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October 10, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-10

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Michigan Forum- -
Is It Going Too Far?..

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication

VOL. LI. No. 10.








Is Forum Subject
Young Republicans, Huyett And Huston,
Will Dispute Liberals, Muehl And Suits,
In Initial Meeting Of Debate Programs
Two young Republicans, Dan Huyett, '42, and John Huston, '41, will
defend the proposition, "Resolved, That the President of the United States
Should Be a Practical Businessman," when they meet campus liberals Dan
Suits, Grad., and William Muehl, '41, in the first meeting of the Michigan
Forum at 7:45 p.m. today in the North Lounge of the Union.
Today's Forum meeting will inaugurate a series of public debates that
will feature student leaders disputing current economic, political and social
issues in regular bi-weekly sessions throughout the year. Prominent public
leaders will also be invited to participate in the Forums at various times
during the year to debate students on issues.
Sponsored by the Student Senate in conjunction with the League, Union
and Daily the Michigan Forum is-

Faculty Vote
Will Be Held
By Congress
BallotingFor Presidency
To Last From Saturday
Until 4 P.M. Wednesday
Blaustein To Head
Voting Committee

Dr. Dykstra
May Receive
Top Draft Job
U. Of Wisconsin President
Confers With Roosevelt,
War Department Head
Senate Passes Home
Guard Defense Bill

To Meet Eastern


Pacific Fleet Reinforced

Krupp Works Set Ablaze

Munitions Plant
By RAF; Nazi
Strike Back At


Band Entrains


guided by a non-partisan sponsoring
committee comprised of Robert Reed,
'41, Virginia Lee Hardy, '41, Douglas
Gould, '41, and Hervie Haufler,,'41,
respective officers of the sponsoring
Dusenberry Is Chairman
James Dusenberry, Grad., js pro-
gram chairman and will also act as
the chairman of today's Forum. Har-
old Osterweil, '41, is executive secre-
tary of the Forum, and Prof. Arthur
Smithies of the economics depart-
ment is an honorary member of the
sponsoring committee.%
The embryo of an institution for
frequent airing of all shades of
thought on the Michigan campus has
been forming for some time in the
discussions of the Student Senate.
Last May a trial in this direction
drew a capacity crowd of 600 to hear
the Witt, Preuss and Smithies debate
on the question, "Can America Keep
Out of the War."
Forum Similar To Oxford Plan
The organization of the Forum, it-
self, will closely approximate the fa-
mous Oxford Union at Oxford Uni-
versity. Two or more main speakers
will open debate on the question be-
fore each Forum meeting, and, after
rebutals are made, the chairman will
entertain questions and remarks
from the general public. During and
following the floor discussion the
vote on the debate will be tabulated
by having all those members of the
audience ,who favor the affirmative
depart on the right of the exit post
while those whose inclinations lie
with the negative are to leave on the
left. The doorman will count the
Phrasing of questions for future
meetings will be decided by the spon-
soring committee with the aid of the
program chairman and executive
secretary. 'Up until the time of the
national election on Nov. 5 the Forum
viill consider questions that revolve
about national issues. After that
time current issues will form the sub-
ject for Forum discussions.
Speakers will also be selected by
the sponsoring committee so as to
encourage the articulation of every
possible opinion on the campus. Any-
one interested in speaking at future
Forums are requested to contact the
executive secretary, Osterweil, as
soon as possible.
Law School Award
Is Given To Ritchie
Stark Ritchie, '41L, has been named
recipient of the Henry M. Bates
Award by the Law School Scholar-
ship Committee, it was ,announced
yesterday by Dean E. Blythe Stason
of the Law Schobl.
The scholarship, valued at $200 a
year, is awarded each year to a high
ranking student of the senior class.
It is awarded not only on the basis
of membership on the student board
of the Law Review, but the qualities
of leadership, integrity and scholar-
ship-are also evaluated in deciding the
The scholar.ship is given by an
anonymous donor in honor of Dean
Emeritus Henry M. Bates.
Perspectives Publication
Is To Come Out Oct. 27
Tentative publication date for the
first issue of Perspectives, campus
literary magazine, is Sunday, Oct. 27,
Ellen Rhea, '41, editor in chief of the
publication announced yesterday.
All those interested in working on
the staff as editorial assistants or as

ROTC Armory
Board Awaits
Washington OK
With the attention of University
military and naval training officials
focussed on the proposed ROTC ar-
mory, planning work is virtually at a
halt, awaiting advice from Washing-
ton, D.C, on the proper procedure in
submitting tentative plans and re-
questing an appropriation of funds
for the building.
Money for the armory is expected
to come from an emergency fund
recently awarded the War and Navy
Departments. Advice of these bodies
and of an organization of college
and University representatives on
procurement methods is expected
within a week.
A meeting will be held at 5 p.m.
today in the Student Offices for
all sophomores and second-semes-
ter freshmen who are interested
in trying out for the Union staff,
Douglas Gould, '41, president of
the Union, announced yesterday.
Preliminary plans and sketches of
the proposed armory have been com-
pleted by the Advisory Committee on
Military Affairs and theprofessors
of military and naval science and
. Cost of the building has been esti-
mated at $750,000, according to Com-
mittee Chairman Prof. Lewis Gram.
This sum, he said, should provide
ROTC units with adequate housing,
including drill floors, class rooms,
offices, an arsenal, an ammunition
magazine and a rifle range.
The armory will, according to pres-
ent plans, be a three-story brick
structure, located on Washington
Street between the Health Service
and the University laundry building.
It is planned to cover a ground area
of approximately 31,000 square feet.
Planning work on the armory be-
gan shortly after a recent statement
by President Ruthven that present
ROTC housing facilities had long
been considered inadequate for the
size of units at the University. With
increased military training enroll-
ment and the advent of naval work
this yreasrhe emphasized,dthe need
for increased housing was made pro-
portionately greater.

The faculty will have a
register its preference for
-)f the United States this
bert P. Blaustein, '42, Co
tivities Chairman and chi
the voting, announced at
first tryout meeting last n
Following the procedur
gress' All-Campus Straw
during registration week,
Faculty vote will proceed
tomorrow. It is expected
faculty members will rec
ballots by Saturday noon.
Plan Is Describe
Under the plain each n
was requested to con tact
department or college and
proper ballots. After face
bers have marked theirl
the ballots wi'l be colle
deadline for voting will1
The organizational m
Congress last night in the S
room of the Union, drew a l
ber of independent men w]
to participate in the activi
Independent Men's Associa
liam H. Rockwell, '41, pre
the meeting. Blaustein a!
Andrew, '42, delivered shor
which they explained the
of Congress.
Willkie Led
In Congress' All-Camp
Vote registration week, Wer
kie was victorious by a th
majority, having attained2
over 1,825 for President'
Only 48 per cent of the stu
registered their choices in
tion, Blaustein commente
is hoped that we will do mi
than that in the facuayX
complete ovve cast inr t
vote was 4,889. Minority
Thomas and Krueger rec
votes, Browder and Ford
and Babson and Moorman
tion) 18 ballots.
Father, Son Suici
Follow Same P
Waldrenmer Rentz, the 4
son, was found vesterdav

chance to WASHINGTON, Oct. 9.-(A)-Dr.
president Clarence A. Dykstra, president of the
week, Al- University of Wisconsin, took under
consideration tonight the question
ngress Ac- whether he would accept the job of
airman of draft director.
Congress' Dykstra conferred with President
ght in the Roosevelt and Secretary of War
Stimson during the day. Talking to
e of Con- reporters afterward, he did not say
Vote held the post actually was offered him,
the All- but asserted the President had dis-
beginning cussed it with him. It was a matter
that the requiring "some consideration" he
ceive their said. Should Dykstra be appointed
before Oct. 16, he would supervise
d ,he registration and conscripting of
zew tryout men of the ages of 21 through 35.
a snecific Oct. 16 has been fixed as the regis-
supply the tration date.
ulty mem-ji Home Guard Bill Passed
preference On another defense front, the Sen-
cted. The ate passed a bill authorizing "Home
be 4 p.m. Guards" in states whose National
Guard units are in Federal Service.
eeting of The legislation goes back to the
Small Ball- House for action on Senate amend-
large num- ments, one of which would place the
vho wished Home Guard units under supervision
ties of the of the Secretary of War. This change
.tion. Wil- was designed to meet complaints by
sided over organized labor that the House-ap-
nd Gordon proved measure would have made
rt talks in possible the formation of "vigilante"
functions groups to suppress unions.
Other defense developments:
President Roosevelt signed the Ex-
us Straw cess Profits Tax Bill. Besides placing
ndell Will- levies on profits in excess of "nor-
ree to two mal," the measure carries provisions
2,676 votes to encourage industrial expansion in
Roosevelt. the production of defense materials.
udent body It permits manufacturers to deduct
the elec- from their taxable incomes over a
d, "and it five-year period the entire cost of
uch better facilities completed for defense pur-
poll." Te poses after June 10, 1940.
he student Negroes Discussed
candidates 2. Mr. Roosevelt directed the War
ceived 204 Department to go ahead with a pol-
l°99 votes icy of utilizing the services of Ne-
(Prohibi- groes on a "fair and equitable basis"
in the defense program.
3. The Navy announced. 15 manu-
facturers had been authorized to
des construct, with government funds,
additional shipbuilding and ordnance
Pattern facilities at a total cost of $96,961,146.
The government would retain title
0-year-old to the new facilities, but they would
in a corn be privately operated.

Nazis Concentrate
On Railroad Lines
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Oct. 9. -Britain's night
bombers have set ablaze the center
of the great German Krupp Works
at Essen, left the oil refineries in
Hamburg a ring of spreading fire
and pounded the naval base of Wil-
helmshavenwith more thand15tons
of bombs, the Air Ministry disclosed
Sweeping in over the glowing, new-
ly-bombed "invasion coast," waves
of Royal Air Force bombers struck
deep into Germany last night for
a series of assaults that rivaled any
previous foray.
First of all, the bombers swept in
from the North Sea on Bremen. Of-
ficials said the raid began at 8:15
p.m. and "for the next hour and a
half the whole area was systemat-
ically bombed with nigh explosives
and incendiaries."
"The docks were repeatedly hit.
Fourteen fires were started in the
first part of the attack," the official
narrative said.
At the sprawling port of Hamburg,
the raiders attacked in waves.
The invasion ports, particularly
Calais, got it hard. The harbor at
Calais was bombed for eight hours;
quays at Flushing, The Netherlands,
were attacked heavily; direct hits
were reported scored on the docks at
Le Havre; Boulogne's searchlights
were smashed.
Germans Smash
Railway Lines
BERLIN, Oct. 9.-German bomb-
ers smashed railway communications
vital to the job of supplying London
today, informed sources declared, in
new aerial assaults upon Britain.
Hit, too, said DNB, the official
German News Agency, was a gas
works in an English southeast coastal
city; airport near London, and a
merchant ship lying in an east coast
harbor. At the, airport, it was said,
hangars and barracks were destroyed.
All this capped an earlier an-
nouncement by the High Command
that a single German fighting plane
had scored several hits on a British
troop transport in an attack upon
five such _ships, all "fully-occupied,"
moving about 125 miles off the Scot-
tish coast under protection of an
armed convoy. The vessel, estimated
at 20,000 tons, the communique add-
ed, "stopped and lay motionless."
Nothing was said as to loss of life
aboard the transport.

For Eventful
Eastern Trip


* * *
The University of Michigan Band
boarded a special east-bound train
at 8:00 a.m. today, starting on the
first lap of an event-packed journey
that will bring them eventually to
the Michigan-Harvard football clash.
One hundred and thirty-one musi-
cians are making the trip, which is
sponsored by the Buick Motor Cor-
poration, accompanied by Prof. Wil-
liam D. Revelli, conductor. Herbert
C. Watkins, faculty manager, Lt. Col.
Robert M. Kunz, drillmaster, and as-
sistant dean Walter B. Rea.
The band will follow one of the
mostdstrenuous schedules ever ar-
ranged for a football trip. Arriving
in New York City tomorrow, the
band will play for a Buick dealers'
luncheon at the Commodore Hotel.
The group will then split number, 40
men continuing on to Boston via the
special New York Alumni Club's ex-
cursion, boat, with more than 700
alumni aboard. The rest of the band
will go directly to Boston by train.
Saturday morning the group is to
performdat a Buick dealers' breakfast
in Boston, and Saturday afternoon
make their appearance at theefoot-
ball game, where they will exhibit
the same formations shown to the
campus at the Michigan State clas-
Following the game the band will
parade through downtown Boston
streets to the Copley-Plaza Hotel to
take part in the entertainment at a
Michigan Alumni banquet. Another
:arade will take them after the ban-
quet to the Statler Hotel where they
are to stay until train time at mid-

TensionpBelieved Eased
As Diplomatic Activity
Is ReportedSlackened
Sec'y Knox Doubts
Immediate Conflict
WASHINGTON, Oct. 9.,-(M-The
Navy continued today to prepare for
a possible emergency in the Pacific,
but a slackening of diplomatic ac-
tivity appeared to reflect diminished
tension generally in administration
quarters ove the Far Eastern situa-
Secretary Knox announced after
talks with high naval strategists dur-
ing the week that the personnel of
the fleet now in the Pacific would be
reinforced immediately to raise it to
full strength. He said 4,200 men
would join the fleet at once and sail
back to Hawaii with the warships
now on the West Coast undergoing
War Unlikely Now
At the press conference at which
he announced the fleet reinforce-
ment, Knox answered a number of
questions concerning the Far East
He said he did not concur in a pub-
lished statement that the adminis-
tration feared war with Japan in 15
days. "I don't think anybody knows,"
he added.
A number of officials showed less-
ened preoccupation with the Orient
as a potential danger spot.
Responsible in some measure for
this was Japan's reaction to the Brit-
ish notice that the Burma Road
would be reopened for supplies to
China and also Japanese reaction to
the state department's advice to
Americans in the Far East to con-
sider coming home.
There was no apparent tendency
in Japan to magnify the Burma Road
decision as an incident likely to lead
to immediate drastic reprisals.
Americans Flee Far East
At the same time the Tokyo foreign
office spokesman, Yakichiro Suma,
expressed surprise at the American
move to get nationals out of the Far
East. He said "We can't understand
thet necessity of it,' and added that
Japan had no intention of advising
Japanese in the United States to re-
turn home.
Secretary Hull was asked at his
press conference whether special
transportation arrangements were
being made to expedite the removal
of Americans from the Far East. He
replied that the first step was to find
out how many wanted to come and
that the shipping question would be
considered next.
Registrars List
Is Announced
Local Draft Registration
Plans Near Completion
With the announcement yesterday
of draft registrars for Washtenaw
County by Mrs. Luella Smith, county
clerk, plans for the Selective Service
registration of all men between 21
and 35 in this area are nearing com-
Separate registration for out-of-
town University students under the
direction of Dr. Robert L. Williams,
assistant University registrar, were
announced yesterday.
City clerks, assisted by supervisors
from the cities, will conduct regis-
tration in Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti and
A school for the instruction of all
those assisting in the registration
work will be held 8 p.m. tomorrow in
the council rooms of the City Hall,
Fred C. Perry stated.
A. B. Cook will be chief registrar
in University Hospital and Dr. O. R.

Yoder will direct registration in Ypsi-
lanti State Hospital.
Registrars for Ann Arbor are as
City clerk, Fred C. Perry; super-
visor, first ward, Fitch D. Forsythe;
second ward, Harold J. Finkbeiner;
third ward, Fred J. Williams; fourth
ward, Lewis C. Rhoades; fifth ward,
William C. Manchester; sixth ward,
Herbert P. Wagner; seventh ward,
Jesse E. Coller.

house on the farm of Oscar Weber,
his guardian, near Saline. He was
hanging by a rope suspended from
the rafters, the top of his head blown
off by a shotgun lying at his feet.
Dr. Edward C. Ganzhorn pronounced
him a suicide.
The father, Christ Rentz, set him
an exact suicide example the early
part of this year. Waldrenmer had
twice been committed to the Ypsi-
lanti State Hospital, and twice re-
British Warning Ignored
MOSCOW,, Oct. 9.-(R')-Winston
Churchill's declaration in the British
House of Commons yesterday that
the Japanese-German-Italian Alli-
ance was in a secondary sense
"pointed at Russia" was ignored to-
day by the Soviet Press.

Prof.White Heads Research Group
In Metals For National Defense

Nature Of Man2
To Be Subject
Of SRA Talks;
Varied Theological ViewsE
To Be Given By Four
In Third Annual Series
Outstanding in their respective
fields, a scientist, theologian, philos-
opher, and rabbi will present their
viewpoint of "The Nature of Man,"
topic of the third annual lecture
series on religion sponsored by the
Student Religious Association begin-
ning Oct. 17 in Rackham Auditor-
Appearing first on the program
will be Dr. Martin Fischer, who as.
a professor of physics at the Univer-
sity of Cincinnati is noted for his
research on colloidal structures. In
addition to his radical hypotheses he
is known for his distinction in paint-
Following this colorful medical lec-
turer, Dr. Robert Calhoun, professor
of historical theology at Yale's Di-
vinity School, will express the views
of a liberal protestant Oct. 22.
Dr. Abba Hillel Silver, whoehas
been Rabbi of the Temple of Cleve-
land for the past 23 years and a lead-
er in current social movements, will
appear Oct. 30. Known as a pioneer
in unemployment insurance and civil
liberties, he is a member of the Na-
tional Child Labor Commission and
of the American Civil Liberties
Concluding the series will be Fa-
ther Slavin of the Catholic Univer-
sity of America, who has attracted
attention in educational circesn for

In an attempt to coordinate all re-
search activity in the country that
has any connection with war, the.

the metallurgical engineering de-i
partment as chairman of the sub-
committee on metals.1
Serving directly under Dr. James'
B. Conant, president of Harvard Uni-
versity, Professor White will work at
organizing all the research in his
field throughout the nation and pre-
senting the results to the main group
from time to time. It is believed that'
this type of work will be of great aid'
in speeding up defense both in the
army and navy.
Director of the University's Engi-
neering Research Department, Pro-
fessor White will devote his time
mainly to those problems which do
not have to be solved immediately.
"The army and navy will have to get

Conscription Act Involves Threat
To Minorities, Prof. Fuller Says

No matter how well-intentioned
the administration of the Conscrip-
tion Act may be, it is certain to in-
volve hazards for minority groups in
the United States, Prof. Richard C.
Fuller of the sociology department
declared in an interview yesterday.
r Professor Fuller predicted that
probably only conscientious objectors
who base their petitions for exemp-
tion on adherence to a belief in de-
nominational religion will be ex-
cused from serving in the draft army.
Personal conscience or objection to
conscription on the basis of one's
political philosophy will no doubt be
considered inadequate cause for ex-
emption by the local draft boards, he
Draft Will Upset Family
The disturbance to traditional
family and neighborhood relation-
ships, which is certain to result from
the setting up of a conscript army,
will undoubtedly contribute to com-
munity instability, Professor Fuller
To offset this probable develop-

status of labor in the conscription
program include speculation aboutl
the ultimate fate of the recent gains
made by organized labor, Professort
Fuller pointed out. "Will it be un-
patriotic to demand fair wages, fair
hours and collective bargaining pro-
Professor Fuller stressed the diffi-
culties of working out a practical,
program to fulfill clauses providing
for the reemployment of conscripted
men by their employers. "Since the
Act's present proviso seems to1
amount to merely a statement of
ideal policy, labor may encounter a
number of obstacles in its attempts to
regain employment."
Provides Reemployment
The Act provides that an employer
restore a worker; to his job if he is
still "qualified" and if the employer's
"circumstances" remain unchanged,
Professor Fuller pointed out. "What
this will mean to labor in the future
is at best problematical."
The conscription of industry, as in
the first World War, will probably be

} I

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