i Weather Fair ,& slightly warmer today; partly cloudy Sunday. Jr Si igau6y ~~Iait Editorial Our Position' As A elation .. . Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. LI. No. 12 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1940 Z-323 T 7r 'om w7' s vw r -.r _ PRICE FIVE CENTS I " I_ 1 9 1 7 6 .T 9 L 1 _ IS T !1t 7 -s-1 -r English, IN azi Guns Bombard Channel Coast In Heavy Duel 'Instan Nets New dates Iecord As 1,200 Yearbooks Are Sold LP~Iitisn i aU~e OffensiveI In Bombardment; Navy, RAF Strike At Ports Berlin Announces. Successful 'Raids LONDON, Oct. 12. -(P)- British and German heavy artillery fought a mighty engagement early today- the longest bombardment and coun- ter-bombardment .of the war-across the Dover Strait, and British planes leaped the starlit channel to bomb heavily the Nazi gun emplacements. British gu s opened the action last night and for the first time two Ger- man batteries on the French shore opened simultaneous fire in reply, one near the Cap Gris Nez lighthouse and the other at Calais. Some three hours later the great duel still went on.- Three-Minute Intervals Shells fell upon the English shore at three-minute intervals at }times. The channel itself was smooth and untroubled, bright in the moonlight but overlaid by mist. The explosions of British bombs and the quick flight of German tracer shells could be clearly seen, reddening the fat horizon. Both shores were alight with gun flashes. It was the heaviest offensive action yet undertaken by British batteries- which in the past had spoken almost always solely in reply to the German guns. Fire On Ports It followed the admiralty's an- nouncement of last night that the British home fleet had turned its guns on the Nazi invasion ships massed at the great French port of Cherbourg and left pillars of flame om, Ant ty4~c - Daily Photo by Will Sapp An energetic member of the Michiganensian business staff, Bruce Kirchenbaum, '43, sells Myary Jean Czysz, '44, the 1200th 1941 'Ensian to set an all-time record for this date. * * . | Japan Denies Coup In China Is Impending Rumor Of Concentration, Movement Of Troops Near City Continues Comment Refused On Mayor's Death SHANGHAI, Oct. 11.-WP)-Japan- ese authorities made a studied at- tempt tonight to spike excited rum- ors of impending forcible occupa- tion of Shanghai's international settlement or French concession. Usually well-informed quarters in- sisted, however, that 14,000 Chinese soldiers of the Japanese-dominated Nanking government were concen- trated between Shanghai and the Woosung forts, at the mouth of the Whangpoo River, 12 miles " down- stream from this teeming city. An army spokesman admitted there might have been some troop move- ments, but he denied that "any troops are concentrated with the idea of moving against the foreign areas." Spokesmen Join Denial Army and Navy spokesmen joined in an official denial either that Jap- anese forces were building concen- tration camps in which to intern foreigners or were "planning to take over the settlement or the French concession by force Oct. 18 This channel of imports and ex- ports of the central Chinese govern- ment, with which Japan has been at war for 39 months, is scheduled to be reopened by Britain Oct. 17. The navy spokesman declared very definitely both are wild rumors and nothing more. They probably were originated by certain individuals desiring to aggravate Japanese-Unit- ed States relations." Started Tuesday Shanghai's rumor crop, started Tuesday when the United States State Department suggested that Americans leave the Orient, flowered in the excitement following the cleav- er-assassination of Japan's puppet Chinese mayor for occupied parts of Shanghai. The Japanese spokesmen refused to comment on the case of Mayor Fu Siao-En, one of the most heavily guarded men in the Orient, who was hacked to death abed early today in his Hongkew residence. Soldiers and gendarmes, encourag- ed by an offer from the Fu family of rewards for the arrest or informa- tion leading to the arrest of the assas- sin, turned the Japanese-controlled' Hongkew section inside out in the search. U.S. Appeals To Siam WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. -MP)-I Emphasizing its opposition to any1 forcible change in the Oriental status quo, the United States is actively1 seeking to dissuade Japan's friendI Thailand (Siam), from taking any; aggressive step.i Diplomatic moves along this line were disclosed today, and at the same time it was indicated the Dutch East Indies, which are arming themselvesi against any Japanese inroads, would receive continued assistance from; American factories. ITo In Wolverines Are Favored Beat Crimson Team All previous rsales records fell by the wayside when the 1,200th copy of the 1941 Michiganensian was sold late yesterday afternoon, Business Manager John Cory, '41, announced last night. Early-October sales of the book have seldom exceeded 1,000 volumes in past years; he commented, add- ing that one of the major causes of the increase is probably a desire to take advantage of the staggered in- creasing-price program of the 'En- sian sales staff. First jump in the book's price is Grid Series Renewal -A"" 1XIIARMINIS 10i :, , Light and heavy men 'o war alike slipped through the thick mist off Cape Contentin Thursday night, leveled their deadly barrels and pounded the ships in roadstead and port, capable of sheltering hundreds of vessels and at least 50 warships of the line. Hitler's Airmen Blast At Britain BERLIN, Oct. 11.-(P)-The Ger- man air force in strong squadrons dealt out hard punishment today in a wide foray over southeast Eng- land, DNB, official news agency, re- ported tonight. Canterbury (where, the British said, windows of the historic cathe- dral were smashed), took the worst drubbing, according to the agency's accounts. Returning pilots reported their bombs hit "objectives" and lifted great columns of smoke above the town.. A factory in another southeast town was declared completely demolished, and bomb hits on rail facilities along the coast were reported so effective that traffic will be impossible for a long time. The raiders had to fight a series' of dog fights, and shot down 13 de- fense ,planes, it was said, losing but one of their own. British Nationals Leave Rumania of the annual chronicle of University events will be sold for $4. The 'En- sian can be purchased at the original $3 price today from sales agents on the campus or in the Student Publi- cations Building on Maynard Street. The book will sell for $4 until Jan. 13, when the price will rise to $4.50. The full price, $5, will be charged beginning April 28. Students can still take advantage of the deferred payment plan by paying $1 down and the remainder late in the second semester. The '1940 version of the 'Ensian will offer all the usual features of past years and several new developments in editing, photography and art work, according to Managing Editor Charles Samuel, '41. Pictorial chronicling of all import- ant campus events has been assured by the competent staff of photog- raphers, he said, adding that the art staff is one of the most capable ever to work on the preparation of the book. -In addition to photographs of gadua ing seniors and recognized' campus groups, the 'Ensian will fea- ture a series of "continuous action" pictures of athletic events. SRA To Hold Frosh Forum Second in the series of Freshman Roundtables will open today as Rev. Chester Loucks of the First Baptist Church leads the discussion on "What About Military Service?" at 7:30 p.m. in \Lane Hall. All freshman are invited to parti- cipate in the forums around the fire- place at the religious center, Ken- neth Morgan, director, announced. This discussion group has been one of the annual' features of the pro- gram of the Student Religious Asso- ciation. The succeeding lectures will be "The Nature of Man" by Prof. W. K. Frankena of the philosophy depart- ment, "The Nature and the Existence of God" by Mr. Morgan, "Science and Religion" by Prof. Kenneth Jones of the botany department and "Boy and Girl Relations" by Mr. Morgan FOREST EVASHEVSKI .......Captains Wolverines Invasion Of England By Axis Apparently Halted For Winter British Bombard Che Nazis Make Sign By KIRKE L. SIMPSON rbourg As Retaliatory 1 ificant Moves In Balkans Martha Cool To Celebrate 25thJubilee Alumnae And Residents Will Attend Banquet In League Ballroom Twenty-five years of life at Martha Cook will be enacted at the 6:30 p.m. banquet tonight at which more than 475 alumnae and members of the dormitory will be served in the ball- room of the League. All the way from Northhampton, Mass., and California the alumnae will come to be present at the Silver Jubilee Reception at which more than 800 townspeople and friends will be served in the building be- tween 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. Those who have been asked to re- ceive guests in the Red Room are President and Mrs. Ruthven, Miss, Alice Lloyd, Mrs. Esther M. Cramm, Mrs. Myra B. Jordan, Mrs. Leona B. Diekema, and Miss Sara Rowe. Pres- ent and former members of the Board of Governors who will stand in line are Mrs. E. F. Maier, Mrs. Florentine Cook Heath, Mrs. Stuart Baites, Ma- nice Emilie Sargeant, Thelma Jones and Franklin Cook. Former house and social directors who will receive are Mrs. Grace Greenwood Reeves, Miss Margaret Ruth Smith, Miss Mary E. Walton, and Miss Frances Mack. House offi- cers are Marjorie Risk, '41, Betty Sikkenga, '41, Alice Braunlich, '41, and Margaret Van Ess, '41. Wolverine To Hold Coffee Hour Today Significant moves by Germany and Italy on the Balkan front tend to enhance the belief that the long- heralded invasion of England has been abandoned at least until spring, but Britain is taking no chances. Naval bombardment of Cherbourg to supplement a crescendo of British air bombing all along the North Sea- English Channel "invasion coast" il- lustrates that. Heavy as well as light naval craft were engaged, London said, with no casualties to ships or crews. Confidence Indicated Of itself, that would be a mere incident of the Battle of Britain. Admirality orders exposing heavy na- val craft to possible German subma- rine or torpedo boat attack, however, have more meaning. They indicate ever-growing confidence in London that the Nazi invasion threat is meaningless now; that it has been abandoned, or that it would result in a crushing Nazi defeat, if tried in desperation. Nevertheless, a mopping-up cam- paign by air and sea against possible invasion is the first item on the daily war-book of Britain. The Cherbourg sortie is important chiefly because it is the first time British capital ships Move;I have taken part in that phase of the fighting. These ships are England's final hole-card against invasion. Their armored decks give them a definite degree of invulnerability to air at- tack. It is Nazi torpedoes that most threaten them. As the western extremity of the most dangerous zone of the "inva- sion coast," Cherbourg well might have been the rendezvous for Nazi submarines concentrated to protect the flank of an invasion army. They did not appear when British naval guns opened fire on Cherbourg and presumably were not there, but off preying on British cargo. The sortie indicates British inten- tion to make absolutely certain against invasion before turning to purely offensive strategy in a winter campaign in the West. Rumania Is Weak Spot When British leadership feels free to concentrate on counter offensive projects, however, the developing Ru- manian crisis must catch attention. There is a weak spot in any Nazi- Fascist plan to use Rumania as a jumping-off place for a new smash to the East. This is illustrated by comment in the Germanophile press in Rumania. It charges British di- plomacy with conspiring to attack Rumanian oil fields by air from Turkey. The seemingly certain break in British-Rumanian relations could open the way to just that. Even without formal war, arrival ofGer- man troops i~j Rumania for a sort of "watch on the Danube" makes that country a virtual Axis war base. And Rumanian oil is the vital element for the Axis in the situation, the most vulnerable point for British attack if ways and means to attack it can be found. Conscription Questionnaire Is Improved WASHINGTON, Oct. 11.-P)-Se- lective service officials, making pub- lic the eight-page questionnaire which men called for service will have to answer, estimated today that only about 2,500,000 of the 16,500,000 who register for the draft next Wednesday will have to fill it out within the next year. Eastern School Has 2-Ganie Advantage With 6 Tilts Played Capt. Gardella Out OfLineup BOSTON, Mass., Oct. 11. - A rous- ing intersectional gridiron rivalry, dormant for the past nine years, will come to life again here tomorrow when the undefeated and highly fa- vored University of Michigan eleven invades Harvard Stadium to battle a supposedly weak Crimson team. Not since 1930 have the two squads faced each other, and on that occa- sion the Western aggregation, at- tempting to regain some of thefoot- ball glory it had passed on to the Crimson during the ancient history of the sport, came charging from be- hind to win, 6-3. Won Four Games By virtue of its four victories over Michigan in 18'1, 1883, 1895 and 1914, however, Harvard still holds the edge in the six-game series. After 1914, the two schools did not battle on the gridiron until 1929 when Michigan, reaping the fruits of eco- nomic prosperity, smashed the Crim- son for the first time, 14-12. ,Boston held little hope for its Crimson tonight. Coach Dick Har- low's crew had difficulty with Am- herst hre last Saturday, and the local lads are far from optimistic. For two periods, the Crimson failed to scoreragainst agreen team Rumors that Harvard was under cover, that Amherst had hidden pow- er, moreover, have failed to produce the desired response. The betting places quote Michigan at 3-1 or bet- ter, and nobody seems to care to wa- ger. Yes indeed, they'll be content here with a moral victory when the sun sets on the Charles River this evening. If things weren't bad enough, Har- vard had to lose its sophomore pass- ing star via the injury route during the past week. Don McNichol, a powerful 178-pound lad from Flush- ing, N. Y., the Crimson's chief aerial artist, will remain on the bench throughout tomorrow's activities. Razzle-Dazzle Foreseen Contrary to the tradition of radical Western football compared to the Eastern conservative brand, it will be the Crimson tomorrow who will dig deep into Harlow's bag of tricks in order to attempt an upset oer the Western invasion. The Harvard men- tor fractured a leg while aiding his charges in scrimmage Wednesday, and, on crutches, has been sending them through strenuous workouts.. There are so many players run- ning around the field on Harvard's spinner-cycle offense that if Mich- igan is not aware, they will think a dinner bell had rung every time the ball is snapped from center. But don't worry about the Wol- verines. They are ready for almost any type of hidden-ball play or tricky (Continued on Page 3) Cohen Conducts Early Services Yom Kippur To Be Held In LydiaMendelssohn Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, director of the Hillel Foundation, will con- duct morning Yom Kippur services for Reform Jewish students at Lydia Mendelssohn Audtorium at 9 a.m. today. Orthodox services, led by Rabbi Isaac Goldman, will be conducted at the Beth Israel Synagogue, 538 South Division St., at 8 a.m. today. Rabbi Goldman will be assisted by Lewis Yaffee. Special memorial services will be held at Mendelssohn Auditorium at 2:30 p.m. Orthodox memorial serv- ices at Beth Israel Synagogue will begin at noon. Yom Kippur .is the Jewish day of atonement. It began at sundown yesterday and ends at that time to- day. This very important holy day is marked by fastina and nrave'r Sororities Pledge 404 A s Formal Rushing. Season Draws To Close e ec German, Arrive Italian Planes In Bucharest BUCHAREST, Oct. 11.-(P)-The British Government ordered all its nationals-the army of British busi- ness men and experts who have kept alive British interests in Rumania- to abandon this country tonight, a few hours after packed formations of German, Italian and Rumanian planes had roared over Bucharest to symbolize the extension of Axis in- fluence to the Black Sea. Marked plainly with German, Ital- ian and Rumanian insignia, at least 150 planes roared in full-throated cry low over the British legation where Sir Reginald Hoare, the Bri- tish minister, and his staff were pack- ing up in apparent readiness to Four hundred and four women will become members of Panhellenic, headed by Anabel Van Winkle, '41, when they are pledged today and Sunday by 18 sororities. Alpha Chi Omega: Joan Beards- all, '44, Detroit; Virginia Campbell, '44, Cannonsburg, Pa.; Dorothy Dud- geon, '44, Detroit; Jane Eiffert, '43, Dayton, O.; Sally Fuller, '42, Scars- dale, N.Y.; Jean Grossenbacher, '44, Toledo, O.; Jean Justed, '44, Pensa- cola, Fla.; Margaret Mills, '44, Ann Arbor; Dorothy Turner, '42, Iron Mountain. Alpha Delta Pi: Virginia Ander- son, '44, Flint; Dorothy Dodge, '44, Ann Arbor; Jeanne Meier, '44, De- troit; Agnita Schwartz, '42, Dunkirk, N.Y.; Marjorie Trerice, '44, Detroit; Betty Wooster, '43, Iowagiac. Alpha Epsilon Phi: Kayla Bach- rack, '44, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Thelma Bernstein, '43, Gary, nd.; Constance Bothman, '43, Ann Arbor; Gloria Mass.; Helen Echerman, '44, Detroit; Norma Fuson, '43, Muncie, Ind.; Rose Hull, '43, Ann Arbor;.Kathleen Kidd, '44, Ionia; Mary Knoll, '43, Ironwood; Dorothy Larson, '43, Calumet; Louise Marsom, '43, Detroit; Eleanor Ma- licke, '44, Detroit; Betty Peat, '44, Detroit; Martha Jane Preston, '43, Cleveland, O.; Barbara Reddig, '43, Maplewood, N.J.; Betty Spain, '43, Detroit. Alpha Omicron Pi: Margaret Bow- man, '43, Detroit; Jean Denton, '43, Frankfort, Mich.; Marian Ford, '44, Lakewood, O.; Carol Graeff, '44, Lake- wood, O.; Marta Norton, '44, Detroit; Betty Prindivelle, '42, Homewood, Ill.; Fern Wunluch, '44, Glenridge, Ill.; Constance Taber, '44, New York, N.Y.; Dorothy Wineland, '43, Fos- toria, 0.; Myrtle Patterson, '43, Ann Arbor. Alpha Phi: Carolyn Byrne, '43, Detroit; Ruth Johnson, 44, Detroit; I ANNMAR T. VTITAN T WATNTh.