1T 1. . ,rA t l 1# 1, i le a a . aa' w :Ca14 . .['. :.. 1- - 11/A X) tPI.JL XJ 3 b . S t.L nrnr-~r- 'N 1iIJ . 11 A1ItA1N AILY GO$ 0 i Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every .morning .except .Monday during the University yeareand Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republicat/on of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reservred. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTEDI FOR NATIONAL ADVERT13i1NG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. , College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CrncAoo - BOSTON . Los ANGELES * SAN FANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Enmile GeI ., Robert Speckhard Albert P. Blaustelr D avidLachenbrucl Bernard Dober. Alvin Dann . Hal Wilson . Arthur Hill , Janet Hiatt . Grace Miller . . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director n . . . . City Editor h . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor . . Assistant Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . Assistant Women's Editor Business Stafff .. . . . Business Manager . . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . . Women's Business Manager Daniel James Louise Evelyn II. liuyett B. Collins Carpenter Wright . NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON MINTZ -The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. { Christianity Was Once Subversive Too. T'S INTERESTING, in these days of radical-hunting, persecution of mi- norities, and patriotism which occasionally rings on the phony side, to look back two thousand years or so and realize that it's all happened be- fore. It's not particularly useful to do so, maybe; there are some who might even say that it's dangerous. But it's interesting. I's interesting to consider that a dogma once labeled "subversive"-perhaps not really judged subversive, but at least attacked under the letter of an anti-subversive law--turned out to be the "most powerful religion in the world: Christianity. More than 1800 years ago, back in 110 A.D., in the time of the great Roman letter-writer Pliny and his emperor, Trajan, the Christians were a sect which had its chief adherents among the slaves and the lower classes. They were despised and ignored by educated Romans. They were not persecuted, as we think of the word in its Nazi connotation-there was no concerted drive to wipe them out. But they fell afoul of a "subversive activities" law. FOR OBVIOUS political reasons, the Roman emperors had banned the formation of col- legia and hetaeriae-small, powerful groups or- ganized secretly for a definite purpose, which was as often as not to overthrow the govern- ment. There was every reason for this attitude - on the part of the emperors. Although the col- legia had originally been founded as perfectly innocent social clubs; they 'had gravitated into organizations which could be a rowerful weapon in the hands of a rebel. As such, they were out- lawed, and the penalty for membership in them was death. The Christian church had all the trappings of a collegium. Its meetings were secret-only mem- bers were admitted. It had a mystical service, with prescribed rites, and an "oath" of member- ship. To a Roman, then, it had all the appear- ance oX a collegium. And sinister rumors hovered about it, brought on by misconceptions of its purpose and its ritual; the Christians, people said, ate human flesh-even live babies-at their church suppers. But an impartial judge like Pliny, as we can tell from a collection of his letters to the em-, peror Trajan which has come down to us, was' not deceived by these rumorgs. He even related to Trajan (with amazement) that the Christians bound themselves not to evil purposes, but to good ones! But although he gave them every break he could, Pliny was forced to condemn to death those Christians who would not re- nounce their religion; for death was the penalty for membership in a collegium, a penalty man- datory by law. And the Christian Church-be- cause of its secrecy, its ritual, and the refusal of its members to worship the image of the emperor (-much like the refusal of certain groups today to salute the flag) was placed arbitrarily in the category of a collegium. BUT although he did not relish his duty of put- ting Christians to death for membership in what he considered a harmless, if stupid, organ- ization (l'e seems to have had no religious preju- dice against the Christians) Pliny, in 112 A.D. would never have believed that the cult of slaves and semi-literate villagers which caused him a judicial headache could become a powerful world religion. WASHINGTON - There was very little opti- mism in the report which Ambassador Winant back from England, laid in the lap of the Presi- dent. It was the story of a heroic people putting up a heroic battle, but also of a numbed people, now fighting automatically. How long they can continue fighting was the question. SO FAR no appeasement is evident with the man on the street in London. One day he is depressed by the sinking of the Hood, next day he is buoyed up by the destruction of the Bismarck. Through defeat after defeat he has kept his chin up. But now prospective withdrawal from the Mediterranean will be a stiff jolt - the stiffest jolt of all. Actually, the man on the street in London has not realized how bad the situation is. Actually the state of public opinion is brittle. It could break." Also, some of those at the top of the ladder - comparable to wealthy appeasers in the United States - have revived feelers for a negotiated peace. These are in a very, very small minority. But the seeds are planted, and in the soil of continued adversity, they can sprout. DRAWING all these together, the main question confronting the United States, as a result of Ambassador Winant's report, is how long Great Britain can hold out. Two things are obvious. One is that if she can hold out through September, then large-scale aid will be available from this country. Second is that Hitler is determined that September will never come with England still at war. For Hitler, the war has got to be won now or not at all. The kill is just around the corner, and if he does not close in now, he knows all too well that Germany faces a long war with the vast, though ponderously moving, industrial em- pire of the United States. That is what is behind Hitler's demand of peace now or the threat that he will unleash everything in the Nazi arsenal, including poison gas, in an attempt to raze every British city.' The threat of poison gas is not taken lightly in England. The British know Hitler has the gas. They also know he can use it far more ex- peditiously against England than on the Euro- pean continent. For in Poland, ,France Yugo- slavia and Greece, Nazi troops advanced so swiftly that they would have caught up with their own gas. In attacking England, however, the Channel would prevent the gas from sweeping back, and the British Isles could be subjected to a bath of poisonous vapors long before Nazi troops landed. No wonder there was no optimism in Ambas- sador Winant's report. So, in brief, England may be reaching the point of the French a year ago this month, when Winston Churchill very belatedly offered the peo- ple of France an equal partnership with Britain if they continued to fight and shared her fate. 4ND U.S. MILITARY strategists, all too well A aware of South American vulnerability to Nazi attack if the British fleet falls are wonder- ing whether the United States also will be too late. LETT:ERS T O THE EDITOR The Wi ill To Believe To the Editor: IN HIS CONTRIBUTION to the editorial page June 3 Mr. Haufler makes a statement which calls for some rbision. "At that time," he writes, "the Board (in Control of Student Pub- lications) appointed its three student members without consulting anyone and usually selected men who did not cause trouble. The disgruntled liberal members of the staff worked out a plan by which the campus should elect the student members of the Board." This statement, I regret to say, has no basis in fact. An examination of the files of The Daily since 1930 shows that the Board has nominated each year at least six, generally nine and at times ten candidates for the three positions in question, and that the three student members of the Board were elected at the campus election in May, At present the nominations are made by a Committee appointed by the Board and composed of the student members of the Board, one of whom acts as chairman, and the outgoing editors and business managers of The Daily, the Michiganensian and the Gargoyle. In the past the list, of candidates presented by the Board was made up of men who had consid- erable experience on the publications. It was thought that any three of them because of their interest and experience would be particu- larly helpful during their senior year as student members of the Board. T IS CLEAR, then, that the Board did not ap- point its student members. It is equally clear that the disgruntled liberal members of the staff did not work out a plan by which the campus should elect the student members of the Board, It is unfortunate that, irr this instance, the will to believe was stronger apparently than the desire to know. - W. A. McLaughlin - - - - -- - --.a .... .+ t... +- - - - - -- ~e5 f n + n o + "" Tom Thumb's Education By TOM THUMB Dear Ma, 5CHOOL'S ALMOST OVER, so I figger it's almost time for me to write you another let- .ter and let you know I'm still alive. They have a quaint custom here at the Uni- versity of Michigan, and it's called Finals. Finals is stuff that you study all night before the, an' then you flunk. I just want to tell you in this letter that they are very trivial and their im- portance should be minimized. Finals are a very biased and partial way of telling your grade and therefore they count very little. Here's the way they work. A guy gives you a piece of paper containing completely irrelevant ques- tions, like the following: Answer briefly, but completely, in not more than 78,006 words: I. Trace briefly the tariff between 1600 and 1933, with special emphasis on Pithecanthropu Erectus. II. How many pesetas in an apothecary's measure? Why?. III. State the difference between an esker and a drumlin. IV. Write completely from memory the com- plete works of the Third Earl of Shaftesbury, commenting on Lashley's opinions of each. V. Explain the theory of maze learning in rats. Does this in any way alter the ?ythagorean Theorem? IT'S OBVIOUS, MA, that those questions are terribly difficult, and what's more, they don't have any relation to the course. The main reason for them is to give the instructors a rational- ization for giving you low marks. If they don't like you they can just excuse the low mark by saying, "Well, you did lousy on the final." Right now I am averaging all A's, and I seem to be doing so well in my courses that I know more than the instructors. As a result they are jealous, and they don't like me. So you can't tell what they'll do. After Finals we get our grades. They have a new grading system here. A is fair, B is good, C is very good, D is fine, E is Excellent, F is poor and G is not acceptable. My courses are very interesting. I'm having a little trouble with Roman Band Instruments. But Geology, Geography and Hygiene are com- ing along O.K. LAST WEEK Hal Wilson and I tried to coax a cow up into the Carillon Tower. We had a heck of a time! First she wouldn't get into the elevator, then when we finally got her into the elevator, she got her tail caught in the door and she mooed to beat the band. We finally got her up to the roof and she got socked on the head by one of those big bells., Those things wouldn't exactly come under the heading of book-learning, but they all constitute education. Now we know better. It's impossible to keep a cow in the bell tower for any length of time, despite what the old grads say. Tell Dad to please send $153.25 for stamps and other incidentals. Have him send it to Saline Valley Dairy Farms, Saline, Michigan. I'll ex- plain when I get home. You'll probably get some postcards with my marks on them before I get home. Don't let those worry you-they're unofficial. As I've often said, Ma, it's not what you learn from books in college, it's the contacts which are im- portant-and have I made some contacts! She's a blonde and she sits next to me in Geology class, And I'm really enjoying myself and getting a1 liberal education. WjE had a swell time last week-end driving around town in a University truck, whic ' we borrowed from the Building and Grounds Dept. At 2:30 a.m., when we were taking the, girls back to the dorm we hit a telegraph pole, but luckily nobody was hurt, The truck was ruined but a nice guy named Whitey took us home. If you should by any chance get a letter ad- dressed to you, in a University of Michigan en- velope, don't waste your time with it, as the University sends out its advertisements thxis time of year. Please write to Stetson University and get a catalogue for me. I'm thumbing home. I'll see you a week from Sunday, Did they ever get that billiard ball out of Ajax's mouth? Love to all, - Tom P.S. Regards to Ajax, by the cdit director A REMARK passed between two isolationists on the campus yesterday: "I hear that guy Roosevelt is planning to send our air corpse to England one of these days." .,. .It's bad gram- mar, but who can question the logic? A headline on page six of yesterday's Daily: PROFESSOR -DECLARES GAS WARFARE IS HUMANE, EFFECTIVE. To prove the point the professor says, "The public has been definitely misled from the standpoint ol' permanent injury by gas". .for example, "Mustard gas burns are severly painful for only 24 hours or so. However, the victim must be hospitalized from one to six weeks, and must be treated for his burns during that time, making him a greater liability to the enemy than if he had been killed outright . . The professor may be right when he says the gassy stuff is EFFECTIVE, but I'll be hanged if I can see the HUMANE angle. As Others Our armed ::orces can learn much about modern warfare from German tactics, writer says but charges that im- portant reports are being held up. Joseph C. Harsch, Berlin Correspondent, in the Christian Science Monitor '-I Nazi Army's Lessons For America FOR ANYONE sincerely interested in forging an adequate military defense against Germany's armed forces, these is still a great deal to be learned from the German army-a great deal which could and should be applied in the upbuilding of America's own new defense force. Some of its lessons have reached Washington and are being studied carefully. I also happen, to know that reports of some of the most important lessons have been held up by officers in control of transmis- sion whose preconceived notions prevent innovations in the Germany army from being fully aired in Wash- ington. Most of the technical innovations have been fully reported. The United States General Staff knows that technically the strength of the German army derives as a balance of different weapons' and types of equipment, rather than on preponderance of any one weapon; from a highly trained, resourceful officer corps which has performed phenomenal feats in plan- ning the supply of enormous armies in motion; from the equipment which is inferior but always adequate in quantity and simple to maintain and operate. More Must Be Known / BUT if American defense is ,to take the fulles possi- ble advantage from German military progress, much more must be known and appreciated about Hitler's military weapon. It must be realized first of all that it is a new Rind of army, as different from the Kaiser's army of 1914 as the army of the French Revo- lution differed from its Bourbon predecessor. '1o understand it adequately, one first of all must stop thinking about it in terms of the old Prussian drill sergeant and dumb "cannon fodder," or of the class- conscious officer with the monocle and the utter con- tempt for his men stylized by Hollywood. Probably the greatest single element of the strength in this new German army-and this is hard to be- lieve, but a fact attested to by those who have seen that army at close range-is the spirit of equalitarian- ism upon which its personal relationships are founded. It comes remarkably close to being a democratic army, using the word "democratic" in 'the sense of fellowship and mutual respect between officers and men. . True, there is some Prussianism left, particularly in the High Command, where the older officers date from . the Kaiser's army. The clicking of heels and the "Ja wohl1" are as mechanical as ever. But the distinction between the officers and the enlisted men has been reduced to what is probably a military minimum. The Russians tried to go farther and have had to abandon the experiment, reverting to a greater distinction than exists in the German army. The rank of officer is for the most part on a merit basis. The men who hold it do so essentially because of ability and leadership and obtain greater respect from the men for this fact. Brass Hats Are Gone THE OLD "brass hat" tradition has been eliminated left and right. On campaigns, officers eat the same rations as the men. Of extreme importance-officers actually lead their men where the danger is greatest. Generals commanding whole army corps frequently advance with the front line.. During the campaign in Poland, one commanding general was the first man across the river. * * One of the most striking contrasts this war has pro- duced is that between the men commanding the Ger- man army and those who commanded the French army. The German army expects of its officers a de- gree of daring, quick thinking, initiative and physical activity which are characteristic of youth. Seniority and age are handicaps to advancement rather than assets. The result is that men under 35 years of age have reached Field Marshal's rank and command whole armies. Physical youth, with all its daring and emancipa- tion from tradition and caution, mark the command of this army, even in the top ranks. By contrast, French officers with incapacitating physical disabili- ties, burdened with obesity, often marked by the worst rather than the best characteristics of age, were strik- ingly numerous in the officers' prison camps 'behind the German lines during the 1940 campaign. There were many reasons for the shattering of the French army, but among them one of the most im- portant and least noted was an officers' corps stag- nant with seniority, marked by .the weariness and caution of age, strangled with outworn military ideas and scornful of innovation. ON THE OTHER SIDE were energy, initiative, readi- ness for innovation of a young group of command- ing officers stimulated by opportunities for quick pro- motion. and the reward for responsibility for anyone deserving it, regardless of youth. A Faith To Fight For By John Strachey TRACHEY views the British fight for survival against the forces of hatred and deceit as a fight to support a civilization tottering on the brink of a thousand-year setback. He likens the present to certain critical points in the par wherein the fate of mankind hung in the balance-wih the continuation of a process or reversion to darkness as alternatives. The "coming struggle for power" has arrived, but it is inextric- ably woven into the fabric of the im- mediate conflict. Hitlerism must be stopped if there is to be even the pos- sibility of social advancement, but in irder for the Nazis to be crushed, funda- mental social changes must be made in the process-here and now. The English are fighting for their homeland but amore fundamentally the fight is against the ruthlessness and hat- red of a Nazi nihilism that would set up a master race over conquered slaves. It is because the immediate issue is so clear that Strachey can only describe the position of "those supremely clever foals who tell us that our conquest by Hitler would mean for the British peo- ple merely 'a change of masters' " as a "grotesque oversimplification that be- comes a downright thumping lie". In broader terms, however, the British must fight for more positive goals, and Stra- chey would set these goals up under the twin ideals of "Truth" and "Love". "The Nazis can only be stopped by a faith stronger, and in a sense fiercer, than their faith. And the only things that are stronger, and in a sense fiercer, than hatred and lies art truth and love." They must, in other words, be fighting for a world that would allow the indi- vidual to realize his potentialities-not as a machine fed by the state, subject to its whim, and incidental to it-but as men working in cooperation to fur- ther their welfare. And Strachey is in- sistent that this objective cannot be realized by a return to the pre-war sociey of privilege. He strikes out hard against the rich who have been, in many respects, as guilty as the Nazis of di-, verting the minds of men from the in- evitable social "truth"-from the pro- gression of society toward the more equitable organization that is necessary to welfare. The democratic potential must mani- fest itself in socialism if the Nazi creed. of force and hate is to be combatted successfully, and Strachey follows Las- ki in the insistent belief that these changes must be made now if the peo- ple are to develop this all-important faith. And "unless we h;ave a faith, it would be madness to go on for a moment' after Hitler is ready to make terms, and that may be soon." This simply written credo of an Eng- lish radical's position inz the struggle does not demonstrate an unlimited moral ob- ligation for American participation. It fails in the attempt to show how the U.S. can be expected to go "all-out" when the English people are not yet aware of the broader stake apart from immediate defense. Strachey has added nothing to the clarification of this dif- ficulty and his statement of the neces- sity for social change during the fight is in simpler and less satisfactory terms than the more thorough approach of Laski's Where Do We Go From Here. But his message can only be 're-em- phasized to America-we, also, must face Nazism more positively and, our "faith" must be rooted in humanistic values that will be realized in a more equitable and efficient organization of our own society. A satisfactory solu- tion of America's domestic problem is integral to meeting the totalitarian chal- lenge. --Ed Fried FromTe Leitter One, Only one, White cylinder, Of a hundred Million million, Dropping endlessly From a cigarette Machine. Yet, It may become A solace For a man Just ready to walk The "last mile" To an execution Chair. Or, The first lift For a man Taken from A burning Mine. Or, The handy thing Snatched up, By some frantic person In trouble, To kill An age-long Moment. Or, A bridge Between the beefsteak And dessert, For some Fastidious lady Dining out. Or, A magic carpet Standing by; A vehicle To ride the wind, The rainbow curve Or some high road To dreamy .isles Within the fourth Dimension. One, Only one, White cylinder Of a hundred Million million But the only one Made especially For a time, a place And a Circumstance. Raymond E. Manchester, Office of Dean of Men Kent State University Educaition: German vs. Freneh IN the Thirty-fifth Annual Report of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, the Presi- dent of the Foundation, Dr. Walter A. Jessup, describes the changes in the educational systems of Germany, Eng- land, France, and the United States during the past twenty years. In con- sidering higher education in Germany, Dr. Jessup states: "During the time of the German Republic the universities of Germany enrolled some 130,000 men and women. 'In the present-day uni- versities and higher technical institu- tions, the enrollments are approximately 84,000 students, men and women . During these two decades a nation, a 7" -nn1P xxa. n a An nv,-ar-nn nnn o f 1,a nationalism, and self-immolation." Con- trasting the situation in France, he continues: "During these same years, 1920-1940, French schoolmasters were thinking in far different terms. Al- though French schools have long been thighly centralized under the State, the French schoolmaster has enjoyed grow- ing freedom from direction. The hu- manistic . ideal had been generally. accepted in France. Her schoolmasters had been actively engaged in formu- lating their ide l of a citizen of the Re- public . .. Annual attendance at French universities over the past twenty years has never averaged so many as 70,000 students. The purpose of French higher Praim inn ho hoP.P rhat it alayvs as