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October 13, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-13

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Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Military Censorship
Unfair To Citizen..







German Army Rolls Into Bucharest; British Prepare To i




- o


Waldo Frank
To Give First
Talk In Hillel
Forum Series
Address On Current War
Situation To Be Offered
8 P.M. Sunday, Oct. 20
In Rackham Auditorium
Four Other Speeches
Will Be Presented
Noted author and lecturer, Waldo
Frank, will open the 1940-41 Hillel
Forum Series with a talk on the cur-
rent war situation at -8 p.m. Sunday,
Oct. 20, in the Rackham Auditorium.
In his address Frank, whose book
" A Chart for Rough Waters," cre-
ated a mild sensation in literary cir-
cles earlier this year, will attempt to
explain the crisis in the world today
and present a plan of action based
upon his own analysis.
During the remainder of the year
the Hillel Foundation plans to bring
four other outstanding personalities
to the campus on Nov. 24, Jan. 19,
March 9 and May 4. Admission will
be free and open to the general stu-
dent body as well as to Hillel mem-
Others Considered
Those who are being considered to
follow Frank in the series are Prof.
Erederick Shumann of Williams Col-
lege; Louis Adamic, author of "Dy-
namite" and "My America"; Max
Lerner, author of "It's Later Than
You Think;" John Haynes Holmes,
pastor of the New York Community
Church; Prof. Morris R. Cohen, for-
merly of the philosophy department
of City College of New York, and
Pulitzer Prize winner, Otto Tolischus
of the New York Times.
Hillel's first lecturer, who grad-
uated from Yale University in 1911,
has served on the staffs of many
newspapers and magazines as con-
tributing editor. He was formerly a
member of the New York Post, New
York Times, Atlantic Monthly, Na-
tion, and, most recently, the New
Founded Literary Magazine
In addition he was the founder
and editor of the literary magazine
"The Seven Arts," chairman of the
League of American Writers, dele-
gate to the International Congress of
Writers for the Defense of Culture
and guest of honor at the Mexican
National Congress of Writers and
Artists in 1937.
Among the books he has written
are "The Death and Birth of David
Markand" "The Rediscovery of
America," "In the American Jungle,"
"The Bridegroom Cometh," "The Un-
welcome Man," "Davon in Russia,"
"City Block," "The Year's Eve," and
"Our America."
He is co-author of "The Novel of
Tomorrow," "The American Cara-
van," "The Man and His World,''
and "Sex and Civilization."
Foreign Center
To Offer Talk
Latin-American Students
Will Honor Columbus
Foreign students from Latin-
American nations have been espe-
cially invited to hear Prof. Arthur S.
Dunham of the history department
discuss i"Columbus in the Light of
Recent Research" at 7 p.m. today at

the International Center.
Seventy-five invitations have been
issued to students to participate in
Dia de la Raza, Columbus Day as it
is celebrated throughout South and
Central America, Prof. Raleigh Nel-
son, director of the Center, an-
nounced. Supper will be served in
the building at 6 p.m. preceding the

Turkey Will Resist Axis:
Greek Defenses Ready;
lVazis Raid England
(By The Associated Press)
The German army rolled into Bucharest, Rumania, yesterday with
Swastika banners flying and bands playing Deutschland Uber Alles and
the Nazi rallying hymn, the Horst Wessel song.
By nightfall the capital had the appearance of a city dominated by an
invading army, save that in this case the Nazi troops under two generals
and other officers who wore the red-striped trousers of the general staff,
were in Rumania ostensibly to instruct the Rumanian army and to protect
the country's precious oil fields.
The British still remaining in the city hurried their packing, pre-ared
to leave as quickly they could as British-Rumanian relations becamne more
Turkey. non-belligerent ally of Britain, already has pointed to "two
million bayonets" with which, she said, she will bar any Axis march to Egypt.
A high authority tonight announced that the Greek army is mobilized
and that this country-like Turkey-is ready to fight if anyone pulls the
trigger by an invasion.
Vastly concerned at the implications of Germany's march into Bucha-
rest, in the heart of the Balkans, this authority said Greek forces were being
strengthened on the Albanian frontier where Italian forces, already esti-
mated to number 120,000 to 150,000, are being gradually increased.
Bulgaria looked to her own borders.
In Western Europe the war carried on with no change in its dreary
violence: The Nazi Luftwaffe made five daylight attacks on London and
the Kent and Sussex areas, and returned after nightfall to spread further
ruin and distress.
The Royal Air Rorce engaged them throughout the day and at night
began its own offensive, operating in Germany and with particular vigor
along the French, Belgian and Dutch coasts.
German torpedo boats based on the Channel coast, presumably at Cher-
bourg, sallied out to give battle to British light naval forces, but the results
of the engagement were not made known.
In England, at least three persons were killed and many injured when
an express train was derailed after an explosion. ,
One German soldier and several civilians were among the dead andl
wounded in Berlin, official sources said. Damage was reported slight.
One famous London square was-
blasted by a Nazi bomb, killing sev-
eral persons and inflicting heavy State
property damage. Ten areas in Lon-
don were raided in bright moonlightCl i
but the raiders kept at a great height. Party C
The raids' end was signaled about
2:30 a.m. (8:30 p.m. E. S. T.). Draw It erest
In the Far East, the first Amer-
icans, about 100 wives and children
of business men, sailed from Tokyo ]Fitzerald Blasts Record
for home on 'the Canadian Pacific
liner, Empress of Russia, heeding the Of Senator Vandenberg;
advice of the State Department that Republican Blasts FDR
they leave the Orient before trouble P_
starts. In Washington, Secretary- oft
State Cordell Hull said the liners (By The Associated Press)
Washington and Manhattan shortly Frank Fitzgerald, Democratic no-C
would be sent to the East. minee for United States Senator con- i

Stresses Unity

* *

Total Defense
Is Promised
By Roosevelt
President Pledges Naval
And Air Might Of U.S.
For Hemisphere Unity
DAYTON, 0., Oct. 12.-P)-Pres-
ident Roosevelt enunciated a policy
of total defense of the Americas
against a tot-al attack -from any seg-
ment of the world tonight andj
pledged the United States Navy and
Air Force to the defense of all the
Western Hemisphere.
The President's address, one of his
most momentous declarations on in-
ternational conditions and foreign
policy, was broadcast to every nation
of the Hemisphere.
He said that this country, as in
1798, insists on the peaceful use oft
the Atlantic and Pacific for trade
and commerce. He said the American
nations were united in their deter-
mination to resist the threats of dic-
tators and rejected the doctrine of
He renewed assurances that Britain
would receive all aid short of war.
He voiced confidence in the ability
of the Americas, bound together in
the spirit of Good Neighbors, to re-
sist infiltration of "alien political.
and economic ideas which would de-
stroy our freedom and democracy."
"When we speak of defending, this
Western Hemisphere," Mr. Roosevelt
declared, "we are speaking not only
of the territory of North, Central and
South America and the immediately
adjacent islands. We include the
right to the peaceful use of the At-
lantic and Pacific oceans. That has
been our traditional policy."
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch in
1936 announced in a Sunday editorial
its support of the President for a
third term.

fHarmon, Kromer Score'
As Varsity Rolls Up
15 First Downs
(Special To The Daily)
CAMBRIDGE, MASS., Oct. 12. -- Mighty Michigan kept its powerful
gridiron wheels rolling down victory trail here this afternooh before 30,000
spectators in historic Harvard Stadium. The Wolverines, with All-American
Tom Harmon once again in the driver's seat, overpowered a gallant band
of Crimson from Harvard University, 26-0.
In adding its third and final chapter to a triumph-studded tour across
the nation, Fritz Crisler's crew found little in the way of opposition from
tha undermanned Crimson warriors today.
From beginning to end the Wolverines had things their own way and
the final score was just as large as they cared to make it. After Michigan
had tallied its fourth touchdown with two minutes played in the final period,
Crisler removed his first team and used nothing but substitutes from there
until the gun barked finish.
All told, the Maize and Blue clad gridmen charged and passed for 15£
first downs while their Crimson opponents were held to five, two of which
came against the Wolverine third team in the dying moments of the game.1
From scrimmage the Wolverines galloped over 22,0 yards of Massachu-
setts' green grass while the lads from Harvard were stopped at 97.
Michigan did everything better than the loyal Crimson sons today,1
everything including lost yardage through penalties. Officials had a field
day during the struggle, calling back Michigan 14 times in all for offside,
backfield in motion, holding, clipping, and substitute communication penal-
ties for a net loss of 110 yards.
But the Wolverines could afford to lose yardage that way this after-
noon, for their super-charged offense was at its best, and that was muchZ
too good for the Crimson.
Critical Eastern spectators, trying desperately to find some flaw in
Michigan's sensational halfback Harmon, threw up their hands when he
galloped off the playing field shortly after the fourth period got under way, I
and acclaimed him a true "gridiron great". There was no further debatingc
necessary after Harmon's superb exhibition today on Harvard turf.
In a way that's all his own, the Hoosier Hammer stole the whole show.
He crashed through the valiant Harvard defense for touchdowns on three
occasions. Once in each of the first
three periods. And in the final quar-
D ykstra Takes ter he completed the rout by pitch-
ing a beautiful touchdown pag to
Post As Head teammate Paul Kromer from the ten-r
yard marker.
All in all, Harmon was good for 20t
0 U.S. Draft points and over half of the ground1
that Michigan gained from scrim-
mage. Adding this to the 28 pointss
Speedy Senate Approval he scored in the West against Cal-
ifornia, and 21 he tallied against
Of Educator Expected; Michigan State last weekend, "Ter-r
rible Tom" now has a total scoring
Regents Grant Leave record of 69 points, a record far su-c
WASHINGTON Oct. 12. -( P)- perior to that of any other back in
the nation.
President Clarence A. Dykstra of Wis- tMichigan offense struck early to-
consin University accepted today the day, and before six minutes had been
post of director of selective service (Continued on Page 3)

To Be Given
In Marriage
Tickets Will Be Available
Tuesday Only For Grad
Students And Seniors;
Discussions Scheduled
Series To Be Held
In Rackham Hall
Tickets for the Course in Marriage
Relations may be purchased between
2 p.m. and 5 p.m. and between 7 p.m.
and 9 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday
at the Michigan League or Michigan
Union. Identification cards must be
presented at the time of purchase.
The series, which opens at 7:30
p.m. Friday in the Rackham Lecture
Hall, is open to senior and graduate
students only. The fee for the series
of lectures will be $1.00 and tickets
are not transferable.
Books for the course are reserved
in the League, Union and Lane Hall
Libraries and will also be available
in all dormitories.
Mead To Appear
Dr. Margaret Mead of the Amer-
ican Museum of Natural History will
deliver the first lecture Friday on the
subject of the Social Basis of Mar-
riage. She will be followed by Dr.
Raymond Squier of New York City,
who will discuss the Anatomy and
Physiology of Reproduction Oct. 24.
The following day, Oct. 25, Dr.
Squier will discuss the Medical Basis
of Intelligent Sexual Practice. Dr.
Mary Shattuck Fisher of Vassar Col-
lege will speak Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 on
the topic, Courtship and Pre-Marital
Relations. The last of the regular
series of lectures will be given Nov. 6
at which time Dr. Maud Watson of
Detroit will discuss Marriage Adjust-
All lectures will be held at 7:30 p.m.
in the Rackham Auditorium. Some
of the problems raised by the course
will be discussed in detail in supple-
mentary lectures to be held in the
Rackham Building and open to the
Supplementary Lectures
Following is the schedule of the
supplementary lectures: The lecture
on Family Finance will be held on
Nov. 12 with Miss Estelle Bauch of
Michigan State Normal School con-
ducting; Child Training will be the
subject of Dr. Katherine Greene on
Nov. 14; the lecture on Insurance will
be given by Mr. Floyd Bond on Nov.
19; Nov. 26 the lecture will be Hous-
ing, by Professor George B. Brigham;
Investments will be the subject Nov.
28 with Mr. R. Gordon Griffith con-
ducting; Dr. Katherine Greene will
again be the lecturer Dec. 4 on Fam-
ily Recreation; the final lecture will
be Dec. 5 on Law of Domestic Rela-
tions by Professor Marvin Niehuss.
Members of the faculty sponsor-
ing committee are: Dr. Margaret
Bell, Mr. W. Lloyd Berridge, Prof.
John P. Dawson, Dr. Claire E. Healey,
Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Prof. Howard
McCluskey, Miss Ethel McCormick,
Mr. Kenneth Morgan, Dr. Theophile
Raphael, Prof. Arthur E. Wood, Prof,
Clarence S. Yoakum.
Loucks Talks
At Roundtable
Local Pastor Discusses
Selective Service Act

Conscription and what your deci-
sion regarding the matters will be
on registration day was the subject
of a discussion last night led by
Rev. Chester H. Loucks, pastor of
the local Baptist Church, at the
is .ntly itmah.- - im.ynl- ~a - IA




Cowboy Hero
Tom nMix Dies
In Auto Crash
FLORENCE, ARIZ., Oct. 12.-(AP-
Tom Mix, 60, cowboy-actor and hero
of scores of Western thrillers of the
silent film era, was killed 18 miles
south of here today as he was pinned
under his overturned automobile on
a highway detour.
Mix. whose colorful career as a
circus performer, soldier, law en-
forcement officer and motion picture
star made him the idol of millions
the world over, was traveling alone
from Tucson, Ariz., to Florence and
Coroner E. O. Devine said Mix
apparently died instantly after los-
ing control of his car. There will be
no inquest. The body was brought
Two highway employes, John Ad-
ams, of Oracle, Ariz., and E. A. Ar-
menta, of Casa Grande, Ariz., dis-
covered the overturned car.
Directors Elect

tinued yesterday his attacks upon the
Senatorial record of Republican Arth-
ur H. Vandenberg.
Fitzgerald, carrying his campaign
into industrial Detroit after a swing
through the rural Thumb district,
described Vandenberg as an "ob-
structionist" and an "isolationist."
Meanwhile, Vandenberg, winding
up a tour of the Upper Peninsula,
which Fitzgerald will visit next /week,
criticized President Roosevelt's spend-
ing policies and asserted the latter's
administration constituted "seven
years of failure."


and it was expected efforts would be
made to have the Senate confirm
his nomination speedily inasmuchas
the draft1 legislation is to be next
The 57-year-old educator, who at-
tracted national attention as city
manager of Cincinnati, agreed to
head the nation's first peacetime
conscription system after the Uni-
versity board of regents granted him
a leave of absence. It was disclosed
earlier this week that President
Roosevelt had asked hid to take
the post.{



University Des ignates Special Places

For Draft Registration


Annual Open
House Planned
By Wolverine
The Michigan Wolverine will hold
its second annual gala open house
this Thursday-with free dancing,
refreshments and entertainment for
The student cooperative, which in
a period of eight years rose from a
small cafeteria in the basement of
Lane Hall to the largest student co-
operative in the world, will continue
the tradition started last year by
hanging out the welcome sign for all
students, faculty members and
townspeople so that they may inspect
the functioning of the cooperative,
Philip Westbrook, '43L, chairman of
the social committee, announced.
The kitchen and bakery, as well as
the newly enlarged and redecorated
basement will be open for inspection,
Westbrook added. The program will
last from 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. and
will be free of charge. t
The open house last year attracted
800 faculty members, students and
townspeople, and Westbrook esti-
mated a crowd of 1,000 for the affair
this Thursday.
Spanish Society
To HoldMeeting
La Sociedad Hispanica will open



Wednesday will bring draft regis-
tration at points announced last night
by the special University selective
service registration board for nearly!
5,000 students, all eligible out-of-
town men whose ages range from 21
to 35 years, inclusive.
Exempt from recording draft in-
formation with the University board
are students who return to their
homes for registration and members
of the federally recognized active
national guard, the officers reserve
enlisted the regular army reserve, the
enlistd reserve corps and the ad-
vanced corps, senior division, of the
Ann Arbor students will register at
their regular precinct voting places.
Pn 'n~ c -ilAnt c- ranfir a, an,-ne- a 1

recorder's office; Law School, 200
Hutchins Hall; College of Pharmacy,
College office; dentistry school, Kel-
logg Institute exhibition hall.
Architecture school, architecture
library; education school, 1431 Ele-
mentary School; business administra-
tion school, 207 Tappan Hall; fores-
try and conservation school, 4041
Natural Science Building; music
school, room 107, Maynard Street
Building, and Graduate School, Room
100, Rackham Building.
Special Draft Registrar Robert L.
Williams, assistant University regis-
trar, last night requested that stu-
dents register, whenever possible, be-
tween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., in order to
facilitate work of the volunteer re-
lm.x- v hn A-ra p rn tarn - no.,

After registration, any change in ad-
dress must be recorded with home
city selective service draft boards.
Information required in registra-
tion with selective service board
authorities is the following:
Name of person registering, his per-
manent home address and telephone
number; his age and place and date
of birth; the name of some person
who will always know the exact ad-
dress of the registrant, the address of
that person and his relationship. to
the registrant.
Name of registrant's employer (stu-
dents will supply information as to
school or college of the University
in which they are enrolled), place of
employment (students will give Ann
Arbor addresses), and detailed de-



Concluding their annual two-day
conference with a business session
yesterday morning in the Rackham
Building. 36 members of the Associ-

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