'T IE 1' I . . I . :IL3 ' }t ,Y, ' + . x.941 ..- eEuM =-C.IGA N D v A I.L Ydaa~a~a Rfl V J~t V'. '8 I ThA CLASSIlFIED ADVERTISING ASSOCIATED HELP WANTED MEN STUDENTS - Part time or steady work. Washtenaw Coney Island, 111 N. Main. 430 WAITERS and BUSBOYS wanted- Full employment from June 14th to July 1st. Part time from July 1st during Summer Session. Apply Allenel Hotel. 432 COLLEGE GRADUATE-22 to 27. Large finance company. Must be: iarried. Prefer Business Ad. stu- dents. Permanent position. 706 Stephenson Bldg., Detroit. 437 MAN OR WOMAN, preferably with teaching experience to represent foreign educational service at In- ternational Conference in Ann Arbor, July 6-12. Expenses guar- anteed, with opportunity for ex- cellent earnings. See H. P. Hall, Union, Fri. p.m. or Sat. a.m. WOMEN STUDENTS who want to work in their own home town this summer. Will hire girls who live in any of the following counties of Michigan: Jackson, Washtenaw, Livingston, Lenawee, Ionia, Clin- ton, Gratiot, Eaton, Ingham, Hills- dale, Monroe. Michigan Union, Room 304, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. WANTED TO RENT MARRIED GRAD STUDENT wants to rent cool, furnished, summer apartment near campus after June 7. Write Box 10, Michigan Daily. MISCELLANEOUS ' WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company, r phone 1112. Sc *J'HESIS BTNDING-Mimeographing. Brumfield & Brumfield, 308 S. State. 19c WISE Real Estate Dealers: Run listings of your vacant houses in The Daily. Dial 23-24-1 for spe- cial rates. 353 LAUNDERING LAUNDRY -- 2-1044. Sox darned Careful work at low price. 3c FOR RENT 928 Forest - pleasant single and double rooms for summer and fall. Phone 2-2839. 443 ROOMS FOR SUMMER-Reason- able and cool with yard and porch. Sigma Nu-700 Oxford, 2-4401. 436 VERY PLEASANT ROOMS for girl students-summer term. Opposite Rackham Building. 917 E. Huron. Phone 8671. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished rooms for graduate girls. Cross ventila- tion. Shower. Large yard with furniture. Call 6152. 434 SUMMER SESSION STUDENTS- Large, comfortable rooms, two blocks from campus, reasonable. Call 4850 or inquire 806 Hill.~ 367 FOR RENT-Nicely furnished suite for two-also single' room. Un- furnished five-room apartment. 1052 Baldwin. Call 3801 or 7612. 438 ROOMS-light and airy for the sum- mer for MEN. Prices from $2.00- $3.00. Hot water at all times. First house off State. 615 Monroe St. 423 SUITE with private bath and shower. Double room with adjoining lava- tory. Available now. Also first floor housekeeping apartment for summer school or fall. Ph. 8544- 422 E. Washington. 427 TYPING VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal typist, also mimeographing. Notary public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 1 c FOR SALE FOR SALE-1935 Ford Tudor; Ra- dio, heater. If interested call Jim Thompson, 2-3173. 441 USED CARS-'33 Ford Fordor, $75; '35 Plymouth Fordor, $195; '27 Chev Coach, $29; '33 Ford Tudor, $55. NYE MOTOR SALES, 217 West Huron. 431 MEDICAL AND OFFICE SUPPLIES of the late Dr. Thomas Paton, in- cluding fine medical bag (new), instruments, books, etc. 122 Nor- mal St., Ypsilanti. 440 7~C POUK R PRESS IV V SN ST E E R S R A T E S C H E E R S--Some 25,000 fans cheered tow-headed Les Steers (above) of Oregon when he broke the world's high jump record by belly-rolling over the bar at 6 feet 10% inches at Los Angeles coliseum recently. His former mark was 6 feet 10-25/32 inches made at Seattle the previous month. How simple it looks, done by an expert. I T D I D N 'T C 0 U N T -Though his friend below strained, too, Cornelius Warmerdam failed to clear the bar set at 15'4" at the Los Angeles coliseum. Last year Warmerdam of the Olympic club soared over the bar at 15 feet 1s inches. $TUDENT LAUNDRY-Special dent rates. Moe Laundry, South First St., Phone 3916._ WANTED TO BUY GOOD USED CAR for about Phone Dan Huyett, 2-4509,+ nings. stu- 226 lOc $50. eve- 420 CASH for used clothing; men and ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S. Main St. Phone 2-2736. 31c WANTED TO BUY-A D-flat pic- colo; silver preferred. Call Kent Arnold, 617 S. Forest, phone 3778. WANTED - ANY OLD OR NEW CLOTHING, PAY FROM $5.00 to $500 FOR SUITS, OVERCOATS. TYPEWRITERS, FURS - PER- SIANS, MINKS. PHONE ANN AR- BOR 6304 for APPOINTMENTS SAM. TRANSPORTATION TWO PASSENGERS share expenses. Driving to California. Leaving June 15. Phone 8180. 442 CALIFORNIA-Leaving June 23; re- turn August 1st, can accommodate 3. University 1-6803 or 15847 Woodingham Drive, Detroit. 422 H. B. GODFREY MOVING - STORAGE - PACKING Local and Long Distance Moving. 410 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 6297 29c RHEAD'S HOUSEHOLD PACKING CO.-Let us move, pack, or ship you to any point. Experienced movers. Special rates for students' storage. Dial 3515. 318 N. First St, 32c B A B E R U T H (right) was among the hundreds who passed by the body of his teammate Lou Gehrig as it lay in state in Christ Episcopal Churc ' in New York City. Gehrig played with the New York Yankees 14 years. T H E L I 0 N 'S S H A R E-One of the Trafalgar Square lions in London, England, shares attention with a Nazi Messerschmitt plane shot down during an air battle over Britain. The lions guard a monument to Lord Nelson, England's naval hero. I mi . -,.J / y~ r .'N ,,v M I N U S A M 0 T 0 R--Stimulated by reports of wartime usage of troop gliders, the nation's 200 glider clubs are getting ready for the national soaring contest at Elmira, N.Y., June 28-July 13. Above is a takeoff, the towing rope almost invisible against the motorless craft. In gliding, the pilot takes advantage of natural air phenomena to continue flight- .1 After Exams ... dress up and refresh yourself with a coolingr satisfying bottle of beer. FORMER KAISER Wil- helm II (above) died in Doom, The Netherlands. He is shown here as the woodchopper of WE DELIVER ~,. ~~Y$~Y~' 7 .,L.... ..... Y 'Y......... : .