Weather Unsettled with shower ' k ian 4)att Editorial Latin Americans' Visits Have Significance . VOL. LI. No. 11 Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1940 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS . ..... #-2 PRsIEa FIE CENTi. s . Initial Forum Discussion Is Focused Upon Next President Huston And Huyett Defend Choice Of Businessman At November Election; Muehl And Suits Dissent Proposal Rejected By 87 To 68 Ballot This country must elect a practical businessman to the presidency if business confidence is to be regained and our institutions of private capi- talism and democracy are to be pre- served, John Huston, '41, Young Re- publican debater declared in opening the first Michigan Forum last night. Huston's proposition, however, was not left unquestioned for long by William Muehl '41, as he declared that the presidency is a job for a politician to fill, pointing out to an audience of 200 the failure of men like Grant, Wilson and Hoover to successfully lead the country as pres- ident though they were respectively a great general, political theoretician and businessman. "Businessman President" Debated The argument was all concerned with the statement, "Resolved, That the President of the United States Should Be a Practical Businessman," the first of a series of debate topics that will be disputed throughout the year in regular bi-weekly Forum dis- cussions. The resolution failed to gain thei approval of the audience, receiving1 an 87 to 68 setback; however, a con-i siderable number of those present declined to make a decision as the question resolved itself into a choicei between Roosevelt and Willkie. Y "No Choice," Says Suits In fact even one of the main speak- ers, Dan Suits, Grad., disagreed witht his colleague:.Muehl,-and his toppo- nents, Dan Huyett, '42, and Huston,t maintaining that it wouldn't make any difference if Willkie or Roosevelt were president in the next four years. "A plague on both your houses," Suits paraphrased Shakespeare in declaring his conviction that war abroad and our defense programI would ,temper our life more than Roosevelt or Willkie might. A heated discussion from the floor followed the rebuttals given by Huy- ett and Suits. Chairman James Du- senberry, Grad., was frequently called upon to remind the audience that other Forums were to come, as the cross-fire of remarks tended to wan- der from the question stated in the resolution. Audience Challenged Arguments The debaters themselves were drawn into the general discussion as members of the audience challenged their arguments. Huston elaborated his conviction that a practical busi- nessman should be elected, stressing the need for drawing out the four billionsof idle capital in the country into the productive processes of our economy. Roosevelt has discouraged investment with a hostile attitude and repressive policies, Huston mai- tained. On the other hand Muehl was equally adamant in his conviction that Mr. Willkie should be defeated. Mr. Willkie has said that we must first have recovery, and then social and economic reforms will follow, Muehl pointed out. But we can't have recovery without these very re- forms of an admittedly stagnant capitalism, Muehl contended. 700 Alumni To Leave N.Y. For Harvard Ballots To Be Distributed Today For Faculty Presidential Vote Andrew To Have In Straw Vote To All-Campusl c: _ Charge Similar Ballot A group of more Mnan twenty stu- dents under the direction of Gordon Andrew, '42, Congress personnel di- rector, will distribute ballots today to all University department offices for the Independent Men's Associa- tion Faculty Straw Vote beginning tomorrow. According to the plan proposed by Albert P. Blaustein, '42, activities di-I rector, enough ballots for every mem- ber of the faculty will be distributedI by noon Saturday. Voting begins at that time and will last until 4 p.m. Wednesday when they will be col- lected. Counting will probably take place Thursday evening and the re- sults will be announced in Friday's Daily. The ballot which is to be used is the same as the one used in the Con- tress All-Campus Student Straw Vote during registration week. Voters will again have the opportunity to select candidates from the Democratic, Re- publican, Socialist, Communist and Prohibition parties and use the space provided for write-in votes. In the student voting, an estimated 48 percent of the graduates and un- dergraduates cast ballots and the Pro-Ally Group MeetsMonday Prof. Ehrmann To SpeakT Of Allies' War Aims f The Ann Arbor branch of the Com-f mittee to Defend America by AidingX the Allies will hold a general meet-N ing at 8 p.m. Monday in the Rack-c ham Lecture Hall. 1/ A feature of the meeting will be an address by Prof. Howard M. Ehr-Y mann, of the history department onN "Some War Aims of the Allies.", This national organization wasr founded by William Allen White.c noted newspaper editor. It has '700 branches throughout the country anda claims to have been successful in or- ganizing American support of thee Administration and Congress int sending war materials to Britain. The Ann Arbor membership includes Uni-t versity and townspeople. Its chair-Y man is, Prof. Bradley M. Davis. t hope that a larger percentage of the faculty would be polled was expresse( yesterday by both Andrew and Blau, stein. "A great deal of interesting wort will be done in this poll as well as ir many other of the activities planne< by the Independent Men's Associa. tion for the coming year," Gordor said, "and all independents are re- quested to try out soon by contact. ing either myself or William H. Rock- well, '41, president." Those who have thus far been se- lected to help in the Straw Vote are David Panar, '41E, David Lachen- bruch, '42, Robert DeLine, Grad., Herman Epstein, '41, Herbert Lon- don, '43, Joseph Francati, '43E, My- ron Dann, '43, and Gerald Schaf- lander; '42. Farce Chosen As. First Play, Windt Reveals 'Three Men On A Horse' To Be Initial Production For Dramatic Season "Th"re Men on a Horse," by John Cecil Holm and George Abbot, will be the initial presentation for Play Production, and will run from Wed., Oct. 30 to Sat., Nov. 2, Prof. Valentine Windt, director of the group, an- nounced yesterday. The play, which is a fast moving farce in the Abbot tradition, was chosen to fit in with the spirit of the football season, Professor Windt ex- plained. "Also," he added, "I think with the world the way it is, people, will want to go to the theatre to laugh." A comedy of men who play the horse races, "Three Men on a Horse" was a success in New York and ran for over a year. It also had a well received tour in cities all over the country. Abbot is a producer as well as an author and his high school farce, "What a Life," was one of the com- edy high spots of the Summer Reper- tory season. The play just closed a successful two weeks' run in Boston. Its title has been changed to "Boyd's Daugh- ter." Tension High As Citizens Leave Orient Japanese Minister States That Pact Is For Peace; Not Aimed Against U.S. Shanghai's Mayor Is Assassinated J As Nazis Near Bucharest; RAF Bomb French Coast British Legation Flees SHANGHAI, Oct. 11 (Friday) --(A')--Japan's Chinese puppet Mayor of Shanghai was slashed to death today in his hideaway bed despite a protective force of 20 private guards iii the fortified Japanese stronghold of Hong- kew. WASHINGTON, Oct. 10.-(iP) -In rapid-fire order, the United States today ordered reinforce- ments in Hawaii, great American outpost in the Pacific, called out 5,700 Marine Corps Reserves and cut off the shipment of 10 war- planes to Thailand (Siam). (By The Associated Press) TOKYO, Oct. 10,- Under Japan's questioning eyes, the Washington- advised withdrawal of American citi- zens from the Orient gained head- way tonight amid nervous tension and a deepening American convic- tion that Tokyo-Washington rela- tions were nearing a zero hour. Panic was undiscernible among the women and children who sought pri- ority, but haste was apparent on many sides. Households were broken'up rapidly, furniture packers were swamped with orders and banks jammed with for- eigners seeking to transfer funds. As though to ease the possibility of an "awful catastrophe," Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka declared in a broadcast today that the new German-Italian-Japanese treaty "is a peace pact directed for the United States and not against the United States." "I wish earnestly that such a pow- erful nation as the United States in particular and all other nations at present neutral do not become in- volved in the European War or come by any chance into conflict with Ja- pan because of the China incident or otherwise." __.. _ ., w WE^- MiO G OLIA ,,;""i""", .e- a f"',adivostOk ffff """" i"" -", "" aae' JAPANESE LAND AT tia~" a * sssss * asaBRITISHNAL T/W PEI.:' /'',L5TtJ TIENT.IN.s U KUNG 0 MAY 8041MYLL su .1 g e "", : * POAO.. ,os, "a.. --FROM C H IN ANANKING f HANKOW ,.. , "0fSHANGHAI HUNGKING '... AMERICANS CROWD gg .g STEAMSHIP AGENCIES :"8 UBItA' REPORT 700 JAPANESE FORMOSA ASLUALTIES/N BATTLE '.(J UMA UNMING ,. ... .:. .. ."' "s Cs A ON s e~"." ',.Visi.V. HONGKONG ofia fs~ . .NANNiNG Oi iILANOIICROWN EC aD. INDO- 'Cac CHINA'" RGONPHIL IPPINE Ra~r4 Air Force Launches Heavy Attack On Nazi Positions; Krupp Factory Ablaze Report Bombers. Saluted In Holland LONDON, Oct. 10. -(/P)- Bombs burst in red clusters of fire along mile after mile of the Nazi-held French coast tonight in a furious British aerial counter-offensive cen- tered upon the German big gun posi- tions at Cap Gris Nez and the nearby port of Calais. The attack was launched soon after the German artillery, sending over salvoes of four shells at a time, had ended a 15-minute bombardment of the Dover shore. British bombers went over in heavy force, plunging through a southwes- terly gale and dropping down sud- denly from the rain clouds hanging low over the French side of the Chan- nel. The assault upon Calais was one of particular violence and seemed to extend several miles into the French mainland, for the coast was silhou- etted against the glare of exploding, bombs. It was resumption of one of the; mightiest British attacks yet made, during which bombers Wednesday, night and early today were declared, to have set off a fire every minuteI upon the German-held coast from Amsterdam to Le Havre. They struck far inland, too, with explosive and fire bombs upon a dozen vital cen- ters of the German war machine. British pilots returned late in the day with stories of heavy damageF -"enemy" destroyers hit in the French port of Brest . . . great blazes1 left raging in the Krupp munitions factory in Essen-and with the word, too, that one of their bombers had1 been cheerfully and openly saluted by the people in German-held Hol- land. Nazis Bomb England With Steel Hurricane (By The Associated Press) LONDON, Oct. 11 (Friday) - Sweeping in on the wings of a whistling gale, German bombers spread over all England early today, loosing a man-made hurricane of steel and fire from Liverpool to Lon- don. In a broad-scale variation of their nightly raids on the capital, the Nazi Luftwaffe roared over in groups, then spread out to spray bombs on the great west coast port, then points in the north, northeast and southeast while London was undergoing its usual nightly pounding. A number of casualties were treat- ed in one northern town after a high explosive bomb wrecked a half dozen houses. Rescue workers dug fran- tically into the wreckage for a num- ber of other victims, including chil- dren. Five bombs exploded in quick suc- cession in a working district at Liver- pool, but only a few casualties were reported there. After jettisoning his bombs into the sea, one raider flew inland over, another northern holiday resort and fired bursts of machine-gun fire. Bullets bounced off housetops as the1 populace took to cover. Students Requested To Call For Books All those patrons of the Student Book Exchange who have received postcards informing them that the Exchange holds' their unsold books1 are requested to call for their prop-1 erty between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. today1 in Room 304 of the Michigan Union,f it was announced yesterday by Rob- ert Samuels, '42, of the Union execu- tive staff. Unless the textbooks are claimedt by today they will be forfeited to the Exchange, Samuels warned. Thet Book Exchange ceased its fourth1 season of operations last Wednesday. It was the most successful year yet for the Exchange, a record number of used books passing through the facilities of the organization, Sam- Kirke Simpson Interpreting The News (Associated Press Staff Writer) Except for the first daylight bomb- ing over Germany, which accented the expanding British counter-of- fensive, a negative and oddly-worded item from Italy most intrigues this observer in the day's grist of war news. It comes from Padua. There Mus- solini closed a significant inspection of his shock divisions with a per- sonal appearance before 200,000 roaring Italians, gathered in tense expectancy, and-"refrained from any speech or hint of Axis intent." That was a striking let-down from a great buildup. If Britain's war leaders knew its meaning they might be greatly encouraged, because it could conceivably signify that some- thing has gone awry in the Axis planning. The controlled Fascist press has built up great expectation in Italy of earth-shaking war developments to follow the recent meeting of Hitler and Mussolini in Brenner Pass. It had visioned Padua as the place where some glimpse of what impend- ed might be revealed by Il Duce as the Axis man of the hour. Yet he "refrained" from speech although Rome had previously advised of ar- rangements for an international ra- dio hookup to broadcast it. Perhaps it was Axis disappoint- ment over British and American re- action to the German-Italian-Japan- ese pact that changed the Padua program and held I Duce silent. There is ample evidence that more, not less, Anglo-American coopera- tion is flowing from that political flank attack. Labor Protests Delay Approval of Draft Board Unions Attack Dickinson Appointments; Demand Better Representation WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. -(M)- The White House was reported un- officially today to be delaying ap- proval of the recommendations of Gov. Luren D. Dickinson of Michigan for that state's draft board because of protests from labor and other groups. Several protests have been sent to Washington by labor unions and by some professional organizations with the result, it was reported, that Ma- jor Daniel E. Gould, attached to the regular Army here, has conducted an investigation in Michigan. Edmund C. Shields, Democratic National Committeeman, has charg- ed that Dickinson's recommendations were "political." Labor unions have demanded a better representation for labor. , Both CIO and AFL unions charged discriminations against la- bor. Registration day, on which the draft board will begin work, is next Wednesday. 'Boyd's Shop' Appears In New York Opening "Boyd's Shop," St. John Ervine's play which had its world premiere production in last year's Ann Arbor Drama Festival, is opening tonight at the Booth Theatre in New York. Starring in the play will be Whit- ford Kane, noted Irish actor and director, who was guest director in the Repertory Season this past sum- mer. Also appearing will be most of the original cast of the Ann Arbor production. Political Quiz Bee To Be Held Today Turkey Presses Demands While Anglo-Rumanian Relations Near Break Britain, U.S. Study Sanction On Japan (By The Associated Press) BUCHAREST, Oct. 10.-Half a dozen swastika-flying German troop- ships moved down the Danube, bring- ing additional Nazi forces to Ru- mania today, and the British Lega- tion began destroying secret docu- ments preparatory to getting out be- fore they arrive. Simultaneously, indications that a break in British-Rumanian relations is only a matter of hours were heigh- tened by the announcement the coun- sellors and press attaches of the Ru- manian legation in London had re- signed, leaving only a skeleton staff in the British capital. Rumania has been without a minister in Lon- don since J-uly 25, when its envoy, Virgil Tilea, was recalled. Turkey Accuses Rumania Britain's non belligerent ally, Tur- key, accused Aumania of not living up to a contract to deliver petroleum. Turkish trade representatives here informed the Rumanian government 'that payment in advance, in dollars, must hereafter be made for ship- ments of Turkish cotton. Under an agreement signed last month Turkey was to exchange cot- ton for oil. Germans Reported In Rumania (Informed sources in Berlin, ac- knowledging for the first time that German troops .already were in Ru- mania,-saidonly a few air force units had arrived. They said other units would follow to "make German guar- antees in Rumania a reality" and that they would remain "only so long as needed." (The Berlin radio broadcast a Bucharest dispatch asserting an offi- cial order had directed discontinu- ing of oil shipments to Turkey and Greece, non belligerent allies of Bri- tain. The ban on shipments to Greece was reported in Athens dis- patches yesterday.) Pacific Cooperation Sighted For U.S., Birtain (By The Associated Press) LONDON, Oct. 10. -Britain and the United States are canvassing the whole question of cooperation in the Pacific', as well as the possibility of joint action in withholding war sup- plies to Japan, the British govern- ment disclose~ today. Guardedly answering or parrying questions in the House of Commons Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs R. A. Butler refrained from giving the exact status of the discussions, asserting merely that "certain talks have taken place which are of con- siderable importance." Pressed for an answer as to wheth er they are continuing, Butler re- plied "I would not say that they are concluded." Liberal Geoffrey L. Mander asked whether, in view of reports the United States recently approved the export of up to 1,0000,000 tons of oil to Japan, Butler would consider repre- sentations to Washington for con- current action to prevent further supply of oil to Japan. "His Majesty's government under- stands the prohibition placed by the United States government on the export of oil relates only to certain grades," Butler replied. "They (the British government) are and have been in touch with the United States on the matter." I ' - ' Courtesy Still Exists On Roads Of Michigan Somewhere on this campus a stu- dent will be gratified to hear that the "courtesy of the road" is not a legend. The Daily received a letter yester- day from a worried gentleman who is trying to locate the owner of a re- versible topcoat left in his car on -an In - 4.s ® .. sc + +++ Tokyo newspapers said Japanese planes-which have new Indo-China Dases-would close the strategic Burma Road with bombs if Britain reopens it Oct. 17. Chinese reported a bitter battle at Chennankwan pass on the Indo-China border, with 700 Japanese casualties. Area with checked shading is approximate zone of Japanese influence or occupation. * * P * * * * *f U. S._Can' V Bluff Japan, Prof Says More than 700 Michigan Alumni leave New York City today on the chartered S. S. Saint John headed for the Harvard football game and one of the largest alumni reunions organized. A contingent of the Michigan Band will sail with the members of the New York Club, which is sponsoring the trip, on the 10,000-ton liner. The ship sports six decks, promenades, sun decks, a veranda terrace and a silver and ebony ballroom where the band will play. Special rates were By EDWARD GROSSBERG Japan will not be diverted from her fundamental 'objectives in Asia by empty threats that do not carry the will to go to war, Professor Jo- seph R. Hayden, chairman of the Political Science Department, de- clared in an interview yesterday. Professor Hayaen, who has spent many years in the Far East, and re- cently held the position of Vice- Governor of the Philippines, and for a short period was Acting Governor still available although the price is higher. Our policy is one of leading Japan to respect our treaty rights and general rights under International Law by bringing pressure to bear but at the same time attempting to avoid any act which might cause a con- flict, he declared. Sanctions Would Be Serious Discussing the possibilities of joint Anglo-American action in placing an embargo on all goods to Japan, Pro- Although the Philippines are not at present of much vital importance to us as a source of raw materials, he continued, the potentialities of the islands are extremely great. Referring to Japan's war in China, Professor Hayden commented that the effort has caused living costs in Japan to skyrocket and the people are undergoing severe hardships. The occupation of strategic mili- tary and naval bases by Japan in French Indo-China is of the utmost