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March 05, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-05

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nub c- --fl-- -J....mt.....t, * ,ura n .,, 4h1Jdm .n....n..,
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan, under th~e authority of the Board in Control,
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
'Ulilversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein also
WEntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular schooi year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41
Editorial Staff


Airport Plans
Receive Setback ..,
to Wa-shtenaw County's hopes for a
new airport was the refusal Monday of the
County Board of Supervisors to submit a $150,-
000 bond issue to the voters in the April election.
But the same night the Ann Arbor Common
Council took a step which will probably be of
little value to Ann Arbor, but will definitely save
the University's CAA course, which would other-
wise have had to been dropped.
The County Board, in recommending that no
action be taken on the plans now, dealt a
serious blow to the airport proposal of Dr. C:
Merle Dixon and his Junior Chamber of Com-
merce Airport Committee. The measure sub-
mitted to the Board provided for the submis-
sion of a $150,000 bond issue to the voters in
April, and for a half-mill tax increase. The
funds thus to be secured would pay the cost of
purchasing the land for the port and leave a
few thousand dollars. They were to constitute
the County's share in the project.
But the Board of Supervisors vetoed the pro-
posal, which means that no further action can
be taken as far as the County is concerned until
the next Supervisors' meeting, on April 15, after
the spring election.
SO, IT WOULD SEEM, at least for the time
being Washtenaw County has little chance
of obtaining its long hoped for airport. The
Common Council, which back in December, had
refused to vote even the small fund necessary
to investigate the matter thoroughly, took action
Monday night which will in part meet the de-
mands to be made of the new airport.
The Council voted $2,500 to make improve-
ments in the city airport, which for this semes-
ter at least saves the University's CAA course.
University officials had been notified from
Chicago headquarters that the flight training
program here would have to be dropped unless
runways were widened and a new hangar
cided to appropriate money for the run-
ways, if the Ann Arbor Air Service agrees to
construct the hangar.
The runways will be widened from 100 to 300
feet, and, when the hangar is constructed, the
field will meet present CAA requirements, al-
though the University will have to continue with
its below-average quota due to the poor facili-
ties offered for training.
Thus, although there can be no hope for some
time of an increase in the flight training course
here, and of the obvious industrial advantages
of a new airport to the city, at least the present
CAA quota is saved.
It is not a constructive step, but at least it
reveals that Ann Arbor is alert to the inadequate
airport facilities, and is aware of the need for
improvement in them. The next step, though
how soon no one can tell. may well be the con-
struction of the new County airport.
-William Baker
r J


Oity Editor's

Hprvie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn .
Paul. M. Chandler
Karl Kessler-
Milton Orshefsky
Soward A. Goldman,
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman .


* . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
.Women's Editor
Exchange Editor

THERE'S MANY A LAUGH when Michigan's
athletes take a trip. The basketball team
tells this one, which occurred en route from
Columbus. Coach Bennie Oosterbaan was
threading his way up the aisle toward the pull-
man. Passing through the day coach he saw a
couple asleep, she with her head on his shoulder.
So, with an excess moral dignity, Bennie tapped
the lady on the shoulder. "Pardon me, madam,"
he said, "but do you know this man?" The
basketball team thinks that was funny.
Speaking as a man in the midst of the
Graduate Record Exams, the most gruelling
endurance contest in the history of educa-
tion, we beg the authorities to give the same
test to the faculty. They should be made to
feel the sting of their own lash.
DAILY TRYOUTS create complications around
this office. One sweet young thing called;
on the phone the other night to inquire about
a meeting. For the records, the man on this
end inquired "what's your name?" But the coed
had to be coy. "What's yours?" she asked. Then,
when negotiations reached a stalemate, she:
added, vainly, "if you want to know mine, ask
Wirtehafter who is the nicest freshman he
knows.". That's our new staff!
* * *
Another gal walked into the office and
learned from Karl Kessler that she had a
choice of meetings to attend. "I teach one
of these and another fellow the other," he
explained. Nose high in the air, the novice
coolly scrutinized Kessler's chiseled mug and
issued the decision: "No thanks, I'll take
the other."
by moscott
FOR THIS COLUMN, we're leaving aside all
mention of "lofty" subjects. Change of pace,
variety and all that, you know.
Frankly, we feel much too good today. You see,
we broke even in a tremendous crap game over
the week-end- -,nd, boy, how we needed the
All righ , so 1i gag is stolen. But Dear Morn:
If you read the above paragraph, we're only
While we're printing gags, old or new, orig-
inal or stolen, we print the following:


Oren Peos
WASHINGTON - With the world
spotlight focused upon the Balkans,
the all-important situation in Italy
has almost escaped public attention.
Real fact is that Italy has been
taken over by Germany and that
Mussolini is virtually a prisoner of
his Axis partner.
Uncensored diplomatic dispatches
report that the Italian people are
dazed, helpless, can hardly realize
what has happened. In the South
they are apathetic.But in the North
around. Turin and the industrial
centers, workers have sabotaged ma-
chinery. stalled production and great
numbers have been thrown into jail.
The jails are crowded, but the sab-
otage continues.
Italian street crowds salute and
cheer when black-shirted. troops pass,
then curse under their breath after-
There is a growing rift between the
Black Shirts and the regular army,
formerly headed by Marshal Bado-
glio. but now deposed and residing3
with Crown Prince Humbert, who al-
so has the support of the army. The
regular army never did favor the in-
vasion of Greece.
In order to understand the com-
plete collapse of Italian morale, it
is necessary to remember that Italy
has been fighting, off and on, for
about five years. Her campaign
against Ethiopia began in 1935. Next
year came the civil war in Spain,
lasting until 1938. Then in 1939 came
the present war.
MEANWHILE the Italian people!
have finally realized that they
have secured nothing from this war#
-not even Tunisia, which the French
were on the verge of giving .them.
Nor has Italy received any of the
neighboring French provinces de-
manded with so much noise and thun-
der by Mussolini. In other words,
five years of fighting with nothing
to show for it has put the Italian
people in the same frame of mind
as Germany when finally she sur-
rendered in 1918.

Business Staff
Business Manager . . .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Wome)VB Advertising Manager

(Coutinuec fronk Page 2)


Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause


The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.

are applicable in more than one unit
of the University. The Committee
expects that applications will be filed
on or before March 15 at the office
of the Dean or Director of the School
or College in which the applicant is
registered for reference to the Com-
mittee of Award. Since no special
application blanks have been pre-
pared for these scholarships, appli-
cation blanks such as may be ob-
tainable at the offices of the Deans
or Directors of Schools and Colleges
will be accepted by the Committee,
or the application may be made by
letter, giving details concerning the
applicant's academic standing and
financial need.
For the Committee
F. E. Robbins, Chairman.
The Alumnae Council is again
offering the Lucy Elliott Fellowship
to women who wish to continue their
studies in the graduate field. Any
woman with an A.B. degree from a
recognized College or University is
eligible to apply. A graduate from
the University of Michigan may use
the award on any campus of her
choice, but a graduate of any other
College or University must continue
her work at Michigan. Applications
are available at the office of the Dean
of Women, and must be returned by
March 15. Appointment will be made
April 15. The award carries a s r-
end of $300.00.I
Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships: The
National Phi Kappa Phi Honor Soci-
ety each year awards a certain num-
ber of Graduate Fellowships with
stipend of $500 to be devoted to study.
in some American College or Univer-
sity. Undergraduate members of
Phi Kappa Phi of the University of
Michigan, elec ted during the first
semester of the present year are eli-
gible to apply for one of these fellow-
ships. Since this is a national fel-
lowship and the competition is keen,
only those students with very high
academic records will be encouraged
to apply. The closing date for ap-
plications to be received by the local
chapter is March 17. Further in-
formation and application blanks
may be secured from the, secretary,
Mary C. Van Tuyl, in Room 3123 Na-
tural Science Building from 1 to 5
daily, March 1 to 7.
School. of Education Students: No
course may be elected for credit after
Saturday, March 8. Students must
report all changes of elections at the
Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer-
sity Hall. Membership in a class does
not cease nor begin until all changes
have been thus officially registered
Arrangements made with the instruc
tir are not official changes.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
"ence, and the Arts: Election card
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
s the Registrar's Office only if they are
approved by Assistant Dean Walter
Students who fail to file their eec
tion blanks by the close of the thir
g week, even though they have regis
tered and have attended classes un
t officially will forfeit their privileg
r of continuing in the College for th
1 semester. If such students have pai
d any tuition fees, Assistant Dean Wal
ter will issue a withdrawal card fo
- them.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci
ence, and the Arts: Attendance re
port cards are being distribute
e through the Departmental Office
i Instructors are requested to report al
S' sences to my office in accordance wit
the rules printed on these cards.
'o Please note especially the regua
r tions concerning three-week absence
d and the time limits for. droppi
courses. The rules relating to ab
er sences are printed on the attendan
ut cards. They may also be found
e page 52 of the current Announceme
of our College.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean

cation in Mural Painting and Fine
Arts, salary $2,300, March 31, 1941.
Senior Inspector, Engineering Ma-
terials (Aeronautical), salary $2,600,
until further notice.
Inspector, Engineering Materials
(Aeronautical), salary $2,300, until
further notice.
Associate Inspector, Engineering
Maerials (Aeronautical), salary $2,000
until further notice.
Junior Inspector, Engineering Ma-
terials (Aeronautical), salary $1,620,
until further notice.
Junior Engineer (any branch of
Engineering), salary $2,000, Dec. 31,
1941. (Open to this year's seniors).
Complete announcement on file at
the Bureau of Appointments ano. Oc-
cupational Information 201 Mason
Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Academic Notices
Chemistry Colloquium will meet to-
day in. Room 303 Chemistry Building
at 4:15 p.m. Professor O. S. Duf-
lendack will speak on "Electron Mi-
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
>e held in Room 319 West Medical
Building tonight at 7:30. Subject:
'The Bile." All interested are invited.
Botanical Seminar will meet today
it 4:30 p.m., in Room 1139 N.S. Bldg.
Paper by W; C. Steere "A Year in
?uerto Rico."
Chem. and Met. Engineering Semi-
nar: Mr. Harry O'Connell will be the
speaer at the Seminar for graduate
students in Chemical and Metallurg-
ical Engineering today at 4:00 p.m.
in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His sub-
ject is "Entrainment in a Horizontal
Tube Evaporator."
Students of the College of EngIn-
eering and Others Enrolled for Series
of Lectures on Naval Subjects: The
seventh lecture of the series will, be
delivered on Thursday, March 6, in
Room 348 West Eng. at 4:00 p.m.
Commander C E. Olsen, U.S. Navy,
will speak on "Damage Control." All
students having submitted applica-
tions for commissions should attend.
Conferences on extracurricular
activities: As a part of the course in
student-teaching, the- supervising
teachers of the University High
School will this semester provide a
series of conferences dealing with
such extracurricular activities as vis-
ual aids, sponsoring school parties,
homeroom, and guidance. The con-
ferences will be held in Room 3001
UH.S., from 10:00 to 12:00 on atur-
day mornings. The first conference
is scheduled for Saturday, March 8,
on the topic of visual aids with Mr.
Joe Park in charge. Registration
for the conferences is informal and
will be taken care of at the firt
meeting. The conferences are de-
signed for students now taking direct-
ed teaching and for those who com-
pleted the course last semester.
All students interested in a special
- non-credit course in remedial reading
e are invited to attend an organization
e meeting on Thursday, Mar. 6, Room
d 4009 University High School, at 4;00
- p.m.
rlhe Geography I make-up examin-
ation will be held on Thursday, March
- 6, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 23, Angell
- Hall.
Political Science 113: The make-up
- final examination in this course will
;h be held Saturday, March 8, at 9:00
a.m. in Room 2035 Angell Hall. All
.. reports must be turned in before the
s, examination.
.. Psychology 31, all sections, make-
ce up examination will be given Thurs-
n day, Mar. 6, at 7:00 p.m. in Room
lt 1121 Natural Science."


Engineers Needed
For Defense . .
AMERICA'S present national defense
program has created a demand for
engineers which far exceeds the available sup-
ply. The demand is so great, according to sev-
eral experts, that the national program will
not go forward unless thousands more engineers
are given positions in industry. The problem is
simply, where can we get more engineers?
On the heels of the expression of this prob-
lem has come the suggestion to graduate all
junior engineers next February rather than next
June and a special committee has been created
to study the possibility. The stand which the
committee will take is, of course, only a matter
of conjecture, but existing conditions seem to
indicate that an early graduation would be
most desirable.
I' IS TRUE that such a step would necessitate
a great change in engineering colleges
throughout the country and that their individ-
ual educational systems would require a measure
of overhauling. It is also true that the last six
months of college do carry with it a great
deal of knowledge which will-probably be forever
lost. These considerations, however, are small
in comparison with the country's needs.
Back in 1917, those seniors who entered the
military and naval forces were given their de-
grees despite the fact that many of them were
missing up to two and one half months of school.
The move suggested at the present time would
mean the loss of approximately four months
of schooling but that could be compensated to
a great extent by requiring juniors to attend
summer sessions this year.
A NUMBER of individuals have opposed the>,
early graduation scheme and the subsequent
increase of engineers in industry on the grounds
that the post-war years would see too many
of them without jobs. These individuals, how-
ever, fail to recognize the fact that the nation
will be much greater industrialized after the
war and that already certain groups leave been
discussing post-war projects.
We ,have as an example of this Gov. Murray
D. Van Wagoner's statement at the Highway
Conference here last month, asking county high-
way commissions to make plans now to take
care of theirpersonnel and equipment after the
end of the present conflict. More actions of this
sort will have to be taken and undoubtedly they
will be.
MOST of the other arguments which have been
advanced against the proposal are not very
valid. Certainly we are not going to withhold en-
gineers from industry merely because it would be
unfair to those students who were required to
take four years of college before receiving their
degrees. Certainly also we are not going to op-
pose this measure because it is, with the excep-
tion of what happened in the World, War, un-
According to a recent survey there are some
40,000 available engineering posts and only 12,000
men graduating from engineering colleges to fill
them. Any step made in schools to get more men
in industry as quickly as possible should be de-
- Albert P.B laustei'i



Mr. Milstein is the happy possessor of a variety
of tones, ranging from a gentle, singing tone, tot
one of sturdy spirit. His tempi were well placed,
and his command of technical difficulties was
easy, neat, clear, and controlled,
Immediately on the presentation of Stamitz's
Adagio and Rondo, we noticed the ease, and
fluidity of his bowing, the smoothness of connec-
tion in his legato playing. The piece was pleas-
ant, liquid to a degree, jaunty, and polite. Bach's
prelude and Gavotte in E major was one piece
of continual movement, and was handled with a
clear delicacy which showed intimate under-
standing of the individual voices.
Beethoven's sonata in F Major, (Spring Son- 1
ata), was again a different Beethoven than one'
ordinarily conceives. The first movement partic-
ularily, an allegro, was remindful of Mendels-
sohn, but with sturdier body and spirit. The
adagio was gentle, very expressive.
Some of Mr. Milstein's pianissimo passages
were slightly obscured here, due, we thought, to a
too heavy execution of the piano accompaniment,
although in the main, we found that well done,
and only a little obtrusive. We thought, also,
that Mr. Milstein's attempts at a "big" tone here
fell short of the requirement. Again in the
scherzo and rondo movements, some of the pian-
issimo and pizzicato passages missed fire. The
Meditation, by Tschaikowsky, began the second
half of the recital. The continuous, emotional
melodies,'were a good change from the evenness
of the selections of the first part of the program
and were brought forth with delicate understand-
ing. Difficult changes of position on the finger-
board were performed with admirable ease, once
more we were struck with the smoothness of con-
nected tones, particularly in the long-sustained
last note or two.
Josef Suk's Burlesque lived up to its name, and
was, principally, a whirligig of very rapid, short
Last on the forma'l program came the Concerto
in A minor, by Vieuxtemps, the first movement of
which seemed nearly etude in character, and of
difficulty brilliantly overcome. The solo in the
final movement carried the audience, finally,
into rapt concentration, while the artist per-
formed marvels of execution, and presented tones
of fine, strong, round, timber that seehed quite
different from those given earlier. The piece
was perhaps the most catching, from both an
aural and visual view po int, and of sutrprising
stature. -Karl Karlstromn'
British Meat Rationf

Sorry, a hasty conference of The Daily's
senior staff has just concluded that the above
is in "bad taste."
Oh fiddledeedee. Rhett Butler.
THERE have been many evaluations of the
character of a sport-writer but probably the
best commentary is the following little true
A few weeks ago two stalwart Michigan men.
one on the editorial staff of The Daily, the other
on the sports staff, took a small jaunt to a
nearby co-education campus that is sans auto-
mobile restrictions. The two visiting Wolverines,
moreover, did quite well for themselves, manag-
ing to obtain dates with two very attractive co-
eds who owned an automobile.
They spent the first part of the evening sop-
ping up beer in one of the conspicuous consump-
tion joints on that particular campus and then
all four went into the car, one girl and the edit
man in front with the girl at the helm, and the
sports man and his date in the rear.
Quoth the edit man's date: "Let's drive some
place, park a while and listen to the radio."
Spake the sports man: "Naw, I think you'd
better drop us (that is, he and the edit staff rep-
resentative) at our room right away."
Answereth the edit staff's date: "It's still ear-
ly, I thought we'd stay in the car and listen to
the radio for a while."
Interspersed the edit staff man with vitriolic
venom in both his eyes: "Sure, we don't have to
go back to the room right away, let's listen to
the radio for a while." This character, incident-
ally, usually dislikes music.
The sportswriter answered: "But we have to
get up early tomorrow morning. We'd better
go back to the room now."
All three others assent with unexpressed dis-
gust and the two Michigan "wolves" are dropped
off, immediately, at their room for the night.
THE EDIT MAN could barely restrain him-
self from committing speedy mayhem on the
sports man. He waited until they were within
the solitude of their room and then with his left
hand firmly placed on the scruff of the sports
writer's neck, blurted: "What's the matter with
you. You had a good looking, even intelligent
date. She wanted to park. We all wanted to
park. We didn't have to come home this early.
What was wrong, anyway?"
With perfectly bland expression the sports
writer answered: "Aw, we had nothing in com-
mn. She duid't know a damn thing about
Milk Can Enemies


Utility Witness
SHARE COMPANY was pleading
before the Securities and Exchange
Commission against regulatory mea-
sures which, under the Holding Com-
pany Act, would break it up and sep-
arate various of its subsidiaries. The
company claimed this would wreck
their system.
The utility's star witness was Pro-
fessor Herbert B. Dorau of New York
University's Department of Public
Utilities. Dorau was introduced as
an impartial expert, a professor whc
had studied the matter scientifically.
SEC attorney Alfred Berman let him
testify at length, then began asking
embarrassing questions.
Finally he uncovered the fact tha
Dr. Dorau, together with Professor
John T. Madden, Dean of the Schoo
of Commerce of NYU, had conducte
research for Edison Electric Insti
tute which paid them fees far in ex-
cess of their university salaries-ap
proximately $150,000 over a period o
two years (1936-38).
Edison Electric institute is a pub
licity organization supported by th
utility industry, including Electri
Bond and Share. The two professors
who kept a joint bank account, net
ted about $1,200 a month each, als
maintained an office at 2 Recto
Street, New York, Electric Bond an
Share's office building.
During the 1936-38 period, aft
deducting office expenses of abou
$81,000, each professor made som
$34,000. Dorau's salary at the un
versity was $8,900 a year.




Merry-Go-R u d Robert," Glider Club: Those who missed the
"The trouble with Chip Robert," organization meeting may sign up for
says Maury Maverick. referring to the gliding in Room 102 West Engineer-
Robert Company's speedy construe- ing Annex any afternoon from 3 to
tion of the Corpus Christi naval air a. Flying starts immediately.
base, "is that he's too smart. He's got'-
more brains than anyone else." . .,. Students, College of Literature, Sci-
Wyoming has just completed a rare ence, and the'Arts: No course may be
exhibition of political unity. The elected for credit after the end of
state legislature, finding it had 28 the third week. Saturday, March 8,
Republicans and 28 Democrats, di- is therefore the last date on which
vided the committee chairmanships, new elections may be approved. The
put through a harmonious legislative willingness of an individual instruc-
program. . . . It was the Justice De- tor to admit a student later does not
partment which finally stopped the affect the operation of this rule.
flow of Nazi propaganda entering this Ls
country via Siberia and Japan. It' La Sociedad Hlispanica Summeir
ruled that the mail violated the law Session Scholarships in the Univer-I
requiring foreign agents to register sity of Mexico: All students inter-
with the State Department. ested in competing for these schoiar-
ships should register with Professor
South American Beef Lincoln in 100 Romance Languages.
It has been only two short years Notice to all Mechanical Ergin-
since every cattleman in the country eering seniors:. Membership in the
was berating Roosevelt because he Student Branch of A ME cannot be
OK'd the purchase of 8,000 pounds of obtained after March 15, All those
Argentine canned beef for the Navy. who are not now members are urged
Roosevelt was accused of insulting to call James Eastman, Treasurer of
the American cow, and political pun- the Branch, for particulars..

Sociology 51: Make-up final ex-
amination will be' given Saturday,
March 8, at 2:00 p.m. in Room D,
Haven Hall.
Palmer Christian, University Or-
ganist, will present a concert at 4:15
p.m. today. Mr. Christian's next re-
cital on the Organ Recital Series will
be given March 12, at which time he
will. present selections by contempor-
ary composers based on Gregorian
An exhibition of Currier and Ives
prints and of work by Yasuo Kuni-
yoshi is open afternoons from 2 to
in Alumni Memorial Hall, through
March 7.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design:A collection of drawinigs
in various -'phases of Design from
Pratt Institute in New York, and an
exhibition of the last semester's work
in Design by students of the College,
are being shown in the third floor ex-
hibition room, Architecture Building.
Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday,



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