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March 02, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-02

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fa 'Est Events
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Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication




OSU Track Team
In Last Dual Meet

Strength In Field Events
Overwhelms Visitors;
Kautz And Ufer Star
Bob Wright, Ohio
Hurdler, Sets Mark
Displaying overwhelming strengtl
in the field events, Michigan's mighty
track team swept to a decisive 62 1-3
to 41 2-3 dual meet triumph ove
Ohio State's powerful Buckeyes last
night at Yost Field House.
Although the Scarlet and Gray in-
vaders managed to outscore Coacl
Ken Doherty's defending Western
Conference champions in the eight
track events by a two point margin
they were unable to stem a flood of
Wolverine points in the other fou
events. Copping first in the high
and broad jumps, the pole vault and
the shot put, Michigan amassed the
startling total of 29 1-3 points to the
Buckeyes' meagre 6 2-3.
That was the story of the meet
statistically-and therein can be
found the primary reason for Michi-
gan's supremacy. But from the view-
point of the more than 2,000. en-
thusiastic fans, the track events pro-
vided all the thrills, as both squads
leveled a furious onslaught against
both meet and Field House records
smashing two and equaling two
Husky Bob Wright, Ohio's sensa-
tional sophomore star, had a hand
and a pair of powerful legs in the
record-shattering display, as he lived
up to all his sparkling advance no-
tices and more. The Buckeye Bullet
was just that as he blazed his wa
to a new Field House mark in the 65-
yard low hurdles over five barriers in
'4 seconds, and joined a select grou
of timber-toppers comprising Willis
Ward, Bob Osgood and Elmer Ged-
eon. all of Michigan, who hold the
Field House and meet marks of 8
seconds flat for the 65-yard lows.
Wright also added a third plac
in the 60-yard dash, which was won
by Ohio's Ralph Hammond in a
blanket finish with Wolverine Bu
Piel, to give him 11 points and high
scoring honors for the evening.
But just as Wright deserves al
(Continued on Page 3)
Michigan Puckmen Lose
To Minnesota Squad, 2-1
A couple of lads named Bert Stod-
den and Bob Collins, ably assistec
by a small goalie (name of Henr3
Loud), combined to thrill Michigan
hockey fans with a great perform-
ance last night at the Coliseum al-
though the Wolverines came out or
the short end of a 2-1 score, falling
before the Minnesota Gophers.
Collins, wingman on the seconc
Michigan forward line, scored th
lone Michigan goal on a beautifu
solo dash while Stodden turned in
some of the greatest defensive play o
the season, body-cheeking his speed
opponents viciously and breaing u;
attack after attack all through the
Leading the Gopher attack wa
blond Harold (Babe) Paulsen, th
visitors' captain, who scored one o
the two Minnesota goals and put or
a great demonstration of poke-check-
ing between the blue lines. Fas
Freddie Junger racked up the othe
Gopher tally.
The contest was rough and 11 pen-
alties were called, seven agains
Minnesota and four against the Wol
(Continued on Page 3)
Michigan Cagers Lose
To Ohio State, 45-37
(Special to The Daily)
COLUMBUS, 0., March 1-Mich-
igan and Ohio State wound up thei:
Big Ten Confeernce basketball cam
paigns here tonight with the Buck

eyes winning a slow, ragged con-
test, 45-37, before 4,070 fans at the
Ohio oliseum.
It was a case of Michigan going a
did George Ruehle, flashy Wolverin
guard, and when Ruehle had to leav
the game with four minutes to go
the visitors' attack collapsed com
Ruehle paced the scorers of boti
teams, getting 14 points and keeping
the Maize and Blue in the gami


Heart Attack
Brings Death
To Edmunds
Veteran Of MedicalSchool
Dies At Home After 39
Years Teaching Service
Noted For Work
In Narcotics Field
Dr. Charles W. Edmunds. 68, chair-
man of the Department of Materia
Medica and Therapeutics and one of
the nation's foremost medical au-
thorities in the field of narcotics,
died at his home here late yesterday
after a sudden heart attack.
He is survived by his wife, Lilian,
his daughter, Ann, and by his son,
Charles Wnllis Jr

Nazi Troop Invasion Of Bulgaria
Brings Fear Of British Air Raids;
Lease-ed Attack Is Intensified

Strike At William ,Bullitt
For Making Speeches
In Favor Of Legislation
Wheeler Continues

Milste in, Violinist, Will Appear
In Choral Union Concert Tuesday

Talk Against


WASHINGTON, March 1.-R)-
Foes of the lease-lend bill insisted in
the Senate today that despite restric-
tive provisions President Roosevelt


No S now-
;But Carnival
Is Due Today
In spite of continued setbacks by
Ann Arbor's fickle weather, the final
chapter of the long-delayed first an-
nual Winter Carnival will be held at
7:30 p.m. today in the University
Featured performers of the evening
are members of the famous Olympia
Skating Club of Detroit, who will
demonstrate their skill upon the ice
in exhibitions of waltzes, fox trots,
and intricate group numbers that
defy description in a paragraph.
Members of the Ann Arbor Skating
Club will join to exhibit their fancy
skating abilities, after which seven
University students, finalists in the
fancy skating competition, will dem-
onstrate their wares.
Competition in speed skating
events is then scheduled to take the
spot light, with "Chuck" Esler, of
the I-M sports program,: doing the
refereeing. Ward Quaal, '41, will act
as announcer of the events.
Immediately after the finals of
the skating relays, Charles Heinen,
'41, secretary of the Union, will
award the trophies to the winners of
individual events and Douglas Gould,
'41, president of the sponsoring or-
ganization, will present cups to the
champions of the all-event compe-
tition. These two trophies will be
awarded to the sorority and fratern-
ity compiling the largest number of
points in all of the competitive events.
Free skating for the audience will
be the order after the Carnival events
are completed.
Chairman Jack Grady, '42, of the
Union, says that there are still tickets
available at the desks of the Union
and League.

k~lu e5wn11, . could "give" any portion of the Navy i
After having spent yesterday morn- to the British, and, moreover, could
ing at work in his laboratory in the consolidate the American and British
University, medical college, Inr. Ed- fleets.
munds returned to his home at 1619 With these statements, they cou-
Cambridge Road. He was stricken pled an attack on William C. Bullitt,
about 4 o'clock and died shortly af- former i ambassador to France, for,
terwards. they said, making propaganda
Funeral services will be held at St. speeches in this country, and for as-
Andrews Church at 3:30 p.m. The ehisgin thrscntr, afths
Rev. Henry Lewis will deliver the serting in a recent address that the
final sermon for him. opponents of the bill were suffering
A full professor in the medical from "political dementia praecox."
school at the time of his death, Dr. "Of course, Mr. Bullit ought to
Edmunds joined the University fac- know," said Senator Wheeler (Dem-
ulty in 1902 and was the oldest mem- Mont). I have never been in a hos-
ber of the faculty in time of service. pital for the treatment of nervous
In 1911hhe was installed as Secre- diseases. Those who have, of course,
tary of the Medical School and re- ought to know about political and
tained the position until 1921. From other kinds of dementia praecox."
1918 until 1921 he also held the po- The galleries tittered, and Senator
sition of Assistant Dean of the Medi- Tobey interposed, to their further
cal School. amusement:
His position in the Dean's office "Does the senator agree with me
being of a temporary nature, in 1921 that this 'Bullitt' is a dud?"
he returned to the Chairmanship of Wheeler took the floor at the out-
the department of Materia Medica. set of the session to continue a long
From 1935 to 1938 he was a mem- prepared speech that he began yes-
ber of the evecutive committee of terday. Several senators, Lucas (Dem-
the Medical School. mIll), Tunnell (Dem-Del), and Smath-
the M edica Sc . Edmnders (Dem-NJ), also had prepared
For 13 years Dr. Edmunds was a speeches.
member of the National Research speechs_
Council, specializing in the study of
drug addicitions. He was vice-chair- Matmen Score
man of the division of medical
sciences and member of the executiveTr m
committee of the council during Easy
In 1925 he was installed as a mem-
ber of the International Conference Navy Is Victim, 19-9;
of the League of Nations for the Galles Wins Again
standardization of Biological Pro-
ducts. The University' gave recogni- (Special to The Daily)
tion to his scientific ability in 1937 ANNAPOLIS, Md., March 1.-The
by naming him Henry Russel lec- Michigan wrestling team ended its
(Continued on Page 21 dual meet season here tonight with a
- - 'one-sidede victory over a strong Navy
Indlependent Men squad, 19-9.
s The Wolverines gained two falls
To Hold ryontSand three decisions, ending their mat
campaign with five wins and three
losses. The Middies, without the ser-
William H. Rockwell, '41, and Gor- vices of Johnny Harrel, a former
don Andrews, '41, president and per- national collegiate heavyweight, suf-
sonnel director of Congress, Indepen- fering from a knee injury, registered
dent Men's Association, will hold a only three decisions.
tryouts meeting for all men wishing Freddy Klemach and Art Paddy
in the organization at 5 p.m. Tues- accounted for Michigan's two falls.
day in Room 306 of the Union. Jim Galles finished the season un-
At that time Rockwell will explain I defeated, getting the referee's nod
} the functions of the organization and over Bee Weems in the light-heavy-
will describe the activities which are wieght bout. The Wolverines got off
being planned during the next few to a fast start, winning the first three
weeks. Both will also hold private bouts before Midshipman Ben Blue'
meetings with tryouts to determine defeated Herb Barnett in the welter-
which committees they would be best weight bout.

Nathan Milstein, world famous vio-
linist, will appear in the next of the
series of 1940-41 Choral Union Con-
certs to be given Tuesday at 8:30t
p.m. in Hill Auditorium.f
Mr. Milstein will take the place of
Georges Enesco, who was originallyc
scheduled to give a recital but whomc
war conditions delayed in his native'
Included in the program to be giv-
en by Mr. Milstein are:
Adagio and Rondo, Karl Stamitz;
Prelude and Gavotte in E major,
Bach; Sonata in F major, Op. 24,
Beethoven; Meditation, Tschaikow-
sky; Burlesque, Joseph Suk; Concerto
in A minor, No. 5, Vieuxtemps.
Mr. Milstein will be accompanied
at the piano by Artur Balsam.
Although preseason demands for
tickets for the full Choral Union I
Series were unusually heavy, admis-
sions for this single recital are avail-
able and may be purchased either
at the Choral Union offices in Burton
Kent Discusses
Refugee Plightj
In Talk Today
'Rescue Ship' To Europe
Will Receive Proceedsk
From Artist's Speech
Rockwell Kent, nationally famous
artist, will discuss the plight of the
Spanish refugees in the concentra-
tion camps of unoccupied France at a
meeting to be held at 3:15 p.m. today
in the Unitarian Church.
The address is sponsored by the
Liberal Students' Union of the Uni-
tarian Church and the student
branch of the American Rescue Ship
Mission, and proceeds from the ticket
sale will be used to finance a ship
to be sent to Europe to aid the Span-
ish refugees.
Included among the faculty spon-
sors for the lecture are Prof. William
W. Sleator of the physics department,
Prof. Norman H. Anning of the math-,
ematics department, Prof. Kenneth
L. Jones of the botany department
and Prof. Howard J. McFarlan of
the department of geodesy and sur-
Prof. George B. Brigham of the
School of Architecture, Prof. DeWitt
H. Parker of the philosophy depart-
ment, Prof. Jose M. Albaladejo of
the Spanish department, Professor
Emeritus Mortiz Levi, Prof. Roy W.
Sellars of the philosophy department,
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson of Interna-
tional Center, Prof. John F. Shepard
of the psychology department and

Memorial Tower or at the Box Office
of Hill Auditorium.
Dr. Charles A. Sink, President of
the University Musical Society, spon-
sors of the Choral Union Series,
termed Milstein one of the world's
outstanding concerti artists and pre-t
dicted that his forthcoming concert
would prove a complete success.-
In Time's Lap
Lies The Fate
Of AllINations
TOKYO, March 2-(Sunday)-The
failure of the French Ambassador to
keep a scheduled appointment with
the Japanese Foreign Minister pro-t
longed today the crisis in Japan's
mediation betwen French Indo-China1
and Thailand, made more acute by
an expired ultimatum.
Foreign Minister Yosuke waited at
hi sresidence for six hours, from 4 un-
til 10 p.m., last night, for ambassador
Charles Arsene Henry to kep an .ap-
pointment which authoritative quar-I
ters had hinted might end in ac-I
ceptance of Japan's final terms.
But the conference did not occur,
and observers said they believed thisI
development indicated a French hoper
of postponing a showdown.I
It was presumed Amebassador Hen-
ry had received last-minute instruc-I
tions from the government at Vichy
which at least postponed his antici-I
pated talk with Matsuoka.I
Consequently Japan still was not
officially informed of Vichy's final
decision despite authoritative hint,
widely displayed in the press, that
the French had agree dto the basic+
terms of Japan's compromise pro-.
posal, made in an ultimatum which
expired at midnight Friday, Tokyo
I time.
Observers believed the Japanese
were hesitant to resort to the "force-
I ful action" which they had hinted
would be applied, so long as a peace-
ful settlement appeared at all possi-
Stork Stumps Slumpf f
Then Comes Across .. .
Even the stork plays second fiddle
to The Daily.
Wally Slumpff, one of The Daily's
linotype operators, worked for two
days in mortal agony, pecking away
at his keys, expecting every moment
to hear that he had become a father.
The stork came yesterday eve-
ning _ - brought a girl - and flew
away quickly enough to allow Wally
to get back to the Publcations Build-
ing in time to get to work and pass
out cellophane wrapped La Palinas
to the staff.

Authorities Also Grave
Over Possible Strife
Within Own Borders
Position Of Greece,
Turkey Is Menaced
SOFIA, Bulgaria, March 1.-(P)--
Germany occupied Bulgaria today-
the eleventh sovereign state it has
verrun since 1938-and toright the
ntire country doused its lights in
ear Britain might make good at any
noment on a threat to bomb Bul-
;aria if Nazi soldiers wvere allowed
n its borders.
The coming of Adolf Hitler's leg-
ions in gray-green battle dress by
plane, armored car and truck raised
grave questions as to the future' of
Greece in its war with Italy, and of
Turkey under its still passive alliance
with Britain.
Gravest Question
But the first and gravest questions
to Bulgarians were the fear of in-
ternal disturbances as a result of the
Germans' entry and of British bom-
bardment from the dark sites with-
out further notice.
The former was seen in the issu-
ance of carbines to all policemen and
he stationing of Bulgarian troops
along the frontiers and at strategic
The latter was made plain by the
blacking out of all cities and the erec-
tion of additional anti-aircraft guns
atop the tallest ;buildings.
British Minister George W. Rendel
last Thursday Warned Bulgaria that
to join the Axis would be to invite
Britain to "attack Germans on Bul-
,arian soil without any formal dec-
laration" of war.
With Sofia only a half-hour by
bomber from Salonika, Greece, and
only two hours from the British base
at .Crete, many Bulgarians felt that
at any time the Royal Air Force might
attack communication centers to im-
pede any Germant march against
Bombard Bridges
Observers declared British bom-
bardment of the pontoon bridges over
which the Germans crossed the Dan-
ibe into this country and attacks on
the narrow mountain passes and the
tunnels of the interior could serious-
y slow down the Nazis and give them
time for bringing Gritish troops from
Minister Rendel already has inti-
mated the oil fields of German-dom-
nated Rumania also are subject to
iously only because the British did
air assault, having been spared prey-
not wish to fly over Bulgaria.
Greeks Undaunted
By Nazi Threat
BITOLJ, Yugoslavia, March 1-()
-The Greek army will be able to
hold out even should Nazi troops aid
Italy against the Greeks in Albania,
3reek sources in this border city
declared tonight.
With German forces one country
nearer the Albanian battle front
through ocupation of Bulgaria, these
sources maintained the Nazi mechan-
ized equipment was unsuitable for
a quick offensive and that the ter-
rain would prevent the mass employ-
ment of troops.
The Greeks are better at adapting
themselves to special conditions in-
volved in the Albanian fighting, they
Italian prepariations for a big of-
fensive were at their peak, it was
said, but no major activities on the
battlefront were reported here.
The Greeks were reported to have
captured the village of Kodra east
of strategic Tepeleni after a hand
grenade, engagement repulsed two
Italian attacks.
British planes were said to have
raided the Tepeleni-Valona Road

where the Italians were moving up
troops, and three wayes of Italian
planes attacked Phlorina.
Make-Up Record Exams
Announced For Seniors
All seniors and graduate students
whn mise dthe nomnlsorv grautA

fitted for.

Aid Britain To Protect Nations
Of Latin America, Remer Says

The problem of preventing the Axis
powers, if triumphant, from gain-
ing control of South America through
economic penetration is so difficult to
solve that it is one of the arguments
for supporting Great Britain immed-
iately, according to Prof. Charles
Remer of the economics department.
Professor Remer, a recognized au-
thority on international trade, is
quite pessimistic about South Ameri-
ca in the event of an Axis victory.
Convinced that the situation can not
be considered apart from conditions
beyond the oceans, he believes, that
the concept of self-sufficiency with-
in this hemisphere is really an ex-
tension of isolationism. "To accept
regionalism is a victory for totalitar-
ianism and exactly what Germany
wants for the moment," the econo-
mist declared.

be powerless to withstand the eco-
nomic domination which has been the
prelude to political domination among
the small nations of Europe.
Plans for cooperative trading me-
thods have all the dangers and weak-
nesses of all cooperative schemes. The
problem of getting all these countries
to cooperate is not easily answered, he
Taking up one of the cooperative
proposals, the suggested cartel ar-
rangement, he declared that it in-
volved so many difficulties as to
make its worth doubtful. This plan
whereby the United States would as-
sume financial responsibility to meet
the problem of surpluses of South
America would be extremely expen-
sive. It would also be bound to mix
us up in efforts to control produc-
tion, which would lead to imperialis-
+i riffn-m - n -,Rmm . so -ara

Klemach, 'Michigan 121 pounder,
threw Midshipman Johnny Gano
with a half Nelson and body press
after six minutes and 45 seconds.
Klemach simply had too much ex-
perience for his Middie foe.
Acting Michigan Captain 'Tom
(Continued on Page 3)
Ruth Brown Is Asked
To Help Beat Aid Bill
While Sen. Prentiss M. Brown was
pleading in Washington for passage
of the lease-lend bill, his daughter,
Ruth, a former University graduate
student, was being asked to persuade
her father against the measure.
Young Miss Brown, who will be
married April 12 to Forest Evashev-
ski, 1940 Michigan football captain,
received a letter here from a "Michi-
gan Mother" who said she had taken
the liberty of wrting to ask her to
"use your influence with your father
to vote against this bill."
This anonymous writer explained:
"Many of the Senators, who will vote
as he does, agree that it will almost
certainly plunge us into war. Maybe

Mrs. Harold Gray are also acting as
faculty sponsors.

Hitler's Plans May Be Hurried
By War Needs, Simpson Says

(Associated Press Staff Writer)
The month of March, reputed in
respect to weather to go out like a
lamb when it comes in like a lion,
does not seem destined to live up to
that reputation so far as events of
the European war are concerned.
It has come in like a lion with ten-
sion high in the Balkans and Ger-
many reporting sea-war successes
against Britain. It bids fair to go out
roaring with action certainly in the
Atlantic and possibly also in the Bal-
kans and the far Pacific.
Germany reached its high-water
mark in the World War in March,
1918. The Kaiser's armies all but
cut the French and British apart on
the west front in that spring drive.
Thev risked everything on that final

ish and neutral economists gauge
German food and oil resources aright.
Nazi leaders from Hitler down have
said repeatedly they are prepared for
a war of any duration. Months ago,
however, Americans back home from
Berlin told this writer of their doubts
on that score.
They saw possibilities of an upris-
ing in Germany only distantly. It de-
pended,, they believed, on either of
two factors.
Even iron-fisted Nazi suppression
at home could not avert the many
rumblings of discontent, they be-
lieved, if the German army sustained
a disastrous defeat. They felt cer-
tain it was fear of just such a defeat
that withheld a German attempt to
invade England last summer or early
fall when other conditions seemed
right for the attempt.

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