-TIIE,- W1CIAN Du0ILY 90 Engineers ill Celebrate At Slide Rule Ball Friday, April 4 J 1 Ancient Rivalry Marriage Announced Assembly Bal Honor Luncheon With LawyersTo Use Garden For Pledges Will Continue Theme Friday George Weesneri '41 E, Editor Tn SThree Dimensional Decorations i Of Michigan Technic, To LeadTm r Because three sorority houses had, To Highlight Scheme;Trellis freshman women tying for highesty Festivities In Union Ballroom Of Roses Will Frame Doorway honors in their pledge classes, there Smarting under a recent challengewill be 20 women representing 17 "Garden Gavotte", Assembly's 1941 houses, honored at the FreshmanJ by Michigan's barristers, the Univer-,sm. HonrLuncheon, whichthl md 3x11, will be staged from- 9 p.m. to Honor:1Lunche on, wichwiltehe ld- sity's engineers announced yesterday at 12:15Rpom. today, ie that their annual Slide Rule Ball gada in the a- zoo Room of the League. woild be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The women who wi represen e SAh ;ue Ballroom, according to the des- various houses are: Gertrude Clubb,' saeridas the Unyr nraeBall riptions of Kay Negus, '43, and Alpha Chi Omega; Virginia Anderson, would be held in the League. Evelyn Kuivinen, '42A, co-chairmen Alpha Delta Pi; Kayla Bachracht Sonsoehd by the Lciane. hf decorations. Alpha Epsilon Phi; Helen Eckerman, I Sponsored by the Michigan Tech-'Wishing wells into which are peer- 1 Alpha Gamma Delta; Constance Ta- nic, official Engineering College Pub- ber, Alpha Omicron Pi; Ann Mae- mg old-fashioned ladies in third di- brOirnP;AnMc lication, the dance committee will be mensional pattern, fountains, sun- Millan and Nell Fead, Alpha Phi; Mil- headed by George Weesner, '41E, edi- dials, butterflies, and the dignified dred Young, Chi Omega; 414ce Roel- tor of the magazine. "Weesner is a das utrleadtedgiid- - game of garden croquet all play ofs and Mary Lee Hughes, Collegiate member of Phi Eta Sigma, Sigma Rhogaeogrdncqutllpya membr o PhiEtaSiga, SgmaRhopart in the decorations. Pastel colors Sorosis. Tau, the American Society for Civil ELLEN ROELOFSpatithdeoton.PslclrsIoos. Enginers, Ta B et P, and bothLLE______________against black form the color scheme. Jean Whittemore will represent Trangers aduBcan honoary oc- Garden Is Formal Delta Delta Delta; Marlou Shartel, Triangles and Vulcans honorary soci- et am;JanGsasn a- etie. IEach independent and her date Delta Gamma; Jean Gustaf son, Gam- eties. Ecpmepndntan hr at ma Phi Beta; Morrow Weber, Kappa ; Six On Committee cL ed kS will enter the ballroom through a Alpha Theta; Alice Dehlin, Kappa trellis rose arbor, which will framie Among the members of the cen- anthe doorway. Directly across the Delta; Marian McGrath, Kappa Kap- tral committee in addition to Wees- room is the bandstand behind which pa Gamma; Phyllis Wener, Phi Sig- ner are Harold Britton, '41E, finance m a fountain garden sceie will form ma Sigma; Nancy Griffin and Betty- chairman; Seymour Furbush, '41E, ethe backdrop-all dne in three di- Jane Heidbreder, Pi Beta Phi, and music chairman; Robert Morrison gmension. A picket fence in front Katherine Osborn, Zeta Tau Alpha. '41E, and Charles Tieman, '41E, of the bandstand will create an added Miss Shartel received the highest decorations co-chairmcn, and Ed- illusion of formality in a garden. marks among the freshman womeny ward King, '41E, patrons chairman. The marriage of Evelyn Roelofs, pledges on campus with Miss MacI Others include John S. Burnham, '40, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. E. J. an old-fashioned lady dressed for the Millan and Miss Fead tying for second '42E, program chairman; Robert Im- Roelofs of Hull, Ia., to Gardner Pat- gavotte so that Assemblyites may see ce. Hope Hartwig, '38, resident boden, '42E, tickets chairman; Alex terson, '38, of Burt, Ia., was celebrat- how it was done in those "gay old cns estspeJerdn H eiserjec Wilkie, '42E, and Arthur Dobson, '42E, ed Feb. 17 in Baltimore, Md. dy, as the guest speaker. Her subject floor co-chairman, and Charles Hein- Mr. Patterson was a teaching fel- will be, "Extra-Curricular Activities." en, '41E, and Burr J. French, '42E, low in economics here the year follow- the tw e powels will curtse lfrot Miss Fead will give the acceptance publicity co-chairmen. ing his graduation. Following that on behalf of the guests and Patricia1 Orchestra Not Chosen he had a fellowship at Harvard, and walls-flowers in pastels and three Hadley, '42, chairman of the lunch- dimension. A different flower will jthis past year he has been with the f hc l i feon, will act as toastmistress. Miss JGP Tryouts Must Pass Tests, For Legs, Personality, Voice By GRACE MILLER - - -- - --- "Now don't be alarmed-just put footlights and spots, with the aud- your feet together-back up a bit ience smugly and invisibly ensconced away from the footlights-now, raise your skirt above your knees." Quote in the darkness beyond. Knocking Dick McKelvey, who is spending, lo! knees and quavering voices are usual- these many afternoons casting for ly all that come from the first few Junior Girls' Play. moments. Then the gal takes heart Outside the casting room the wo- and emotes richly all over the men line up in the corridor mutter-th ing frantically lines from "The Wo- men"-or Shakespeare or "The Lives After note is taken of legs and of a Bengal Lancer." Their mheasure- personality, McKelvey soothingly asks ments are taken and recorded, and the tryout to back up to the piano, they are shoved through a door into hang on and sing! Shocked protests the presence of McKelvey and the comes from most, who haven't much central committee of JGP. idea of what their voice sounds like Footlights Startle unless drowned out by a supporting It's a bit startling to find your- chorus on "Varsity." self facing nothing but a battery of Monotones HaveChance Many of the roles will leave out the When Veil Meets Wings singing, however; so women with dra- Radio Dances Will Highlight Festive Evening Nine House Groups Will Stage Private Parties; New Semester Marked By Social Upswing i t I i i i 1 The new semester is well on its way, in the category of social activi- ties, with quite a list of dances sched- uled for today. A radio dance will add festivity to the Alpha Gamma Delta house from 9 p.m. to midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shoberg and Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes will act as chaperons. Alpha Igappa Lambda is also to have a radio dance with Mr. and Mrs. William Stubbins and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Payne chaperoning the affair. Alpha Omega To Dance Alpha Omega has planned a party to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight at which Dr. Homer Faust and Dr. H. J. Bloom will chaperon. There will be another radio dance at the Alpha Omicron Pi house, the chap- erons for this party will be Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown and Mr. and Mrs. George Scheter. At the Lawyer's Club, Bill Gail and his orchestra will play for dancing j while Prof. and Mrs. Burke Shar- C .. . J '- t ':: ytG v. ..: .:-. :.; d' 4 / .. / ' t y f 4 -!.j' h / r , ± E \ } : K.. s ~ _ , rr, , ' ° '1 . _ matic ability and little or no sing- ing voice will still find roles suited to them. Nine out of ten try-outs picked "Careless" to pin their white hopes to. Those women who showed promise in the Monday and Tuesday try-outs were asked back for a second audi-° tion. Final decisions as to cast mem- bers will probably be made by Sun-, day. This leaves about four weeks of actual work on the play, which means plug, juniors! i i New iMembers To Be Honored \B ~n h w i e -' s J { 7 # I { C C C ' AS yet no orchestra has been sele C Norm tnia eassea or e e ecora on oI X - . - t-National Defense Council in Wash- Ethel McCormick and Dean Alice i ed to play for the affair, which has ington, D.C., where the couple is each panel, along with some garden Lloyd will also be guests at the Navy and spring influences com- ha nteps uc oe ad sfixture, such as were mentioned earli- LlydmillalssbeguetshteteAavyandsprngonflencsacp- dntsnow living. xluncheon. The executive council of bine to produce this frivolous hat; ter of K Phite Ann aMethod st Woody Herman's in 1940 and Vin- . e. Fluffy orange marigolds, tulips Panhellenic will act as hostesses. beveiled and bewinged to suit the organizaion .t cent Lopez the year before. Miss Allen Engaged with frilly leaves, tiger lilies, holy-sswomen's organization, will entertain The Slide Rule Ball always held Professor and Mrs. Shirley W. Allen' hocks, roses, and daffodils will all The Freshman Honor Banquet, an- most fanciful of the fashion hunt- alumnae and honor new members at The Slide RunuaBaly sponsoredlbyImembers of the ers. their mid-year initiation and pledg- on the same night as the lawyers, of Ann Arbor recently announced the take root" in the garden according nually sponsored by the three occasions engagement of their daughter, Eliza- to Miss Negus. Panhellenic Society, is attended by' ing services today and tomorrow in Beth Harriet to Dr. James Barret the freshman pledge with the high- Red Cross W orkers the Methodist Episcopal Church and during the year that the two groups bt are oD.JmsBre Anson Weeks To Play Ietfrtsmse rdsi ahsr h ege d g y Thompson,'39M son of Mr and est first semester grades in each sor-Ithe League. meet for battle. The others occur Mrs. Frank Thompson of Paw Paw. Anson Weeks and his orchestra, ority. The number of guests is in- To Continue Sewing, Highlighting the weekend will be during their annual spring athletic featuring Virginia Methews and King ; Hihltgtingthefeededpwil-b duigthiinnasprnsthei Allen received her Master'sVignaMhesndKg creased this year because of dupli- ('~ O ,j~ the annual banquet at 6 p.m. today in contests and at "Swingout" when the MISS Harvey will play sweet, swing, and cate top grades in three of the sorori- Knitting Project Toda the E l anta e Rm of lawyers are asked to detour around Degree from the University last year Latin with a bit of the old-fashioned ties. Kittngesnisewngwilebstbe the eage, atuwi Pro on the Arch. and is a member of Kappa Kappa included. Tickets will be on sale Knitting and sewhg will both be the League, at which Prof. Preston Gamma, as well as Zeta Phi Eta, and from 11 p.m. to noon, and from 1 p.m. included in the work project which speaker. His Iota Chi honorary societies. Dr. to 5 p.m. every day except Sunday Petitioning To Open continues at the new Red Cross talk will carry out the theme of the Thompson is a member of Nu Sigma in the League lobby until the day of { workshop from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. todayI banquet, "The Good Earth." Lee astd Changes thas been serving his internship at tamned from central committee mem- -..The project i be carried on two will be m charge of the nitiation at C nc T Fhhstth..General Hospital. bers for three dollars. Ten League Council positions, and days each week this semester. The 3:30 p.m. today, and the pledgmg at Tt recenty received an appointment Ticket sale will be restricted to three Women's Judiciary Committee WAB will be open each Wednesday 4 p.m. Emmalyn Wright, Spec., and to the staff of the same hospital. those showing independent identifi- positions are open to women who pe- and Saturday for all women who wish Eleanor Smith, '43, of Ann Arbor, C Sprick-Hulbert Wedding cation cards until March 4, at which I tition Tuesday, March 4, through to participate, are co-chairmen of the affair. C osuH oop Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sprick of time they will go on general sale. Saturday, March 8, in the League Students who call for knitting wool Following the banquet, a semi-for- Wt o aQuincy, Ill., announce the marriage Helen Culley, '41, general chairman, 1mdergraduate office. must promise Ito return the finished mal dance for pledges and the 12 new We can bat off a lot of "praise Al-of their daughter, Catherine, to John advised that tickets be purchased be- Junior women may petition for the article by May 1. Sewing materials initiates will be given at 9 p.m. in the lahs" that we are modern women, Hulbert, '40, son of Mr. and Mrs. fore Tuesday, "if you want to be sure following positions: President of the are not taken from the workshop, Wesley Foundation Lounge. Janet a t a a eeof r an o eoato e e g i President heemancipated and at ease, but it takes Roberts Hulbert of Birmingham on of getting one". As tradition di-League Vice-President in charge of but are completed on the sewing ma- Sibley, '41, is in charge of the party, godcnrt okadsud r obertshines at the WAB. for which Ray Carey's orchestra ,vill a good concrete look and shudder at Feb. 14. tates, Senior Society, honorary rnde- Orientation; Vice-President in charge the old hoop skirts to fully appre- Mrs. Hulbert was a member of pendent women's group, will sell car- of Tutorial; Secretary,.Treasurer. The Saturday afternoon opera will play. elate the boon. Kappa Alpha Theta, and of Pi Lamb- nations for your boy-friend's but- Juniors may also petition for chair- nbe heard at the meeting, as will a The Ann Arbor alumnae will en- Margaret Schiller and Ada McFar- Ida Theta and worked on JGP. Mr. tonhole. manships of the following commit- concert of classical recordings. tertamn out-of town guests at a land, along with the other women inHletwsamme fphxes-C dyBohMr ysm The Student Workroom was start- luncheon at I p.m. today, and also at the cast of "Trelawney of the Wells," Hrt s a mm of .pinc tees: Candy Booth, Merit System, ed last semester by the - Women's a breakfast at 9 a.m. in the Russian tecsofTrlw yofteWls"Druids, and Phi Gamma Delta,.aneCTo, Ena ndTear had to learn how to walk, how to Co-Op terta Athletic Association as an auxiliary Tea Room of the League. Actives stand, and how to sit just as if they , Louise Carter Engaged TtI Arts. One senior position on the unit to the Washtenaw County chap- and alumnae will attend church in a had been transported suddenly into Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter of Sheri- The Married Couples' Cooperative Judiciary Committee is also open to ter from which it gets personal super- body to conclude the weekend pro- a new and very different world. dan, recently announced the engage- House at 1208 Oakland Ave. will hold the Class of '42. vision, gram. The trouble with the hoop skirts ment of their daughter, Louise, '38, open house from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sophomores may petition for the is hat ou're s aptto miscalc to Richard W. Ryan, '39L, son of Mr. Sunday. Students, townspeople, and two junior positions on the Judiciary K I \\\ \V\\\>\ ^\\e distance in going through a door, or and Mrs. John J. Ryan of New Or- faculty are invited to attend the af- Committee. din cepnroing thro a don. leans. fair by Karl Karlstrom, Grad., presi- Three League Council positions approaching a chair to sit down. While attending the University Mr. dent of the house council. Refresh- President of Panhellenic Society, As And then, to fit the skirt the person-I ahity must be changed completely, Ryan was a member of Alpha Tau ments will be served; the procedure sembly, and the Women's Athletic which amounts to quite a radical de- Omega. The wedding will take place of self-government will be explained Association will be petitioned at a parture from the brusque athletic May 10. to visitors, later date.ei long-limbed woman of today. Y O It was more than 10 years ago that this same production was put on here, The last big presentation W hen of this toured the country with an ,)acouson S: he all-star cast, including John Drew, Otto rugar, Peggy Wood and Paul- mne Lord. mW /r Cl tel and Mr. and Mrs. Lee-Carl Over- street will act as chaperons. Phi Sig- ma Sigma members have planned a radio dance from 9 p.m. to midnight with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ross and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Gersons as chap- erons. Questions Will Pop J A Truth and Consequences Party will be the order of the evening at the Sigma Alpha Mu House, with dancing afterward. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Goldman and Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Helper are going to chaperon. Theta Xi offers a radio dance to be chaperoned by Prof. and Mrs. C. A. Siebert and Dr. Win. Brace, while Trigon follows suit with a radio dance which Pr'of.and Mrs. H. M. Dorr and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shaw will chaperon. Meeting Scheduled The Women's Athletic Association Board will hold a supper meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Women's Athletic Building. All members, in- cluding sports members, are urged to be present. NEW SPRING PLAID and pastel skirts $2.98 to $3.98 Spring Sweaters $1.98 to $3.98 U 345 MAYNARD ST. Y t J } T y: t 1 S /" you buy at inC S /7t a 11 finnual Clearance 0/ FIHC FURS Entire winter collection of Zwerdling's has been "deeply reduced for immediate clear- i ance. We do not 'bring in' any furs at sale time for sale pufrposes." When you / feel the pelt quality; and see the expert workmanship . . . you will be delighted and amazed at the modest cost to you. SAV- "' INGS up to 50% Expert fur remodeling and repairing NOW especially low priced. 4 / <7 I 1 i