Page Two PE R SFP E C TI V ES THE NEW POETRY OF FAITH B. y Sam Moon T IE CURRENT DISCUSSION con- cerning youth's attitude toward politics in general, and - which is of more concrete importance -the present state of democracy in the United States, is assuming larger dimensions each month as the new mag- azines appear on the news-stands. The question has been viewed from many different sides by our older writers, evi- dence being offered by school teachers, social workers, government officials and many others. However, there is one group of young Americans whose collected opinion has not yet been considered, to my knowledge - the poets. Yes, I agree; poets cannot represent the en- tire group. Their ideas frequently do not coincide with those of the layman, but they certainly can be called represen- tative of the more intelligent young people - the ones, if I may say so, who are more seriously concerned with this question and who devote more time to the solving of it. It seems to me that the more intelligent youths are worthy of a special consideration for this rea- son; and, further, because it is they who, by their mental prestige, wield the most influence, not only among people of their own age, but also among the more ma- tu rethinkers. I have been fortunate in having near at hand an excellent criterion of the attitude of the more discriminatig youth in the poetry manuscripts of re- cent Hopwood Contest winners. These poets have studied at the University of Michigan, a university with an extreme- ly cosmopolitan student body. And their ability is not small, for the Hopwood Contest is one of the most important literary contests in the country and has attracted a great deal of attention recently in literary circles. The import- ance of the contest is reflected by the imposing group of its past Judges, among whom are included such people as Margaret Widdemer, John Gould Fletch- er, Louise Bogan, Horace Gregory, Pa- daric Colum, and Babette Deutch. The winner in 1939, John Ciardi, has had his volume published, and Norman Ros- ten, who won a prize the year before, has had a later volume of poetry pub- lished and a play produced in New York. Before we look at the Hopwood poets' work it may be wise to see how poetry has developed since the last World War in order to have in mind a clear pic- ture of the contemporary poetry and its background. When, in 1914 and the sub- sequent years, the war was crashing about our heads with such fury, the exuberant self-confidence of the nine- teenth century which had prevailed un- til that time was shattered beyond rec- ognition. Freud's name was on everyone's lips, and his revolutionary work in psy- chology was offering to the starved minds of the people an entirely new view which they gulped eagerly in their search for a re-orientation. The intense emo- tional strain which the war years had placed upon the people was showing its effect in the attitude of disillusionment and helplessness so prevalent then. It is perfectly natural that poetry, which expresses more accurately than any other form of writing the emotional activity of its people, should reflect this atmosphere, and suffer from the same malady as the people themselves. Science and its unshakable demand for factual evidence were the rulers of the day, and their power in America was tatal. The thinkers were confused and turned anx- iously in search of solid ground for their activities. Mr. Horace Gregory says in looking back, "We were certain then only of what seemed a belief in non-belief, a paradox which proved too ingenious, too fragile to endure beyond the hour." Actually, it was the combination of the acceptance of the scientific method of thinking and-the incompleteness and in- accuracy of scientific knowledge which had destroyed the poets' faith. It was fine to accept the facts which science was able to prove, but when science could go no further the people also stopped, for they had forgotten how tp be philosophers. BUT, as Mr. Gregory pointed out, this condition was too fragile to endure beyond the hour, and when that hour had passed a great deal of its bewilder- ment also disappeared. Almost uncon- sciously people began to rediscover ideals and faith. In reaction to the aimless groping of post-war thought, they began to see that their situation could be solved in the light of positive values. A revived faith in democracy was par- ticularly evident, and this was caused that I would have you see now. John Malcomb Brinnin's book, "The Lincoln Lyrics," was selected ,as the best entry of 1940. Its entire theme concerns itself with the question of democracy. He for- words the volume by saying, "This poem is an attempt at restatement of the democratic ideal in terms of American mythology suggested by the life and times of Abraham Lincoln." It is not the story- of Lincoln's life, but rather of the importance of Lincoln's life to American democracy, the tradition which has developd out of Lincoln's story. Through it all run several themes - among them the equal opportunity for success, regardless of birth or standing, to be found in democracy, the function of the people's choice, the dread of war, Vton Jt I\OC/ The narrow house has a strong wall Because your fathers built it so; The sturdy timbers of the hall Were set there long and long ago. Though small and windowless, inside It has a silent, shining gloom In which you take a careful pride And guard the doorway of the room. If you should ever long for light From other fires beyond the door, You are condemned to homeless night You are condemned forevermore. To give the house more light, you know Would shake its structure to the ground; Yet would the ageless rock below Be troubled at the tiny sound? Marion Jane Cowung. We are the challenged and nay be the last To test the possibilities of man - and proudly tell us in the last stan- za that our devotion for the t rdition behind Lincoln's example will prove far stronger than the "whips of fear" which personify the iron rule that predom- inates European government today, Democracy, according to Mr. alrinnin, offers another privilege to its citizens, the right to their own opinions and a voice in the selection of their leaders. The phases of the moon o Illinois Prefix the little crises: freemen go To swell the ballot boxes with his name. A great wheel turns that wl not once be still. And tree-hung avenues of torchlit fun, Rehearsed with roister-doister anti, make Alarms. and harmonies submarina In rum: the sober victor takes -his coat. Sometimes, he finds that the privilege is abused, but it is the representative- ness of the suffrage that is important. Whose sovereign gestures voyage on the Day, (Bed-wetters, poets, wagon-drivers, whres) Toe-dancing in the reveries of choice, (Impostors, cripples, flower-nakers, clowns) Or drowned in wilulness, or drunk, or lost (Patriots, boot-lovers, trigger-men) In colors and paralysis of thought, (Emigres, sculptrs, bowlers, cla- trophobes) Must skirmish toward the counting of the votes ... . Out of the slums and fecal waterfronts, Museum lawns with iron dgs and deer, Across the glittering arteries of streams. Agreement rectifies the hosts of Wrong. War, in the mind of John Bri nin, is truly a terrible thing. He sees young people - his own age, his own friends- going to war, and it is a pitiful sight.. The young depart, Whose demon is so gay and righteous (Hermaphrodites'on holy cards with wings) Whose morning is so challenging and glad, (Knighthood, Mother, and the Baptist Church) Whose small careers are ground in policy. One will be found with frigid hands locking A blade of grass; another, spearing' air, " Will perish for some Lady of Shalott. Anonymous as uniforms, they come And will anonymously go; they are, So far away, so long ago, the names As meaningless as kings in opened. tombs. As early in the poem as the Prologue he is concerned with the enemies of democracy and warns America to keep a strong watch on the valuable posses-. sions which her heritage has given her - Look, then, behold their (our ances- tors') house of victory - The dee is yours, the decor charming as Cape Cod antiques. But O the hinges creaking, Uneure sand around, the wicked vial- ( etoCs) (Continusedoan ae es) not only by a reaction to the cynicism of the preceding decade, but also by a reaction to the negative policy of dic- tatorship which was beginning to dom- inate European politics. We have indeed come a long way since then in an oppo- site direction from post-war conscious- ness. Art, according to Archibald Mac- Leish, or more specifically, poetry, which is a form of art, "is an organization of experience in terms of experience, the purpose of which is the recognition of experience"' Thus, it is quite simple to see what change has occurred in the field of poetry. Our experiences have changed from those of disillusionment, rejection and non-belief to new ones of reawakened faith and enthusiasm. Democracy, for example, instead of being doubted and sometimes rejected, as it was in the post-war era, is again being accepted enthusiastically and with a new attitude of faith. Art - and poetry - continue in their customary role, the expression of an experience. All that has changed is the experiences. Our po- litical life has become a life which moves us to personal indignation, and we therefore have no choice but to say that our experiences of thise life are ex- periences of intense personal emotion. They are such as poetry can and does make recognizable. Although examples of this changetare infrequently found in the work of the older poets, they are surprisingly evident in the work of younger writers. THE HOPWOOD WRITERS, as I have said before, are representative of these younger poets, and it is their work and a warning to his readers of the enemies of democracy. Although he makes his idea of equal opportunity evident throughout the po- em, it is most clearly stated toward the end where he says: A. Lincoln, then, percipitates the dreams That cross our pride, becomes that ancestor For wisdom and identity, we sense The sweet cnjunction of his lood with ours, Who are the getters of a race undared, Unchronicled in any saga sung. We are the challenged and may be the last To test the passibilities of man. Surround him here, retrace that vic- tory, Make kindness cotagious where he walked; The selfsame structures - abin to capitol Are livable and all to do again. A tyrant on the marbled page may read Devotion told beyond the whips of fea See monuments like icties in the sky Defined within the recinets of or hearts. Not only is Linoln's admirable example lauded in this passage. The words also suggest our relation to the situation in dictator-ruled Europe -