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October 06, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-10-06

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Possibly Showers




By Two Americans-
Our Country -



Wolverines Buck Spartans


Win 21-14

Tom Harmon Drives Viciously Behind Scythe-Like Interference ...... . But This Spartan Halfback Does Not Fare SoI
Dave Nelson, (23) and Guard Ralph Fritz, (63) lead the way for charging Tom Harmon (98) as he cuts across midfield for a sizeable gain in the second quarter of yesterday's game. Right: State's halfback, Walter Ball, was abruptly b

Daily Photos by Will Sapp
halted by Reuben Kelto.

Reds Capture
Second Game
5-2 To Even
Series Score
Tiger Hurlers Are Raided
As Cincinnatti Piles Up
11 Hits In Power Drive
Derringer Proves
Excellent Strategy
BRIGGS STADIUM, Detroit, Oct.,
5.-(A)-The courageous Cincinnati
Reds coursed back onto even terms
in the 1940 World Series today by
muzzling the Detroit Tigers, 5 to 2, on
the five-hit pitching of big Paul
The Reds raided three Detroit pit-
chers for 11 hits and were always on
the attack, to the amazement of a
crowd of 54,093 who turned out for
the fourth fracas of the annual au-
tumn classic.
They kept up a more or less con-
stant shower of hits, but the import-
ant contribution to the conquest was
the strong-arm hurling of Derringer.
It was the fifth time the 33-year-
old Kentuckian had started in a
World Series, once when he was
breaking in for the St. Louis Cardin-
als and four times with the Reds, and
this was his first victory.
He went into today'stussie as a
bit of surprise strategy on the part
of Manager Bill McKechnie and de-
termined to stifle the Tiger sluggers.
He did it with the same stout-heart-
ed elbowing that he has used to pull
the National League champions out
of many another tight hole.
He was wild at the start, but the
longer he pitched the tougher he be-
came, giving no hits and no walks
after the sixth inning.
The Reds, in the meantime, had
pounced on Paul (Dizzy) Trout for
two runs in the first inning and
shelled him off the mound before he
got anybody out in the third.
As usual the bell cow of the Cin-
cinnati club was Bill Werber, who
went to the plate five times and got
(Continued on Page 5)
Scaffold Collapse
Kills Two Workers




Power Defeats State

As Harmon Takes Lead In Attack



Michigan's bundle of gridiron dynamite exploded in the Stadium
Before a crowd of 65,438, the indomitable Wolverines, with All-Amer-
ican Tom Harmon playing the leading role, overpowered a Michigan State
squad that refused to say die, 21-14.
The score hardly tells the story though of yesterday's sun-warmed
battle. Fritz Cfisler's charges, in rolling up their third straight victory over
the men from Sparta and their 26th in the 35-year history of the gridiron
classic, completely out-charged, out-tackled and out-ran their foes from
beginning to end.
All in all, they marched to 19 first downs while State garnered but
five. From scrimmage they gained 312 yards to 49 for the Spartans. The
whole affair would have been a complete rout if it were not for one danger-
ous flaw in the Wolverine attack-an old enemy that returned to plague
the Crisler squad once again-a faulty pass defense.
For it was through the air that Charley Bachman's outfit made its bid
for victory. After an attack on land had failed to dent the powerful Wol-
verine line, the victory-hungry Spartans unleashed a potent aerial offense,
and it was there they uncovered the<--

Series Swag
DETROIT, Oct. 5.-(AP)-Forty-
eight persons will share in the
money the Detroit Tigers receive
as their end of the World Series
pool, the management of the club
announced today.
Twenty-one players who were
with the American League cham-
pions all season, Manager Del
Baker, Trainer Denny Carroll and
Coaches Ralph Kress, Edmund
Miller and Mervyn Shea will get
full shares.
The players voted to give half-
shares to Traveling Secretary
Clair Berry, Assitant Trainer
Richard Blom.

prime Michigan weakness.
They were quick to take advan-
tage of their, discovery, moreover,
and in the second period, two well-
placed aerial bombs netted their first
tally. If ..that were not enough, a
barrage of forwards carried State to
pay dirt once again late in the final
But aside from a flimsy pass de-
fense, the Wolverines had everything
yesterday. For one, they had sensa-
tional Harmon at his best. He scored
all three touchdowns and place-
kicked the pigskin between the up-
rights on each occasion for the extra-
The Spartans were sent here with
instructions to concentrate on stop-
ping Michigan's great back. But like
most teams that have tried before
them, they found the task a diffi-
cult one.
If he wasn't running, Harmon was
punting, place-kicking or passing. He
completed five of 11 tosses yester-
day for a total net gain of 50 yards.
What's more Terrible Tom's punting
(Continued on Page 4)
JGP To Open
On March 26
Plenty Of Laughs Assured
With Comedy, Songs
Four nights of laughs for the audi-
ence and living for the cast will be-
gin with the opening of Junior Girls
Play March 26, 27, 28 and 29, Shirley

Prof. Pollock Urges Americans
To Emphasize National Defense

Painting a dismal picture of what
would happen to the United States if
Germany defeated England, Prof.
James K. Pollock of the political sci-
ence department urged more than 150
persons attending an American Soci-
ety for Metals dinner at the League
last night to "make national defense
our major affair and relegate all of
our personal matters to a secondary
"The world must stop the Reich
by acting," he declared, "and not by
sitting down and claiming that the
Nazis can't hurt us. The Germans
are the best administrators in the
world and we must realize that they
are not growing weaker and becom-
ing more disorganized as they acquire
new territories."
Professor Pollock continued by
pointing out several examples of Hit-
ler's plans which were laughed at
in the past and showed how his ideas
of getting "living space" for Ger-
mans and getting economic control
of the world would upset our whole
standard of living.
In Germany, he pointed out, there
is an group known as the Institute
of Terror whose activity is devoted
to finding out both how to produce
and how to control chaos. "Work
of this type," he asserted, "resulted

and Poland and was one of the major,
if not the major, causes of their de-
"We are already at war because of
our policy of giving aid to Britain,"
Professor Pollock commented, "and
further participation may be expect-
ed." He then explained to his audi-
ence that he was not trying to get
this country into the conflict but re-
minded them that going to war as
"soon as it was convenient" would
do little to change our policy.
"Students are definitely not plot-
ters of revolution or anything of that
kind," he declared, "but are just like
the rest of us in believing in the
freedom brought to them in our dem-
Fairbanks, Sr.
Films Revived
At Art Cinema
The country-wide revival of Doug-
las Fairbanks, Sr., films reaches Ann
Arbor today with the performance
of "The Man In The Iron Mask" at
8:15 p.m. at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre under the auspices of the
Art Cinema League.

To Dedicate
New Church
Clergy, Students, Faculty
Take Part In Services
ThroughEntire Week
Bishop's Address
To BeHighlighted
A week of dedication programs for
the newly-completed First Methodist
Church will be highlighted by Bishop
Wade who will officiate at the for-
mal service at 10:40 a.m. today and
by the student service and reception
beginning at 6 p.m.
Following the Communion Service
at 8:30 a.m. and students classes at
9:30, the main dedication service
will be led by Bishop Wade, who has
obtained first hand information of
warring nations from his ministerial
service in Scandinavia, district super-
intendent of the Methodist Church,
William E. Harrison, Rev. Charles W.
Brashares, pastor, and Rev. Edward
Lanz, associate pastor of the First
Methodist Church. Bishop Wade will
address the congregation on "The
Church In the World Today" and a
program of special music directed
by Prof. Hardin Van Deursen of the
music school will be offered.
At the student program at 7:30
preceded by an informal reception in
the Wesley Foundation Assembly
Room will be headed by Prof. John
L. Brumm of the journalism depart-
ment speaking on "Religion and
Learning" in the church sanctuary.
President Alexander G. Ruthven will
extend the greetings of the Universi-
ty and Mayor Walter C. Sadler will
offer congratulations on behalf of
the city. With Prof. George E. Car-
rothers as chairman Frederick Leich-
ty, '43L, president of the church's
Wesleyan Guild will also appear on
the program.
Continuing throughout the week,
the dedication will feature Dr. Hen-
ry Hitt Crane of Detroit in the Re-
ligious dedication Monday and the
first Church album of former min-
isters and church workers of the de-
nomination founded in Ann Arbor in
Seats Still Available
SI n1L I And*U3 "qCUin

Their conclusion that the Germa
Knox Summons
Entire Marine
Reserve Corps
Warning To Axis Powers
By Secretary Of Navy
Says We Will Be Ready
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5.'-(P)-
Secretary Knox ordered 27,591 Navy
and Marine reservists into uniform
today after pointedly warning the
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis that "if a
fight is forced upon us we shall be
The order applied to the entire
organized and fleet reserves of the
Navy and Marine Corps. It will swell
to 239,281 the number ofd officers and
men on' active duty, giving the sea-
going forces a strength in personnel
they have not possessed since the
post-World War period.
Shortly before he issued his order,
the Naval Secretary saidrunequivo-
cally in an address to graduates of
the National Police Academy that
the Japanese-German-Italian alli-
ance "is directed at us," and that the
United States would not be "inti-
midated." His remarks were widely
interpreted as an administration re-
ply to yesterday's assertion by
Prince Konoye, the Japanese Pre-
mier, that any challenge of the
Rome-Berlin-Tokyo axis would tum-

ns may attempt the long-threatened
Oinvasion of England soon-perhaps
in the coming week--was based on
reports that all was ready for Adolf
Hitler's command at the "invasion
ports," with Italian planes and fliers
in occupied France behind the Nazi
Belief the Italians are ready to
start a major offensive toward Alex-
andria and the Suez was based on
reports from Italy of German troops,
engineers and specialists passing
through the Brenner Pass on the
way to the Italian base at Libya.
It was believed possible also that
Spain, despite assertiorn of her con-
tinuing non-belligerency, might try
to grab Gibraltar with the help of
Italy by sea and air and Germany
by land.
Berlin and Rome, although hint-
ing at an impending knockout swing,
still made a mystery of Axis plans.
Nazi informants spoke of a blow at
an especially "vulnerable spot"--un-
named-while talk in Berlin centered
on the eastern Mediterranean as a
potential decisive battleground.
Fascist editorial guns turned on
Turkey as a satellite of Britain and
the United States, but Virginio Gay-
da, Italy's most authoritative edi-
torial voice, contented himself with
the declaration that "the two Axis
powers are resuming their war oper-
ations . . . The effect will be seen
Whatever "surprises" the Axis may
plan, British military sources looked
toward the winter, they said, with
"reasonable confidence" as the Nazi
air siege of London went into its
fifth week.

Double Axis Drive
On Britain, Suez
BelievedPen din
Italians Are Suspected Of Raid On Egypt
While Germany Intensifies Her Blows
An Axis drive soon to smash Britain and her empire-with the Ger-
man's attempting to storm England while Italy strikes at her Mediterranean
lifelines-shaped up last night as the reported next turn in Rome-Berlin
stratey. i
This was the belief of veteran observers in Switzerland, both neutral
and belligerent, who previously had discounted such indications as camou-

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