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October 13, 1940 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-13

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Undefeated Wolverine Gridders Slaughter Harvai


Tom Harmon
To Easy Win
Touchdown Twins Click
As Harmon And Kromer
Account For All Points
(Continued from Page 1)
played, the Wolverines had a six-
point lead.
The Crimson knew what they were
in for after the first play, following
the kickoff to Rogers.
Harmon carried the pigskin for the
first time then and boomed through
the Crimson line for nine yards.
Harmon rifled a long pass to Cap-
tain Forest Evashevski. The ball was
far out of his reach, but as Evie flew
into the air, he was butted over at
midfield by the Crimson defense and
Michigan had a first down there on
interference. Once again, the Har-
vard forward wall bottled up the
Wolverines for two plays, but Har-
mon, on the next attempt, drove
over right tackle for~ 13 yards and
another first down. Westfall drove
through right guard twice, moving
the ball to the 21. Harmon, on a
power drive over the Harvard center,
scampered to the 14, and on the next
play Michigan had a touchdown.
Harmon's attempt at conversion
Crimson Get Hot
For the next 15 minutes, Harvard
played its best ball of the afternoon.
With their backs to the wall, Crim-
son linemen charged hard and fast.
Time after time they broke up Wol-
verine plays, and it began to look as
though an interesting struggle would
develop until Harmon stepped into
the picture and carried Michigan for-
ward for a second score. From his
own 30-yard-line "Terrible Tom"
sent a quick kick to the Harvard 17
where a Crimson clipping penalty set
the Eastern lads back on their own 2.
Halfback Charles Spreyer, from the
shadows of his own goal posts, punted
out on the Harvard 44, and from
there the Michigan backfield went
into action.
Onatwoplays Westfall moved the
,ball to Harvard's 37 and at that
pont Harmon faded back and sent
the pigskin spinning toward Rogers,
who grabbed it on the 25 between
three Crimson defenders. Westfall
and Harmon alternated in driving
to the 3 where Gardella interrupted
this touchdown march by intercept-
iIg Harmon's rifle pass.
Harmon Races 13 Yards
Mort Waldstein 'then succeeded in
punting to Harmon on Harvard's 33,
but Tom tucked the ball under his
arm, and before Harvard gridders
knew what was going on, he had
raced down to the 20 before they
hurled him out of bounds.
Harmon and Nelson marched to a
first down on the 9, and then Tom,
on his favorite off-left tackle slant,
slid through three Crimson tacklers
for his second tally. His conversion
this time was good and Michigan led,
13-0 at half time.
-It was not until the final minute of
the game, in fact, that Harvard suc-
ceeded in blasting its way into Mich-
igan territory, and then with just
seconds remaining, the Crimson
,sassing attack enabled them to move
to the Wolverine's 36 where the gun
ended their march.
Once again in the third chapter,
Harvard was able to halt a Michigan
threat by intercepting a pass just in
front of their goal. This time it was
halfback Fran Lee who grabbed Har-
Ton's short fourth down pass on the
Harvard two and raced it back to
his 13.
But all fullback Bill Brown could
do was fumble on the next play and

Michigan was on its way again.
Westfall was stopped without gain,
and then came the prettiest play of
the game.
Westfall took the ball from center
Bob Ingalis, faked a plunge through
guard and then flipped the ball back
to Harmon on a shoit lateral behind
the line. The Hoosier Hammer found
the left side of the Harvard line had
been completely fooled by the play,
and all he had to do was romp ten
yards to his right for a third Mich-
igan score.
In the fourth period it was Crim-
son fumbling that ultimately resulted
in the final touchdown of the after-
Back in kick formation on fourth

Watch This Tackle

On Comeback Trail

Paul Kromer, Ex-Touchdown
Twin, who is trying to come back
after a knee injury. Yesterday,
the former Lorain flash caught a
pass from Harmon for a touch-
down and in general made a fine
showing, in his drive toward a
starting post.
Frosh Gridmen
Practice Daily
Coaches Teach Freshmen
MichiganGrid System
Down at Ferry Field, practicing
adjacent to the varsity, are the boys
who in the not too distant future will
comprise the bulwark of the Michi-
gan grid juggernaut.
These husky, rangy, fellows all be-
long to the freshman class, and un-
der the expert tutelage of Wally
Weber, head frosh mentor, they are
being grounded in the fundamentals
of the Wolverine football system so
that they may some day be capable
of adding to the University's gridiron
Assisting Weber again this year, as
they have in the past, are Ray Fish-
er, in charge of the ends; Ray Court-
right, who handles the backfield; and
Cliff Keen, who is the developer of
the line. Two new additions to the
staff, Elmer Gedeon and Horace Tin-
ker, both former varsity stars, are
also assisting.
Tinker played at the pivot post
while Gedeon was an outstanding end
in his college days. Gedeon, inci-
dentally, has an excellent chance of
becoming a permanent fixture in
major league baseball next year.
Every day the frosh strut their
stuff on the practice field in the
hopes of absorbing enough to enable
them to make that big step up to the
varsity next year. They certainly
have an excellent coaching staff, so
the rest is up to the gridders them-
down, Waldstein muffed the pass
from center and Rogers broke
through to down him on Harvard's
28. With the game already on ice,
Michigan tried out its passing attack
and found the Crimson powerless
against Harmon-pegged aerials.
After two plays failed, Tom shot
a bullet to Ed Frutig, who was tac-
kled on the Crimson 16.
A toss to Rogers on the one was
brought back by an offside penalt3
but Frutig pulled in Harmon's heave
on the six and Michigan had a first
On a power drive over right guard,
Harmon picked up three. A pass,
Tom to Quarterback George Ceit-
haml was knocked down by Spreyer,
but on third down Kromer grabbed
Harmon's toss in the flat and raced
over for the final score.
After that, Michigan's reserves bat-
tled the weary Crimson on even terms
with penalties and fumbles coming
as regularly as the Boston subway
just outside the stadium.
Starting Monday, Oct. 13, the
Sports Building will be open Mon-
days through Fridays until 10 p.m.
Earl N. Riskey, Asst. Director

Seltzer Shows
True Courage
After Setback
Call it what you like, but Holbrooke
Seltzer, one of Fritz Crisler's reserve
guards has more perserverance, in-
testinal fortitude or just plain 'spunk'
than any three men you can think of.
It was 'way back in 1935 that "Hoe"
graduated from high school and en-
tered Armour Tech night school in
Chicago. Things were in such a con-
dition at home that he hadn't even
planned on going to college.
Besides going to classes at night,
Hoe worked in the daytime, and after
about four years of this he sat down
and took stock of himself. "Hoe," he
said to himself, "you're studying en-
gineering and by gosh if you aren't
getting into a rut." So with his one
and a half year's credit and a little
moneyhe had saved, Holbrooke came
to Michigan.
Now Hoe is an athlete, a football
player by trade and a boxer on the
side. So after getting a board job,
a room and enrolling on a pre-med
course, Holbrooke reported for fresh-
man football. He wasn't a world-
beater at his guard position, but ev-
ery day found him out there, as dur-
able and game a player as ever re-
Whenever he could, Hoe found odd
jobs around town to pick up a little
extra money. Besides his football,
his board job, studies, and incidental
work, he was a member of The Daily
sports staff. That, for the ordinary,
student, would constitute a well
rounded program.
The ordinary student, moreover,
doesn't get the grades that Hoe
knocked off last year. With such
courses as Philosophy, Chemistry,
Embryology, French and German,
Hoe walked off with eight A's and
a single B in Speech during his first
Now to get on with this story.
Early in September, Hoe reportedl for
football practice in the pink of con-
dition. He had been working all sum-
mer, running and boxing with one
thing in the back of his mind. Hol-
brooke Seltzer wanted to go to Cali-
fornia for that first game.
On the second day of practice the
heavens caved in on this stout heart-
ed kid. During scrimmage one after-
noon Hoe was blocked out of a play
with such terrific force that two liga-
ments were torn in his knee. The
doctors told him he was through for
the season.
But that didn't extinguish the
spark that -burns in this boy's heart.
Every day you can see him down at
practice leaning on his crutches long-
fully watching . . . hoping. He'll
tell you he doesn't want to get be-
hind on his plays. But in back of all
this is a dogged determination, a
courage and heart above reproach.

don wirtehafter's

That Michigan Spirit ...
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 12.- 0
I wish you could have been in Hai-
vard Stadium today to see Michi-
gan's spirit at its best.
In a town 750 miles from Ann
Arbor, Fritz Crisler's victorious grid-
ders played before almost as many
rooters as their crimson opponents
had. It was an amazing demonstra-
tion of strong alumni backing.
On the way to the Stadium, I
was surprised at the number of
"M" feathers and pompoms that
the fans were wearing. But the
real display came as the team raced
onto the field just before the open-
ing kickoff. Blood seemed to stop
and go spinning around inside my
veins as 10,000 screaming Michi-
gan spectators rose to their feet
to cheer on our Wolverines.
It was an unbelievable display of
spirit, 750 miles from home.
The Crimson had their followers
too, but not as many as you'd expect
to turn up to watch a team as great
and well publicized as Michigan.
Blase easterners stuck to their old
habit, however, of liking their foot-
ball the Ivy League way. Harvard
Stadium is filled only when Yale,
Dartmouth, Princeton or one of the
other Ivy League squads plays here.
Intersectional struggles, even though
they produce better football, are not
well received in Boston.
And so they considered 30,000 a
fairly large crowd for this game.
If Harmon, the Bob Feller of foot-
ball as far as drawing power is
concerned, hadn't been in the line-
up, the turnout probably would
have been a lot less.
Terrible Tom, incidently, did only
one thing wrong all afternoon. His
running was flawless. His passing,
on a whole, was amazingly accurate.
His kicking was highly improved.
But when he left the game shortly
before the first half ended, his actions
raised many an eyebrow of eastern
sports experts in the press box.
Four substitutions were made in
the Wolverine lineup, one of them
being Cliff Wise, for Harmon. The
other three replaced first team men
immediately ran off the field. Tom,
however, stayed behind in the Mich-
igan huddle until everything was
clear. Then all by himself he dashed
for the Michigan dressing room.
Naturally it brought a great
cheer from the spectators. And
naturally the cheer was all for Har-
mon, there was no question about
that. But there were many in the
stadium today who looked at that
solo sprint in the same light as I
Harmon is too great a guy, both
on the gridiron and off, to do that
sort of thing for personal plaudits.
He's a far greater team player than
actions like that show him to be.
That was the only mistake he made
all day.
::nev-d played one of the
greatest games of his career this
afternoon. Twice during the game,
Captain Evie broke through the
Harvard defense and literally bar-
relled over Crimson backs return-
ing Michigan kickoffs. Both times
Evashevski crashed down his man
on the Harvard 16-yard line.
The Crimson fans' favorite, it
seemed, was hefty tackle Vern Miller,
whom the program announced as a
250-pounder, but whom insiders tell
us weighs around 285. He's supposed
to be faster this year after taking
off weight during summer . . . Mich-
igan's band put on as great a show as
football team . . . They worked out
same political act as they did in
State game last week . . . Harvard
Boys cheers loud for Willkie song.
Kade te

We now have the only
and complete stock of
service parts, tubes,
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Al "Whitey" Wistert, big sopho-
more tackle who is strikking fear
into the hearts of opposing line-
men every Saturday.
Cornell 45, Army 0
Navy 12, Princeton 6
Holy Cross 18, Carnegie Tech 0
Pittsburgh 7, Southern Methodist 7
Columbia 20, Dartmouth 6
Fordham 20, Tulane 7
Boston College 33, Temple 20
Colgate 20, Brown 3
Pennsylvania 50, Yale 7
Penn State 17, West Virginia 13
Virginia 19, Maryland 6
* * *
Northwestern 6, Ohio State 3
Southern California 13, Illinois 7
Nebraska 13, Indiana 7
Michigan State 20, Purdue 7
Notre Dame 26, Georgia Tech 20
* * * .
North Carolina 21, T. C. U. 14
Mississippi State 7, Auburn 7
Mississippi 28, Georgia 14
Clemson 39, Wake Forest 0
William and Mary 20, Va. Poly. 13
Vanderbilt 7, Kentucky 7
Tennessee 53, Chattanooga 0
* * *
Texas 19, Oklahoma 16
* * *
Colorado 26, Utah State 0
* *
Texas A & M 7, UCLA 0
Washington 10, Oregon 0
Washington State 9, California 6
Stanford 7, Santa Clara 6

Michigan State Trounces
Boilermakers; Quakers
Smother Eli Grid Team
EVANSTON, Ill., Oct. 12. -(AP)--
Bill De Correvont, All-American foot-
ball bust of 1939, led Northwestern
to a surprising 6-3 victory over Ohio
State today, dimming the Buckeye's
hopes of another Western Confer-
ence championship.
A crowd of 42,000 saw the 21 year
old blonde halfback come through at
the start of the fourth period with a
touchdown gallop that brought joy
to the hearts of his Northwestern ad-
mirers. It was no long run, but a
bull-like thrust through the line from
the five-yard stripe, after a sensa-
tional pass interception.
Five plays afterthe fourth period
started, De Correvont was over with
the first touchdown he ever scored
in Dyche Stadium and as the game
drew to a close, his marker over-
shadowed the three points the defeat-
ed Buckeyes had scored on a field
goal in the third period.
De Correvont Star Of Game
De Correvont was the star of the
game, both defensiyely and offensive-
ly. He tackled viciously and batted
down passes, punted brilliantly, and
carried the ball 22 times for a total
gain of 80 yards, averaging 3.7 yards
each time.
The Buckeyes, defending Western
Conference champions, were out-
played in every department, except-
ing in the air. The closest they came
to scoring, outside of their field goal,
was when Scott heaved a long pass
to Fisher near the end of the fourth
period. Fisher grabbed the ball and
galloped into the clear on what
seemed to be a certain touchdown.
After he had sprinted 53 yards to
Northwestern's 35, four Wildcats tore
down the field after him and brought
him down almost at the same time.
Illinois Drops Close
Game To S. Cal, 13-7
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Oct. 12.-( P)-
Southern California's football ma-
chine, which sputtered to ties in its
two previous trials this season, hit
high gear for a single minute in the
first period today for a touchdown
which gave the Trojans a 13 to 7 in-
tersectional triumph over Illinois be-
fore 30,125 spectators in Memorial
Stadium. g
Trailing at halftime, 7 to 6, after


having been outfought by an out--
weighed Illinois team, Southern Cali-
fornia suddenly gained possession on
the Illinois 23 after a poor punt,
and then smashed to a game-break-
ing score in a short but brilliant dis-
play of ground power.
Illinois, working five passes suc-
cessfully, drove to the Trojan six in
the final period, but didn't have the
punch "in the clutch," losing pos-
session on downs.
State Passes Click
To Beat Purdue, 20.7
EAST LANSING, Oct. 12.--4)-
The Michigan State Spartans com-
bined an effective passing attack
with a ground offensive sparked by
a halfback "discovery," Charley Car-
ey, to beat the Purdue Boilermakers,
20 to 7, in the Spartans' first home
game of the season before 16,500
fans today.
Carey, a sophomore, helped set up
State's second touchdown, and, after
leading a march down the field for
the third, crashed over the goal line
and converted the extra point.
State's vaunted passing combina-
tions scored two of the counters and
counted for a 15-yard thrust on the
trial for the final touchdown.
The Boilermakers outgained the
Spartans 180 yards to 150 from rush-
ing, but the ability of State's line to
stall off threats deep in its own terri-
tory meant the difference between
victory and defeat.
Pennsylvania Wallops
Yale, 50-7
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 12. --(FP)-.
Penn shoved Yale around Franklin
Field today as if the Elis were a grade
school football team, rolling up seven
touchdowns and various other points
for a 50 to 7 walkaway before a
throng of 50,000.
Francis Xavier Reagan, Penn's
senior left halfback, and his under-
study, Paul Wexler, ripped the Bull-
dog line to tatters and skipped hither
and yon for a total of five touch-
downs between them.
The statistics tell the story as con-
vincingly as the score. Penn gained
224 yards from rushing to a loss of
nine for the Blue.

Northwestern Surprises
O S. U.; Illinois Loses



That is the story of Hoe
perserverance personified.


Fritz, Sukup To
Lead Attack of
Forward Wall
Long after the cheers of the crowd
have died away signifying the end of
another football season, long after
the uniforms have been packed with
moth balls and the pigskins deflated,
football fans and critics everywhere
will be singing the praises of Mich-
igan's touchdown-makers, Ralph
Fritz and Milo Sukup.
Two years ago Michigan had the
"Touchdown Twins" in Tom Harmon
and Paul Kromer. But that devas-
tating combination was broken up
when Paul's knee was injured. This
year Coach Fritz Crisler has come up
with a new combination, the "Touch-
Two of the biggest reasons why
Michigan has a line that rates as one
of the best in the nation are Fritz
and Sukup. They comprise the Wol-
verine's starting combination at the
guard position.
They're known as "Tugboat" and
"Curly" on the practice field simply
because Ralph Fritz is built along the
lines of a Mississippi schooner and
Milo Sukup has a head of hair that
'isn't there.'
But on the playing field this in-
separable pair are known as two of
the hardest charging, fastest starting
and most accurate blockers in the
Middle West.
Weight, drive and speed are the
three essentials that Fritz and Sukup
use to mow 'em down. Fritz packs
the weight and drive and Sukup fur-
nishes the speed. And when these
two pals dig in and kick you can hear
the smack of pads in the highest tier
of seats in the Stadium.
Moving pictures of the Wolverine
team in action have shown time and
again that the block that paved the

First Downs ......................................
Yards gained rushing (net) .......................
Forward passes attempted ........................
Forward passes completed.....................
Yards gained by passing ..........................
Yards lost by forward passes ......................
Porward passes intercepted by ....................
Yards gained runback of intercepted passes.......
Punting average (from scrimmage) ..............:.
Total yards all kicks returned .....................
Opponents' fumbles recovered .....................
Yards lost by penalties ............................






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With many weeks of fine fall
weather ahead, all you horsemen and
horsewomen will want to get out
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When you' purchase that riding
equipment you'll need, remember
that MOE SPORT SHOPS have the
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South State.


There will be an important
neeting of all prospective candi-
ates for the varsity and fresh-
narn wrestling squads at 5 pn.
Tuesday, Oct. 15, at Yost Field
House. Cliff Keen, Coach
October 13, 1940
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