z i Weather Lz1z~ight .c 40 :4ait Editorial Against War, AgainWst .reactiV"n Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. LI. No. 106 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Clark Blocks. Plan To Limit Senate debate On Lease Bill Foreign Relations Group Proposes Measure Fori Vote On Act This Week Sen. Glass Suggests' Cloture On Bill1 WASHINGTON, March 3-()- Administration forces, working des- perately to obtain a vote on the lease- lend bill by this week-end, failed to- day in an initial effort to limit debate on the measure. Senatdr Clark (Dem-Mo) blocked a proposal by Chairman George (Dem- Ga) of the Senate Foreign Relations! Committee that the Senate agree unanimously to limit future speeches on the bill itself to one hour each, and speeches on amendments to a half hour. Clark and Senator Wheeler (Dem- Mont) said they had not filibustered against the bill, but added it was a! measure of such great important there should be no limitation on de- bate. "I don't wonder that some of the proponents of this bill would like to see it jammed through at the earliest possible moment," Wheeler declared, "because they know as I do that when people 'understand it there will be a tremendous uprising overethe coun- try against it. I expect to fight this legislation in any way, shape or form I can." Wheeler said many persons had written him urging that a filibuster be conducted. He said he believed they were "justified" in making such a' request because, "no matter how you sugar-coat this measure it is a dan- gerous thing to put on the statute books." Earlier Senator Glass (Dem-Va), had suggested the Senate impose cloture-a procedure under which no Senator can speak more than once or more than one hour. A two-thirds majority is necessary to impose clo- ture. Wheeler declared he had read sug- gestions for cloture and added that they came "from Senatorstwho have spent very little time on the floor." "If they would stay here and listen to the debate," he added, "there wouldn't be so much' shouting about cloture." Rites To Be Held Today For Dr. C. W. Edmunds Russia Protests Bulgarian Policy In Granting Admission To Nazis; Burial To Be In Richmond, Ind.; Services Will Be At St. Andrew's Here Funeral services for Dr. Charles W. Edmunds, late member of the medical faculty of the University and chairman of the department of ma- teria medica and therapeutics, who died at his home Saturday afternoon, will be held at 3:30,p.m. today in St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. The body will be sent for burial to Richmond, Ind., where members of Dr. Edmunds' family reside. Pall bearers will be: Dr. Moses Gomberg, Dr. Frederick G. Novy, Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, Dr. Ralph G. Smith, Dr. Jesse S. Reeves, Dr. Morris P. Tilley, Mr. Samuel M. Stanton, Dr. Edward L. Adams, Dr. Henry F. Adams, and Dr. Henry F. Vaughan. Ushers for the funeral services will be Mr. Joseph A. Bursley, Mr. Rear- don Peirsol, Mr. Ernest F. Lloyd, and Dr. Harley A. Haynes. The deep regret experienced by the medical faculty and others of Dr. Edmunds' friends was expressed in a statement issued by Dean A. C. Furstenberg of the medical school. He said: "The Medical Faculty is deeply shocked by the sudden death of Dr. Charles W. Edmunds. In his pass- ing our school has lost its senior Faculty member and a pioneer whose loyalty and devotion to med- ical education and research have exerted a far-reaching influence upon the progress of American med- icine. As one of the founders of this School he concerned himself with the trends of medical educa- tion and instituted methods that were creative and contemporane- ously strong and effective. As a teacher he was fair and sympathe - tic in his student relationships, alert to scholarly potentialities, and (Continued on Page 21 Council Votes For Improving City'sAirport Action Saves University's CAA Course; $2,500 Is Sum Appropriated Turkey, Balkans Prepare Fo r War I Leading Roles For JGP Cast Are Announced Helen Rhodes Will Portray Heroine; Dorothy Knode To Play Part Of Hero Last week's tryouts for roles in 1941 JGP have resulted in putting 42 jun- ior women at work on rehearsals for the producton, which is to be given March 26. 27, 28 and 29. Helen Rhodes, of Howes Cave, N.Y., has the part of Mariadne, the hero- ine of this very modern satire, which mocks its classic Greek background. Miss Rhodes is a member of Wyvern. She was music chairman of Fresh- man Project, and a member of the Soph Prom committee. She is affili- ated with Gamma Phi Beta. The role of the hero will be played by Dorothy Knode, who is a transfer from the University of New Mexico, and a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Fay Goldner, of Cleveland Heights, O., will play Socrates, while Veitch Purdom, of Ann Arbor, will take the role of Xantippe. Miss Pur- dom is chairman of the make-up com- mittee for both JGP and Theatre Arts. She is affiliated with Collegi- ate Sorosis. Roxane will be played by Dorothy Merki, of Toledo, O., who was co- chairman of decorations for the 1940 Panhellenic Ball and is a member of (Continued on Page 5) With the city council's approval j last night of a $2500 expenditure to make improvements at the city air- port the University's CAK. training program appeared to be saved for this semester. University officials had received notice from regional headquarters in Chicago that unless runways were widened and a new hangar erected at the city airport, the flight train- ing program would have to be dropped for this semester. After some discussion the council agreed to appropriate the amount nec- essary to widen the runways if the "Ann Arbor ir service, which leases the airport, would build the new hangar. It was also decided that an audit and further study into the fi- nancial condition of the Ann Arbor Air Service should be made in order to arrive at a suitable plan for re- payment of the $2500. The runways will be widened from their present size of 100 feet to 3001 feet. Prof. Emerson B. Conloa, co- ordinator of Civilian Pilot Training pointed out to the council that ordi- narily training pilots was not a func- tion of the University but because of the national defense situation it had undertaken the work. Conse- quently, it was necessary that proper facilities be available. The council accepted the resigna- tion of Ald. Floyd D. Elsifor, who has been 'called into active service with the army. The second ward alderman is a second lieutenant in the infantry reserve. It was decided that a special pri- mary election be held in the second ward on April 18 to fill the vacancyI caused by Elsifor's resignation. Ald. J. B. Waite's ordinance to re- quire that all new building construc- tion with certain exceptions provide parking facilities was voted down at a second reading.{ Alpha Nu To Meet Alpha Nu, honorary men's speech fraternity, will hold a meeting for all pledges at 7:30 p.m. today in Room 4003, Angell Hall. Turks Call Up Reservists, Mine Dardanelles; Nazis, Bulgarians Face Greeks Eden Visits Athens To Test Reactions BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, March 3. -(P)--Turkey and the rest of the Balkans, now converted by high stra- tegy into a potential zone of battle for the European war, strained to- night at final preparations for the worst, Geirmany was trying to reassure' Turkey, it appeared. Unofficial re- ports at Istanbul, not confirmed by the Associated Press, said a "high German official" would arrive at An- kara tomorrow to confer with Foreign Minister Sukru Saracoglu. Turkey Mining of all but a narrow channel of the Dardanelles, concentration of warships and calling of naval reserves, came as phases of the stiff control Turkey is clamping on the Darda- nelles. Ships now seeking transit of the strait, one of the links between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, must notify Turkish authorities by wireless six hours in advance and give full identification. Bulgai a ... Bulgaria, more than ever, looked like a great German camp-an en- campment of men with somewhere else to go. Field Marshal Sigmund List, com- malde-inohief of Adolf Hitler's Balkan armies, had moved his head- quarters to Sofia. Seven divisions of Bulgaria's freshly mobilized army were massed at the Turkish frontier. Greece. Anthony Eden. Britain's touring foreign minister, and his traveling- mate, General Sir John G. Dill, Chief of the British Imperial General Staff, were in Athens, concerned over Greece's reaction to the presence of German forces on the Bulgarian frontier. Local Campus AIA Chapter To Meet Today Nathan Milstein, distinguished Rus- sian violinist of worldwide fame, will appear in the sixth of the 1940-41 Choral Union Concert series to be given at 8:30 p.m. today in Mill Aud- itorium. First appearing in America under Leopold Stokowski and the Phila- delphia Orchestra, Milstein has made eleven tours over the United States. He has appeared both as a concert artist and in his own recitals. The program for today's recital in- cludes: Adagio and Rondo, Stamitz; Prelude and Gavotte in E major, Bach; Sonata in F major, Op. 24, Beethoven; Meditation, Tschaikow- sky; Burlesque, Joseph Suk; and the Concerto in A minor, No. 5, Vieux- temps. Tickets for this single recital are available and may be purchased either at the Choral Union Offices in Burton Memorial Tower or at the boxoffice in Hill Auditorium. Milstein is taking the place of Georges Enesco, who was originally scheduled to appear in the sixth Choral Union Concert, but has been Nathan Milstein To Play Today In Sixth Choral Union Concert 40 NATHAN MILSTEIN detained in Europe because of the present war conditions. Plays Today i Detroit Mayor To Give Talk Here At Union Michigan Party Sponsors First.. Informative. Talk In Government Series Edward J. Jeffries, '23L, the De- troit mayor who has gained the rep- utation of a "fighting liberal" will ad- dress members of the student body on "Undergraduate Preparation for Public Life" at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Union. Jeffries is expected to emphasize the role of the private citizen in gov- ernment in addition to an analysis of public administration. His speech will be the first among a series of informative talks spon- sored by the Michigan party on gov- ernment and related aspects. David Thompson, '41, chairman of the ar- rangements committee announced that an open forum will be held after the talk when the audience will have the opportunity of questioning the speaker or making comments. Jeffries became major two years ago when he was elected by a two to one majority over the incumbent Richard Reading in a campaign made spirited by the CIO's endorsement of Jeffries. Previous to his present position he served on the city council for eight years and the last two years of that period he was president of that body. Vocational Talk Will Be Given By Dr. Bunting Speech Today To Consider Opportunits :Offered By Dental Profession Dean Russel W. Bunting of the School of Dentistry will deliver the second in a series of vocational gui- dance lectures at 4 p.m. today in Room 319 of the Michigan Union. The vocational lecture series is sponsored" by the Michigan Union as part of its program to help Michigan students become acquainted with all that the University offers. Dean Bunting's address will be con- cerned with explaining the oppor- tunities and the role of dentistry as a profession in modern life. There is a great need for dentists, which the School is not able to supply at the present time, Dean Bunting com- mented in discussing the subject of today's lecture. Most professions are fairly well crowded at the present, but there re- mains a big field to be developed in the profession of dentistry as part of the nation's general health pro- grams, he said. In this afternoon's address Dean Bunting will elaborate and discuss the various phases of dental educa- tion and practice and answer ques- tions of prospective dentistry stu- dents in a special discussion period following the lecture. Washington Interprets Note As Warning To Berlin To Stay Clear Of Turkey Japan Says French AcceptThird Offer MOSCOW, March 3-()-The Soviet Foreign Commissariat in- formed Bulgaria today that Russia "cannot share the opinion of the Bulgarian government as to the cor- rectness of the latter's position" in granting admission to German troops. The communication to Bulgaria, handed to its minister at Moscow expressed disapproval on the grounds Bulgaria's action "does not lead to consolidation of peace but to eten- ion of thesphere of war and to Bul- garia being involved in it." The note added: "In view of this the Soviet govern- ment, true to its policy of peace, can- not render any support to the Bul- garian government in the application of its present policy. "The Soviet government is com- pelled to make the present statement especially in view of the fact the Bul- garian press freely circulates rumors fundamentally misrepresenting the, real position of the USSR. The text of the Russian note and an outline of events leading up to it were issued by Tass, official Russian news agency. The note was delivered into the Bulgarian envoy by Andrei Y. Vish- insky, vice commissar of foreign af- fairs. - Tass said-that on Saturday in 'ofl"" the Bulgarian Foreign Office in- formed the Russian Minister that Bulgaria had given' her consent to entrance of German troops, "having in view preservation of peace in the Balkans." Capital Sources Say. Russia Won't Interfere WASHINGTON, March 3-(P)- Soviet Russia's surprise statement of policy on the Germanr military move into Bulgaria was interpreted in some quarters here tonight as a possible warning to Berlin to keep hands off Turkey and the vital Dar- canelles. Despite the expressed dissatisfac- tion over Bulgaria's ation in ad- mitting German troops, however, in- formed sources saw nothing to indi- -ate, that Russia would interfere ac- ively with any German thrust against Greece. Another possible explanation given here was that Russia was advancing claims to some compensation for not intervenin in Bulgaria, long consid- sred within the Russian sphere of in- fluence. Japan Claims French Accept New Proposal VICHY, France, March 3-()- Japanese circles said Tokyo sent a third proposal for settlement of the Indo-Chinese-Thailand border dis- pute which French ministers tonight accepted save for a few minor de- tails. The proposal agreed substantially, to modifications the ministers asked for when Tokyo made its "final offer" February 28, it was said. The new terms dropped previous requests for Thai bridgeheads on the French side of the Mekong River at Luangpra- bang and Pakse, and a Thai frontier extending to Lake Tonle Sap. Foreign circles were inclined to at- tach great importance to an inter- view between U.S. Ambassador Ad- miral William D. Leahy and Marshal Petain just before the cabinet met. ~-. i '. , i w ;' ;: ', , . x r m . [. , d ;:. t Sig .Phi Eps, Sorosis Take ceFete Honor Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and Collegiate Sorosis sorority walked off with top honors in the all-events com- petition of the first annual Michigan Winter Carnival which closed Sunday evening with a Gala Ice Show staged in the ring of the University Coli- seum. Each had amassed the largest total of points in all the events of the fra- ternity and the sorority competition. Points were awarded to all those en- trants who captured any of the firstI five places in a single event. Over 800 hundred people marveled at the skillful fancy exhibitions given by members of the Olympia Skating Club of Detroit and laughed heartily when student contestants in the fan-, cy skating competition tried vainly to repeat a similar performance. Edwin lNeville VIM VI e To Speak Here Last x In Series Of Four Talks Is Tomorrow Mr. Edwin L. Neville will discuss "Far Eastern Reactions to Western Penetration" in a University Lecture at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall under the auspices of the political science department. Tomorrow's talk will be the last in a series of four prepared by Mr. Neville, whose program here includes participation in the work of the poli- tical science department in the field of international relations and con- Paul On Of Brown Will Lecture' Latin America; Slidce- Trip Will Be Shown King Welcom.es New U.S. Ambassador; Discussing his recent trip to South America, Paul Brown, 36A, will be the main speaker at the regular meet- ing of the University of Michigan chapter of the American Institute of Architects, at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union, Wesley Lane, '41A, president of the chapter, announced yesteday. Winner of the Booth Scholarship in architectural design, Brown was awarded enough money, to take his trip to South America, where he made a study of the architecture and art of that continent. His talk will be illustrated with slides and motion pictures of his journey through Latin American republics. Brown is the first speaker in a series of lectures to be presented by the local chapter of the American In- stitute of Architects, which is a branch of the Institute's Detroit di- vision. Wesley Lane, '41A, is president of the campus organization, which has as its purpose the stiumlation of ac- tivities, and the promotion of in- terest in modern trends in architec- ture and design. The society brings guest speakers to the campus and holds regular meetings at which arch- itectural trends and problems are discussed. Sales Tax Collections Show Prosperity Rise J i G aJ 4 He Was Flabbergasted : Union Bus-Boy Is Bequeathed $3,000 As Friendship Toren By ROBERT SPECKHARD dropped into John's lap aren't odi- John Braidford, 19-year-old fresh- ary experiences and neither are the man engineer and a bus-boy in the cafeteria of the Michigan Union, eactions. Though his room-mate, - - - -at.: - , . . Ala-w ,, Qfnn,. '~l- 49'. 'nr.o Ptu n +. nm-. found~~A himsel rrfe y$00tn ,_ found himself richer by $3000 this week by reason of the will of James Dewer of Windsor, Canada, who left the sum to John as a token of friend- ship. A telegram from Windsor last week- end called John home to witness the will of the deceased middle-aged bachelor, whose lawn John had mowed during his grammar and high- school days. The will stipulates he shall receive $1000 immediately, another $1000 when he becomes of age, and still another when he grad- uates from the engineering college. aex uanye, ,zz, maniage Lo com-n plete a double somersault on the bed, John was "just flabbergasted" when he first heard the news, After helping out the folks at .home, John intends to place his in- heritence in the bank. The future will decide to what other purposes the money will go, he stated. As far 'as he knows at the present time, John will keep his job at the Union cafeteria and his position as check-room attendant at the Uni- versity Coliseum. tJ 1 CALLS FOR STAFF TRYOUTS Tryouts for the Women's Staff of The Daily will meet at 4:30 p.m. Thursday upstairs in the Stu- dent Publications Building. Eligible freshmen who wish to try out for the editorial, sports or women's staff of rThe Daily, and *1.~'r~