PAGE TWO' T1E MICHIGAN DAILY WEDlNESDAY, __ _ _ _ __ _ ---_._. _s r .._ i.. ._ __ _ . . W. H. Draper Will Lecture: On Draft Bill Colonel To Tell Effects Of Selective Service On )University Students Physics Department Reputation Attracts Students, Survey Showsj Bigg .en Higluights Entry Deadline DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I p t l1 Col. W. H. Draper, a member of President Roosevelt's Advisory Com- Mittee on Selective Service, will de- ' liver a University lecture on "The Se-i lective Service Act and the Colleget Student" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow int Rackham Lecture Hall under the aus- pice, of the University Committee on 1 Defense Issues. Colonel Draper, now on duty with the War Department General Staff, has recently been Reserve Chief of Staff of the 77th Division, and was ak member of an investment bankingi firm. He was originally commissionedi second lieutenant of Infantry in 1917, and at the close of the war had the rank of major. He was in command; of a ,group of five Development Bat-{ talions at Camp Upton, N.Y., and was an instructor at the Officers' Train- ing Camp at Plattsburg and Camp Upton, N.Y. Colonel Draper will meet with rep- resentatives of other Michigan col- leges at 12:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union for a discussion of problems of mutual interest in connection with the national defense. A Seminar conference, at which Colonel Draper will conduct a more informal discussion of the subject, will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Phi Sigma Officers To Be Elected Today The election of officers will be the feature of the agenda for the weekly meeting of Phi Sigma, na- tional honorary biological research society to be held at 8 p.m. tonight in the Outing Club Room of the Graduatp School. Present officers of the organization include Robert Kleemeier of the psy- chology department, president; Betty M. Robertson, Grad., secretary; Leo- nard N. Allison, Grad., vice-president; and Reed W. Varner, '41F&C, treas- irer. U Michigan's graduate physics de- partment, the second largest in the United States, owes its size mainly to the reputation which has been at- ained by members of the department and by the University in general, ac- cording to the results of a survey re- eased yesterday. The survey, which was conducted last year under the direction of Prof. H. R. Crane and Prof. George E. Uhlenbeck, was designed to de- termine why the physics department here had so many graduate students while the departments of many other universities had fewer. Graduates Given List In an attempt to learn the answer, graduates were given a list of 15 statements and were asked to num- rider industrial physics a "come- c r down. -hpo meAmon hicwere madspecii madu Birthdays, dramatics, conventions include the following.- the usual headliners-were in order "I came here because of publicity around the Big Ten this week. in the newspapers concerning the It was a- twin birthday at Illi- cyclotron, etc., which let me know nois. A Founders Day program, that the department here was better which by the way was broadcast than some others." over NBC, celebrated the 73rd an- 'The physics, electronics and ma- niversary of the university. Other thematics departments here were rat- celebrants were members of the ed second only to M.I.T. by the con- Student Alumni Association that is census of opinion of a number of now in its ninth year. Not such qualified men in industry. This is cheerful news' for the Illini student what influenced me to attend Michi- body, however, was hidden among gan." Cha mpaign dispatches. This was !I For Course Set B Department Applications for entrance in a sum- mer course in biogical research at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., must be submitted to the Laboratory by May 1, the botany de- partment announced yesterday. A trustee of the Laboratory, Dr. William Randolph Taylor of the bot- any department, curator of algae in University Herbarium, is in charge of the botany instruction course study- ing morphology and taxonomy of al- gae. The courses in botany, zoology, em- bryology, physiology, biochemistry and biophysics are taught by a group of nationally-known authorities in these WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1941 VOL. Ll. No. 107 n.. uaiĀ«y-A. %-1 'Jf i ntia Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. to Notices T S Student Tea: President and Mrs. i Anthrop 'ologiatst a 6~it Comp iles BsokerhA : 0 nodianore h Mr .f. X V_ Kinicst' Research ,Also- I Prof. Christian Ruthven will be at home to studei this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. the announcement of the forth- coming $5 increase in tuition for all students. ber thenm according to their relativ3core.Xl.v.V.niJvZ Uaicxiav2 ive Dr. Walter C. Coffey, Director of importance in influencing grads to o Give ecital t De t t of ruurs Tuition for the summer course cate in Ethno-History, Museum of attend Michigan. The numbers be pone cigpeietc when the full facilities of the labor- Anthropology, has recently publishedt ndtihihneTe umr enitatory are available i+ $75. Application a book entitled "The Indians Of The ranged from 10 to -10. the University of Minnesota begin-f Second in the list of reasons was AppearanceOf Organist ning on July 1. Students on the for admission and information con- Western Great Lakes-1615-1760." the possibility of receiving an assist- s Semester S Minneapolis campus are still driving cerning the course should be ad- Mr. Kinietz, trained in the fields thTosblt frciiga sit s Sel~iewr s Thirdfothtnwmcail'erau dressed to the laboratory. of history and anthropology, has de-1 antship here which was followed in_ for that new mechacal' aeronau- order by the amount of tuition, the Prof. Palmer Christian of the tical engineering building - more- voted three years to an intimate and size of the department and University, School of Music will present a varied power to 'em. detailed examination of all available the influence of a member of the de- proram of nine well-known organ- Perspectives documents and printed records in partment and the type of work car- coprogiton nie e estern trd Ohio State was the host this many archives and libraries in order ried on here which was not available cran concert at 4 psm. tod i week to the 2nd Annual Ceramic Datea to secure the material for this story. atgaothercschools.:Hill Audioorium. Oreratives' Ins titute whose devout D ~a A careful analysis and copulation of atI ather fewowsreHiinfAudncerium.purpose was to encourage the information in historical published Only a very few were influenced by University organist and chairman Buckeye state to continue its lead indr tnp inlis ocal pulish the living condition and expenses I of the organ department, Profeior as the most productive ceramics Publication Will Include and unpublished documents furnish here or by graduates of the Universi- Christian has served as soloist wAh state in the nation (according to t bPOery, Esays, FctIOthe bre of the fenructin ote o this ty adnn eeinlecdin any 's sFcto treo tefie niacrieso lti and none were influenced nany uch famed American orchestras as the Ohio State Lantern). The most _n w t yr__d way by the fact that Michigan is the Chicago Detroit, Philadelphia exciting thing happening on the egion between the years of 1615 and coeducational and that there are New York Philharmonic and Roches- campus, however, was the dispute some social advantages connected ter Symphonies. In addition he has over the' minimum wage of 38c small town is the subject of Etta fence book and partly for straigt with the school. been organist at the Fourth Presby- demanded by the Student Labor and the Greeks," by J. E. Bingley, refdrnce drbo a parfrtrit, Only Statement terian Church of Chicago and Muni- Board for student restaurant em- '42, featured in the forthcoming is- dress and ornaments, economicsand The only statement which was cipal Organist of Denver. ployes. Restaurant owners don't sue of Perspectives, to be distributed social life, and the location of the answered by the negative was Among the selections which will like it. Sunday, according to an announce- tribes of the Huron, Miami, Ottowa, the one asking graduates if they ,be heard in today's recital are Vi- Chicago, Pirdue and Wisconsin ment by Ellen Rhea, '41, editor in Chippewa, and Potawatomi Indians. came here because they had heard valdi's "Concerto in D," Handel's displayed the only current interest in it was easier to get a degree at "Largo," (Concerto Grosso No. 12), dfchief of the campus literary mag- Michi an than at other institutions i) De T r ofcomar stand innStanley's "A Tune for the Flutes," ama conference. Chicago is the only one The survey also revealed that most Bach's "Fantasie and Fugue in G with any serious program in view. It The story is an unusual. treatment rfTrT lk Tc morrow mnor and Reger's "Benedictus." is about to launch a series of radio of the small town wife, Miss Rhea their minds to become physicists un-B tin l ay etchesonkte Bible rd e said. This is Bingley's first contribu- "Cuba and the United States" will til they were in college and that more I Bossi's Mcdtations in a Cathedral ,"started uorkonitsanalVity t h aaie "uaan h ntdSae"wl than 20 per cent of them did not Novak's "In the Church, Schumann's Show while Wisconsin, in the midst tion to the magazme, in terms of be the subjet of an illustrated lec ake up their minds until they be- "Sketch in D flat" and "Finale" f campus elections, has begun think- What art really meansure to be given by Prof. Julio del gan p their graduate work. y (Symphony VIII) by Widor. ing about its all-male Haresfoot today will be discussed in an essay on Toro, under the auspices of La So- otheir questions which were in- The next two concerts by Professor show. Modern Art, by John Maxon, '41A. It ciedad Hispanica, at 4:15 p.m. to- cluded indicate that most physicists Christian will be played on Wednes- Notes from here, there, and eve- is rather a controversial discussion of morrow in Room 231 Angell Hall. are influenced by their college pro-{day,March 12,ordWednesda rywhere ... Iowa reached the ripe the subject, Miss Rhea declared, and Professor del Toro will discuss the fessors in deciding to study in that March 19. The former program willIold age of 94 during the week while is written from the standpoint of an and Cuba from the early part of the field and that only 10 per cent, de- comprise several contempoary co making plans for the ninth An- I19th century to the present. He will spite the fact that they all have positions on Gregorian melodies while nual Invitational Forensic Tourna- - rtist. learned mostly "pure physics," con- the latter program will consist of met in which 16 colleges are en- Other contributions include a short eon o w cetin pherticalea- selections by noted English compos- tered . . . Indiana had a "battle story by James Jackson, '41, an essay economiecodtih erettitud f th ers. of bands" the other night between by William Newton, '41, and poetry wy at ed the a f his Olsen To Discuss its own favorite campus dance band. by Irving Weiss, '41E, Lawrence i and one from. Purdue after the Springarn, Grad., Virginia French, Datage Contro All Juglers Are Called Purdue-Indiana basketball game . Grad., Dorothy Farnan, '41, and Opera Casi To Meet To Practice By ROTC . . . Northwestern was all astir David Stocking, Grad. All members of the casts of the last Comdr. c. E. Olsen of the naval with pro and con arguments over People interested in working on the two years' Mimes Union Opera Pro- trainng station as Gea Les wil "I Cant Get 'Em Up" talent on the propoed reorganization of the staff should call Jay McCormick at ductions have been invited to attend discuss "Damage Control" in the sev- bugle or students desirous of learn- Student Governing Board with an 22280, Miss Rhea added. There will a showing of Opera pictures at 8:30 enth of a series of naval lectures at ing from scratch the finer points ofabolishing of class commissions. I be work to do this week particularly p.m. today to be .held in Room 116 enhofasriso nvlletre tin rm cachte ie pit o n hepwill beappreciated. -fteMcignUin 4 p.m. tomorrow in Room 348 of the bugling will be needed at the andhelpwillbeappreciadeel b of the Michigan Union. West Engineering Building. weekly Tuesday meetings of the{I- His talk will deal with the variou ROTC drum and bugle corps, the II H1 11w jo Applications for Scholarships Open o Students in More Than One Unit. The Emma M. and Florence L. Abbott cholarships and the Eugene G. Fas- ett Scholarships, for which students n more than one School or College are eligible to apply, will be awarded n 1941-42. For further details as to eligibility, etc., see the University bulletin, "Scholarships, Fellowships, Prizes, and Loan Funds," obtainable at the Information Desk, Business Office, 1 U.H. The President has appointed a Committee to assign these and other scholarships which (Continued on Page 4) Changes Made ByCongress Strain Is,. Selected New Committee Chairman Five changes in the committee or- ganization and personnel of Congress, Independent Men's Association, all of which were made at an executive committee meeting Monday, were announced yesterday by William H. Rockwell, '41, president. The list of new appointments is headed by the selection of William Strain, '43, as chairman of the social committee replacing Richard Coe, '42. Strain has been the Congress repre- sentative on the PACI committee and was one of the chairmen of the Con- gressional Fling. John Roth. '43, a member of the organization committee, was named Dormitory Council representative to the executive committee while John Middleton, '43, Rooming House Coun- cil representative, was chosen to work with Richard Shuey, '42E, as co- chairman of the organization commit- tee. 11 DIAL 8116 for RADIO SERVISCE $1.00 (Especially Kadette Toppers) Phonographs and Changers can be repaired properly by, I types of damage sustained by under- military science department an- water portions of fighting craft dur- nounced. ing battle, the problems caused by Composed of 25 bugles and ten such destruction and the functions drums, the drum and bugle corps of the navy's damage control parties which participates in local parades in solving them and keeping vessels I and reviews has a few vacancies in in action, the bugle section which must be filled. Change to HOME COOKING. Variety is the spice of life UNIVERSITY GRILL Two Floors 615 E. William St. Notes Two of the five poets whose names appear on the cover of the February number of the magazine "Poetry," as the important contributors of the month, are former students in the University:. John Malcolm Brinnin won a ma- jor Hopwood award in poetry in 1940. Poems from his prize-winning volume which appear in this issue include: "End of a War, I and II," "The Mon- uments," "The Funeral," "Trans- continent," and "Transwilderness. Theodore Roethke is well-known to those who read modern verse. His first book of verse, "Open House,' is being published March 10 by Alfred A. Knopf. Two of Roethke's poems, "Sale" and "Second Shadow" appear in the magazine. I STOF L E TI Phone 8116 3 31 MAIN I I NOW I iI HOW THE TELEPHONE SERVES THE RADIO NETWORKS It's time for your favorite nationally-broadcast radio pro- gram. As you tune in, millions of others throughout the country dial the same program, enjoy the same music, Dear the same news . . . at /he sane. tite! TO MAKE POSSIBLE the. Simultaneous broadcast of a pro gram by many radio stations, the wires of the Bell System are employed. 'loday the country is webbed with tele- phone circuits especially engineered to carry radio pro- grams from one broadcasting station to another, and from studios to stations. Alternate wire routes criss-cross the nation, and programs can be switched from one to another instantly, which helps eliminate possible interruptions and delays. A highly-trained corp of telephone people guard and guide the transmission. PROGRAM SCHEDULING and changes often must be made immediately. For that and other puruposes, many net- works rely oim the teletypewriter . . . another Bell System scrvice . .. to reproduce instructions in typewritten form instantly and simultaneously at any number of broadcast- ing stations, AND FOR SWIFT, PERSONAL COMMUNICAT ION, radio execu- tives rely on the telephone in their contacts with each other, with talent, and with advertising agencies and . I N zati assi sup of sion I qew office manager of the organi- on is Robert Jones; '43, who will st Rockwell as Congress' financial ervisor. Jones is a former member the organization group and was gram chairman of the Congres- nal Fling.. Christian Science Organization at the U ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FR oLNces a Jniversity of Michigan 'URE ON CHRISTIAN s CIENCE b_') CH AR L ES V. WINN, C.S.B. 1IASEAI )N A, (.ALII').K NIA Member of the i or d of Lec't (reshi p of T' e Mother Church, The First Church of Chris!, Scientist, in Ioston, Massachusetts cc / VNK-M I. U iiIii