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March 04, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-04

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x[ ESSAY, MARCH 4, 194



Letters To The Editor

Always Somethinig Afoot

of T O I',%W -- ... M..
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session,
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Editorial Stafff

Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman


Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. .City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
. . . .Women's Editor
Exchange Editor

Business Staff

Business Manager .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Against War,
Against Reaction . .
MPORTANT TODAY for Americans
who are determined to keep this
country out of war is a consideration of the
amazing shift in political alignment that has re-
sulted from the war. This change of bed-partners
is often paradoxical, most disturbing and laden
with all manner of serious implications. For
many persons today are allowing it to color their
own attitudes toward the war and America's
place in it.
It is upsetting for a person who has attempted
to find out for himself what is to be his position
on the war to discover among the persons agree-
ing with him a host of unsavory groups with
whom he would have absolutely nothing else in
common. And, consequently, such a person is
apt to think that perhaps he is after all on the
wrong side, that he has been made the tool
of interests with an ulterior motive, that he has
been holding the fort of reaction; and that must
therefore mean only one thing: that the opinion
is wrong. That is what many have felt for some
time, and the speech of Senator Nye Sunday
night in Detroit didn't help the situation at
BUT that's an unhealthy state of affairs-to be
beaten only by repeated attempts at quiet
analysis, the employment of the most objectivity
possible. The person who feels absolutely that
war now is not good and that it will serve no
rightful end is likely to be shaken when he reads
in the papers that Senator Nye, long an expon-
ent of the doctrine of isolation and honored even
by those people who have always opposed his
credo, spoke before and was loudly appauded
at a meeting sponsored by Gerald L. K. Smith
and his Committee of One Million. That would
seem to make the Isolationist cause the cause
of reaction. Similarly when we see that Verne
Marshall heads the No Foreign War Committee
and that his record has been one of constant
reaction and denial of progress, it seems likely
that his present cause is reactionary. And when
Senator Vandenberg fears the presence of Labor
Party men in the cabinet of Great Britain, and
when the most reactionary string of newspapers
in the country bases its isolation on the fear
of "socialism" in England after the war, and
when a near-Fascist ambassador returns from
England as an isolationist, and when some of the
largest of the anti-progressive newspapers and
magazines oppose aid to England, and when the
lord of great automobile company that has re-
fused to follow the labor laws of the land says
both sides in this war are bad-then the Amer-
ican who has opposed involvement in the war is
truly afraid that he has perhaps been following
the wrong path.
It is difficult to maintain a position that is
also being held by such groups as these and
still to remain what we hopefully call a liberal.
But it is comforting to realize that there can still
be different, vastly different, motivations for the
same action and that it is not illogical to hold
an opinion for the reasonableness and truth of
the opinion itself. When we feel that this war will
solve in itself no problems and that it will carry
no assurances against the causes of more wars
in the future, it is right that we hold to our
-opinions because we ourselves have decided that
they are right, The fight would seem to be two-

Graduation Speedup
To the Editor:
Comment to date on the question of a speedup
in the graduation of this year's Junior engineers
has seemed to avoid a discussion of the facts
As I see it, the matter must be being given
serious consideration, or Dean Crawford would
not take the time to travel East because of it.
REASONS for the change are more important
now than they were in the last war, when
a similar plan was executed, because the engi-
neer now plays a more important part in the
defense industries, and it is the defense indus-
tries which are now the very core of national
Effects of such a change are of course two-
sided. Critical examination of the facts, how-
ever, would seem to indicate that the advan-
tages outweigh the disadvantages, regardless
of the attitude of the class of '41E.
Disadvantages would be, principally, a loss
of a prtion of the engineering curriculum on
the part of the speeeded class, to which aca-
demic shortage must be added the loss of last-
semester research problem investigation under-
taken by three departments.
ADVANTAGES to the students would be an
extra half year of industrial experience and
earning power, and the possibility of serving the
national defense needs as a skilled technician
instead of a unit of manpower for those with
low draft numbers. (Make no mistake about it,
there will be no deferments because of training;
except for those actually employed in skilled
capacities in which there is a shortage of trained
personnel, in the vital industries. Most engi-
neering positions fall within this category.)
Advantages to the nation as a whole would be
approximately 7,000 extra man-years of engi-
neering work at a time when every increase in
our industrial capabilities assumes significance
in terms of national security, in the event that
U.S. engineering colleges undertook the speedup.
The disadvantages could be lessened consider-
ably by simply removing non-technical and free
elective requirements from the curricula. Either
by taking a few extra hours next fall, or by go-
ing to summer school. most of this year's jun-
iors could complete all technical requirements
for their degree by next February. Their "cul-
ture" might suffer from chronic lack of Sociol-
ogy 51 and 54. but their capabilities as engineers
would, I should venture, not be completely
ruined. Most of them have "saved" a good share
of the "snap courses" for the last year. for-
I should suggest that a survey be made to
examine the actual academic results of the
proposed change.
- Herbert Bright (Yes, you guessed it, '42E)
Scholarships .
tions are due for a friendly boost
in the near future as a result of efforts being
made here by a hardworking campus organ-
The group in question is La Sociedad His-
panica, under the able leadership of Prof. E. A.
Mercado. As announced in The Daily recently,
the society is inaugurating two $50 scholarships
for undergraduate students of the Spanish
language. The students chosen will be expected
to attend the 1941 Summer Session of the Na-
tional University of Mexico. Not counting trans-
portation, the cost to the individual student will
probably amount to little more than $60 for the
entire summer.
The scholarships are of importance for at
least two reasons. In the first place, the benefit
to the fortunate students, themselves, will be
very great. It will be an experience they will
never forget. Too, they will have a remarkable
opportunity to expand their present knowledge
not only of the Spanish language, but of the
whole Hispanic field.
OF MORE IMPORTANCE even than this, how-
ever, is the effect the project will have
upon Pan-American relations. By actually liv-
ing among the Mexican people for two months

the two youths will learn the customs and tra-
ditions of Mexico. They will, also, undoubtedly
make many friends. And, thus, they will come
to better understand the ideas, attitudes and
problems of our neighbor to the south. Their
understanding, of course, will not necessarily
be imited to Mexico. Tle one experence will
without a doubt make them more tolerant and
sympathetic toward all the South and Central
American states.
It is in just this way that the solid, basic
foundations are formed upon which everlast-
ing friendships between nations are built. The
two young people on our campus who will have
found a new, better understanding of Latin
America will exert influence on their friends.
Also, the success of the project here will not go
unnoticed. Spanish groups in other universities
are certain to hear of it and will be moved to
inaugurate a similar system. 'It is not incon-
ceivable that Mexican schools might adopt a
reciprocal policy and send some of their stu-
dents to universities in this country.
ER in this inamier is certainly a step in the
right direction, for once the youths of the two
nations come to understand and respect each
other the countries will be well-nigh inseparable.

An Addition
To the Editor:
May I supplement your reporter's account of
my talk before the American Student Defense
League on Wednesday evening and offer a minor
In dealing with the efect of the lease-lend bill
upon those who have seen the democracies picked
off one by one, I emphasized in addition to South
America the occupied countries of Western Eur-
ope rather than Central Europe.
THE SUPPLEMENT is more important. I un-
dertook to put the problems of American
policy at the present time into a series of ques-
tions. The first and most important of these
questions might well have been stated. It was:
Does the United States face two wars or one?
My attempt was to show that if we face one war
as a result of Japan's adherence to the Axis,
then many of the arguments against the policy
of the administration become pointless. It is only
those who think that we face two separate wars
who can base their criticism of aid to Britain
upon Germany alone; that is, upon German pre-
occupation of Europe and German remoteness
from the United States. If we face one combined
war, the place of Japan becomes as important
as that of Germany and the isolationism position
much more difficult to maintain.
I wish to thank you for permitting me to add
to the report of my talk my questions for them-
selves. If we face one war and one set of allies.
let us ont suppose that we can determine Amer-
ican policy by conveniently closing out eyes to
that fact.
- C. F. Remer
Drew Perso
WASHINGTON-Despite the Army's attempted
crack-down on plane manufactureres to quit
turning out commercial craft, it is now definitely
confirmed that the British are still selling a few
commercial planes to South America.
This is viewed with mixed feelings in Admin-
istration circles: embarrassment because Roose-
velt has urger such speed in production for Brit-
ain; approval bec us' of the confidence-in-
Britain reaction which plane sales are bound to
create in Latin America.
At any rate, whether the United States likes
it or not, General Aircraft, a British company,
recently sent a Cygnet plane to Brazil as a dis-
play model to entice orders. The company's
agent reported from Rio de Janeiro, "The pros-
pect for orders for your planes is encouraging,
and I must say that the Cygnet is very capti-
vating . .. I think you may look forward to re-
ceiving orders for at least four, possibly more,
Cygnets very soon in Rio alone ."-,-.
"People are astounded that it has been possible
for England to export 'planes in a time like the
Affects U.S. Airlines
Aeronautics, a British publication, stated in
December that the British Airways had received
delivery of the first of eight de Havilland Flam-
ingos, "to be used abroad on services already in
existence and on new routes that have been plan-
ned in various parts of the Empire." The Flam-
ingo is a large transport plane comparable to
the Douglas and Lockheed.
The policy of the British is that such sales
keep commercial lines open and effectively create
the impression that Britain can not only hold
off the invader but also do business as usual.
Because of this, U.S. War Department officials
are veering to the British view that it is im-
portant to keep commercial airways open and
expanding. So the curtailment of U.S. com-
mercial airplane production may not go into
effect after all.
East Indies Oil

How imminent is the danger of Japanese at-
tack in the Dutch East Indies can be gauged by
the fact that the Dutch Shell Oil Company al-
ready has taken steps to keep its valuable'prop-
erty from falling into Japanese hands.
Dutch Shell has. vast interests in the Indies,
including oil wells scattered through Borneo
and Sumatra and a large oil refinery on the
coast of Borneo.
All its properties, as well as routes leading to
them, have been secretly planted with "sleeper"
.mines, which can be detonated at a moment's
notice of the Japanese set foot on the island.
In that case millions of dollars worth of holdings
will be blown up or fired.
The company also has built shelters for its
employees, invisible from the air in the dense
jungles of Borneo, where huge quatities of food,
medicine and other necessities have been cached.
Even new wells have been dug to provide water
during the emergency.
No More Hard Tlack
hard tack, that celebrated butt, of doughboy
jibes, will be largely eliminated front army ra-
tions if Donald M. Nelson, energetic coordinator
of defense purchses, has his way.
Nelson Ili,,worked oni t a hoel eie tno nmam

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(Continued from ag e)
the donors, is on the basis of high
scholastic ability in the field of con-
centration, together with character.
Recommendations must be made be-
fore May 1, 1941. Students who be-
lieve themselves qualified and seek
.recommendation by this University
should apply to Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
Assistant to the President, 1021 An-
gell Hall.
Choral Union Members: The Uni-
versity Musical Society reminds mem-
bers of the University Choral Union
that courtesy tickets for the Nathan
Milstein concert will be given out
between the hours of 9 and 12 and
1 and 4, today at the Society's offices
in Burton Memorial Tower. Mom-
bers will also receive their copies
of "Alleluia by d'Indy" at this time,
After 4 o'clock no tickets will be
given out.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they are
approved by Assistant Dean Walter.
Students who fail to file their elec-
tion blanks by the close of the third
week, even though they have regis-
tered and have attended classes Un
officially will forfeit their privilege
of continuing in the College for the
semester. If such students have paid
any tuition fees, Assistant Dean Wal-
ter will issue a withdrawal card for
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: No course may be
elected for credit after the end of
the third week. Saturday, March 8,
is therefore the last date on which
new elections may be approved. The
willingness of an individual instruc-
tor to admit a student later does not
affect the operation of this rule.
Faculty, College of Literature, Sd -
euce, and the Arts: Attendance re-
port cards are being distributed
through the Departmental Offices.
Instructors are requested to report ab-
sences to my office in accordance with
the rules printed on these cards.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absences,
and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relating to ab-
sences are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be found on
page 52 of the current Announcement
of our College.
Notice to all Mlr'echanical E g in-
cering semiors.: Membership in
Student Branch of ASME camuot be
obtained after March 15. All those
who are not now mnemb 1rs are urged
to call Jaimes Eastman, Treasurer of
1h] Brianch frIr14 9rticiuaro.

the Undergraduate Office

of theI

The University Bureau of Appoint-
mvents and Occupational 'Informationt
has received notice of the followingI
United States Civil ServicesExamin-
ations. Last date for application
is noted in each case:V
Supervisor of Indian Education inf
Mural Painting and Fine Arts, salary
$3,800, March 31, 1941.
Assistant Supervisor of Indian Edu-
cation in Mural Painting and Finel
Arts" salary $2,300, March 31, 1941.
Senior Inspector, Engineering Ma-
terials (Aeronautical), salary $2,600,
until further notice.
Inspector, Engineering Materialsl
(Aeronautical), salary $2,300, until
further notice.
Associate Inspector, Engineering
Maerials (Aeronautical), salary $2,000
until further notice. I
Junior Inspector, Engineering Ma-r
terials (Aeronautical), salary $1,620,k
until further notice,
Junior Engineer (any branch of
Engineering), salary $2,000, Dec. 31,
1941. (Open to this year's seniors .
Complete announcement on file at
the Bureau of Appointments anct Oc-
cupational Information 201 Mason
Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Academic Notices
Chemistry Colloquium will meet on
Wednesday, March 5, in Room 303,
Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Pro-
fesser O. S. Duffendack will speakt
on "Electron Microscope."
School of Education Students: No
course may be elected for credit after
Saturday, March 8. Students must
report all changes of elections at the
Registrar's Office, Room 4, Univer-l
sity Hall. Membership in a class does
noc cease nor begin until all changes
have been thus officially registered
Arrangements made wtih the instruc-;
1:: arc not official changes,
Political Science 113: The make-up
final examination in this course will;
be held Saturday, March 8, at 9:00
a.m. in Room 2035 Angell Hall. All
reports must be turned in before the
Political Science 52 make-up ex-
amination (Mr. Heneman's sections)
will be held 'Thui'sday, March 6, at
1:30 p.m., in room 2031 Angell Hall,
Political Science 85 make-up ex-
amination will be held Thursday,
March 6, at 1:30 p.m. in room 2031
Angell Hall.
Senios in the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts anl in the,
School of Education: Make-up exam-
inations for Book III of the Gralua-
t.ioni TExam inatinnwillhe Lyivpn fin

night in the Rackham Lecture Hall,
New graduate students are reminded
that credit is withheld unless this
exaninatoin is taken. Caome prepared
to write the examination in pencil.
Be on time.
German Make-up Examinations
will be held on Saturday, March 8,
from 9-12 a.m. in room 301 U.H.
History Make-up Examinations:
The make-up examinations in all
history courses will be given exam-
inations in all history courses will be
given from 3 to 6 p.m., Friday, March
7, in Room C, Haven Hall. Students
taking a make-up examination must
present written permission from the
instructor in charge of the course.
Botany 1 Makeup final examina-
tion for students absent from the de-
partmental final exam the first se-
mester will be given on Wednesday,
Mar. 5, in room 2033 N.S. at 7:00
The Geography I make-up examin-
ation will be held on Thursday, March
6, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 23, Angell
Psychology 31, all sections, make-
up examination will be given Thurs-
day, Mar. 6, at 7:00 p.m. in Room
1121 Natural Science."
Philosophy 34: The make-up ex-
amination will be given in 202 M.H.,
today at 2:00 p.m.
All students interested in a special
non-credit course in.remedial reading
are invited to attend an organization
meeting on Thursday, Mar. 6, Room
4009 University -High School, at 4;00
Conferences on extracurricular
.activities: As a part of the course in
student-teaching, the supervising
teachers of the University High
School will this semester provide a
se ries of conferences dealing with
such extracurricular activities as vis-
ual aids, sponsoring school parties,
homeroom, and guidance. The con-
ferences will be held in Room 3001
U.H.S., from 10:00 to 12:00 on Satur-
day mornings. The first conference
is scheduled for Saturday, March 8,
on the topic of visual aids with Mr.
Joe Park in charge. Registration
for the conferences is informal and
will be taken care of at the first
meeting. The conferences are de-
signed for students now taking direct-
ed teaching and for those who com-
pleted the course last semester.
Choral Union Concert: The Uni
versity Musical Society will present

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