandoreen, an oxdwite and matching b fthercap.bthle lattu erfetr- A f < r From active sports to dressy dates, that is where Carlye jun- ior dresses offer to 5< 2 take you. But not in one dress, of course. j Pastel wools and crepes IN/ with gold kid accents are their latest whim for semi- dressy occasions. Carlye designs nmay be seen at JACOBSON'S only iA For birthday gifts as well as to pro- . vide gay accents for your own wardrobe, we' suggest Flower of the Month handker- chiefs from the GAGE linen shop. For October the flower- scope shows calendula and cos- mos, in luscious combinations of soldier blue and rose, acqua and brown, wine and blue, /brown and rose. In the large jsize at 50c, in a smaller size and f slightly different pattern at 25c. For a complete campus coat ward- / 4 robe in one, nothing i more. practical /1 than ;. e= N. .. IY""3'.' 4Y III 4r.r FO 4 TC bc 3 $4951 ~'~~~4dSeen in I re ml Conni. PECTATORS Qot-diminishing "B O O M P S E!" Neatly applied ALLIGA- )R on SUEDE...in black or irk brown...the Connie that's covering" every campus! I LIVIO G. DEBONIS "by a University official as a deserv- ing capable student." Oh yes, he does have a girl friend but he can't take her out often be- cause he spends too much time in jail. ;5- C0MES TihIOU(Gl IVITIE FLAGSHIP SKYHIGH TWO NEW POLISH SHADES... SKYHIGH...fragile but flippant, the shade American Airlines stewardesses wear... FLAGSHIP, a deep, true red to send your I S/ y/ { I 1 ° F i y <. },ti ..,.{ ,tick :'3 r.Y .'' iE s '' _ I I I II I I? I -Were are the frock3 to make you the best dressed girl for th big Home Coming weekend! If it's sheer wool you want ... smart, warm and dressy enough for for after the game celebrations ... we have it. If it's wool jersey, gabardine, or corduroy, you'll find it here! See our smooth velveteens, our jewelled crepes. Try them in autumn colors, . all perfect with your fur jacket, under your winter coat. And you won't be able to resist them, priced at 16.95 and vp. Others at 7.95 to 12.95. I Mademoiselle, Vogue, other magazines 111E 1"r [tint