THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, 1. Trip Planned By Glee Club Gov. Dickinson To Hear SingersInBay City The Varsity Men's Glee Club will make its first trip of the year Thurs- day when it travels to Bay City to sing before Governor Luren D. Dick- inson and other state dignitaries. Sponsored by the Eastern Mich- igan Tourist Association, the banquet at which the students are to enter- tain is being given in honor of the "Pine Savages," an organization of political office-holders. The Glee Club will return to Ann Arbor Thurs-; day night. James Berger, '41, is in# charge of the trip. An important rehearsal has been called for varsity singers 4:30 p.m. today at the Glee Club'ยง room in the Union. All members are urged to at- tend. Plans for the group's appear- ance at the Yost memorial dinner will be discussed. Their program is to be broadcast coast-to-coast over facilities of N. B.,C. Read The Daily Classifieds! Reddings and . - &ngagemen ts Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Jacobson, of Dayton, 0., last night announced the engagement of their daughter, Janet L. Jacobson, ex-'43. to William T. Pollak, Jr., '43L, of Ann Arbor. Approximately 35 of Miss Jacob-! son's close friends attended an an- nouncement supper-dance last night in the Hotel Van Cleve, Dayton. The announcement was made formally shortly before supper was served at midnight. Miss Jacobson is a member of Al- pha Epsilon Phi sorority, having at- tended the University one and one- half years. At present, she is em- ployed in Dayton. Mr. Pollak, the son of Mrs. Estelle W. Pollak, graduated from the liter- ary college last June. A member of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, he was a member of the sophomore staff of the Union during his sophomore year. The date of the wedding has not yet been set. SRA To Offer Music Records Annual Religious Seminar Will Begin Tomorrow mIi itialeers' Ply Trade On New Police Communication Tower Seminar in religious music will be- gin its year's .activity at Lane Hall at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow under the direc- tion of Lonna Parker, '41, and the aus- pices of the Student Religious Asso- ciation. More than 300 records represent- ing the most complete collection of, religious music in this vicinity will be available to students who participate in the program. The programs are} optional and no credit is given. Leonard Gregory of the School of Music will speak on medieval compo-' sitions which will be played in the opening meeting of the group to- morrow. As an expert in this field he will criticize and explain the com- positions which will be played. In the collection are such master- pieces as Bach's B Minor Mass, Han- del's Messiah, Bach's St. Matthew Passion, Mendelssohn's Reformation Symphony and Verdi's Requiem Mass. Suggestion for other religious re- cordings will be greatly appreciated, Miss Parker announced, in order to make the large collection ranging from the music of the eighth century to modern times as complete as pos- sible. The collection is specially housed in the music room at Lane Hall and is open to students at all times. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Police and Sheriff's officers are certainly aware of the new broadcast- ing antenna for two way communi- cation between the police station and roving patrol cars. And so are at least two other per- sons. They are the two hardy souls who climbed up 170 feet of narrow, unrailed ladder to carve their ini- tials on the base of the tower plat- form. No arrests or accusations have been made, but S. S. Sturgeon, the radio engineer of the Ann Arbor po- lice strongly suspects that only men of University of Michigan quality would have undertaken the task. Mecca For Frustrated Besides being a mecca for frustrat- ed Swiss Alps climbers, the tower serves the more useful purpose of providing Ann Arbor and vicinity with fast and efficient police and sheriff coverage of crime. Before the installation of the tower, the average time required to cover roads after the report of a crime was three minutes. Working under the new system, the average time to block main roads leading from the city has dropped to a minute and a half. At present, however, only two police cars and one sheriff's car are equipped with two way communication. The rest of the prowl cars will be wired for radio work just as soon as Stur- geon can finish filling out (in tripli- cate) the eight' to ten page forms required by the Federal Communi- cation Commission. Wreck Occurs Perhaps the most striking example of the benefits of the new tower was illustrated about three weeks ago at the train wreck at the Michigan Cen- tral depot. A squad car had taken a bank mes- senger with a shipment of money down to the station and was waiting for him to deposit it when the wreck occurred. Before the railway cars had stopped rolling, the officers in the car had called the police station and reported the accident. Ambu- lances and fire fighting equipment were on the scene almost immediate- ly and thus were able to get the situ- ation under control in a minimum of time. Mulison Stables Sunday Supper Ride 4 P.M. Sunday Morning Breakfast Ride 8 A.M. Wedne day Supper Ride for University Women Only 5 P.M. Friday Night Supper Ride 8 P.M. or Horses at Any Time-- Free Transportation Monday Eve., Oct. 21 ~y' '7774 ---- ONE SHOW ONLY SAM H. HARRIS Presents f4V49MAN WHO6jP CAM& PINNE'F 75y MOSS HART & GEO. S. KAUFMAN Prices: 83c-1.10-1.65-2.20--2.75 incl. tax. 9 I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TYPING-18 VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist, alto mimeographing. Notary Pub- lic. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. 8c MISCELLANEOUS-20 SEWING-Coats and dresses short- ened and altered. Reasonable prices. Across from Stockwell. 2-2678. 65 HELP WANTED FOR RENT LARGE DOUBLE ROOM for two girls-812 Catherine. Come- in or phone 3695 before 2:30 p.m. 68 LAUNDERING-9 ii ' ROOM AND BREAKFAST for dent in exchange for help children in the morning and ning. Call 7762. ' A film of the theatre- is life and its people THE END stu- with eve- 59 Price List (All articles washed and ironed) SILVER LAUNDRY 647 Hoover ,'Phone 5594 Free pickups and deliveries Shirts ..................... .14 Undershirts................ . 04 Shorts......................04 Pajama Suits .............. .10 Socks, pair ................. .03 Handkerchiefs ..............02 Bath Towels ............... .03 All Work Guaranteed Also special prices on Coeds' laundries. All bundles done sep- ar^ tely. No markings. Silks, wools are our specialty. Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructivesnotice to all members of the University. Notices Registration for Selective Service: 1. Date of Registration -October 16. One day only. 2. Who Shall Register. All male students who have cele- brated their twenty-first birthday on or before October 16th and who have not celebrated their thirty - sixth birthday. Any one who fails to reg- ister must individually bear full re- sponsibility for failure to register. Foreign students must register and give country of citizenship. Those who have alien registration cards must give the number as part of the answer to question 6. Those who have taken out first citizenship papers only are not citizens of the United States. Students whose permanent home addresses are in Ann Arbor, mem- bers of the faculty, administrative staff, or other university employees within the age limits should register in the city at their regular polling places. They should not register in the University as our machinery is authorized to handle only students from outside Ann Arbor who cannot get home for registration. Members of the federally recogniz- ed active national guard; officers re- serve corps; regular army reserve; enlisted reserve corps; and members of the advanced corps, senior divis- ion, ROTC, are exempt from fegistra- tion. 3. Place of Registration. Please register according to the school in which you are enrolled, as follows: L. S. A.-Alumni Memorial Hall. Engineering School-348 West En- gineering Building. Medical School-Recorder's Office. Law School-200 Hutchins Hall. College of Pharmacy-College Of- fice. School of Dentistry-Kellogg In- stitute, Exhibition Hall. College of Architecture - Library Architecture. School of Education - 1431 Ele- mentary School. (Continued on Page 4) k. NOW! Thrills -= Laffs -= Romance Shows To-day at 1-3-5-7-9 P.M. I Most spectacular outdoor thriller I since "Northwest Passage"0 Extra LATEST MARCH OF TIME "BRITAIN'S R. A. F." 1 _ i GEMM N.WSOF THE DAY Coming Friday! MICKEY ROON EY JUDY GARLAND "STRIKE UP THE BAND" i OF A DAY LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox Careful work at low price. darned. 3c A FRENCH FILM prened by the Art Cinema League Octo- ber 17, 18, and 19. Tickets on sale Wednesday at Box Office. All Seats Reserved at 35c LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE Phone 6300 STUDENT LAUNDRY-The answer to your laupdry problem will be found at MOE LAUNDRY. We have special student rates with co-eds' laundry a specialty. A trial will prove. Moe Laundry, 226 South First St., Phone 3916. TRANSPORTATION -21 WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL - Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 5c - (co.> ... ;'" -- '" _ i b " 2{ " ? 4 7-u V Hf4IL TO THE VICTORS MICHIGAN- Tops In Football GOL DMAN- Tops In Cleaning //' p.. 1) We lead the field in cleaning garments. If you want to feel and look right in your clothes, let us clean them for you. We assure you quick efficient service, delivery to your door by our modern trucks. Standard Dry Cleaning Service Suits ... Dresses ... Coats 59e Includes: Dry Cleaning, quick spotting, machine pressing; buttons checked, quick inspection. Certified Miralean Service Suits ... Dresses ... Coats $1.00 Includes: Miracleaning, Re-texturing, insured moth-proof- ing, all spots removed, form pressed, measurements checked, handfinished, all minor repairs, quick service. Phone 421 FREE DELIVERY SERVI nan -- - - - . . -Ell -piVl N U:W~lligUll ll V ...:N q p' wl m - U I , ~= CSC l :.K IL-A