I PAGE FOUR THE MICHTGAN DATTY 'HURSTIAY, JtJ1 E , , 1941 c mIvRav.nes. .. TT vafhI r y 1aA1. THE MICHIGAN DAILY JILr*. N .tune/ThIThoST~~f Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or ,not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRE96NTED FOR NAT1ONAL ADVERThSING 9Y National Advertising Service, Inc, ,,College Publishers Representative 420 MAD1SON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CRICAGO * BOSTON . LO ANIGELEs * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Emile Geld . Robert Speckhard Albert P. Blaustein . David Lachenbruch . Bernard Dober . Alvin Dann Hal Wilson . Arthur Hill . . Janet Hiatt Grace Miller . . . Managing Editor . . Editorial Director a . . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor * . . Associate Editor *. Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor . . Assistant Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . Assistant Women's Editor Daniel H. Hutyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright Business Staff. .. Business Manager Assistant Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: EDMUND GROSSBERG The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Irish Still, P"raetieing Isolation 0.. D IE-HARD ISOLATIONISM is com- mon in America, but we have not adopted it as a national policy. The Irish Free State has. For the third time since the declara- tion of war, "unidentified" bombers have blasted Dublin. Twenty-two people were killed and three hundred injured in the latest raid Saturday, but President De Valera refuses to make a comment. The two previous raids on Dublin were not nearly as serious. The first attack, in January, only killed three and injured twelve, and the May raid caused no casualties. The extent of the damage in this last bombing proves that whoever is attacking Dublin is preparing for even more extensive raids in the future. The German comment on this raid declared it to be "another Athenia" incident. Churchill is accused of attempting to attack a neutral power because he wants to antagonize it against Germany. The past actions of the Nazis indicate there is no need for Britain to violate neutral rights to build a case against Germany. The' Irish need only read about Norway, Austria, Czechoslovakia and every other European na- tion that stood in the way of the "new order." During this last week, De Valera also came out against conscription in Eire. He is deter- mined to keep his country neutral and he will- as long as Germany remains on the east coast of the English Channel. In this move against conscription, De Valera was supported by all conflicting political parties. Although no one will question him when he declares himself for neutrality at all costs, there are other factors in Eire who follow him because they believe no aid to Britain is passive help for Germany. It is these Irish who hold to their contradictory position while Dublin starves because Britain calnot adequately protect its merchant marine without Irish bases. They look to Hitler as a liberator, while he is daily destroying national and human rights.; FIRE'S ISOLATIONISM is a phenomenon of modern times. The very existence of the Free State depends on the continued independ- ence of England. Even the age-long record of British oppression cannot compare with the dangers faced by any nation trying to preserve its integrity in a continent dominated by Nazi Germany. -D an Behrmn Ccrifices Are Coming A homely inkling of what the war emergency may mean to this country is contained in Sec- retary Ickes' hint of "gasless Sundays" and the abolition of night baseball. Week-end auto- mobile trips may fall victim to an oil shortage, and nocturnal baseball may have to be sacri- ficed to power necessities. The steps would be drastic. Civilian morale de- pends heavily on recreation. Week ends in the country and vacation motor trips are first-class means of relaxation. So are baseball games, and although the major leagues could survive with- out plying at night, most of the small minor leagues might have to go out of business. To facilitate typographical work, all Letters To The Editor conforming to the following sneificeations will be gsivn referne in th The Reply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE THOUGH the dirty dogs won't let me review plays in town any more, I won't be too pre- suming if I say a few words about the under- canvas production of Saintly Hypocrites and Honest Sinners which I saw done out in the lake district recently by the Frank Ginnevan Dra- matic Company. Admission, twenty cents out- side for adults, ten cents for kids, and the usual reserved seat clip when you get in the tent, an- other dime. The cast-unknown to me and anyone else except maybe they have relatives in all the small towns where the troupe plays. No programs, you don't know who the players are, they don't wear numerals. The play, circa 1905, and funny as a crutch, with all the latest gags out of the humor ency- clopaedias of the period, frolicks its way through some three acts, and concerns the affairs of some religious people who it turns out are not really living the Christian life because some of them foreclose mortgages and some of them won't preach at the funerals of poor old men and so forth. The honest sinners are people who use slang, and have hearts of gold and think everybody has a right to have a good time and be poor and still go to church even though their clothes are not so fine as some of " the town bankers. NOW don't get me wrong. This is not a gag show, nor did any of the audience think so. They laughed at the right places-whenever the mean old gossip woman with the red hair said something nasty about somebody, the ingenue pretended to sneeze very loud and said "piffles" which got a good laugh-and they did not like the mean old church trustee who talked in a high whine. Between the acts the members of the cast gave bits of vaudeville, such as a song entitled "The Little Wooden Whistle Wouldn' Whistle" and a soft shoe dance by the comic, and a trombone duet by the minister's wife and one of the poor but honest old men. LSO the major portion of the cast doubled in brass in the strict sense of the word. The orchestra came in with its makeup on, and played in 'uncertain fortissimo "Ninety-nine Out of a Hundred Want to be ; Loved," and other numbers. The ingenue played, no kidding, the mandolin. The minister, who was really a right G, but just sort of corrupted by position and church trustees, looked so much like Hairbreadth Harry, the comic strip hero, that I wished he had played the lead, but the lead was played by a thin, sort of S-shaped lad with 'lots of rouge, and white flannels which meant that he had plenty of the long green because the rest of the men dressed in plain serge suits, rather short in the sleeves. The lead, whose stage name I cannot recall, also wore his hair a a grease, sort of like one of the first three pictures in a Kreml ad, and had all white shoes, slightly dingy, with cuban heels on them at least two inches high. At the end of the play he marries the daughter of the poor old man whose funeral the church- usurer-trustees won't let be held at the minis- ter's church, and reveals the fact that the only reason he came back from that gold mine he found out there (not sure where) is for said marriage, but it is nice that he could have straightened out so many people before it was too late for them to become honest sinners or something. uA good evening's entertainment, but not for critical Ann Arbor. So long until soon. RECORDS ALL THAT NEED BE SAID by way of intro- duction is that today is Piano-Music Day in this corner. The music: Mendelssohn's Concerto No. 1 in G minor played for Victor by Jesus Maria Sanroma and the Boston "Pops" Orchestra under Arthur Fied- ler (M, AM, DM-780) three 12-inch recods). This is a welcome revival of a virtuoso piece which, after many years of faithful appreciation by concert pianists, has fallen into unfortunate neglect. Messrs. Sanroma and Fiedler do the necessary resuscitation work with an honest vigor and freshness. The piano playing is al- ways cleanly sensitive; the orchestra, occasion- ally over-heavy. The recording itself is without a blemish. On the album's sixth side Mr. Sanroma plays with the same warm sensitivity two more Men- delssohn compositions: the "Songs Without Words" in A-flat major and in C major. Nos. 18 and 45. HACH'S SONATA NO. 4 IN E MINOR, arid Sonata No. 5 in C major (transcribed by Victor Babin) played by Mr. Babin and Vitya Vronsky, piano duo. (Victor, M, AM, TIM-778, three 12- inch records.) These are two of a set of six sonatas commonly known as Bach's "Organ Sonatas," written not for two separate instru- ments, but for a "clavicembalo" having two key- boards to be played manually, arid one pedal board. The Babin transcription, however, is apparently faithful, as is the actual two-piano execution, for Vronsky and Babin are among our foremost two-piano teams. The only annoy- ance is likely to come in wonderng why the Vic. tor engineers stretched the two works out or three records. From the huge gaps, two would seem to have been sufficient. BEETHOVEN CONCERTO No. 5 in E-flat Ma- jor ("The Emperor"), played by Pianist Bee- no Moisevitch and the London Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Georg Szell. Victor, M, 170 T i E ED IT O R Something To Fight For To the Editor RALPH INGERSOLL'S EDITORIAL re-printed in The Daily Tuesday strikes home as a cogent answer to many doubts. He says, in effect, that any lasting progress toward social reform can only come after Hitler's defeat, that there can be only regression, here and else- where, as long as Hitler remains rampant. This, we must sadly admit, is true. Whether or not America fights Hitler with men at this time, liberalism in America would face dark days if England were defeated. For America would ei- ther have to resist a politico-economic and mili- tary attack by the Nazis in South America, or she would yield under combined cajolings and threats to the forces of appeasement, of reac- tion and oppression within. In either case re- form would cease to be considered. And these are the only alternatives we could have, for to believe that Germany would rest on her laurels and reconstruct Europe, or that she would have her hands full smothering the fires of her re- sentful slaves, is, I fear, wishful thinking which ignores the dynamism of the Nazi system, a force which must rush onward or else be overthrown. [NGERSOLL IS RIGHT: the American re- former has only two unpleasant alternatives before him. Either he must give up entirely, or' he must risk his immediate goals in o;der to secure the chance oftworking toward them; risk even the chance of being alive in order to work toward them. But Ingersoll is too sanguine; to fight for a reform, and to fight for a chance to fight for a reform are different things. For as we fight for the chance, we are using our energy, we are indirectly causing immediate re- gressions. Hence if we do win our chance, it may be in vain, for who of us can be certain to return home victorious from a war against Fas- cism without succumbing to a reaction, a disil- lusionment which would vitiate completely all our original reforming energies? This uncertainty is even stronger because we must realize that a peace-settlement dictated by Britain would not be a peace which a liberal would desire, and we have been given no indica- tion that an Americap-dictated settlement would be much better. Further cause for uncertainty is the attitude of our government toward the various classes of our society as it draws closer to, or participates' in, actual warfare. Big business is already being appeased far too much to please a reformer. What will our government be like when the war is won? THE LIBERAL, then, cannot be hopeful as he fights for his chance to fight for what he wants. To keep from complete despair, to re- main a liberal, he must be keenly aware of the slimness of his chances. By not hoping nor expecting too much, he can avoid post-war dis- illusionment and despair. He must be grim, not buoyant. Knowing the darkness of his al- ternatives, he must resolutely choose the lighter shade of gray. The trouble with knowing too much about the alternatives and the possibilities is that it does not make for good fighting. Buoyance, confi- dence, hopes, are the human factors which as- sist victory. If, then, in our day, there is to be any progress toward social reform, if Hitler is to be defeated, and if the liberal is to be expected to join whole- heartedly in this fight-for-a-fight, factors must be created which can give him more confidence that the cause of anti-Fascism is his cause. The war as now waged by Britain and America is waged for a negative cause-the defeat of Fas- cism. That negative cause must be given a posi- tive charge, It must be made clear that we are fighting for something, something which will benefit ourselves as well as the oppressed peoples of Europe. 0, the objection of the youth whom Ingersoll describes is more important than he realized. In order to fight with the will requisite for vic- tory, we must fight for a positive cause. The cause cannot be made positive with words alone -slogans, promises and vague generalizations. It can be made positive only by producing tangi- ble evidence; evidence which shows not only that our democr'acy can be dynamic, but also that our democracy can be dynamic in the direc- tion of incrdased human welfare for its under- privileged constituents. - David M. Stocking by the edit director I NTERESTING SIDILIGlIT on interventionist Ralph Ingersoll's vain attempts to get to Ann Arbor through a series of fogs from Winnipeg to Chicago: was the way the weary greeting committee spend a long six hours at the Detroit airport. The first two hours were spent query- ing the identity of every moustached gentleman who walked off an airplane; the next two were spent in rounding up change for long-distance telephone calls, while the last was spent in si- lently . cursing the traditionally isolationist Mid-West for its strategic fogs. Most of Michigan's 11,00( students arec holding their breaths in anticipation of final exams, but there are a small group of stu- dents who are getting a double-dose. They are the student entrants in the major and rn* nr Nnnwnnr awarrcAnn,~1nn?gm,*t of How Shall We Defend Demoeracy? As Others Aubrey Williams, national NYA head, admits nation's many See It..shortcomings and injustices, but says there are things well worth defending. Aubrey Williams, NY A chief, reported in SOS, publication of Student Defenders of Democracy WTE IN AMERICA like to think that our way of life is essentially different than that of other parts of the world. We have developed certain patterns of social and political organization that we feel are su- perior to those found in other countries. Those funda- mental patterns that set us off from other peoples in other lands we have designated, for want of a better name, as the American Way. ... On the surface, we see what appears to be ma- hogany and underneath we find wormy and knotty wood. We have seen vigilantism, racial discrimination, union busting, child labor, discrimination against the foreign born, and the whole gamut of infringement on civil liberties paraded under the slogans of Ameri- canism and defended as part of the American Way. * * * Today our primary concern is the defense of democ- racy and the preservation of what you and I think about .as the American Way of Life. Our whole idea of a society founded upon basic principles of freedom and the brotherhood of man, is being challenged throughout the world . . . But I think it is worth talking about-what we are going to defend here in America., WE can best approach this, perhaps, by the process of elimination. We do want to defend our essen- tial freedoms, freedom of thought, freedom of religion, and those other basic guarantees that are incorporated in our Bill of Rights and in the basic laws of the land. We want to defend our essential decency as free hu- man beings. We want to preserve our spirit of toler-, ance for all our fellow men and we want to preserve and to strengthen the security of our whole nation from any threats within or without. But I don't think any of us want to defend and preserve the poverty, the despair, of a third of our nation in the midst of potential plenty. We don't want to preserve manners, customs, traditions, and economic and social patterns that deny millions of American citizens the right to participate in their own government because they lack the money with which to buy the privilege of voting. We don't want to preserve or defend those economic patterns which permit millions of farm families to eke out a bare existence on tired and eroded land and mil- lions more to wander across the country in worn-out jalopies, seeking jobs that do not exist. We don't want to defend or preserve those elements of our social or- ganization which force large segments of our popula- tion to dwell in unspeakable slums when they might have decent homes. We don't want to preserve those elements which force our children to play on refuse dumps and in city streets when they might have parks and fresh air. We don't want to preserve those ele- ments which force 45 million Americans to remain un- dernourished when they might have proper food. The Road Ahead B UT for all of our faults and our weaknesses-and we might just as well be honest with ourselves and admit that they exist-we still have something here in America that is infinitely better to my way of think- ing than anything that could be found elsewhere. We have something here that is worth defending-some- thing that is worth fighting for--something that is worth making sacrifices for. But at the same tinie we ought not to forget that there is still a long stretch of road ahead of us and that it is our purpose to keep going ahead and not to stop and wait for the rest of the world to catch up with us.. . Our way of life is no inanimate set of forms that can be handed down from father to son-from gener- ation to generation. Our democracy is a living and spiritual force as well as a form of government. It is something that we have to be concerned about other than just on election day. Those are general things. But what about the spe- cific things? It is easier to generalize than to outline a specific blueprint for action . . . First of all, I want to point out that you are going to have to approach these problems with the idea of putting something of yourself into the effort of their solution, as well as get- ting something out of it. You are going to have to give of your time, your energy, your ideas, your money, and, for the most part, you won't get many thanks for your efforts. What. specifically can you do about better 'government? You can do everything within your power to see that every member of your com- munity is informed of tlhe issues at stake aid has the opportunity to exercise the franchise and participate in governmental activity. This means work. It means organization. It means exercising your freedom of speech and your right of petition. It means keeping fully informed yourself. It means nominating and electing to office candidates who are trustworthy and who will serve the interests of all of tle people rather than the interests of a few special interests. What specifically can you do to rid your community of its slums-and there probably are some in your com- munity-and to provide decent homes for your fellow citizens? You can get the facts on the housing situa- tion. in your community-you can work up some in- terest in getting something done about it. There are- various agencies of the government-Federal, state, and local-that can help you. But remember that it is you who are going to have to.carry the ball. When you personally would be willing to live and raise your' family in the poorest house'in your community--you can consider your job is done. What specifically can you do to protect the rights of labor in your own comnmunity? ' The first thing you can do is to get the truth about labor and the labor organizations in your community and, for the most part, you will have to go beyond the daily press to do it. You can help your fellow workers to organize and bargain collectively and you can remember that organization and collective bargaining are rights and not privileges. Be Vigilant, Not A Vigilante WHAT CAN YOU DO specifically to protect and to extend civil liberties? You can be on your guard against public officers who overstep their lawful bounds. Be vigilant but not a Vigilante. Obey the law but remember that laws are designed to serve the needs of men and not the reverse. There are many more things that youth can do and are doing and I need not recite a longer list. The main thing is to do something to take an active part in the going life of your community. We have seen that indifference and a passive willingness to take things for granted-have permitted freedom to be wiped out in many parts of the world. Charting the American Way is your job. Making democracy more vital for human welfare is your job. Until you are willing to change places with the lowliest member of society-your job still lies ahead. ,. w PednsoM RoestSAne WASHINGTON-Inside reason for the release of Princess Stafanie Hohenlohe, red-haired friend of high Nazi officials, is that she paid for her freedom with some amazing revelations about subversive operations in this country and in Britain. ONE THING SHE TOLD Immigration authorities was that Captain Fritz Weidemann, Hitler's World War commander who has been serving as German consul general in San Francisco, is in bad with the Berlin rulers and may be recalled, His fall from grace, according to the Princess' tale, was due to his intimacy with Rudolf Hess, No. 3 Nazi, who startled the world by his flight to England. Ber- lin considers Weidemann a Hess henchman, the Prin- cess claimed, and he has. been on the "blacklist" for some tine The Princess also gave Immigation officials a list of Nazi "sympathizers" in Britain who, she said, have been secretly trying to effect a negotiated peace with Hitler. Several of those named were associated with the late Lord Rothermere, himself high on the list. This information has been turned over to the State Department for transmission to the British. Weidemann is not the only Nazi agent in the United States who has been placed on the spot by the Hess flight. Princess Stefanie named others, both in diplo- matic and undercover fifth column ranks. Though the Princess has been released from the San Francisco detention station, a deportation warrant still stands. She is being kept undei' surveillance at her fashionable Palo Alto, Calif., apartment until she can be shipped out of the country. Candidate Lindbergh W HEN Charles Lindbergh told his America 1irst audience in Philadelphia that the U.S. should "turn to a new leadership," he wasn't indulging in mere rhetoric. Secretly, friends say, he had some- next year. He is one of the very few Midwest GOP senators supporting the President's foreign policy, and Lindbergh's political advisers think the flier would have a good chance to lick Ball. No decision has been made, and Lindbergh may even deny he has such intentions. But it can be stated definitely that the matter has been seriously discussed in the inner Lindbergh circle and that he expressed willingness to go after Ball's seat if the situation looks propitious next year. Lindbergh is an old hand at campaignihg in Minne- sota. He chauffeured his late father in several state- wide campaigns, one of them for the Senate. And he would have plenty of financial backing. Independently wealthy as a result of earnings from his trans-Atlantic flight, Lindbergh's wife also in- herited a fortune from her father, the late Senator Dwight Morrow, a J. P. Morgan partner. Wealthy elements financing the isolationist-appeasement move- ment also have assured Lindbergh of unlimited funds for any political campaign he may undertake. Whe eler vs. Lindbergh ONE MAN particularly interested in Lindbergh's presidential ambitions is Senator Burt Wheeler, who considers himself the No. 1 foe of the President's anti-Axis policies. Wheeler hays strong White Hbuse' yearnings of his own; in fact, has had them since 1924 when he ran oil a rump ticket with the late elder Senator Bob LaFollette. Again in 1932 Wheeler strenuously tried to get on the Roosevelt slate in place of Jack Garner, and one of the principal reasons 'for the Roosevelt- Wheeler split was his peeve at what he considered the President's ingratitude. On the surface, relations between Wheeler and Lind- bergh are friendly, but undercover the two men are none too cordial. On Wheeler's part this situation has not been improved since he has suspected Lindbergh's presidential aspirations. Fifty-nine years old, Wheeler's last chance for the White House will be in 1944; and he doesn't take kindly to the idea of having it wrested from him. He deems himself the top isolationist leader, and expects to cash in on that three years hence-when, he is con- vinced, a new political party will have come to the fore and the situation will be ripe for a sweeping overturn. Such a new party already is being quietly discussed in isolationist-appeasement quarters. At a recent secret meeting attended by several wealthy indus- trili~ _ nrna VQtla ' nrnua -ixra he Amriari