Wecather Clcc~:; xicold r. Bka Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication 3atli Editorial -L VOL. L. No. 107 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1941 Z-323 wN ti'Ut -W IT4WA"- r PRICE FIVE CENTS I Gerald t'. INYe Flays Britain; Senators Fear Bill Filibuster EArly Denies FDR Plans To Head OPM, Blames Report On Opponentg Of Lend-Lease Measure President To Ask Cabinet's Advice Gager Lettermen Choose Bill Cartmill'41 Captain Germans Bid For Fuehrer Sends F Turkish Favor; WASHINGTON. March 4. -(A)- Attacking Great Britain as "the ace aggressor of all time," Senator Nye (Rep.-N.D.) simultaneously disclosed today that his was the last speech of the Senate's general debate on the lease-lend bill and that the opposi-. tion was willing to consider amend- ments tomorrow. What this meant in terms of hastening a final vote on the measure, however, leaders of neither side could say. It pushedthe bill intoane stage in its journey through Con- gress, but nevertheless left speech- making unlimited in a situation which many conceded could easily develop x.. r4 into a filibwster.1 Q Nye spoke of the possibility of -a final ballot at the middle of next -: . week, but in private conversations BILL CARTMILL some Senators allied with the opposi- tion were doubtful. Meanwhile, from Stephen T. Early, Detroit M ayor the President's press secretary,, came asae etc agi g " od m n efforts to confuse and mystify and-WillG ive Talk inject poison into the defense setup" and asserting these 'were "probably At Union Tod.y related to the opposition" to the bill. He referred specifically to cir- culaton of reports that after passage 'Undergraduate Training of the measure the defense commis- -T, pi sion and office of production man-1 For Pubc Life', agement would be superseded by a Of Jeffries Discussion new cabinet unit. Naturally, Early said, Mr. Roosevelt I Edward J. Jeffries, '23L, youthful, would consult cabinet members and I progressive mayor of Detroit, will dis- their military advisers as to what cuss Undergraduate Preparation for could be spared for England, but ie Public Life before a student meeting added that the OPM would continue at 8 p.m. today in the Union; to work on its task of production. Jeffries will give the first in a When. a reporter asked if any resig- series of informative talks sponsored nations from the OPM were expected, by the Michigan party on government Early answered: and related aspects. David Thompson, "I think that is perfectly silly. That '41, chairman of the arrangements is the poisonous part of it; the committee, announced that open for- trouble-making part of it." um will be held after the talk when On the Senate floor both friends members of the audience will have. and opponents of the bill were having the opportunity of questioning the their say, and Senator Wagner (Dem.- speaker. N.Y.) issued a formal statement say- The Detroit mayor will emphasize ing the "bill offers the American the plage of the private citizen in people their last, best hope, sh;ort of government and also the requirements war, to safeguard their peace and necessary for good public administra- security in this time of unparallelled tion. world upheaval.r m"Jeffries is an excellent speaker Senator Wheeler (Dem.-Mont.) is- and a good debater," Thompson de- sued a statement expressing a con- lared. viction that an "overwhelming ma- Widely known as a liberal, Jeffries jority of the people" were against the became mayor two years ago when he bill. defeated the incumbent Richard By NORM MILLER Bill Cartmill, Verona, N.J., basket- ball star, was yesterday made a sur- prise choice by 10 Varsity letter win- ners to lead the Michigan hoop team into acti~n for the coming season. The slim red-headed veteran was expected to be graduated in June, but a switch in his academic program that made it necessary for Cartmill to remain in school for another year, and the factsthat he has had onlyytwo seasons of Varsity competition, made him eligible for another year of ath- letics and the captaincy. Choice Is 'Popular The choice was a popular one among the Wolverine cagers and Coach Bennie Oosterbaan. "Bill's a fine fellow, has a good basketball head, and I'm sure he'll make an excellent leader," was Oosterbaan's comment on the team's selection. Cartmill came to Michigan after winning All-State honors at Verona (N.J.) high school and has been a member of the Wolverine squad for three seasons. He never broke into (Continued on Page 3) Hillel Players Will Reenact Broadway Hit Tickets for Hillel's major produc- tion, "Success Story" by John How- ard Lawton, will go on sale from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. today, Thursday and Friday at the box office of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. All seats for the play, which will have a two night. run March 7 and 8 at Mendelssohn Theatre, will be reserved and the price of the tickets will be 50 cents. Hillel members who present their affiliate membership card at the box office before Friday noon will receive a reserved seat tick- et. "Success Story" was a Broadway hit in 1931 when it had a run of over 200 performances with Franchot Tonet in the leading role.. Arthur Klein, Grad., who is an in- structor in the speech department and is well-known for his appear- ances as a member of Play Produc- tion, is the director of the production. Louis Nims Suspects His Reports Are Hidden i ; t R riendship Britain Nazi Troop Lines Pour Into Nation As Rendell Warns U.S. Minister Highways Crowded By Tanks, Artillery To Break With Bulgaria 100 Bombers Monthly 'Is Goal Of Ypsi Plant SOFIA, Bulgaria, March 4.-(A)- Britain will break off diplomatic re- lations with axis-aligned Bulgaria tomorrow, British Minister George W. Rendell disclosed tonight. This decision was made known as German troops poured across this Balkan :kingdom in an ever-growing volume toward the Greek and Turk- ish frontiers and RAP planes were reported in GermanRquarters to be photographing the country, apparent- ly in a preparation for bombing bt- tacks. Rendell, acting with a free hand from London, informed United States Minister George H. Earle of the im- pending diplomatic rupture and Earle instructed the American Legation to- prepare to take over 'custody of Bri- tish property throughout Bulgaria.- A special train was ordered for to- morrow afternoon to take out 53 Bri- tish officials and newspapermen still in this country. Earle was informed, however, that the train's departure may be delayed a day or two., Aboard the same train will be mem- bers of the Polish, Belgian and Dutch Legations, who decided to accompany the British mission to Istanbul. More than 100 small pursuit ships, of German origin and bearing Bul- garian markings, were lined up on a new emergency airport here. The Nazi troop movement toward the Turkish and Greek frontiers swelled hourly and Bulgarian troops, with full battle equipment marched through Sofia's streets. Main highways and rail lines were choked with German troop trains, heavy tanks, armored cars and artil- lery. The government refused to com- ment on Soviet Russia's condemna- tion of the German army's entry into1 Bulgaria. Heavily-armed police patrolled the streets of Sofia tonight to prevent demonstrations by Communists in- spired by the "scolding from Mos- cow.' DETROIT, March 4. -(P- One hundred complete bomber assemblies -wings, fuselages, noses, stabilizers, and other vital parts-each month will be the initial objective of the Ford Motor Company in the new $11,000,000 assembly plant it is to build near Ypsilanti. - This was the statement today by Edsel B. Ford, president of the Ford Company, who added that "we hope to be in production by the end of 'the year."He .said that every effort would be made to start some of the work immediately, using existing plant facilities until the new building is completed., Authorization to proceed with con- struction of the new assembly plant was received from Washington yes- terday. Blueprints and general speci- fications for the plant had been per- fected several weeks ago and thie company expects to have construc- tion work under way within a short time. Besides the "airframe assemblies," the preliminary agreement between ithe Ford Company and the Govern- ment also calls for the company to manufacture landing gears for army bombers. These gears are of the tri- cycle type, described as one of the most complicated parts of the bomb- Milstein Faces' Call For Draft Despite Careerc Thirty-six year old Nathan Mil- stein, concert violinist, had time to' remark last night after he had fin- ished his concert program, that the business of being drafted into the army was entirely in the hands of the government, and that there wasn'tt much he could do about it. Milstein1 was thirty-five at the time of the draft registration. "I haven't received my question- naire yet and' don't expect to ask for deferment ° because of my musi- cal ability; I have other reasons to ask for ' a rejection," he said. "It's1 true," Milstein pointed out, "that carryingea gun and other training maneuvers might hurt my hands, buts the government may find other things for me to do, if they see fit to draft me." I Note; ers, and each will weigh about 1,200 pounds. A group of 70 Ford engineers and designers today is enroute to the West Coast to study the big bombers part by part with the objective of developing faster manufacturing and assembly methods. iEach step is to be carefully planned and the de- tails reported as quickly as possible to Ford production men here. IFC Will Hold Second Annual 'Greek Week' Fraternities To Discuss Problems March 27, 28 In All-Campus Council Fraternity men will be afforded an opportunity to discuss mutual prob- lems with faculty, alumni and na- tional fraternity officers March 27 and 28 when the Inter-Fraternity Council sponsors its second annual Greek Week at the Union. James Harrison, '41, Phi Gamma Delta, and John Devine, '41, of Sig- ma Phi have been selected as co- chairmen for the conference. A two-day program in which every campus fraternit" . will take part, Greek Week willoffer panel discus- sions on fraternity problems, discus- sion luncheons and an initiates' ban- quet which will fete recently initiated freshmen. The panels, to which every house will send representatives, will discuss rushing, house management, schol- arship, cultural developments and University and fraternity relations. Faculty members will be invited to the fraternity houses for _consulta- tions during the week-end. Bennett Willing To Act To Avert Ford Strike DETROIT, March 4. -(A')- Harry Bennett, Ford Motor Co. personnel chief, wrote Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner today he would be "glad to visit with" a special mediation com- mission seeking to avert a strike with which the United Automobile Work- ers-CIO has threatened Ford plants employing 95,000 men. He said, however, he could "see no reason for a conference" since there was "no dispute to discuss and no' legitimate reason for Ford workers to strike." Inonu Expected To Shun Latest Move Of Nazis To Break British Ties Moscow And Berlin CoolingIs Detected ANKARA. Turkey, March 4.-(M)- An urgent message from Adolf Hitler -intimating, said highly-placed per- sons, that the Nazis wanted to look after Turkey's "interest and well-be- ing"-was delivered dramatically to the Turkish president today, but offi ial quarters declared it would have little effect -on the pro-British policy of this country. Hitler's note was brought to Presi- dent Ismet Inonu by airplane by a five-man Nazi mission; members of which were understood also to have suggested that Turkey act as an in- termediary to make peace between Greece and Italy. This, it was reported after a long cabinet meeting, Turkey would re- fuse to do.. The Fuehrer's emissaries, it was said privately by qualified inform- ants, offered assurances that Ger- many had no threats; that it only wanted to help Turkey. This proffer of assistance,.as some observers saw it, was intended to make certain Tur- key did not enter the war. The cabinet met in extraordinary session to hear Hitler's message, and Field Marshal Fevzi Cakmak, chie of the Turkish general staff, sat in. The tempo of Turkish military pre- parations rose sharply. In Sofia, Bulgaria, which has been occupied in a German troop move- ment to the Turkish and Greek fron- tiers, informed diplomats said Hitler wishes for the Turks to scrap their alliance with Britain and sign up with Germany as the one power that could "protect Turkey against the historic Iesigns of Russia." France Given Second Deadline By Tokyo TOKYO, March 4-(P)-A second deadline giving France until noon to- 'morrow (10 p.m. EST Tuesday) to submit a "final answer" to Japanese proposals for settlement of the border dispute between French Indo-China The Daily calls special attention to the address, 4:15 this afternoon, in the Rackham *imphitheatre by the Hon., Edwin Neville, former United States minister to Thai- land, who will discuss "Far Eastern Reactions to Western Penetration." and Thailand was indicated tonight by Domei, Japanese news agency. The new time limit was believed set by Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka at an inconclusive, 40-minute con'- ference today with French Ambassa- dor Charles Arsene Henry, the news agency said. Japanese quarters admitted a set- back to their efforts to settle the con- troversy swiftly. A twice-extended armistice will-ex- pire Friday night. The foreign minister and the French envoy discussel a modified plan advanced by Japan. The modi- fications were not disclosed, but Koh Ishii, cabinet information bureau spokesman, indicated the big point was Thailand's claim to the section of Cambodia Province surrounding Sisophon-directly east, of Bapgkok, Thai capital. The Thai government's agreement to the new Japanese plan was re- ported already in Japanese hands. Lovell Is Appointed To Defense Group Prof. Alfred H. Lovell of the elec- trical engineering department, as- sistant dean and secretary of the Col- lege of Engineering, has been appoint- ed to serve as a member of the Com- mittee on Classifications of the Na- Foreign Group To Be Honored Ruthven Will Welcome 110 Latin Americans, President Alexander G. Ruthven will welcome the 100 Latin-American students visiting the campus this week-end at a banquet in their honor at 7:00 p.m. Friday at the Union. Other speakers at the banquet will be Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the his- tory department, who will act as toastmaster; Prof. Hayward Keniston of the Romance languages depart- ment, who will address the group in Spanish; Prof. Jesse Reeves, of the political science department; and seven persons of the visiting group,j one representing each South Ameri- can country. The South American group is mak- ing a brief tour of the United States, after attending a six-week winter school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Other activities planned for the group by the faculty committee in charge, headed by Dean Joseph A. Bursley, include a reception to be held by the International Center fol- lowing the banquet Friday night, a tour of the campus Saturday morn- ing and a final luncheon at the Union. PUBLICATIONS TRYOUTS Tryouts for the business staff of the Michiganensian, yearbook, will meet at 4 p.m. today in the Publi- Reading in campaign by a two to one majority with CIO support. He also acquired experience in pub- lic life as a member of the city coun- cil for eight years and the last two years of that period he was president .of that body. Jeffries, an outspoken advocate of public ownership, now is engaged in campaign for municipal ownership of the gas system in Detroit. -aR T '-r w-r 71 0 A"& 0 1- LANSING, March 4.-(P)-Louis M. Nims, State Sales Tax Director, said today he was convinced that "somebody is trying to hide" a state police report needed in his plans to introduce reforms. The 600-page report, dealing with state police investigations of sales tax collecting procedures, has never been made public, and has disappeared, Nims and others said. It contains "some original exhibits that may be impossible to replace," Nims added. State officials said they thought a new report could be reproduced from the notes of the original investigators. Rushton said he recalled the re- port, but does not know where it is now. He said he thought it was sub- mitted to Luren D. Dickinson when the latter was governor, but Dickin- son said he knew nothing of the re- port. A-T INearly Half Of Students Fiavor Lease-Lend Bill, Poll Indicates By ROBERT SPECKHARD Forty-six percent of the Michigan student body is in favor of the Pres- ident's lease-lend bill, a Bureau of Student Opinion poll taken last week reveals. Comparison of the Bureau's re- sults with the latest Gallup poll shows that campus sentiment for the measure is somewhat less than that displayed throughout the nation (54 percent in favor). Thirty-one percent of the campus is opposed to the bill as compared to a natiohial percentage against the bill of 22 percent, the poll shows. Eight- een percent of the campus. is unde- cided, the poll indicates, whereas only nine percent of the nation in- dicated indecision. Four percent of the students qestioned gave qual- ified answers. In only one school was the per- centage against the bill greater than that for its passage. Forty-five per- cent of the Graduate School student is approximately equal, 51 and 49 percent in favor, respectively. On the question of what they would like U.S. relations with Great Britain to be, 68 percent of the campus fa- vors at least selling up to half of our war supplies to Britain,. results show. However, only eight percent are in favor of immediately declaring our- selves allies of Britain and sending military expeditions if necessary, the poll indicates, and an even smaller percentage (seven percent) are in favor of stopping all aid to Britain. Over half of those favoring at least selling up to a half of our war sup- pliesare in favor of giving away, if necessary, more than half of our war material to Britain, the figures show. National sentiment on an- swers to the U.S. and British rela- tions question recorded in the latest Fortune poll approximates campus opinion by one or two "percentage points, comparison shows. - Asked whether they favored the Hoover proposal for sending food to Neville To Talk 1 On Tar East' Former Thailand Minister To End Lecture Series Delivering the last in a series of four University lectures, Hon. Edwin E. Neville, former American Minister to Thailand, will discuss "Far East- ern Reactions to Western Penetra- tion" at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre, under the aus- pices of the political science depart- ment. Mr. Neville has given talks on "Backgrounds of the Far East," "Frontiers in East Asia," and "The Consolidation of Japan," and has participated in the work of the po- lit cal scierwe department in the field of international relations. Upon his graduation from the Uni- versity in 1907 Mr. Neville entered the foreign service and acted as Con- sul and Consul-General in various posts in China and Japan before becoming Secretary of the American Embassy at Tokyo in 1925. He was appointed Counsellor of Embassy and Consul-General in Tok- yo in 1928, and became Minister to Thailand in 1937, the highest honor which is accorded a career diplomat, a post he held until his retirement in 1940. Petitions For Advisorships Accepted Through Friday Petitioning for student advisorships at Jordan Hall will continue through Friday, Miss Esther Colton, house di- rector, announced. Twenty upperclassmen are chosen for the honorary positions which in- clude a small deduction from the an- "After all," the violinist declared, "there are only five or six and not six hundred who are in the same po- sition I am and the government might consider that; but that problem is entirely the government's, not mine." With a background of forty-five years active duty with U.S. Naval forces, Admiral Yates Stirling, Jr., will speak on the subject, " The Chal- lenge Across the Pacific," at the sev- enth lecture in the current Orator- ical Association Series. Admiral Stirling will speak in place of Admiral Yarnell at 8:15 p.m. Tues- day in Hill Auditorium. Lecture course patrons are re- quested to use the regular March 11 ticket for a4mittance to this lecture. The box office at Hill Aud- itorium will be open Monday and Tuesday for the sale of single ad- mission tickets. Admiral Stirling will speak partic- ularly. on the subject of the crucial naval situation in the Far East. His years of service and his study of the problems of the Orient make his lec- ture a timely one in view of the cur- rent tense naval situation in the Far East. Famous son of a great father whoj commanded the U.S. Asiatic Fleety Admiral Stirling Will Lecture Here On Far Eastern Situation ADMIRAL YATES STIRLING. father when the latter was the Com- mander-in-Chief of the Asiatic Fleet