University Of Michigan Literary Magazine VOLUME IV, NUMBER 5 Supplement to THE MICHIGAN DAILY JUNE, 1941 By Vernon Blake I' WAS COOL, outside. He went down the long lane, over the bridge, and the planks rattled as he crossed. There was no breeze. The crickets and frogs were making a lot of noise, and a white mist was rising from the creek. The place had a strange, damp smell a mixture of everything-grass, weeds, muck, watercress, cowdung. Mac breath- ed it in, and enjoyed it. A while later a pair of carlights came down the road. The one on th right was blinking, indefinite. It was Huntley all right, he Could always tell by the lights. When the car stopped, Mac threw .his fiddle in the back seat and climbed in front. Hunt looked a little worn, but he was in a good humor. "It's a swell night out: The crowd ought to be pretty good." "Yeh, it ought to be." They rode on a ways without saying much, and then Huntley noticed the new flannel pants, and the white shirt he had on, and the way his hair was slick- ed back. "Well, well," he said, "here I'm sittin' beside the o1' sheik himself, and just now noticed it. How come all the spruce, got something lined up? ... Oh yeah, now I remember. The little Torpedo. Ah youth, love, madness .." Mac kind of laughed, and didn't know what to say, right off. Huntley was al- ways saying stuff like that. The Little Torpedo. That was what the rest of the fellows in the orchestra called her too, but her name was Elizabeth, and she was nice kid. And last Saturday night. Last Saturday night they walked down by the boats, and a breeze came in off the lake, it smelled fresh, and the boats made a gurgling noise rocking up and down on the ripples, and they just stood there and talked about little things, They played at Turk Lake, for the people to dance. A small place, built around a large oak tree, and the men paid twenty-five cents to get in. The ladies never paid anything to get in, be-. cause where there are ladies dancing at 9:30, there will be men dancing at 10:00. They ran about four round dances to one square dance, after they got go- ng and the crowd was there. The square dance was mostly for the older people who brought their daughters, but the young ones liked it too. A square dance lasted fifteen minutes, and the round dancers could go out for their beer and stuff. It was a good place, you sure could have a lot of-fun there. Mac and Huntley got to the Lake around 9:00, and there was still plenty of room to park. The other two were waiting for them inside. Bell played a pretty good sax and trumpet. Wilson beat it out on the drum; he owned the P.A. system. Huntley, at the piano, filled in the harmony and did a lot for the rhythm, too. He always kept a pint of Golden Wedding between the piano and the wall, and ais playing always improved steadily till about two o'clock, when he would start to cool off. Even then, he went strong enough until closing time. As long as he could play, no one cared. Besides, it gave him a dramatic touch, kind of. Bell was another good man; he and Mac tossed the lead back and forth. When one took the lead, the other faked harmony. He ran a kind of filling sta- tion and store in the daytime, over east of where Mac lived. He'd sit there and listen to the radio with his sax, learning the new ones, and come Saturday night he'd show the rest of them how it was done. And he could ride, too. And he could tell a good story, and knew when to laugh, and the crowd liked him. Wilson could play the drums 1-2-3-4. He owned the P.A. system. Mac's violin was needed mostly for the square-dances, but he liked the slower fox-trots best. Jig-fiddle on the fast ones was all right, but he always felt people likedt Geefis, they needed a snap- py one to start out on, and they might as well play that as anything else. With- out music, because no good mpusician needed music. 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 Goofus. They finished Goofias, and Hunt look- ed on his list foe the slow one. A girl came up and asked could they play Stormy Weather. Bunt kidded her a bit,. we'll play anything for you my love, turned around and said something about Hoagy Carmichael. Quite a guy. Star- dust. So they played Stormy Weather, and the girl said Thanks. After two or three more dances, two a hot beef over there; he looked very sad, or tired, or something. Pretty soon they went away. Elizabeth usually showed up around 10:30, with a couple of girl friends. She was the best dancer there, and Mao had never seen her smoke or drink, He thought that was all right, because he didn't drink either, why, he had an uncle who had worried two wives almost batty by his drinking, he got it in milk-bottles. But Elizabeth was sure a swell girl, and as 10:30 drew near, Mac kept looking toward the door. And so the dance went on, and the hall filled, and people began to step on each other. Mac's friends came up one by one, with their usual greetings. "How they goin', Mac?" "Think the frost got the rhubarb?" "You could play a hell of a lot better if you had a little snorta this!" That was the way with people, always offering you drinks when they knew you didn't. Not that he objected to drinking, he would tell them, but not on the job, you know, and all that. And he looked at the door, and Elizabeth had not come. "Well, here's that Shoe-shine man again." Bell was looking across the crowd at a tall, heavy-set man with a mous- tache. He always showed up around 11:00, and never failed to ask for Shoe- shine Boy. Bell was glad to see him. When the set was over they would go outside and have sofme good stuff. He was a generous man, but he was tired of asking Mac to have some. He got a kick out of knowing the boys and giving them good stuff. They always had a good time, too, and May envied them, in a way. Of course, they were a little old- er, twenty-five or thirty, and knew what it was all about. They never said any- thing to Mac about not drinking, though, and it made him feel kind of young. So they played Shoe-shine Boy; he- works-hard-all-day; got-no-time-to- play; and when it was over, Bell went, out for his snort. When he came back, he turned to Mac. "Say, where's the little girl of your heart, the little tor- pedo?" "Who. Oh. Her. I haven't seen her." Hunt laughed. "Ten to one she comes in with a dry leaf on her-back." "Naw, not this one," said Bell, "She's a nice kid." "Sure. Sure. They're all as white as the driven snow: Heh' and he waved his arm dramatically, and started to play Hearts and Flowers real soft. Mac got a little red, but he didn't say anything, and Bell came up with, "Jeez, I had to laugh. Jim Burdick came into the station today and he was telling me one of these limericks. This one was about a man from Kent. Ever heard it?" W HEN 11:30 rolled around and the girl hadn't shown up yet, Mac started wondering about it. It was between dances, and he was hunting around for his resin, when he heard Bell mutter a soft,.drawn-out "Well, Je - sus Christ." He turned around, and there she was, coming across the floor, leaning heavily on a young, good-looking fellow, who was also leaning heavily on her. The two staggered up. "Hello, hello, hello, Mac. Good ol' Turk Lake. Hurray. Tell me," sloppily, "what are you going to play? can you play (Continued on Page Eleven) by TisTlAN MEINECK a little out of place. Then once in a while they would play a waltz, although walt- zes weren't so popular any more. The fid- dle would sound out on those, and that one that came out a while back, Mas- querade, was a beauty.'Everybody liked. it, the words and music went so well together. Mid-night sha-dows fade; No one's left at the Mas-querade. Everything is through, dear, but my life for you, dear. Lives on . . And the boy and girl would dance closer to each other when the yellow crepe- paper-cheegebox moon was turned on. T HEY TUNED UP, while Huntley told a story about a rich Indian in a big hotel in Oklahoma. Then they started out, 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 Goofus, because the older people came up. A chisel-chinned old girl of about forty-seven, with a small feliow, hard to tell how old he was. Big woman, little man, quite com- mon. Been drinking. That wasn't out- of-the-way either. The woman said, 'Say, can you play It's a Hot Time la the Old Town Toight?" Bell didn't crack a smile. "Never heard of it," he said. y The woman was surprised, hurt. "That is funny. Well then let me see. Oh, I know. Remember this? 'Everybody's do- in' it, doin' it, doin' it,' and so on. Re- member? 'It's a bear, it's a bear, it's a hear' " and she teetered up and down on her toes. . "My God," said Huntley. The small man didn't say a word. le was watching a couple of girls eating