r f SUNDAMARCH , 1941 THE MICHIGAN DA.ILY I DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN; 116. Michigan Union, at 8:30 p.m.I All those who were connected with' ither show are invited to attend. 7 A meeting for those interested in writing scripts for next year's Union Opera will be held Tuesday, Mar. 4,+ in Room 316. Michigan Union, at 4:30 p.m. This meeting is primarily for those who desire information or suggestions as to the method of writ- ing scripts. $100 is to be offered to the author of the script chosen. Deadline is April 28. Chaplain's Hour, Chapel, Harris Hall; Sunday morning services at 10:30. 7:30 p.m, College Work Program, Har- Subject: "Christ Jesus." Sunday ris Hall. Speaker: Paul B. Cares of School at 11:45 a.m. Allegheny College. Topic: "New Wine in Old Bottles" or ("The Reformation -a Revolution, Part ID ; 7:30 p.m. First Congregational Church: 10:00 Choral Evensong in the church with a.m. This marks the first of a sym- music by the Men and Boys Choir; posium to be held throughout Lent on 8:15 p.m. Lecture on "The Episcopal the topic, "Religion and Life." Prof. Church" by Rev. Henry Lewis (in the church). Avard Fairbanks will talk on 'Re- (Continued from Page 4) - tee on Defense Issues on Thursday, March 6, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. The public is Rackham Lecture Hall. The lecture1 is open to the public and members of the Michigan Academy of Science are especially invited. International Center: Prof. Slos- son will speak tonight at 7:30 fol- lowing the supper hour on "Some Aspects of the Present World Sit- uation." will report on the extra activities planned for this semester, and the program will include the three sur- gical movies announced at the last' meeting. All interested Pre-Medical students are invited to attend. First Presbyterian Church: For the First Sunday in Lent, Dr. W. P. i ! T? _ MY 7 1 c { f cordially invited. E t oHl Fn i: . b_ d_ 1ve nus TI g o ayHillel Foundation: Dr. Abram - Lemon will speak on "Life Simpli- Sacher, the national director of B'nai Great Vespers: Professor Palmer The Women's Research Club will fied" at the morning worship serv- University Lecture: Dr. C. N. H. Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal this B'rith Hillel Foundations, will meet Christian will meet those who are to meet on Monday, March 3, at 7:30 ice at 10:45 o'clock. Long, Sterling Professor of Physiolo- afternoon at 4:30. Next Sunday is the with the Hillel Council to discuss the sing in the GREAT VESPERS, plan- p.m. in the West Lecture Room of At the Westminster Guild on Sun- gical Chemistry, Yale University, will ~Earborn concert. All second se- general Hillel program today at 11:00 ned for March 27, at the School of the Rackham Building. day evening, Palmer Christian will give the following lectures under the mester freshmnen who are interested a.m. All students are invited to at- Music auditorium Tuesday, March 4, Dr. Lila Miller will speak on "Stud- give a program of music in the auspices of the Department of Bio- in the Glee Club are cordially invited tend and participate. at 4:15 p.m. It is necessary that all ies on the pancreatic function," and church auditorium at 7 o'clock. A logical Chemistry: to attend today's rehearsal. Bring At 2:30 p.m. today Dr. Sacher will persons named by the fraternities Miss Elizabeth McDermott will pre- cost supper precedes the meeting at March 7: "Endocrines and the Con- eligibility cards; final orders for pic- conduct a forum entitled "The Jew- and sororities be present at this meet- sent a paper on "So-called false posi- 6 o'clock. trol of Carbohydrate Metabolism." tures must be made and paid for ish Student in the Changing World" ing. tive blood tests." The Sunday Evening Club will meet 4:15 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall this afternoon, at an open house to be held at the at 8 o'clock in the Lewis-Vance Par- March 8: "Chemistry and Physi- --- Phi Epsilon Pi house at 1319 Cam- The Michigan Party will sponsor Hillel Institute of Jewish Studies: lors. ology of the Adrenal Cortex." 11:00 The University of Michigan Flying bridge. All student are also cordially a talk by Mayor Edward J. Jeffries The Avukah-Hillel Study Group will- a.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Club will hold a Flying Meet today, invited to attend the forum, of Detroit on Wednesday, Mar. 5, at meet Monday night at 7:30 at the Disciples Guild (Christian Church): The 'public is cordially invited. at 3:00 p.m. at Ypsilanti Airport- 8:00 p.m., in the Michigan Union Hillel Foundation. Disciples Gude(C' ita Chursh): Weather permitting. Members of the Hillel Foundation: The next Ballroom. Mayor Jeffries will speak L._Pick0:0 ll, Studen. Seris o "Uderradute relaraionfor Th Biliohile Setio oftheL. Pickerill, leader. University Lecture: Dr. Edgar club will meet in front of the East speaker in the Hillel Forum Series on "Undergraduate Preparation for The Bibliophiles Section of the Allen, Professor of Anatomy at Yale Engineering Building at 2:15 p.m. -to will be Dr. Abram Sacher, the nation- Public Life". All members of the Faculty Women's Club meets Tues- 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev. University School of Medicine, will ! arrange for transportation to the al director of B'nai B'rith Hillel Foun- faculty and student body are invited, day March 4. at 2:30 p.m. at the Fred Cowin, Minister. lecture on the subject, "The Ovaries airport. Members planning to use dations. He will speak tonight at-; - Michigan League. 6:30 p.m. Disciples Guild Sunday and Their .Hormones," under the the plane Sunday morning will be 8:15 at the Union on the topic, "They Institute of Aeronautical Sciences evening hour. Mr. Francis Alen auspices of the Department of Ana- limited to one-half hour. No reser- Wouldn't Be Missed". Admission to meeting at 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday will speak to a joint meeting of the tomy of the Medical School at 4:15 vations will be allowed on the plane the lecture is free and the public is Mar. 4, in room 1042 E. Eng. Bldg. Churches Guild and the Dunbar Center young p.m. on Friday, March 14, in the tSunday afternoon. urged to attend. Piof. Stalker will give a resume of Zion Lutheran Church will hold people's group on the topic "The the proceedings of the National In- reg'ular services Sunday morning at Effect of Interracial Groups in Com- TTUTZEL7('SThe Bethlehem Student Guild will stitute meeting in New York. An 10:30. Rev. E. C. Stellhorn will deliver munity Life." Ann u Arbor have supper at the Church this honorary chairman for the Institute the sermon on "The Priceless Value ~is~ o t H An Arbor I evening at 6:00. Afterwards there will be elected. Also an election of of the Kingdom of God." First Church of Christ, Selentt: Unity Study group will meet Mon- day at the League at 7:00 p.m. under the leadership of Mr. Flickinger from the Detroit Unity Center. Ann Arbor Society of Frionds (Quakers) holds its regular meeting on Sunday in Lane Hall. The Study Group will consider the topic: "Quak- er Traditions" at 3:30 p.m. The meet- ing for Worship is at 5:00 p.m. At 6:00 p.m. Sheldon Hart will lead a discussion on "Some Problems of Economic Injustice". All interested are invited to attend all or any of these meetings. Black Navy Beige Blue frn, ^ . ;* W -