PAOE FOUR THE MICHIGAN niA T:Y FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1940 THE MICHIGAN DAILY A Not-So-Dead Give-Away I R _ KN A?$ -2 Aw~-. ~~_ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter., Suberiptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FPOR NATIONAL ADVERT4ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANcisco Member, Associate( Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff 10 ilE MEDITEkRkA \ ~ iy { y 1 V - pe AWAY - C A : r "j'. _ r;.' a ,- - WashintnMry-G-on I FIRE &WRTR by mascott II DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 1I' Hervie Haufler . Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman . . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . Associate Editor Sports Editor Women's Editor Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager. . Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause - NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM NEWTON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. An Open Letter To Senator Vandenberg ... SENATOR VANDENBERG:. Youth owes to you its sincerest thanks for your fight against conscription. It is one of the brighter sides of democracy to see such men as you and Senator Taft, doubtless disappointed in your quest for the presidential nomination, still so strong in your sense of service to the American people that you immediately return to your work and uphold your beliefs in spite of Gallup polls, party pressure and cries of traitor. Your defeat was to be expected. Take it as a sign of the times. Against you were the can- didates of both parties, the weak straddling plat- forms of both parties, most of the press (both American and British), all the pro-British vot- aries, including Sir George (I got you in last time) Paish, and of course the militarists. It was also your misfortune to have the Commu- nists on your side, which you could not help, but which your opponents have taken care to advertise quite extensively. YOUR REASONS for opposing conscription, Senator, are apparently very similar to ours. Ever since the war started a year and a month ago many of us have warned repeatedly that Hitler was not half so great a threat to our American way of living as was our own hysteria. It is the growth of fascism from with- in, the collapse of tolerance, the swift burgeon- ing of pro-British fervor that we consider dan- gerous to the ultimate safety of America. Conscription is directly in line with all this. Conscription of men and of industry is a plain avowal that democracy must be propped up by fascism. When your government can push you willy-nilly into khaki or can take over your en- terprise despite your protests, then Americans are not much better off than Germans, and democracy becomes not much more dangerous than totalitarianism. Is there not some parallel in the fact that Senator Burke, who co-sponsored the draft bill, once was censur'ed because he had the audacity to publicly praise Hitler and fascism? ALOT of American thinkers are exceedingly disturbed by their countrymen's fatalistic attitude toward keeping America at peace. The man on the street is pretty well convinced that the United States will get into this scrap sooner or later. He will give you Jack Doyle odds on it. The thinkers warn that if such unnecessary pessimism continues to spread, then America's chances for peace really won't be worth a plugged nickel. Does it take these same thinkers much trouble to decide how large a part conscription plays in Mr. Public's pessimism? Conscription came last time only after the country was actually at war. Mr. Public tells himself that talk of con- scription would have been condemned a few months ago, and now it is law, and so we are that much nearer involvement. Mr. Public would almost be disappointed-and would doubtless lose a few bets-if America did not get into war after all this militarism. It is to your credit, Senator Vandenberg, that you did everything in your power to forestall the draft and to give voluntary enlistment a fair trial. Your plan to lower - volunteer service to one year would, we believe, have manned the By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN ONE OF THE BIGGEST ORDERS for air- planes which the National Defense Commis- sion has placed with any company was with the Curtiss-Wright Corporation last month. To fi- nance new factories for these planes, the Recon- struction Finance Corporation lent Curtiss- Wright $49,000,000. But what has never leaked out is that at one time the Curtiss company balked at the taxes it would have to pay and threatened not to build the planes. The incident illustrates the difficulty the Defense Commission and the Treasury have had in pushing ahead the airplane building program., The Curtiss company, after receiving assur- ances of its $49,000,000 loan from the RFC, came to the Treasury and wanted to know what its taxes would be. The Treasury has a system of giving companies a "closing agreement," in other words an exact estimate of what their taxes will, be in advance, if a set of advance facts are supplied. If these facts are not changed, then the Treasury is absolutely bound to stand up by this tax estimate. Furthermore, subse- quent commissioners of internal revenue, whe- ther Republican or Democratic, also are bound. A 'Closing' Argument N THIS CASE the qurtiss-Wright company, asked for an immediate "closing agreement" on its taxes, and the Treasury, by working almost day and night, supplied it. The tax, using the set of facts supplied to the Treasury, was to be based upon an 8-year leasehold which Curtiss was to exercise over the new airplane factories. However, after the estimate was completed, the RFC changed the set-up to five years, which threw the tax into the category of an outright capital gains tax, and considerably boosted the amount which the aviation company would have to pay the Treasury. It was at this point that the company's offi- cials balked. They protested vigorously at the higher tax rate to be applied to them. In fact, they told the Treasury that it was not Curtiss- Wright which wanted the planes, but the Gov- ernment which wanted them, and strongly inti- mated that if a more favorable tax was not worked out they would not feel obliged to ac- cept the contract. However, the Treasury stood pat, and the Cur- tiss people fiially came around. They are going ahead with the program. Polker Stakes THERE'S NEVER a dull moment when Jesse Jones, Secretary of Commerce and Federal Loan Administrator, plays cards with his good friend Defense Commissioner William Knudsen. The two men carry on a running fire of ribbing. Jones was quick to seize such a chance during a stud poker game the other night. Finding that he had aces back to back, Knudsen bet a dollar. With only a deuce in the hole, Jesse shook his head sadly. "Bill," he said, "you shouldn't have done that." "Why not?" insisted all night that he was "just learning the game," but wound up winner of $60. FDR's Farm Advice THE PRESIDENT got some smart advice on winning the farm vote from Ed O'Neal, brainy head of the American Farm Bureau Fed- eration. O'Neal told him: "Stick to your na- tional defense policies." O'Neal called on Roosevelt after an extensive tour of farm states and the President was eager to get his views. Almost the first question popped at the farm chief was: "How does it look, Ed? Do you think the farmers will support the ticket?" Farm Bureau membership is split widely be- tween Democratsnand Republicans, so O'Neal is taking no stand in the campaign. But he knows his political onions and Roosevelt has a high regard for hig judgment. This is what O'Neal told him: "Farmers generally appreciate what you have done for them. A lot of them think you have done more for the farmer than any other Pres- ident. The New Deal record on that is clear and the farmer can figure it out for himself. But, and this is extremely significant, I found that farmers generally aren't so much concerned with this. "Uppermost in their minds is the interna- tional situation. That's what they are thinking about. By and large they are satisfied with the way you have handled the defense program and believe you are sincere in keeping war from our shores. So my advice is, keep plugging away at this and you won't have to worry about the farm vote." Contributor's Bit To The Editor: Pearson and Allen, transmitting the news be- fore it happens, state that "He will charge that these agencies are being run by college profes- sors and theorists who don't understand labor's problems." (Wednesday's DAILY, page 4, col- umn 3). Please explain that word "and." It might be the and of addition as in "ham and eggs." It might be the and of implication as in the maxim: "Stuff a cold and (you will shortly find yourself obliged to) starve a fever." The answer might conceivably make some difference in the opinion of the Republican candidate for president which is being formed in the mind of at least one College Professor From Another Campus Eastern New Mexico college's public informa- tion bureau sent out a story saying there was a large increase in the number of freshman girls. A New Mexico newspaper carried the story under this headline: CO-EDS THICKER ON ENMC CAMPUS Freshman girls weighing under 110 pounds are considering forming a Society for the En- WE LIKED the election-betting story in last Wednesday's St.- Louis Post-Dispatch. It suggestedt to us a new way to conduct bets on presidential nominees. Here are ay few excerpts from the story:a "Betting commissioners in Walla Street are trying to place Roosevelts money at 12 to 5 and are getting noc takers. Willkie supporters on today'sF quotations are demanding 14 to 5., virtually 3 to 1. "The largest recorded bet this weekI was placed with Baldwin & Co., 1 $10,000 on Roosevelt to $5,000 on thes Republican candidate. "Jack Doyle, nationally knownp Broadway betting commissioner, is paying book odds of 1 to 3 on Roose- velt and 212 to 1 on Willkie. Now, in all these bets the bookt system has been used and no mattery what happens in the national or in- ternational scene to effect the prob-f ability of election of any of the can-s didates, the odds at which presenty bets were made will remain the same. To a nation that has almost over- whelmingly adopted pari-mutuel betting on horse and dog racing, theb bookie system is extremely unfair and unreliable. Pari-Mutuel Scheme WE SUGGEST then a nationalL pari-mutuel scheme be created, especially for the presidential race.b First, the WPA should build a gi- gantic "tote" board and place it onb the smooth grass near the LincolnL Memorial in Washington. Secondly, a "non-partisan" board be appointed by someone to administer the wholer affair, although we recommended Jack Doyle as general manager of the scheme. And finally, we urgeS that regional and local offices benset up throughout the "length andS breadth of the land," with all fundsI and arithmetic totals being sent to the projected National Pari-Mutuel i Presidential Race Speculation Cor- poration (to be known briefly as theJ NPMPRSC). The advantages of the NPMPRSCa scheme can be listed briefly: 1) The odds on any candidate will be consistent and vary with the con-bI ditions of the moment.b 2) The NPMPRSC take a "cut" of 10% on all that's bet and also the "breakage." The total Corporation's profit will be spent to establish poker t classes in all the nation's kinder-a gartens, or contributed to the cam- n paign expenses for all the parties.U 3) The national "tote" board could serve as a standard for all policy tacket and lottery games being con- ducted, legitimately or illegitimately,V throughout the country. An honestR administration by the NPMPRSC5 could also serve as an example to some of the boys in Detroit. Candidate Testb OF COURSE, all betting would stopt on midnight eve and then the i final odds would flash on the board. A saliva test could then be given toa all the candidates, and all the minor party nominees would be allowed to go around nude all during the elec- tion while a couple of sandbags could be hooked around the necks of Will- kie and Roosevelt in proportion to" the odds quoted upon them. The pay-off'' could be announced late during thecelection night and possi- bly Miss Shirley Temple or perhaps Mr. Michael Rooney could be on hand to string a wreath of flowers around the winner's sandbag-be-< strewn neck and possibly feed the( new President a couple of lumps of sugar. The City Editor's Scratch Pa How do you like those Tiger fans? They've cropped up everywhere and every one wears that "I-told-you-so- all-the-time" sneer on his face. * * * Suppose you know the fans are shelling out $5.50 apiece for a piece of pine board on which they can sit and watch grown men play games. And yet the ball park owners can't begin to take care of the mob of peo- ple who want tickets. * * * Still, there's nothing as interest- ing to the American people as those ball games. War in Europe is lucky to make the front pages these days. * * * * Tomorrow we entertain our friends from East Lansing. We must be nice to them, lest they write bad things about us when we go to The Spartan r ,-4.. (Continued from Page 4) panel of nine persons to be elected by the Faculty to be submitted to Presi- dent Ruthven, who will appoint from the panel: o 1) Two members to serve for three years to succeed Professors J. R. Hay- den and R. A. Sawyer. As they were absent on leave during the second semester of the year 1939-40, their unexpired terms were filled out by Professors J. W. Bradshaw and P. S. Welch. (2) One member to serve while Professor H. H. Bartlett is absent on leave during the current academic session. b. For the Library Committee, two persons to be elected: (1) One to succeed Associate Pro- fessor W. E. Blake as a representa- tive of Group I, to serve for three years. (2) One to succeed Associate Pro- fessor Lawrence Preuss as a repre- sentative at large, to serve for three years. 5. Consideration of the reports sub- mitted with this call to the meeting. a. Executive Committee, prepared by Professor W. G. Rice. b. Executive Board of the Gradu- ate School, prepared by Associate Professor W. L. Ayres. c. Deans' Conference, prepared by Dean E. H. Kraus. d. Administrative Board, prepared by Assistant Dean E. A. Walter. e. Academic Counselors, prepared by Assistant Professor Arthur Van Duren.I f. Summer Session, prepared by Di- rector L. A. Hopkins. 6. Oral Reports. a. Enrollment, by Registrar I. M. Smith b. Admissions with Advanced Standing, by Assistant Professor C. M. Davis. c. The Evaluation of Faculty Serv- ces, by Professor J. W. Bradshaw. d. Teacher Training, by Professor J. E. Dunlap. e. High School Visitors, by Associ- ate Professor H. M. Dorr. f. New Announcement of the Col-{ ege, by Assistant Dean L. S. Wood- urne. 7. New Business.l 8. Announcements. Faculty, School of Education: The irst regular luncheon meeting of the academic year will, be held Monday noon, October 7, at the Michigan Union. Sunday Library Service: On all Sundays from October to June, ex- ept during holiday periods, the Main Reading Room and the Periodicil Room of the General Library are tept open from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Books from other parts of the building which are needed for Sun- day use will be made available in the Main Reading Room if request s made on Saturday to an Assistant n the reading room where the books are usually shelved. Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian University Employers, Dormitory Heads, Etc.: The Health Service should not be called for medical at- tention to nn-students unless an emergency exists for which aslocal physician cannot be secured. Injured University employees should be sent to the University Hospital and not the Health Service unless the emergency makes it advisable. Warren E. Forsythe, M.D., Health Service Director Choral Union Ushers: Please sign up at Hill Auditorium box office to- day between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. Applications for the Hillel Hostess Scholarship may be obtained at the Hillel Foundation any day until Sat- urday, Oct. 5. Announcement of the interviews will be made next week. The Stalker Cooperative House for boys has two vacancies. Anyone in- terested phone 7902, or call at 333 East Ann St. All those interested in boarding this semester at any of the student cooperative houses are urged to call Harold Osterweil at 7350. Any girls interested in cooperative house living or separate board jobs apply to the Muriel Lester Coopera- tive, 909. E. University. Phone 2-4914 U. of M. Women's Glee Club: Try outs today 4:00-5:30 p.m. in Michi- gan League. Freshmen eligible sec- nd semester. Lecture Course Tickets: Now on sal e.Hill- Auiditorium Box Offie. enter are asked to sign up now. Tour- naments start next week. Academic Notices Preliminary examinations for the Detorate in English will be given in 3217 A.H. at 9 to 12 a.m. on the fol- lowing schedule: Wed., Nov. 13: American Literature with Continental Backgrounds. Sat., Nov. 16: English Literature, 1700-1900. Wed., Nov. 20: English Literature, 1550-1700. Sat., Nov. 23: English Literature from the Beginnings to 1550. All those intending to take the examinations this fall should notify N. E. Nelson, 3232 A.H. The following room assignments have been made in history courses: History 11, sec. 9, MF at 10, from Room E, Haven to 1020 A.H. History 11, sec. 14, TuTh at 11, from Room E, Haven to 225 A.H. History 49, sec. 2, W, 11, from Room E, Haven, to 225 A.H. Hisory 49, see. 4A, Th, 2, 1018 A.H. History 49, sec. 6, Tu, 2, E Haven. History 105, MWF, 11, from 231 A. H. to Room D, Haven Hall. History 149, British Empire, TuTh at 9, sec. 1, Tu at 2; sec. 2, Th at 1, Room B, Haven. History 161, MWF, 9, from Room E to 315 Haven. German 253. Historical German Grammar: All applicants for Ger- man 253 will please communicate with me today at 9-10 or 11-12 in 303 SW (Tel 689) to arrange sched- ule of hours. Norman L. Willey Sociology 51: Section 5 will meet in Room 18 Angell Hall instead of Room E Haven Hall. Section 10 will meet in Room 216 Haven Hall in- stead of Room E Haven Hall. Graduate Record Examination: All students registering in the Graduate School for the first time this fall, must present themselves at th Rack- ham Building today at 1:00 p.m. ind also on Saturday, October 5, at 8:00 a.m., for the pur- pose of taking the different parts of the examination. This examination takes precedence over all class work. PLEASE BE ON TIME. You are to write from 1:00 to 5:00 this afternoon and from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturday. Bring pencils. Credit will be withheld from students failing to take this examination. Seat- ing arrangements for the' various sessions will be posted in the en- rance hall of the Rackham Build- ing on the days of the examination. Mathematics 183: Graduate . stu- dents in this course which meets Saturday, 9 to 11, are reminded that the GraduatedRecordvExamination 'takes precedence over all class work." We shall meet but we shall miss you. sAssignment for October 12: Archibald, Outline, pp 4-10, Karpinski, History, pp 7-11. Norman Anning Actuarial Students: A meeting for ;he purpose of organizing review ;lasses for students preparing for the first two actuarial examinations will be held Monday, October 7, at 3:15 p.m., in 3011 Angell Hall. C. J. Nesbitt Math. 347, Seminar in Applied Mathematics: Preliminary meeting for arrangement of hours today at 2 o'clock in 319 West Engineering Bldg. R. V. Churchill 0 Events Today The Faculty of the Division of Hy- iene and Public Health cordially in- vites professional public health and public health nursing students to a reception in theaWomen's Athletic Building tonight at 7:30. Wesley Foundation: A group will leave the Recreation Room, (Huron Street entrance) at 9 o'clock tonight for a Steak Roast at the Island. Make your reservations by this noon by calling 6881. Small charge. The Student Religious Association Coffee Hour will be held at Lane Hall today at 4:30 p.m. The Asso- ciation's Board of Governors will be , present. All students are welcome. League Dance Class Committee will meet today at 4:15 p.m. in the League. All girls who petitioned last spring or this fall are expected to attend, or call Margaret Whittemore at 9654 or 2-2543. Plans for the classes will be made and-particular a jobs on the committee announced.