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March 01, 1941 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-03-01

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__ .,.__v _ _. __ s
1 r

In our description of Jordan's fac-
ulty dinner Thursday we neglected to
mention that Mosher had one, too.
Among the guests there were Prof.
and Mrs. Rene Talamon, Mr. Val-
entine B. Windt, Dr. and Mrs. De-
Witt Parker and Prof. and Mrs. Men-
tor Williams.
Martha Cook will uphold its re-
known for hospitality when it holds
its first open house of the semester
Sunday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30.
Severalrhouses in the West Quad
welcomed new residents Thursday
at 10:30 p.m. with a spread, consist-
ing of hot chocolate and doughnuts.
Jordan Hall, the only dorm to hold
mid-year elections, announces the
following new officers for the com-
-ing semester: Mildred Otto, president,
Morrow Weber, vice-president and
Helen Garreis, secretary-treasurer,
New committee-chairman were al-
so chosen. Virginia Becker will.head
the art committee, Betty Bell, ath-
letics, Ann Costikyan, current events,
Alice Cotton, drama, Eleanor Garth-
Waite, library, June Anutta, music,;
Ruth Rodenbeck, publicity, Elaine
Travis, scholarship and Sue Sundean,.
social. All the officers, of course, are
of the class of '44.
Banquet To Be Held
Forty members of the -Forestry
Club will travel to East Lansing today
for a joint banquet. with the Mich-
igan State Forestry Club. Mainly a
social affair, the meeting will feature
a liar's contest

To Speak Herc.m


Educational --
Faculty Back
From Parleys
Edinonson Named Again
To Serve On Policies
Board At Convention I
Members of the faculty of the
School of Education returned this
week from the national meetings of
the American Association of School
Administrators held in Atlantic City
from February 20 to 28.
Dean. James B. Edmonson Was re-
appointed to the Educational Poli-
cies Commission, national organiza-
tion to set up advisory policies for
American schools. He acted as chair-
man of the committee of the National
Council of Education on textbook
problems and participated in the'
program on the selection of teaching
personnel planned by the American
Association of School Administrators.
Contributions of school personnel
to national defense, the community
schools and the status of the super-
intendent were subjects discussed by
Prof. Arthur Moehlman before var-
ious meetings of the conference.
At the general session of the Inter-I
national Council of Exceptional
Children, Dr. Williard Olson present-
ed a paper on "The Multi-Variable
Longitudinal Study of Exceptional
Children." He reported techniques
which he has used in the study
of children during the past few years.
Prof. Francis Curtis acted as chair-
man of the Coordinating Committee
of the National Association of Re-
search on Science Teaching. At the
conference he made six reports and
was apointed as vice-president of
the National Council on Elementary


Facultyr- Students Dvided On Issue
Of Graduating '42 Engineers Early

By A. P. BLAUSTIEIN only, and it is after graduation that the purpose of supplying defense in-
and MORTON MINTZ we really become developed in our dustries with needed personnel.
Considerable interest was aroused field while working in industry. The William Church, '42E: We are aix-
in the College of Engineering yester- extra semester will not make much sous to get out of school and take
day over suggestions made to grad- of a difference in our training. >ur place in industry and especially
uate junior engineering students in Arnold Soedier, -iE: Last year desire to become independent finan-
February rather than in June as a there was talk of a five-year engin- 1ially. As electives largely consti-
means of satisfying the needs of var- eering curriculum opposed by some tute the last senior semester, I feel
ious industries engaged in national on the grounds that it was unfair to that personal loss of training is more
defense work. new students. It doesn't seem as than compensated by the nation's re-
Discussions on the problem became though this reduction is quite fair to quirements.
particularly intense on campus fol- those engineers who have graduated Prof. A. H. White of the chemicaly
lowing an announcement that Dean only upon completion of four years of engineering department: At the pres-
IvanC. Cawfod oftheCollge o 'stdy.ent time I do not believe that a move'
Ivan~~o C.hCswfordof thsCollgeeofstudy
Engineering hd been appointed to Prof. Ferdinand N. Menefee of the of this type is necessary.
a seven-man committee by the Soci- engineering mechanics department: T
ety for the Promotion of Engineer- I see no reason why this move Te tMidgetA y 'Ick
ing Education to consider the ques- should not be taken, provided we can DETROIT, Feb. 28-(/P)-The ma-
tion. reach fairly close agreements in this nueverability of the Army's new
In an attempt to discover how en- matter with other leading engineer- "midget" reconnaissance truck and
gineering students and members of ing colleges. It must be understood its ability to absorb abuse was dem-
the faculty feel about February grad- that the plan would be considered a onstrated today to a group of United
uations, the Inquiring Reporters temporary measure devised only for States Army officers.
asked several representative indivd r e ___ _ _ ffer
a.1l- frnn bn th lnr, fr .nmwwnf.c -- , --

Pianist To offer
Recital Tomorrow
Prof. Maud Okkelberg, pianist of
the School of Music, will offer a
varied recital at 4:15 p.m. tomorroow,
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
in the second Faculty Concert of the
A graduate of the University School
of Music with an Artist Diploma in
Piano in 1908, Professor Okkelberg
did her postgraduate study work
with such noted artists as Wells and
Lhevinne in Berlin.
Professor Okkelberg, who has been
accompanist for many artists at May
Festival concerts, is a former princi-
pal of the music department at the
Frances Shimer School for Girls in
Carrill, Ill.
Her concert tomorrow will include
selections by Haydn, P. E. Bach,
Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, De-
bussy, Voormolen, Jeanne Boyd and

Prof. Sachar
Will Present
Hillel Lecture






Cash Rates
12c per reading line for one or
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Five average words to a reading
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pr insertion.
Contract Rates On Request
Our Want-Advisor will be
delighted to assist you in com-
posing your ad. Dial 23-24-1
or stop at the Michigan Daily
Business Office, 420 Maynard

Noted historian, lecturer and auth-
I or, Prof. Abram L. Sachar of the
history department of the University
of Illinois will present the third in
a series of Hillel Forum lectures at
8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the main ball-
room of the Union.
His address, entitled "They Would-
n't Be Missed," is expected to deal
with various pathological individuals
in the nation at the present time,
some of the problems they create
and some solutions to these problems.
A graduate of Washington Uni-
versity in St. Louis where he was a:
member of Phi Beta Kappa, Dr. Sa-
char received his Ph.D. degree from
Cambridge University where he stud-
ied for three years.
In 1923 he began teaching at Il-
linois and five years later was ap-
pointed director of the Illinois Hil-
lel Foundation. He became national
director in 1932. The students there
have voted him the most popular
professor and best lecturer in the fac-
German Essay
'Annual Contest Is Slated
For Late In March
The annual competition for the
Bronson-ThoLas Prize in German, of
x$35 will take place late this month,
according to Professor Henry W.
Nordmeyer of the German depart-
m-nt. This award was established by
a gift of $1,000 from Thomas B.
Bronson, '81, ihr the memory of Calvin
Thomas, '74, Professor of German
language and literature here from
1878 'o 1896.
The competition, which will last
three hours, consists in writing an
essay in either English or German
dealing with the development of Ger-
man literature from 1750 to 1900.
Participation is open to all under-
graduate students enrolled in Ger-
man 81 or above.
Qualified students trained in Amer-
ican schools. should register as soon
as possible at the office of the Ger-
man department, 204 U.H., Professor
Nordmeyer said.
Gold Moved To Kentucky
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28-(A')--Se-
cret movement of $8,500,000 worth of
gold from New York to Fort Knox
was completed today, it was learned
a uthoritativ6ly, and the Kentucky
vault now holds $14,000,000,000 of the
yellow metal-the largest treasure
ever assembled under one roof.

uai isromnou n groupsi comments
on the question: "Do you think it ad-
visable to graduate the members of
the Class of '42E next February?"
Opinions were almost evenly divid-
ed with a slight majority of the facul-
ty opposed to such a change.
Here are some of the typical ans-
Prof. Benjamin F. Bailey of the
electrical engineering department: I
think it would be a big mistake to
make so radical a change in our nor-
mal procedure. The country does
and will need engineers, but it would
not be advisable to send unqualified
men into posts requiring trained,
competent technicians.
Donald Naulin, '42E: The sugges-
tion made meets with my approval.
In school we learn basic knowledge



Helicopter Would Bring Flying
. To More People, stalker Says

Prof. Edward A. Stalker, chairman3
of the aeronautical engineering de-a
partment, predicted yesterday that aj
new kind of easily operated, low-cost
helicopter would make flying prac-I
tical to greater numbers of people
than ever before.

Though many attempts have been
made to overcome the third problem
of tor(uue, or the tendency of the
body to spin in the opposite direction
from that of the revolving blades,
Professor Stalker was the first to con-
ceive the idea of rotating the blades
by low-speed jets, an answer that

O_ _

"Flying a helicopter will
ple," Professor Stalker
"that it could be learned

be sosim-I promised to do away with all funda-
explained, mental difficulties. After much re-
even in a search, Professor Stalker announced



TO RENT or buy
system flute. Good
Tel. 9039.


correspondence course." Travel in one at the last annual meeting of the
under conditions of fog or snowstorm Institute ofAeronautical Sciences the
is much safer than in the airplane discovery that w largiy mass of air,
because the helicopter is able to trav- driven at slow velocity by a motor
el extremely slow or to hover station- and pump airrangement concealed in
aiy in the air, thus allowing gradual t f ' a lr
descent without injury to the ma- long slots in the hollow vwings, was ef-I
chine or its passengers. Another ad- ficient and eliminated the plane's
vantage. Professor Stalker pointed tuihing tenden cies,
out, is that present. day knowled'e 'Il. smoothness of this device in
permits low production costs, prob- operation cannot be equalled by me-
pehrnica schemes, as there is no direct
ably not exceeding that of an airplane;or igc onc tim n , fs blhes n o d e
with equal performance. or rigid connection of blades to the
The craft is similar to the autogyro motor, Professor Stalker said.
in its use of overhead rotating blades, "This jet /system." Professor Stalk-
but differs in that it has no propeller, i er claimed, "does not have the dis-
all the power being applied to the advantages of other proposed de-
rotating wings. signs which have not been success-
"All major problems of helicopter ful because of their weight, com-
construction are now solved," Pro-. plexity, air resistance or power waste,
fessor Stalker said, "and we can ex- Superiorities of this "fluid drive"
pect to see them on the market with- method are that it allows greater
in the next few years." choice of speeds, blows away the dead
Early development of a satisfactory air layer, present on the upper sur-
helicopter has been hampered by 'aces of the wings, and prevents,
three vital mechanical faults. Solu- through the use of heated air, the
tion to two of these, unequal lift on accumulation of ice on the blades,"
the rotating bladesecaused by speed Professor Stalker asserted.
differences and the blades' gyroscopic "The helicopter, completely ma-
forces, was discovered in 1925, when a nueverable, low in weight, compact
simple hinged connection to the hub and mechanically simple, will come
was invented by Juan de la Qierva to fill popular needs," Professor
was adopted, Professor Stalker de- Stalker sid, "tLlough its military uses
clared. are not certain at this time."

East University at Oakland. Dial 3779.
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, Director.
I Sunday, March 2
8:15 P.M. Hillel Forum - Dr. Abram Sacher
Monday, March 3
7:30 P.M. Avukah-Hillei Study Group.
Tuesday, March 4
7:30 P.M. Intermediate Hebrew Class.
8:00 P.M. Advanced Hebrew and Bible Trans-
lation Classes.
Wednesday, March 5
4:30 P.M. Elementary Hebrew Class.
8:00 P.M. Yiddish and Yiddish Literature
Thursday, March 6
4:00-6:00 P.M. "P.M."
Friday, March 7
7:30 P.M. Conservative Services.
8:30 P.M. Hillel Players present "Success
Storv" at Ivdia endeNohni The'irc
Saturday, March 8
8:30 P.M. Hillel Players present "Success
Story" at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
1432 Washtenaw-Dial 2-4466
William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister
Lillian Dilts, Assistant
William Barnard, Director of Music
9:30 A.M. Church School. Classes for all age
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service -- First
Sunday in Lent -- "Life Simplified" will be
the subject of the sermon by Dr. W. P. Lemon.
10:45 A.M. Nursery during Morning Worship.
6:00 P.M. Westminister Guild will meet for
supper and fellowship hour. At 7:00 p.m.
there will be a program of music by Palmer
Christian in the church auditorium.
8:00 P.M. The Sunday Evening Club will metct
at 8:00 p.m. in the Lewis-Vance Parlors.

{ I

Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 5c
EASTHAVEN dog and cat hospital
and boarding kennels. H. R. Ship-
man, DVM. 2,626 Geddes Ave.
Phone 6969. 293'
SUGGESTION-Put your OWN voice
on the other side of the
J-Hop Gargoyle record. Only 25c.
510 E. William. Ph. 2-4288. 1
DRESSMAXING and alterations.
Coats relined. Also sewing of all
kinds, Call Mrs. Ream, 8653. 23c
Suits ,made to measure-Satisfac-
tion guaranteed-Alternations and
Repairing--609' Packard. 287
BEN'THE TAILOR-More money for
your clothes-good clothes for sale.
162 E. Washington. Ic

State St. between Washington and Huron.
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares, and
J. Edward Lantz.
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director; Mary
Eleanor Porter, organist.
9:30 A.M. Student Class. First of the Second
Semester. Dr. G. E. Carrothers, leader.
10:40 A.M. Church School for Nursery, Beginners,
and Primary Departments, Parents may
leave children there while attending church.
10:40 A.M. Morning Worship. Dr, Brashares'
subject is, "Is it Nothing to You?"
6:00 P.M. Wesleyan Guild Meeting. Prof. Wes-
ley Maurer, speaker, This will be the key-
note talk for the Social Action Series which
will begin next week. Fellowship Hour and
Supper at 7 o'clock.
8:00 P.M. Lenten Communion Service.
409 South Division Street
10:30 A.M. Sunday Service.
21:45 A.M. Sunday School.
Free reading room at 206 E. Liberty St. open
daily except Sundays and holidays from 11:30
A.M. to 5 P.M. and on Saturdays till 9 P.M.
Division at Catherine
The Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector
The Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Assistant Mm.
George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
9:30 A.M. High School Class, Harris Hall.
11:00 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon by the
Rev. Henry Lewis.
11:00 A.M. Junior Churc1p.
11:00 A.M. Kindergarten, Harris Hall.
7:00 P.M. The Chaplain's Hour, Chapel, Har-
ris Hall.
7:30 P.M. College Work Program, Harris Hall.
Speaker: Paul B. Cares of Allegheny Col-
lge. Topic: "New Wine in Old Bottles"
for "The Reformation - a Revolution, Part
7:30 P.M. Choral Evensong in the church.
MuSic by the Men's and Boys' Choir.
8:15 P.M. Lecture on "The Episcopal Church"
by thi-' Rev. Henry Lewis, in the church,
Sponsored jointly by
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches.
Zion Lutheran Church,
E. Washington at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon
"Jesus Overcoming the Tempter".
Trinity Lutheran Church,
E. William St. at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon,
"The Priceless Value of the Kingdom of God."
4:00 P.M. Lutheran Student A Cappella Choir
Practice in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall.
5:30 P.M. Lutheran Student Association Meet-
ing in Parish Hall. Prof. Philip Bursley,
Lutheran Student Bible Study Class Tuesday
Even ing at 7:;30 in the Michigan League.
South Fourth Avenue.
Theodore Schmale, Pastor.
9:00 A.M. Service in German
9:30 A.M. Church School.
10:30 A.M.. Morning Worship. Sermon topic,
"How to Meet Temntation,"





. __ ____ __._.. _ -__. ___ _ _.. _ _.__---__---7l


LAUNDRY-2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 3c
dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226
South First St. Phone 3916. 10c
pairs of sox, 6 handkerchiefs fin-
ished, 2 suits underwear, 2 bath
towels, 1 pajama suit fluffed-99c.
Ace Hand Laundry, 1114 S. Uni-
versity. -15c
TYPING--Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416 14c
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
TYPING and duplicating service.r

. from stomach as well
as country. It's only fair
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it the proper foods with
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health and resistance.
You'll never find disap-
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Flautz's We specialize
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Twenty-Four-Hour Service
Safe - Easy - Efficient

You will find this one of the many services
that makes banking here so pleasant and
easy. If you find frequents trips to the bank
inconvenient, come in today and let us ex-
plain how easy it is to use this service. Our
plan provides an efficient way to save.

512 East Hurotn.
Rev. C. 11. Loucks, Minister.
Jack Ossewaarde, Organist and 1.)iretor of
10:30-12:15 A.M. A unified service ol worship
a(l(study. Serino "A 1{w ic ' Law."
10:30-12:15 A.M. Special program of worship,
study, and activity for Kindergarten and
Primary children in their respective rooms.
6:30 P.M. The High School Young People': Fel-
lowship will meet in the church. Robert
Streeter and George Crocker will lead the
discussion on "Personality."
7:30 P.M. The Roger_,Williams Guild will niet
in the Guild House, 503 E. Huron for a social
8:00 P.M. The Guild and Church unite in a
Choral Communion Service in the church
State and Williams Sts.
Dr. Leonard A. Parr, Minister.
Director of Music, Mrs. Mary McCall Stub-
) RS .
Director of Student Activities, Willis B. 1Hunting
10:00 A M. This marks the first of a symrposiuvm
to be held throughout Lent on the topic, "Re-
lig ini and lifr, Prof. Avard Fairbanks will
talk on "Religion as Viewed by the Artist."
10:45 A,M. Services of Public Worship. Dr. Parr
will preach on the first of his Lentgn series
of "Vital Questions", "Why Are We Here?"
5:30 P.M. Ariston League, High School /group
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