THE MICHIGAN DAILY Letters To The Editor ~iI~GT~T( ,Of PNmT GI 'N* . Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assoiated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTRV FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI13ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. C4^CAGO * BoSTON " LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editoral Staff Hervie Haufler . Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler . . Karl Kessler . Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman. . Donald Wirtchafter. . Esther Osser . Helen Corman . Business S Business Manager. Assistant Business Manager. Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . Managing Editor . Editorial Director . . City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . . Sports Editor . Women's Editor . Exchange Editor talf Irving Guttman Robert Gilmur Helen Bohnsack . Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: ROSEBUD SCOTT The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer. only. Our Position As A Nation , . . An Appeal jOU PROBABLY KNOW that the Michigan Daily is run by just a bunch of college students. Sometimes, though, we are inclined to wonder if our elder critics do not forget that. We of The Daily come up here to the building occasionally, take out a piece of paper and write what we think, and go to sleep at night with the relief of having gotten something important off our chests. It's a real privilege, and we appre- ciate it. There are all kinds of people on The Daily, but they have one thing in common. They are honest. Every one of us is mistaken frequently. All of us are confused. And why not? This world is bewildering enough to perplex anybody . . . even, you adults who have been running things for a long time. But we can assure you that every editorial that appears on this page this year will be honest. We know our staff that well. We hope that 'you will read and respect our words all year long with that in mind. About National Defense il IT'S AN AWFUL WORLD. None of us can for- get for a moment that Adolf Hitler is swiftly strangling our personal liberty as he gains new strength on the battlefield. His intrigue and strongarm immorality are probably the most ruthless in modern history. We cannot forget that a Hitler victory will mean a sharp curtafl- ment of the American way of life, and we still claim the existence of a separate and distinct way of living. In many other instances the issues of this war are clear now. We know that this is a military age. The nations with enough force to with- stand all opposing force survive. The others die. From here it is an easy step to the conclusion that America, and we mean all of America, must build a supreme defense. We must have a bigger navy, an impervious anti-aircraft wall, a unified industrial machine and an efficient army. In a time when promises mean nothing, we must be ready to meet not any aggressor, but any com' bination of aggressors. This is to be our defense. Furthermore, some of us are quick to admit that England is our military friend inasmuch as she is fighting a potential military enemy. It follows closely that we should help Great Britain to the greatest possible extent, as long as we do -not endanger our own security and while we are not committing acts of war. As long as we have the freedom to speak, however, we shall oppose any effort to send American troops overseas! This is based on the single premise that war is a horrible agent of destruction, to be avoided at any cost except an actual physical invasion of our own boundaries. IINALLY, we do not forget the year 1918, when the nations of Europe sowed the bloody Ver-- sailles dragon's teeth, from which sprang Adolf Hitler, our enemy. In brief, we are solidly behind any move for military defense, provided it is for defense, and not for war. But which course is the Administra- tion pursuing? Either the Executive government itself does not know, or it is unwilling to clarify the situa- tion with a few positive words. We.have plunged into a series of wild acts, acting on the insidious formula called "measures short of war," the consenences and implications of which the Slosson Replies.. .. To the Editor: ALL OF US must have much sympathy with Mr. Haufler's protest against any wave of hysteria, intolerance and professional patriot- eering. It is the duty of educated men to resist such tendencies in both peace and war. We do not want to see Wagner banned from concerts, German courses dropped from the schools, rad- ical parties barred from the ballot or eccentric pacifists (such as "Jehovah's Witn'esses") mobbed; such things occurred in 1917 and 1918 and most of us would now deplore them. More- over, it is especially important to preserve free- dom of expression to university students who, in my opinion, are no less entitled to it than uni- versity professors. But while I applaud Mr. Haufler's courage and sincerity, I cannot applaud the logic or wisdom of many of his thoughts. He speaks as a sleep walker would; one who fell asleep in the com- placent 1920's and had just heard a murmur of rumors of war in his ear, as a heavy sleeper might hear the first rumble of an earthquake and say "Don't joggle my bed!" He does not seem to realize what 1940 is like. The strongest military machine the world ever knew has just conquered most of continental Europe, and has forced into active alliance Italy and Japan, and into a sort of passive alliance Russia. Only the British Commonwealth and the United States of America remain on earth to offer real resistance. If Britain, our outer bulwark, falls, we are face to face with a hostile coalition stronger than we are by land, by sea and by air. Past experience has shown that a peaceful or neutral or non-a resistant attitude would not delay war by a day (witness the fate of the non-resistant states, such as Czechoslovakia. Lithuania, Albania, Den- mark); also that attempts at Conciliation or ap- peasement have the same fate (witness Britain and France at Munich). If Britain falls, our peril is greater than in 1776 or 1861 or 1917 or on any other occasion, for we have never faced an enemy at once so powerful and so intolerably cruel and oppressive as Nazi Germany today. Under the circumstances, the policy of any sane government must be to back Britain to the limit, so as to keep the war from falling on our own cities and shores. Risk in that? Certainly. But where, Mr. Haufler, is the policy without risk? Shall we be Chamberlains and make con- cessions to mitigate the greed or wrath of the armed despots? Shall we cling desperately to neutrality, like King Leopold of Belgium? Shall we frantically heap up arms at home while let- ting our first line of defense, Britain, cave in? Shall we defend Michigan by our soldiers on the Canadian border rather than by our ships and munitions in Europe? If any of such alterna- tain. during the weeks that have just passed, airplanes, artillery and munitions of many kinds, and . . . . this government, so long as the Allied governments continue to resist, will redouble its efforts in this direction." Therewith we pledged the best of our resources to France, a foundering nation, and promised to prosecute the war against Hitler to the utmost, short only of an actual declaration of hostilities. SIX WEEKS LATER we were talking about conscription. Our new Secretary of War went to the House Committee on Military af- fairs and was asked how long it would take for the United States to prepare a suitable defense. He replied: "We will not have it in time to meet the first possibility of invasion!" There ,is no logic there. The same Adminis- tration which cried the danger of invasion was stripping the American defenses of rifles, ar- tillery, munitions and supplies. That is not armament for defense. Then take the matter of conscription of man- power. The matter is law now, and consequently all of us will obey the orders from Washington. But even now in conscription we can see signs which are not healthy. It is essentially a military problem, of course. All of us recall the Army's modest demands of not so long ago. At that time they asked for a few hundred thousand men. Now we talk in terms of millions; miflions of men who have been rushed to the colors before the equipment they must use has even been ordered in our American factories! American defense has traditionally been composed of a large navy, an efficient mod- ern army, and a large air force. Our Adminis- tration has now changed this entice strategy to one where our manpower stands in arms ap- parently awaiting the arrival of some mysterious enemy who will creep in the night up through Central America or who shall rush down the St. Lawrence in speed boats! OUR CONSCRIPTION BILL is not good. We can compare. it to Canada's modest statute, where training goes on for only one month, and affects only persons 21-24 years of age. We should urge Congress to revise this bill sanely. All of us are willing to build an army and navy to protect our own frontiers, but not to be or- dered in the guise of defense and employed for some other use.i It is even possible, mind you, that a volunteer army, increased in size by improved living con- ditions and more adequate salary inducements, is sufficient to handle our defense needs. Volun- teers have poured in by the thousands during the current recruiting campaign. Our affection toward Great Britain is great: first, as an opponent of Germany; and second, as a nation of people with a philosophy and heritage similar to our own. The fall of the British Empire would be a mighty human disas- ter. But we still place America first. We do not believe that the fall of England means the end of American civilization. nor do we feel respon- sible for any weaknesses in England's defense. Around this continent we must throw up an tives appear wiser, safer or Haufler, nothing short of a1 will ever wake him up. more pacific to Mr. bomb on Ann Arbor I CANNOT BUT REMEMBER that just a year ago two editors of the Daily advocated send- ing no supplies, either civilian or military, to the British. Had that policy been followed, London might now be in Hitler's hands, for it is con- ceded that American economic aid has been of great value in Britain's war. Would Mr. Hauf- ler feel safer if that had happened? Such little security as we now enjoy comes from the fact that we have been distinctly unneutral in' the war thus far. Upon our continued unneutrality, in this very paradoxical -world of 1940, depends our only hope of keeping the war away from our shores and perhaps from our soldiers. I admit it is a sad and sorry time when any road we take may led to war. But I may remind any student pacifist inclined to call this "war- mongering" that "thou canst not shake they gory locks at me, and say I did it!" The present situation, like it or not, was the work of isola- tionists like Lodge, Reed, Harding, Borah, John- son-and Haufler. Our isolation from the rest of the world permitted a condition to arise in which we find ourselves in jeopardy. My own pacifism, of the constructive, internationalist type, might have led to undesirable consequences -that is arguable-but at least it would be a different world from that which now frowns on us so ominously. Having rejected the counsel of collective se- curity, and followed the path of isolation, we find ourselves in a situation in which these may be no peaceful way out. The whole fallacy of Mr. Haufler's letter is that he represents the choice between peace and war as depending on us, or at least on President Roosevelt. It depends alto- gether oni what Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and the Japanese generals choose to do. None of them have hesitated to attack the weak, the inoffen- sive, the neutral or even the friendly. They may hesitate to attack us if we are armed and strong. They may hesitate to attack us if they are still held at bay by Great Britain. Or, they may risk it anyhow. But, even in such a case, we will suffer fewer losses if the war is fought in Europe or in Asia instead of being brought to our own shores by a triumphant coalition of despots who are fresh from the spoils of London. -Preston Slosson Just Shuffling Along - A a ' -0t- ?~2~h '--~.f - N DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ". _ c~he ~4 r~ Robe~t.Ale WASHINGTON - A furious behind-the-scenes struggle preceded the publication of that joint statement by fifteen outstanding citizens assailing Herbert Hoover's plan to feed Nazi- conquered Europe. The ex-President made a terrific effort to squelch it. The statement was initiated by Dr. Henry Sloane Coffin, president of Union Theological Seminary, to counter Hoover's efforts to line up influential clergymen for his scheme-a scheme which he is pushing without the approval of either the U.S. or British governments. The statement was distributed in advance for publication in Sunday morning papers, and Hoover, in some way, got wind of it. Whereupon he literally moved heaven and earth to stop it. He first bombarded the fifteen signers by telephone and telegram to get them to withdraw their names. When this failed, he contactedI several newspapers and press associations with protests against the declarations NE New York morning paper called up Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, a signer, and said they had been informed her name was unauthor- ized. Mrs. Catt indignantly denied this. Dr. James B. Conant, president of Harvard University, received a similar inquiry, which he repudiated. In one way or another everyone of the fifteen signers had his name challenged and all stood firm. Dr. Coffin was so aroused by these tactics that he sent Hoover a sizzling letter which concluded as follows: "While you say in your telegram that your proposal is 'conditional upon such safe- guards as would be no injury to the British cause,' I happen to know from the highest sources that this apparently is not the way in which the British government views this. Inasmuch as Britain is in my judgment fighting our battles, I think we owe it to her not to do anything to embarrass her." Note-Hoover's plan is to set up U.S. corpora- tions to buy food with the funds of the conquered countries on deposit here, and transport the sup- plies in American ships. American experts esti- mate that there is ample food in Europe to feel% everybody this winter, providing it is equitably distributed by the Nazis-who, however, have' requisitioned everything they could lay their hands on and shipped it to Germany. German Occupation INTELLIGENCE REPORTS from Europe indi- cate that it is not the German army but Ger- man civilians in France who are causing trouble. These reports state that the Nazis already have begun to create their vaunted unification of Eu- rope and their reduction of France to a mere SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1940 VOL. LI. No. 12 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructivesnotice to all members of the University. Notices To the Members of the Faculties: With referencesto matters concerning national defense in which the assist- ance of the University as an institu- tion is sought by the federal govern- ment or by other agencies, public and private, the Conference of the President and Deans will constitute the central advisory and administra- tive authority for the University. By the advice of the Deans' Conference, however, a committee of that body has been appointed, which will keep itself informed of the various na- tional defense projects in which the University is engaged and act as an executive committee for the Deans' Conference in such matters. The Deans' Committee on National De- fense is composed of Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, Chairman, Dean C. S. Yoak- um, and Dean J. B. Edmonson. Pro- posals for University participation in national defense measures will, in the first instance, be referred to this committee, and members of the facul- ties who desire information about matters of this nature should con- sult with Dr. Hopkins or the other deans mentioned. Alexander G. Ruthven To the Members of the University Senate: There will be a meeting of the University Senate on Monday, October 21, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary Group Hospitalization: The Busi- ness Office will accept new enroll- ments for group hospitalization un- der the plan of the Michigan Hos- pital Service until November 5. There- after enrollments again will be closec for a six months' waiting period unti May 5, 1941. Circulars of informa- tion and enrollment cards may be ob- tained at the Business Office, Roon 1, University Hall. To Deans, Directors, Department Heads and Others Responsible for Payrolls: Payrolls for the first sem- ester are ready for approval. This 3hould be done at the Business Office before Oe.tober 18 if checks are to be issued on October 31. Edna Geiger Miller, Payroll Clerk Choral Union Concert Tickets: A limited number of tickets for the sea- 3on and for individual concerts ar >n sale "over the counter" at th -)ffices of the University Musica society in Burton Memorial Tower Charles A. Sink, President wishing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up thist work should file a petition addressedr to the appropriate official in their2 school with Room 4 U.H. where itf will be transmitted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. f Social Chairmen: League Houses, Dormitories and Sororities. Atten- tion is called to the following ruling from the Office of the Dean of ku- dents: "Application must be filed in the Office of the Dean of Students, Room 2, University Hall, on the Monday before the event of which approval is requested. It should be accom- panied by written acceptance from two sets of approved chaperons, and in the case of fraternities and sorori- ties, by approval from the financial adviser. This office reserves the right to refuse permission for parties if the requests are not received on time." In case of women, application must first be approved by ,Office of thet Dean of Women. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service Examinations. The last date for filing application is noted in each case. United States: Toolmakers, salary $6.24 day to $1.176 hr, no date set. Senior Inspector, Ship Construc- tion, salary $2,600, no date set. ' Inspector, Ship Construction, sal- ary $2,000, no date set. Border Patrolman, salary $2,000, Oct. 21, 1940. Safety Instructor, salary $1,800, Nov. 4, 1940, Assistant Safety Instructor, sal- ary $1,620, Nov. 4, 1940. Junior Pharmacist, salary $2,000, Nov. 4, 1940. Complete announcement on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office 'hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Vocalists desiring broadcast eiperi- ence call at Broadcasting Service, Morris Hall, for application for mem- bership in radio quartet. Waldo Abbot Academic Notices Make-Up Examinations for all his- tory courses will be held at 3 p.m., on Friday, October 18, in Room C, Ha- yen Hall. This is the only make-up examination which will be given. All students taking it must present writ- ten permission from the instructor in charge of the course. Sociology 359: Seminar in Juvenile Delinquency will meet in Room 303 Main Library today. Events Today Freshman Round Table: Rev. Chester Loucks will lead a discussion on "What About Military Service" at the Freshman Round Table, Lane Hall tonight at 7:30. All Freshmen are welcome. Suomi Club meeting tonight at t o'clock at the International Center German Club: The Fall picnic will be held today. Meet in front of the Rackham Building at 4:30 1 p.m. and then go to the Island. Small charge. Irk case of rain the picnic will not be held. Make reser- vations immediately with your in- structor or with the secretary of the German department. Students of ,German and all others interested are cordially invited. (Continued on Page 6) RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue Saturday Evening 6:00 Stevenson News Sport Review Sons of the Saddle Day In Review 6:15 Musical Revue; News .'tSandlotters 6:30 Inside of Sports Sports Parade Jim Parsons Record Review 6:45 Himber Orch. S. L. A. Marshall Red Grange 7:00 People's Platf'rm Kinderg'ten Kapers News-val Clare Town Talk 7:15 People's Platf'rm To Be Announced Pancho Orchestra Organ Favorites 7:30 News To Life Sports To Be Announced The Green Hornet 7:45 News to Life 8:00 Marriage Club Studio Feature The Charioteers Jenkins' Orch. 8:15 Marriage Club " Football Roundup 8:30 W. King Orch. Truth, C'nsequence News Ace Hollyw'd Tomorrow 8:45 King Orch; News " To Be Announced 9:00 Your Hit Parade Nat'l Barn Dance Hope Tabernacle Gabriel Heatter 9:15 Your Hit Parade " " Will Hudson Orel. 9:30 Your Hit Parade " Don 'Turner Orch. John B. Kennedy 9:45 Sat. Serenade Canadian News Radio Guild Drama 10:00 Sat. Serenade Uncle Ezra Chicago Theatre News Ace 10:15 K. of C. Program Dance Orchestra