THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1~940 .. .... Letters To The Editor New Coat Needed? r Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Studpnt Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. AU rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON Ave. NEW YORK. N. Y. C"I(6GO . BOSTON . LOS ANGELES . SAM FRANCISCO Member, Associated Cotlegiate Press, 193940 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler Alvin Barasohn. Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Crman S . . anaging Editor * . . .Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . . * Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack . Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: BERNARD DOBER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. 'Academic Freedom'-- Butler Style M R. NICHOLAS MURRAY BUTLER, president of Columbia University, last week gathered all the members of his facul-. ty together and informed them of that univer- sity's policy in the present war situation. He told them, among other things, that the univer- sity had thrown its resources into tpe national defense effort and had enlisted in the war "be- \tween beasts and human beings," in which, he said, the United States has been involved eco- nomically, and ideologically since hostilities be- gan. Perhaps he. was right about the United States being in the war. Certainly enough iso- lationists have been claiming that for many months. Perhaps he was also right in declaring Columbia University into that conflict. We don't know how much Columbia can help in winning the war for Great Britain; and we aren't decided as to whether Dr. Butler should want to get this country into war. BUT DR. BUTLER also said something else that has brought much damage to lovers of democracy and peace. For Dr. Butler said that the university must have freedom to pursue its high ideals, unembarassed by conduct on the part of members which tends to damage sound learning and moral teaching. And to this de- nial of freedom of speech and opinion of faculty members he added this: "Academic freedom holds no meaning whatsoever for students. That phrase relates solely to freedom of thought and inquiry and to freedom of teaching on the part of accomplished scholars." That is no new doctrine that President Butler has. cooked up for use in the present war crisis. He said it in 1918, and again in 1935, so he ap- parently believes in it. That is his definition of academic freedom, and we cannot merely call hm a militarist and a fascist who wants to get us into this war, for he has held this view for many years. But we believe that the views of Dr. Butler are fundamentally wrong and ruinous to American democracy, and for reasons which we believe to be most important. PRESIDENT BUTLER, all through his address, talked about "the University," and that term "University" always seemed to exclude both faculty members and students. As certain of Columbia's most distinguished faculty members have pointed out, a university is traditionally thought of as a company of scholars and stu- dents in the pursuit of knowledge. A university is not just a president, nor is it a president aided by a few trustees. A university is a spirit, and a group of learned scholars acting as members of the faculty, and the student body. All con- tribute to, and are integral parts of the school. All make up what that school thinks. Therefore, the policies of their university should be deter- mined with their cooperation and consent. Stu- dents and faculty members, more today than ever, should have the right to help decide what are the opinions of the University. Or, perhaps, the university, as such, should. have no definite opinion. Individuals in the colleges have opinions as do persons outside them. The university, as a place where many people of many different political and economic persuasions meet, should have many different opinions emerging. In that way the average man who looks for guidance to the more learned Open Letter To Gov. Dickinson To the Editor: We all share with you the mortification over the incident of a Presidential candidate being insulted by high school students in a Michigan city. But we cannot all agree with you as to the cause. You suggest that the reason for such de- linquency is inherent in a certain non-religious, pro-communistic spirit which young persons catch from their elders. You claim that youth today is not taught the old virtues. May I venture another guess. My mind goes back to an evening in that same auditorium where the erring students were made to offer a public apology. It was the occsion of a Citizen's Mass Meeting, called to protest the activity of the Black Legion, which had honeycombed that community, along with other Michigan cities. Many public officials were implicated and even churches and other civic bodies were involved. Public servants, who had taken the oath of of- fice, had subsequently taken the Legion oath which superceded all others. ISN'T IT just possible that the egg-throwing youngsters were children of Black Legion par- ents and that they got some of their direct- action, anti-social methods from them?' As I recall, it was about this time that officials at Michigan State College, not only approved stu- dent violence against "radicalism" but actually instigated the breaking up of a peace meeting held on private property. The town police looked on, and the next day the Legislature turned it off as a joke. If you want to find a cause for erratic behavior of youth, may it not be necessary to get down td' actual facts and case studies, rather than throw out vague generalities? In other words, if you don't want Presidential candidates insulted, you cannot permit the insultipg of anyone-even a Communist. Mobs and student pranksters are not noted for their circumspection. We all want a better Michigan, but we cannot have it if we make Prejudicemouraattorney gen- eral and Vigilantism our policeman. - Rev. Harold P. Marley agreeing exactly with him on- the war issue will be happier elsewhere. Very democratic. AND DR. BUTLER claims that academic free- dom holds no meaning for students; it is only for scholars (although he seems to deny it now to the scholars .of his faculty. This seems to be a matter of definition. We can say that students do deserve academic freedom, the right to seek out the truth and then .to speak it out. Dr. Butler can say that that's not what the term means. Perhaps he is right, although a lot of people have been surprised by his definition. What is important, however, is the fact that, in a democracy, everybody can say what he feels is the truth. Some people believe that we should aid England and thus better defend this coun- try. They have the right to this opinion, and they may be right. Those who believe in direct- ing all our energies toward home defense with- out aid to Britain also have a right to be heard- notwithstanding Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia. - Alvin Sarasohn Latin Americans' Visits Iave Significance .. . HE CURRENT VISIT to the United States of military authorities from several Latin American countries involves more than a mere show of hospitality to foreign dig- nitaries. Reports of these autorities may well hold the key to the future attitude of their home countries toward the United States. For the purpose of appraising the military, naval and air strength of the United States, chiefs of staff from Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru and Uruguay, and high ranking officers from the Dominican Republic are touring the various naval bases and military posts in this country. A military mission from Argentina is on the way. LATIN AMERICA still has a bad case of jitters due to the danger of Axis invasion. The re- cent declaration by Franco that Spain would re- main outside the Axis, at least officially, was of some encouragement to the republics to the South. These two nations, motherlands of the Central and South American countries, form cultural, racial and religious ties by which Nazi ideas might be transmitted to this hemisphere. There has been no little talk of a Hitler-dom- inated revival of the great Spanish Empire in this hemisphere. If Franco's words are true, for the time being at least there seems to be little to fear from this angle. But there are questions that still bother the countties to the South. Will Great Britain be overcome? Will a victorious Axis attempt to spread its empire to this hemisphere without help from Franco? These questions remain un- answered. And even more vital, if the Axis does invade this hemisphere in any way, will the nations of Latin America be justified in standing on the hemisphere agreement? THE MAIN PURPOSE of the current military missions is to find an answer to this last question. The visiting authorities will return to their countries with reports that will tell their governments whether or not they can rely on the United States in case of invasion. The situation is critical, and the outcome, one way or the other, will affect the United States materially, for an Axis dominated Latin Amer- ica would present a dangerous threat to this country. But if Latin America has confidence a-. +,rngfh if r eshow ht we and are Tweedledee or Tweedledum? To the Editor: The national elections, occurring as they do in one of the momentous years of world history, cannot fail to command our attention at this time, especially since they are a matter of weeks away. Much discussion and controversy has taken place, resulting in a confused attitude on the parts of many of us; who are all vitally con- cerned in the outcome. I should like to add my voice to the babble of confusion. IT IS virtually a certainty that either Roosevelt or Willkie will win the coming election. The velt or Willkie will win the coming election. The two-party system, as it usually works. has broken down in this instance, for the points of differ- ence between the two major candidates seem to rest on a matter of personal concern between the men in question as to who can accomplish better substantially the same program. Mr. Will- kie, formerly at the head of a huge monopolistfc corporation, mourns for the competitive spirit of laissez-faire capitalism and, because he would not dare advocate the repeal of any major New Deal reform, claims credit for their passage for his own party. Mr. Roosevelt, formerly sponsor of the New Deal, restsan the fine side of his record, while leagueing himself with the reac- tionary elements who see in the present crisis an opportunity to crush all progress. In many ways the choice between Tweedledee and Tweedledum is a fairer one than the choice between Roosevelt and Willkie. The minor parties do not present a very lu- crative field to those who would cast a protest vote. Both Socialists and Communists, each with their own motives and ends in view, oppose the conscription and other defense measures sought by the two major parties. And yet to vote for Mr. Thomas for president, in the face of the almost complete disintegration of the Socialist party, seems a peculiarly futile way to waste a vote. The Communist Party, undemocratically barred from the ballot in many states, itself looks for moral and political leadership to a regime which adopts the same policy toward its minority groups. The way is barred in that direction. T HIS survey leaves the well-intentioned voter in the midst of the well-known dilemma. Our high school teachers have been careful to im- press us with the obligation on the part of al good citizens to vote, never imagining a situ- tion such as this. Naturally none of us wishes to be a bad citizen, so I propose the following solu- tion. Let us all vote for Roger Babson for pres- ident. It may seem inappropriate for college stu- dents to vote for a Prohibition Party candidate, and yet any who do so have my complete assur- ance, along with Mr. Gallup's, that he can't pos- sibly win. At the same time, one can get satis- faction from the performance of a charitable act, for the poor man will get so few votes any- way that this seems a particularly fine thing to do. If the survey herein presented has served to clear up the confusion in any minds, it is not the fault of the writer nor of any political group mentioned. - Norman Alberts Clarifying The ASU Stand To the Editor: In yesterday morning's edition of The Daily was printed a brief statement of the attitude adopted by the American Student Union toward the conscripting of civilans for military service in the United States defense program. Because of the possibility of misinterpretation of the story, The Daily is printing a statement issued by the executive council of the American Student Union, clarifying that -organization's stand on the issue. The statement is as follows: "The ASU has not, nor does it now advocate the violation of any law. It does not propose that the conscription law be violated, nor that anyone should refuse to obey its 'provisions in any way. The ASU does believe that every effort should be made to secure the repeal of this law, which is meant to involve us in a foreign war and not to defend the American people. In the meanwhile we believe that the law must be ad- ministered fairly." This is the statement which appeared in The Daily : "Declaring itself to be directly opposed to con- scription as it is now provided for, the ASU held its first membership meeting of the new year last night in the Union." - The ASU The City Editor's SCRATCH PRD College students fancy themselves humorous. The Scratch Pad brings you college humor: * * * Dogs in Siberia are the fastest in the world because the trees are so far apart. * * * "Your girl is spoiled, isn't she?" "No, it's just the perfume she's wearing." '% * * "What are you doing with your socks on wrong side out?" "My feet got hot so I decided to turn the hose on them." * * * Poem: "His cross unseen His coffin bare Here lies the man Who wasn't there." rr' . - J \ ,,,, 7 r i 1 ,_ n ° CANrKE I T1 11SN \N }K r- f v'. I - eV , .n .1,, : ?=.t , Y ' +; f, S' ' ' '> } .i i{'I lp"{' iCa Y \. 141 4L11 r 1 ,u r " h a. #K- \ , { I I o\ Ii 1 I 11' -- - -- - DRAMA By JAMES DOLL It is not so very long ago that Martha Scott was making frequent appearances as a student actor at both the old Laboratory Theatre and the Mendelssohn. She returns to Ann Arbor in her second picture, The Howards of Virginia, now cur- rent at the Michigan. As Martha Ellen Scott she will be remembered as Helen in Berkeley Square, Bianca in Taming of the Shrew, Clementine in The Good Hope, and in The Im- portanee of Being Earnest, The Ro- mantic Young Lady, Mr. Pim Passes By and many others. Her experience at the University could probably be made into some sort of object lesson. Because Martha not only acted any part assigned to her whether it was a lead or an ex- tra, but also did props for two sea- sons for the Michigan Repertory Players. She would drive to Detroit in an old car early in the morning before rehearsals, hustle furniture around backstage between entrances and put her personality to practical use in convincing proprietors of local antique shops to loan their most val- uable stock in trade. Her career has been interesting and shows how difficult success in the theatre is even for an unusual talent. After graduating from the University (and collecting a teach- er's certificate) she played bits for the Detroit Civic Theatre in its last' days at the Bonstelle Playhouse. Meanwhile she made commercial movies in the' daytime and was very collegiate in still photographs made for motor car advertisements. Her first important professional engagement was for the Globe The- atre at the Chicago Century of Prog- ress where she played in the popular tabloid versions of Shakespeare. Thomas Wood Stevens, the director, had used her in many of his produc- tions during the three seasons he was guest director here for the Michigan Repertory Players. In the East she played in summer theatres where she was not seen by managers or agents and attracted no particular attention-or so the thought. However, when Jed Harris was casting the difficult part of Em- ily in Our Town he tried dozens of actresses. The part is unusually'dif- ficult because the girl is young in the early scenes and must have dramatic power in the last tragic scene in the cemetery. At one of the rehearsals when Jed Harris, who produced and directed it, was despairing of finding the right actress, Evelyn Varden, who was playing Mrs. Gibbs, took Mr Harris aside and said she knew a girl she thought might be just right foi the part. She had played with her i a summer theatre. So Martha Scott was located, made an immediate im- pression and was engaged for the part. Her success with the critics andpublic is known to everyone wh follows the theatre and playec during the long run of the play intc i- --- - AAff i-f.. J - a .... DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1940 VOL. LI. No. 11r Publication in the Daily OfficialC Bulletin is constructive notice tocall members of the University.X T Noticesf To the Members of the Universityt Council: There will be a meeting oft the University Council on Monday, October 14, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 A.H. AGENDA:1 Approval of the Minutes. Report of the Special Committee; Appointed to Study Publications, A.- Marin. Report of the Nominating Commit- tee for a Member of the Board of1 Governors of the Michigan Union, A. Marin. Subjects Offered by Members of the Council. Election of Vice-Chairman and Secretary. Appointment of Standing Com- mittees for 1940-1941. Reports of the Standing Commit- tees: Program and Policy, Stason; Educational Policies, Duffendack; Student Relations, Marin; Public Relations, Allen; Plant and Equip- ment, Schoepfle. Safety Warning: All pedestrians are urged to keep out of the Un- versity driveways and parking places except at regular sidewalk crossings. A number of narrow escapes from injuries have recently occurred. Sidewalks are provided for pedestri- ans. The driveways are for cars. It is not only dangerous to walk in the driveways but it is discourteous to motorists who do not have access to the sidewalks and grass. Eligibility Certificates: Due to fra- ternity pledging it will be impossible for the Dean of Students' Office to give out eligibility certificates on Fri- day, October 11. Group Hospitalization: The Busi- ness Office will accept new enroll- ments for group hospitalization un- der the plan of the Michigan Hos- pital Service until November 5. There- after enrollments again will be closed for a six months' waiting period until May 5, 1941. Circulars of informa- tion and enrollment cards may be ob- tained at the Business Office, Room 1, University Hall. Students in the College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts, who have been accepted for the Naval Train- ing Program, V-7: Students who have been accepted for this training and who will need to be absent from classes for an extended period of time, should consult with me at their early convenience, but in no case later than October 12. E. A. Walter To Deans, Directors, Department Heads and Others Responsible for Payrolls: Payrolls for the first sem- ester are ready for approval. This should be done at the Business Office before October 18 if checks are to be issued on October 31. Edna Geiger Miller, Payroll Clerk Students, College of Engineering: Sophomore, junior, and senior stu- dents who are working for degrees in any of the following departments are requested to report at the Sec- retary's Office, 263 West Engineer- ing Building, if they have not pre- viously done soy Five-year programs combined with industry; and Combinations of any two programs; Mathematics, or combinations of mathematical and technical pro- grams; Physics, or combinations; Astronomy, or combinations; Engineering-Law program; (Continued on Page 6) RADIOSPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 11240 KC- NBC Blue Friday Evening .6:00 Stevenson News Sport Review Rollin' Home Earle Wilde-Piano 6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast; Music '1The Factfinder 6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Time Day In Review 6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas " Evening Serenade 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring val Clare-News Josef Marais 7:15 Lanny Ross Dinner Music Red Grange " 7:30 Al Pearce People's Choice Carson Robison Lone Ranger 7:45 Al Pearce To Be Announced 8:00 Kate Smith Cities Service Hour To Be Announced Bishop & Gargoyle 8:15 Kate Smith " I 8:30 Kate Smith Russell Barnes Sinfonietta Death Valley Days 8:45 K. Smith; News Concert Orch. 9:00 Johnny Presents waltz Time Mormon Chorus Gang Busters 9:15 Johnny Presents Interlude" 9:30 Gd. Central Sta. Everyman's The'tre Com'nd Perf'mance John B. Kennedy 9:45 Gd. Central Sta. , " Concert Music 10:00 Believe It or Not Wings Of Destiny Canadian News Ray Gram Swing 10:15 Believe It or Not Britain Speaks News Ace