THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'r FIRE and WATER By MASCOTT WEEK I N REVIEW ...9, .. . ... .. _ . Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Suberiptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO " BOSTON - LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky , Howard A. Goldman, Donald Wirtchafter. Esther Osser Helen Corman . . . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . . . City Editor Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . '. Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor If there were any kind of justice, either poetic or prosaic, we would now be in the Athens of America, preparing to witness a titanic struggle between the Crimson and the Maize and Blue. Suffice it to say, here we are in Ann Arbor. * * * The Harvard Crimson, however, is interesting reading matter even in Ann Arbor. Especially the Crimson's sport page last Wednesday, and the Harvard conceit contained therein. Says D. Donald Peddie of the coming conflict: "Jock (known to us as Bob) Ingalls, stellar pivot man for the Maize and Blue, writes that he 'is look- ing forward to the Harvard game with a great deal of anxiety.' Just what he means by that statement is a bit difficult to decide, but as the game draws closer, it seems certain that Har- vard will not be snowed under by any landslide. Without attempting to set Harvard upon any pedestal (now don't be modest) it is only fair to point out that Michigan is pleased (we're em- phasizing the pleased) to be on the Crimson schedule. Harvard draws its major game oppo- nents from a rather select group of schools and would not, for example, arrange a game with the Praying Polaks of Boston College or the Duke Blue Devils. Harvard picks its spots pretty care- fully when venturing away from Ivy League competition. As a result, Michigan would not desire to run up a large score on Harvard even if it were possible to do so. Wolverine athletic officials undoubtedly want to leave the road open for more intersectional games with the Crimson in the future." * * * These Harvard boys are so condescending, so democratic. Incidentally, this column is being written before the Harvard game. A slinky sort of fellow with a sneer left these definitions for Fire and Water a few moments ago. A sorority: a litter of kittens nursed on cold cream. A fraternity: a pack of wolves feeding on its imagination. While we're reprinting a bit, we thought we'd close with this little excerpt from Thursday's "PM," which we consider to be the best paper in New York these days. "Time Aboard, Inc., 29 W. 57 St. makers of the Willkie phonograph recording, 'A Personal Message for Every American,' thought it would be a good idea to put a record in tavern juke- boxes. "They tried it in the phonograph at the-Park Circle Bar, 1370 Sixth Ave., near 55th St. Here's what happened, according to Joe Okoshken, the tavern proprietor. 'I let them put it in to see what it was all about. I run a cosmopolitan joint. I try to please everybody; lots of theatre people come in here, like Daniel Frohman and Hugh Herbert.' 'Well, I put it in right next to Madame La- Zonga. The customers caught on right away, that very noon. By one o'clock I almost had to call the cops. 'The Republicans would say, 'What a man! He's got everything! The Democrats would say, 'What's he got that Roosevelt ain't got? They'd get arguing so much they wouldn't buy a drink. 'The Democrats bawled me out for not being non-partisan, and the Republicans bawled out the Democrats. One guy tried to throw the whole machine out into Sixth Avenue. It was a tough 47 hours before I got them to take the damn thing away., Time Aboard says they've sold thousands of the records (50 cents apiece). But they aren't putting any more in taverns." Personally, we prefer Madame LaZonga. C. 6in L".fl, nmnm2 The week quick Business Staff THE WAR By KARL KESSLER Business Manager Assistant Business Manager . Women's Business Manager. Women's Advertising Manager spotlight of war shifted about the succession of axis again this world as a coups kept . . . Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack .Jane Krause NIGIT EDITOR: ROBERT SPECKHARD AN r n-' Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ' Saturday The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only, Military Censorship Unfair To Citizen . . NO ONE KNOW6 less than Mr. Aver- age' Citizen just what the actual military strength of the United States is. And It appears that he will not be enlightened. From now on, the lid is to be clamped down on in- formation from the war department. Army of- ficers say that the order to withhold such in- formation comes from their superiors. General staff officers say that Col. Henry L. Stimson, secretary of war, is the person responsible for the censorship. Not since early May, when Gen. George C. Marshall, chief of staff, gave a Senate committee figures on equipment "on hand" as of May 1 has anything official come from the war de- partment. Since then what little the public has learned about the strength of our army has come through congressional channels in "bootleg" style. And now the lid is to be clamped down even more tightly. Col. Simpson gives as his reason for declining to give out military information the fact that such information might prove even more inter- esting to "hostile eyes" than to the American public. Whether or not this is the real reason cannot be said for certain. However the navy depart- ment seems to have little fear of "hostile eyes," for only last week Colonel Knox gave reporters a tabulation of navy airplanes "on hand," show- ing the navy has but 1,800 useful planes. There have been many statements by political opponents of the administration that the silence in the war department is due to "political rea- sons." Republicans claim that Willkie's repeated barbs at the Roosevelt defense record have caused the censorship. This is, however, mere conjecture, and the open records of the navy department would seem to disprove these claims. But whatever the reasons, it does seem that the censorship of military facts sis quite unjusti- fied. If the navy department has no fear of "hostile eyes," there seems to be little reason for Col. Stimson's fear. In an election year and in a time of world crisis, the public has a right to know just how strong the United States is. If, as Willkie claims, military preparations have been going forward in low gear, or if preparations have been actually moving at full speed, the citizen at least has a right to know the truth. It is his government, and any defense of it would be to protect his liberty. He's meeting the bills, so he has a right to know whether or not he's getting his money's worth. -William Baker College Men - Good Americans * N A SHORT TALK Saturday wel- coming some 150 members of the American Society for Metals back to Ann Arbor, Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the Engineering Col- lege made the following statement: "Students are definitely not plotters of revo- lution or anything of the kind but are just like the rest of us in believing in the freedom brought to them by our democracy." And for that statement we, the students, wish University Council meeting. Fraternity pledging. IOOF convention in Union. * * * IOOF convention continued. * * * Registration for selective service, Pre-Medical Society smoker in Union. IOOF convention concluded. * * * Annual meeting of University Press Club of Michigan in Union. Art Cinema League film, "The End of a Day," in Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Student Religious Association lec- ture, "The Nature of Man," in Rackham Auditorium. Univesity Press Club of Michigan meeting continued. Art Cinema League film, "The End of a Day," continued. * * * . Homecoming football game, Mich- igan vs. Illinois. Yost Testimonial Dinner, Water- man Gymnasium. University Press Club of Mich- igan meeting concluded. Art Cinema League film, "The End of a Day," concluded. Britain jittery, neutral nations ap- prehensive and enticed the U.S. closer to the brink of war. In Europe ... Newest sphere of aggression for Herr Hitler's protective league is Ru- mania. Inspired by recurring broth- erly love, Adolf's mob moved in to protect Rumanian oil wells: a source of fuel vital to non-belligerent Bri- tish allies Greece and Turkey. Politically controlled by Germany since the hurried exile of King Carol, Rumania is now further folded under the Axis wing by the concentration of Reichswehr troops in the Balkans, including as yet unconfirmed re- ports of military penetration of Hun- gary and Yugoslavia as well as Ru- mania. Noted was the quick streng- thening of garrisons on the Greecian and Turkish borders. Apparently no less pro-British in the face of oil shortages were Greece and Turkey. Traditional guardian of the Dardanelles, Turkey met threat with threat, announced that 2,000,000 bayonets stood ready to oppose any Axis move eastward. Long-term purpose of the Nazi move was generally interpreted as aimed toward German aid to Italy in the Egyptian campaign. The Far East... Japan's belligerent attitude in the Far East, near the boiling point last week, appeared to be calming slight- ly by week's end as Britain annouhced reopening the Burma Road and U.S. chiefs began concentrating warships in Jap-coveted waters. First to feel the brunt of rising anti-Japanese sentiment was Nip- pon-controlled Fu Hsiao-en, puppet mayor of international-focal point Shanghai. Enraged by his murder, Japanese troops declared martial law, threatened reprisals. Jubilant over Britain's action was war-weary Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek. Reopening of the Burma Road again will give China access to vital war materials. In the U.S., Navy heads were quick to take up the challenge. Disclosed by Navy Secretary Knox was the concentration of 4,200 navy recruits on the West Coast to strengthen Paci- fic Fleet units. War Secretary Stim- son quickly added that army units in Hawaii will be enlarged. SIAO-EN .....assassinated Japanese-controlled Chinese pup- pet mayor of Shanghai, Fu Siao-En, was assassinated last week by an unidentified intruder who slashed the throat of the 70-year-old Fu as he slept in his. closely-guarded home. AT HOME By WILLIAM H. NEWTON With theworld tensely watching European and Asiatic action this week Americans once more took time out to focus attention from pre-elec- tion politics to the World Series, as the Cincinnati Reds won the cham- pionship Wednesday afternoon, tak- ing the last two games to overcome a 3-2 lead held by the Detroit Tigers. Pol i tics... Republican Nominee Wendell Will- kie shared the campaign limelight with the "non-campaigning" Presi- dent, as the aspiring Willkie began his week's campaigning by confer- ring with AFL Leader Green. Continuing his verbal bombard- ment, the GOP hope blasted at his rival's supporters and demanded the truth regarding the Administration's stand on war participation. The President made news when he began a defense-progress inspection tour of Pennsylvania and Ohio Thurs- day night, stopping off for addresses and appealing to workers for in- creased speed in manufacture of war- time essentials. Congress... With GOP and Democratic fac- tions bickering over the recess ques- tion, Republican Senator McNary blocked the drive to end the Congres- sional session. Rapid-fire criticism, meanwhile, brought House attention to Attorney- General Jackson's ruling that NLRB decisions were conclusive as applied to other agencies until otherwise de- ^ided in court. NLRB Investigating Committee Chairman Howard W. Smith called in Attorney Jackson, War and Navy Department and de- fense work bigwigs for questioning. Defense .. Biggest defense news of the week was rumor, neither confirmed nor denied by Army high-ups, that 36 U.S. superplanes, famed Flying For- tresses, were in British hands and seeing action over Europe. With speed the by-word in arma- ment work, Defense Commissioner Knudsen attacked Attorney-General Jackson's ruling on NLRB decisions. Knudsen announced meanwhilo th'at defense work contracts exceeding $8,000,000,000 had been let up to Sept. 28. In answer to last week's Nazi thrust into the Balkans, President Roosevelt ordered Treasury Depart- ment officials to "freeze" Rumanian funds in the U. S. DYKSTRA . . . . draft head. Clarence A. Dykstra, University of Wisconsin president, last night accepted the post as supervisor of the Army's imminent draft pro- gram. (Story on Page 1) London And Berlin... After several days of lull in *the perpetual Berlin-London bombing duel, both RAF and Luftwaffe units resumed the deadly exchange of bombs late this week. Sadly wrecked in London was historic St. Paul's Cathedral. A volunteer bomb dis- posal crew saved it last week. Washlngton Merry- Go-Round WHEN Harry Hopkins first proposed that Nel- son Rockefeller be appointed coordinator of Latin American affairs of the National Defense Commission, there arose a mighty howl from the State Department. Mr. Rockefeller, the State Department claimed, smelled too much of oil. His grandfather's and his father's oil companies had been down in Latin America battling the Mexican govern- ment, and the Bolivian and Colombian govern- ments. So, the State Department argued, young Rockefeller would begin his job with two strikes against him. The White House, concerned over these argu- ments, held up the Rockefeller appointment for approximately three months; finally bowed to the persuasive influence of Harry Hopkins and appointed the young millionaire anyway. Since then two things have happened: 1. The State Department. has gone its own polite and dignified way, ignoring whenever pos- sible the existence of anyone named Rocke- feller.. 2. The refreshing Mr. Rockefdler seems to have justified all that Harry Hopkins ever said about him by unobtrusively but energetically malting good. In the short time he has been functioning under the long-winded title of "Co- ordinator of Commercial Relations between the American Republics," he has really breathed new life into one of the most important fields of American foreign affairs. Radio City Executive a GET the complete picture, you have to know a bit more about young Mr. Rocke- feller. The woods are full of Rockefellers This particular one is 32 years old, the second son of John D., Jr. He has five children, including twins, and sometimes is described as the Rocke- feller who has taken most interest in Radio City (Rockefeller Center), of which he is a director, and also helped to build up the Museum of Modern Art. But in Latin America, young Rockefeller had carved out a unique distinction even before he accepted his present post on the Defense Com- mission. He had gone down to Venezuel'a in connection with his family's oil companies, and had become impressed with the idea that Amer- ican business in Latin America had to be more than a leech industry-had to do more than drill wells and suck oil out of the ground. Furthermore, and particularly in Venezuela, he saw that after that country had exhausted the one commodity upon which it had been so dependent, economic chaos would follow togeth- er with the same policy applied in Mexico-ex- propriation. Joined With Local Money %O young Rockefeller began working on the idea of diversifying Venezuela's industries and diversifying them on a partnership basis. In other words, instead of merely bringing more American capital to Venezuela, he set up a com- pany in which local money joined with him in building a hotel in Caracas to be operated joint- ly by American and Venezuelan directors. This is one of Rockefeller's objectives as co- ordinator of Latin American affairs on the de- fense council-namely, to set up corporations in which Latin American capital will mix with, American money, in contrast to the old practice of Yankee exploitation with Yankee dollars. The City Editor's SCRAlTCH PRD President Robert M. Hutchins is one of Amer- ica's known scholars. He made one of his finest speeches the other day. You college students should be interested. We quote: * * * "In the university, with its credit of freedom, truth and justice, lies the vital force of the na-4 tion today, and the hope of the rest of the world. Civilization must find a refuge in Amer- ica. * * * "Modern dictators have shown they can- not tolerate a university like this. The rea- son is that a university like this is a symbol of the good life. * * * "A good life is a life directed to knowing the truth and doing justice. It is impossible without freedom of action and freedom of thought. Free- dom, thought, and justice would be fatal to the totalitarian state. * * * "We must agree to large expenditures on the material means of national defense, but we cannot be happy about it. it is necessary and that is all that can be said for it. I _ - __ _ ._ _ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) - ... ... School of Business Administration -200 Tappan Hall. School of Forestry and Conserva- tion-4041 Natural Science. School of Music-Room 107, May- nard Street Building. Graduate School-Room 100, Rack- ham Building. 4. Time of Registration. Registration offices will be open at 7 a.m. and will not close until 9 p.m. Since registration is being handled by voluntary workers who receive no pay, students are requested whenever possible to register between the hours of eight and five in order that a min- imum staff may take care of other hours. Bulletin boards in most school will carry suggested schedules for regis- tration. Please consult your school bulletin boards and register accord- ingly. If no schedule is suggested in your school please register at the earliest possible moment. 5. Registration Certificate. Each registrant will b.e given a registration certificate which he should carry at all times, "as he may be required to show it from time to time." 6. Change of Address After Regis- tration. Each student who changes his ad- dress at any time after registration shoula address a communication to the Selective Service Board in his home city indicating his new address. This is tne individual student's re- sponsibility and cannot be borne or shared by anyone. Robert L. Williams To the Members of the Faculties: With reference to matters concerning national defense in which the assist- ance of the University as an institu- tion is sought by the federal govern- Conference in such matters. The Deans' Committee on National De- fense is composed of Dr. Louis Q. Hopkins, Chairman, Dean C. S. Yoak- um, and Dean J. B. Edmonson. Pro- posals for University participation in national defense measures will, in the first instance, be referred to this committee, and members of the facul- ties who desire information about matters of this nature should con- sult with Dr. Hopkins or the other dears mentioned. Alexander G. Ruthven Senate Reception: Since no in- dividual invitations are being sent, this is a cordial invitation to all mem- bers of the teaching staff and their wives to be present at the Senate Re- ception to new members of the facul- ties on Tuesday evening, October 22, in the ballroom of the Michigan Union at 8:30 p.m. The reception will take place from 8:30 to 10:00 o'clock, after which there will be dancing from 10:00 to 12:00. It s especially hoped that new teaching fellows and instructors may be pres- ent and the chairmen of departments are asked to be of assistance in bring- ing this about. Apparatus Exchange: The Regents authorize the sale of scientific ap- paratus by one department to another, the proceeds of the sale to be credited to the budget account of the department from which the ap- paratus is transferred, under follow- ing conditions: Departments having apparatus which is not in active use are advised to send description thereof to the University Chemistry Store, of which Professor R. J. Carney is director. The Chemistry Store headquarters are in Room 223 Chemistry Build- ing. An effort will be made to sell the apparatus in the other departments which are likely to be able to use (Continued on Page 5) RADIOSPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue Sunday Evening 6:00 Silver Theatre Catholic Hour Double or Nothing Gordon Orchestra 6:15 Silver Theatre ". 6:30 Gene Autry Salon Strings Show of the Week Fair Band 6:45 Gene Autry Heap 'o Livin' 7:00 G. Smith Jack Benny Dr. DeHaan Pearson & Allen 7:15 G. Smith to ., European News 7:30 Screen Guild Fitch, Bandwagon " Better Speech 7:45 Screen Guild "world Today 8:00 Helen Hayes Charlie McCarthy To Be Announced Message of Israel 8:15 Helen Hayes Hymn Singers" 8:30 Crime Doctor One Man's Family Sunday's Music Sherlock Holmes 8:45 Crime; News * 9:00 Ford Hour Merry-Go-Round Revival Walter Winchell 9:15 Ford Hour Parker Family 9:30 Ford Hour Familiar Music " Irene Rich 9.45 FordHTouir Bill Stern