THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE NE Oj( tye loc/ It's not often you get a hermit, disguised as a beanpole, to confide - the secret of his success-how he's managed to evade the succulent charms of dark-eyed damsels for three long years, and in a town where this contagion is practically irresist- able. (See Arboretum, trail one, path. three.) t. So when the mystery concerning this seeming indifference of our hero, $o the eternal feminine was finally nveiled, it came as a distinct shock. It was so utterly simple in its revela- tion of the following: "Two weeks in a four-walled room: or, Why girls stay home." The action continues in detail. Quoth our hero: "Why do girls in- sist on making dates two weeks in advance? They ought to be required to pay a luxury tax every.time they, regiment a man's life by saying: I'm busy tomorrow, but I won't be doing anything a week from next Friday.' H1ow do I know," he stormed, "that. I'll have either time or money left, by a week from this Friday. "The perfect solution," he mut- tered after suitable pause and reflec- tion, "is to do away with the com- petitive period which under the pres- ent SYSTEM must be endured be- tween the time you meet the girl and the time you think you know her. That is," he elaborated, "I think you should start going 'steady' right away Then, in case you don't feel like go- ing out with the little woman for some reason or other, you won't be tormented by visions of a possible rival." And this from a man acknowledged to be a leader in his class-a Sphinx, a Michiguama-ite, and a Phi Bete. Why think what would happen if a girl would allow herself to make dates only one day in advance! The first man who met her would have a practical monopoly on her time; for upon bringing her hore from that first date, he would probably ask to see her the next ,night (ahem!) and she, fearing she might be left date- less if she refused, would probably accept. So you see? We will also venture to predict that this vicious, system would bring on a new depression: merchants would cease to advertise formals, date dress- es and similar embellishments be- cause a girl would never know far enough in advance if she were going to be able to use a new frock. This would mean the death of newspapers, the Associated Press, reporters, League points and (WAIT! There might be something in this, after all) your own humble correspondent. -E.O. Guild Sponsors Idea Contest for Designers Accepted Creations To Have Ready Market; Tags Mark Them As Campus Originals In keeping with the current trend of American-designed clothes, Cam- pus Originals Guild of 250 Park Ave- nue, New York City, is sponsoring a plan whereby they will pay Univer- sity women for original designs. All clothes and accessories designed by students will have a ready mar- ket with manufacturers who are members of the Guild. Designs ac- cepted will be manufactured arid sold in leading department stores throughout the country, accompa- nied by tags marking them as Cam- pus Original Models. The other side of the side of the tag will bear the of the tag will bear the name, year and school of the student-designer. Checks Are Rewards Checks for amounts of $10 to $25 will be sent in payment for accepted designs of women's clothes or acces- sories. Designs of dresses, millinery, coats, pajamas or any original novel- ty ideas such as the campus origin- ated ear-muffs will be among the models sought. Besides the recognition resulting from the printing of the designer's name on the tag, she' will receive nationwide publicity in newspapers and inagazines through the Guild's promotion of her design. As a final honor, she will be presented with a certificate signifying that she has achieved the Campus Originals Guild recognition of her prowess as a de-. signer. Animportant factor of the Guild's student organization is the selection of a senior in every college to act as the Guild's representative, and whose duty it shall be to keep the Guild in- formed of latest fashion news on her respective campus. Representatives Bonused This representative will also col- lect designs from women on her cam- pus and report all activities connect- ed with the Guild. She will receive a 10% bonus of each payment made for designs accepted in her school, and a Campus Originals Guild pin will signify her position. Designers and representatives will have the cooperation of the Guild after their graduation in securing employment in the merchandising, promotion 'and journalistic fields. Until selections are made, however,, the Guild announces that designers may send their creations directly to the Guild's New York address. Simple Chicness s c cz Season's Talks Martha Cook Will Celebrate il^ ri ~ rT-~a lwit Ya171 0 ' 7 t nce vy 1 1m1m 1 1 1 1 1 'u G I WVVGILL -1I-vL- e G"1) L1-3 L G C7/, MI Ie Alumnae from all over the coun- Tw o W om en try will return Saturday to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the opening University Oratorical Series of the Martha Cook Building which will culminate with a banquet for Lists Dorothy Thompson, more than 300 guests in the League Ruth Draper, On Schedule Ballroom. In building the home for girls in By GRACE MILLER memory of his mother, Martha Wol- A ford Cook, Mr. Cook hoped to pro- A glance- back at the women who vide an atmosphere of beauty and have appeared in the University lec- harmonious living in which could be ture series indicates that this sea- developed "the charm and grace and son's distinguished feminine speak- principles of cultured American wo- ers, Dorothy Thompson and Ruth manhood." The Building also served Draper, align themselves very nicely as a demonstration of the advan- with the nationally known women tages of dormitory housing and group who have appeared in other years. life for women students at a time Last year Eleanor Roosevelt dis- when the women's dormitory move- cussed the problems of the commun- ment on the campus was struggling ity, emphasizing the old "house di- for recognition. vided" warning. Eve Curie, talented Cook Is Lawyer daughter of Marie Curie, also ap- William Wilson Cook was born peared at Hill Auditorium. Cornelia in Hillsdale, Michigan, where he re- Otis Skinner demonstrated how easi- ceived his training to enter the Uni- ly the reputation of being one of the versity. He received his L.L.B. in cleverest and most entertaining of 1882. After his apprenticeship in dramatic artists rests on her shoul- several law offices he practiced as Sparkling Decorations Mark Evening Gowns Many are the designs that now decorate evening dresses and make them distinctive in a crowd. Net dresses, cut in simple lines, are now appointed by such things as se- quins stars or beads. Silver stars scattered over a black skirt, with a star also worn in the hair, makes a lovely evening ensemble. Beads are the newest favorites of the New York designers. They cover belts, cuffs and collars, or are shaped into flowers and other designs on closely fitting eveing jackets. Like sequins, they can fall carelessly on skirts and bodices to form circles, ders. lMiss Perkins Pioneers Among other nationally and inter- nationally known speakers who have appeared here is Frances Perkins, secretary of labor, and a pioneer in a field of social study that is being taken up by women in increasing numbers as time goes on. The Grand Duchess Marie told the poignant story of her life in Russia, and the tragedy of the revolution and the flight of the royalty. Ruth Bryan Owen, minister to Denmark, has also spoken here through the efforts of the Ann Arbor Oratorical Association. Following the tradition of securing those speakers who will present to the students opin- ions of true value and constructive worth, the lecture series is especially pleased to bring Miss Draper and Miss Thompson here. Miss Draper has long been acknowl- edge to be the country's best inter- preter of the dramatic mnologue. Besides having the rare ability tc bring life to the characters she por- trays, she also presents only the skits which she herself has written. This unusual combination is what has kept her art at the forefront of the world of drama. The brilliant writings and speechs of Miss Thompson put her in the same ranks with the leading mascu- line authorities on world events. And Of Nylon The supply of nylon, the remark- able new substitute for silk, is re- ported to be falling rapidly behind demand. i , r Y S I { } r s s s 5 3 5 , a corporation lawyer; and in the capacity of general counsel to the Postal Telegraph and Commercial Cable Companies, was instrumental in their development. Mr. Cook attained international recognition as an authority on cor- poration law, and wrote many books on that subject. His first book, "Cook on Corporations," publishell when he was only 27 years old, has passed its edition and is recognized as the standard authority on the subject. Law Quadrangle Beneficiary Most of Mr. Cook's fortunes were presented to his Alma Mater where he donated nearly $16,000,000 in- cluding the Law Quadrangle-"one of the most beautiful, impressive, and useful groups of structures in the world." In presenting the buildings to 'the campus, he has said, "I have no one for whom I feel serious responsibil- ity. The University gave me my foun-= dation and incentive. What I have accomplished is largely due to my training there, and to the influence of men like Thomas M. Cooley and others, and to her my estate shall go." The architecture and furnishings of the Martha Cook building are well-known for their beauty and good taste which time and use only enrich. The Martha Cook gardens were designed by Samuel Parsons, the landscape architect of New York City, who laid out the plans for Cen- tral Park. In the building is a Stein- way piano which, with its beauti- fully inlaid Italian Renaissance case of Caucasian walnut, is reputed to "have the best tone of any piano in Ann Arbor." Unusual Heat Causes Fashion Forgetfulness Untimely October heat causes more oddities than the mere sprouting of green grass in the fall. The clothes that were worn to the first home foot- ball game of the year fitted in with the baseball atmosphere lugged along in portable radios. Along with pop bottles and rolled- up male shirt sleeves, (always a symbol of the diamond sportsters), came gay colored blouses and cotton dresses that added a strange atmos- phere to the football stadium. One glance around the field proved that the beating sun.brought out the sum- meriest attire that was packed in those college-trousseau trunks. More colorful than ever was the across-the-field view of the fan pop- lation, since coatless and jacketless, the inner apparel was noticeable. Red was predominantly seen as the spicy element, while the great stretches of white may have been an attempt to keep cool by looking cool in a light shade. Ragged and weary were the out- of-towners who brought their furs and winter suits in accordance with the usual football weekend traditions. Off came unnecessary sweaters, su- perfluous scarves, extra socks, and down to the floor went the wrap- around blankets. Rushing To End Preferential dinners Tuesday and Wednesday nights will end the regu- lar functions of the formA1 rushing period. Rushees are reminded that invitations to these do not signify a Ibid to pledgeship. li Le PGant a Prophetic Fashion an trUndercover" Work! $7.50 The "Lovely Lady" effect be- gins with your foundation. That look of nothingness through your waistline and diaphragm is the gift of Le Gant to YOU! Rayon Lastex stretches up and down only. in back to prevent spreading; the Lastex sides stretch both ways to give freedom for walking. The bust is held high and firmly rounded with lace, while lustre rayon, specially boned, controls and gives you that fashionable caved-in look about the diaphragm. A N are wom inte thin orde no an Sh W they coed the unt "M U k Man's Eye View o matter how you look at it, men interested most in women. And men are most interested in men's erest in them. That's why we nk you'll like these comments-in- er by a man about women. The only difference we've ever ticed between Ann Sheridan d a Michigan B.W.O.C. is Ann eridan. Vhat with women's fashions as y are these days, you can't tell a d from a college man till you see cigarette in her mouth. New definition of a fifth col- mist: a man reading the ads in Mademoiselle." Be Prepared for cold winter blasts and rainy weather in the gayest head-kerchiefs in town! All the newest colors and patterns. ALSO colorful handke chiefs to brighten . your outfit.* "Always reasonably priced" GAGE LNEN SHOP_ IN THE ACADE uvuiaal . t, Price moingUp For just a few more days The 1941 ENI A N Caudatour ds ortscoatsi . at y Yes, it's going to be a casual $ winter. So we've bought for / you untrimmed coats of every, description ...beautifully/ fitted reefers, swing or boxy swaggers, zipper lined styles, smart reversibles. Choose yours in camel's hair, covert cloth, "knockout" tweeds and herringbones, shetlands and /j fleeces. Variety of colors. 9-42. 4 -f /at ; Purse-Pampering Prices $10.95 - $29.75 / See Them Today ! T Two-Piece Suit S Hoot Lassies! Authentic clan plaids in warm wools translated into the - smartest little suits you've ever seen. Wear them now in perfect comfort and later under your coat! Pleated or swing skirts, single or double breasted jackets. Gay color combinations. Sizes 10 ,to 20. $10.95 and $16.95 l// // rHave you been a over to that new- comer to our ga- j axy of smart cam- pus hsfrwmnI th MIMI shop on Manad uh jamazingly well-chosen collec- tion of moderately-priced dress- es for all occasions. Slews of sweaters in delectable shades too Drop in soon and get ac quainted Pretty towels to match the colo n scheme of your dormitory room 'f are what the Gage linen shop suggeststorghe yur home life. All colos ofhthe /rainbow in a distracting array of paaterns-they're all so ap- pealing you won't know which to choose. 10% and 20% dis- count of some discotinud patterns, too aI With pledge formals f and all in the near future, be sure to have at eton outstanding gown ready in your y closet. KSSEL'S shop has gat ered many, including a gay jstribed taffita with' a brief blacki velveteen jacket. Another practical as well as charming jformal is a velveteen pinafore with as many possible changes for the blouse as you have ideas. 15 '7/. 7j Cold nights are ap- proaching, and the jVAN BUREN shop1V suggests their new. / jdowny Wyn nightgowns by Van Raalte to keep cold-blooded pus sowarm. They cosein ainy wn and blue,e colec tino mdera rd ess-long Sef aosleeves besides. Please your roommate's aesthetic eye with- out sacrificing your own com- fort St o For dates and %.rhing dianers 2 youneed at least n ultra - smart black dress. The DILLON shop has a most complete selection of the vital genre. Chastely simple for a bit of jewellery, or bright with flashes of red, whichever your taste may be. j There are other shades ,too, for those of you who don't wear black. "Pink Party." The name itself . suggests the dainty, gay, yet wistful fragrance of the newest Lentheric scent. CALKiNS - FLETCHEP, have it in cologne, Kperfume, dusting powder, and soap, all at around a dollar R apiece. Not guaranteed to make you a success, but almost! \K The Makers of the famous Kenwood blanket have brought out a marvelous coat i I I