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League Council
Other Women
To Hold Posts
Elizabeth Newman, Elizabeth
Johnson, Virginia Capron, Jean
Johnson Named To Council
Doris Allen, '42, has been appointed
president of summer League Council,
Jane Baits, '42, announced. Assisting
Miss Allen on the council will be
Elizabeth Newman, '43, chairman of
judiciary; Elizabeth Johnson, '42, so-
cial chairman; Jean Johnson, '42,
secretary; and Virginia Capron, '43,
publicity chairman.
Miss Allen, a member of Alpha Chi
Omega, helped with music and dec-
orations for her freshman class pro-
ject, and was active on Sophomore
Cabaret finance and hostess commit-
tees, besides dancing in JGP. For
Michilodeon she was chairman of
finance and she has also held the po-
sition of WAA treasurer. She has
served on the League social commit-
tees and dance committee, and helped
prepare Panhellenic Ball decorations.
Miss Newman Is Transfer
Miss Newman, a student assistant
at Jordan Hall, was a transfer from!
Wittenberg College this year. She has
worked on the League Social commit-
tee, candy booth committee, merit
system and ushering. Her position on
Assembly Banquet ticket committee
was succeeded by -the chairmanship
of Assembly Ball ticket sales.
Elizabeth Johnson, affiliated with
Kappa Alpha Theta, transferred fol-
lowing her freshman year. She has
served on social committee as a group
chairman, and was secretary of Crop
and Saddle Club. Sophomore Cabaret
hostess and decoration committees,
as well as JGP dance and program
committees received her assistance.
Miss Johnson has served as an ori-
entation advisor, and worked on Pan-
hellenic decorations.
Johnson And Capro. Named
Jean Johnson is a member of Alpha
Chi Omega, and modeled for the
WAA style show given during fresh-
man orientation week. Miss Johnson
was intramural manager of WAA and
ticket chairman for Michilodeon. She
has also worked for Panhellenic Ball
decorations, and served on the dance
committee for JGP.
Miss Capron, Jordan student assis-
tant, served on the patrons commit-
tee for freshman project, sang in the
freshman glee club, and was chair-
man of the Jordan Hall formal. The
Sophomore Cabaret committees for
which she worked were costume, tick-
et and finance.
Mosher Is Declared
Softball Champion
Mosher Hall, champions of the "A"
League, was declared winner of this
year's women's softball tournament.
In second place is Gamma Phi Beta,
who yesterday defeated Alpha Omi-'
cron Pi, winner in the "B" League,
by the scre of 35 to 21.
Outstanding plays for Gamma Phi
Beta were made by Sally Sessions,
'44, who made three home runs, Patty
Stelle, '43, who hit one homer and
Pedo Ortmeyer, '41, who also made
one home run.
The winning pitchers were June
Roberts, '41, and Ann Stresau, '42, and
the catcher was Ruth Wood, '43.
Pitching and catching for Alpha Om-
icron Pi were Amy Davidson, '41, and
Mary Morris, '43.
Senior Dance
Patrons List
A good lead for any column at this time of year is always to pull all the
stops about "The last Fling of the Season" . . . or "With finals coming
closer and closer . . ." but we'll spare you all that and bring our little weekly
prayer meeting together on some other theme. There ain't no denyin',
though, that we're all feeling slightly on the scholarly side at this point.
(Boy, you've got to feel scholarly when you're writing something like three
term papers in one night). So, just to keep you in that desperately literary
mood which passeth all understanding we shall add, at discreet intervals,
j clarifying footnotes. These, we are told, are indispensible to a treatise like
It's High Time .
prng JoNrina Again . ..
Spring Formals' (1.) must be dealt with, so lets deal with them without
preliminaries. To put it briefly, there were a Iot of 'em. In fact, there was
such a run on the chaperons list that the Dean's Office almost had to make
a few additions so that there would be enough "squaw watchers," as a well-
known campus society calls them, to go around.
Thursday was Memorial Day, and as good as an excuse as any to give
a Spring Formal, for which there doesn't legally have to be any excuse. The
es**sy.- Chi Phis' (2) had one that was attended, among
others, by Helen Whiting and Art Carpenter, Nona
' Ray Parker and Dan O'Connor, Rae Gustafson and
! 4 Johnnie Rookus, and Elise Clark and John Stover.
Chi Omega had its formal on the same night,
and the competition might have been stiff, but
there were quite a few couples* 3), there, too.
Jane Ann Visscher and Bob Fitzgerald, "Speedo"
Swift and Bill Lapworth, Jane McLean and Neil
Sperhake, Kit Upson and Chock Low, Janet Cottrell and Dan Powers, and
Betty Durocher and Joe Van Antwerp were all there.
Tu e Champion A libi . .
The rize Of The Week, a cracked recording of one of Graham
McNamee's old World Series broadcasts, goes to Ye Ed. of the Daily Sport
page for his world-beating alibi. Ye ed. takes quite a lot of kidding, because
his dancing ain't what it should be; in fact, it just ain't. "My gosh, why
don't you learn how to dance," said one of his hecklers. "I saw you dipping
the other night, and it looked terrible." "Dipping?" screamed the outraged
ed. "She tripped me!"
The Phi Gains decided to cash in on their nickname Friday night and
go native with a "Fiji Island" dance. Everything was present from grass
skirts* (4) to pure pineapple juice, served in cocoanut shells, its purity from
any sullying influence insured by Stu Miller. Some of the islanders there
were Bob Titus and Margaret Dodge, Fred Anderson and Jeanne Crump,
Carol Wolfe and Jim Harrison, Ginny Boardman and Bob Gelston, Nan
Wagner and Andy Ritter, and Butch Jordan and his fiancee. Buck Dawson,
we might add, certainly deserved to have a good time at the party, if any-
one ever did. He broiled himself to the consistency of fine saddle leather in
the sun for two weeks before the affair, just so he'd look like a native. (He
doesn't look like a native.)
*(1) Affairs which consist of females in cotton formals, males in white
coats (more or less); usually is included a Country Club, and always included
is an orchestra whose vocalist has adenoids.+
* (2) A fraternity. Fraternities are college institutions which are sup-
posed to be snobbish. (But they got men in 'em, Cobina. That's enough
recommendation for us.)
*(3) Couples usually consist of a man and a woman. Further explana-
tion unnecessary.+
Mich igan ites' Plan Vacation
IneMeXico And South America
s Announced
Governor, Mrs. Van Wagoner,
President And Mrs. Ruthven,
To Be Guests At Graduate Ball
Heading the list of patrons and
guests for Senior Ball, which will be
held from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m., Friday,
June 20, are Governor and Mrs. Mur-
ray D. Van Wagoner.
Other patrons for the last fling of
the outgoing seniors are President and
Mrs. Ruthven, Vice-President and
Mrs. J. D. Bruce, Vice-President and
Mrs. S. W. Smith, Vice-President and
Mrs. C. S. Yoakum, Regent and Mrs.
P. M. Cook, Regent and Mrs. D. H.
Crowley, Regent Esther Cram and
Mr. L. V. Cram, Regent and Mrs. J. J.
Herbert, Regent and Mrs. C. F. He-,
mans, Regent and Mrs. H. F. Kipke,
Regent and Mrs. J. D. Lynch, Regent'
and Mrs. E. C. Shields and Hon. and
Mrs. E. B. Elliott.
Patrons List Is Continued
Also attending the dance as patrons
are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred B. Connable,'
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Burhans, Dean
and Mrs. E. B. Stason, Professor and
Mrs. L. M. Gram ,Professor Carl G.
Brandt, Dean anid Mrs. Wells I. Ben-
nett, Dean and Mrs. R. W. Bunting,
Dean J. A. Bursley, Dean M, E. Cooley,
Dean and Mrs. S. T. Dana, Dean and
Mrs. J. B. Edmonson, Dean and
Mrs. A. C. Furstenberg, Dean and
Mrs. C. E. Griffin and Dean and Mrs.
E. H. Kraus.
Concluding the patrons list are Dr.
and Mrs. H. B. Lewis, Dean Alice C.
Lloyd, Dr. and Mrs. E. V. Moore, Dr.
and Mrs. W. W. Bishop, Dr. Frank E.
Robbins, Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Sink, Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. Watkins, Mrs. Byrl
F. Bacher, Assistant Dean and Mrs.
A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean C. T.
Olmsted, Miss Jeannette Perry, Assis-
tant Dean and Mrs. W. B. Rea, As-
sistant Dean and Mrs. E. A. Walter
and Registrar and Mrs. I. M. Smith.
Guests Are Announced
Guests at the ball will be Professor
and Mrs. Arthur S. Aiton, Professor
and Mrs. Shirley W. Allen, Dr. Mar-
garet Bell, Professor Hobart C.
Coffey, Professor and Mrs. Calvin!
O. Davis, Professor and Mrs. G. E.
Densmore, Professor and Mrs. Samuel
A. Graham, Professor and Mrs. Jo-
seph R. Hayden, Professor and Mrs.
Hugo E. Keeler, Professor and Mrs.
David Mattern, Professor and Mrs.
Ferdinand N. Menefee, Prof. Rhoda
F. Reddig, Professor and Mrs. Allen
F. Sherzer, Professor and Mrs. Clar-
ence D. Thorpe, Professor and Mrs.
John F. Worley, Professor and Mrs.
Fielding H. Yost and Professor and
Mrs. Leigh J. Young.
Also Invited As Guests
Also invited as guests are Assoc.
Professor and Mrs. Eugene J.rAsh,
Assoc. Professor Dow V. Baxter, As-
soc. Professor Lawrence O. Brockway,
Assoc. Professor and Mrs. William G.
Dow, Assoc. Professor and Mrs. Char-
les W. Good, Assoc. Professor Walter
J. Gores, Dr. and Mrs. Albert C.
Kerlikowske, Assoc. Professor and
For JGP Plots
Are Explained
Now that you've dragged out your
tooth-worn pencils and frayed eras-
ers, all set to delve into the witty
depths of your brain determined to
write the prize winning JGP script,
here are some suggestions that might
help you along the way.
The plot must cover two acts. with
one act being slightly longer and the
climax should come at the end of the
second act. Next track down a plot,
steering clear of those that are local,
that is, keep it away from Ann Arbor
or any other college - such themes
were worn out long ago.
It has been suggested by the com-
mittee that some brave person at-
tempt a satirical show in the classical
play group - perhaps a takeoff on
one of Shakespeare's dramas.
About 10 or 15 leading roles should
be included in the play; and few male
leads should be used as it is difficult
for women to put them across. And,
as long as we're violently shouting
the "don'ts," exclude love scenes for
the result is usually disastrous.. ,
Also keep in mind that the more
opportunity you offer for songs and
dances, the more likely your script
will pass the preliminary bench of
All synopses of scripts must be in
by July 1, while the deadline for com-
plete scripts is November, Mary Lou
Ewing, '43, general chairman, an-
nounced. Anyone may enter the con-
test, she said, as it is not limited to
women nor to undergraduate students.
Mrs. Elmore S. Pettyjohn, Assoc. Pro-
fessor Richard Schneidewind Asst.
Professor Ernest F. Brater, Asst. Pro-
fessor and Mrs. Richard C. Fuller,
Asst. Professor and Mrs. James S.
Gault, Asst. Professor Catherine B.
Heller, Asst. Professor Thor Johnson,
Asst. Professor and Mrs. Arthur Van
Duren and Asst. Professor and Mrs.
Mentor L. Williams.
To Complete List
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O. Crandall,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Rainville, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles W. Spooner, Jr.,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Broadbent,
Mr. Kenneth G. Emery, Mr. John F.
Ingold, Mr. Werner S. Landecker, Mr.
and Mrs. Franklin C. Kuenzel, Miss
Ethel A. McCormick, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Oakes and Miss Margaret Oes-
terblom will also be guests at the
Guests of the committee members
are Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Weidman,
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bohnsack, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph F. Buritz, Mr. and
Mrs. George Carter, Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. Dannenfelser, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry W. Holtz, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Keller, Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Lau, Mrs.
L. McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Nadler Mrs. Rose G. Pohly, Mr. Dor-
man L. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs.
E. V. Vollmer.
(Continued fromPage 2)
ination Thursday, June 12, 2:00 p.m.,
2003 A.H.
Student Graduation Recital: David
Milliken, Pianist, will present a recital
at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, June 5, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree. A stu-
dent of John Kollen, Mr. Milliken
will play selections by Beethoven and
Schumann. The general public is in-
Events Today
U.S. Navy Flight Training oppor-
tunities will be discussed by Ensign
Joseph I. Jadin, Ensign A-V(N)
USNRF, a recent graduate of and a
flight instructor at U.S. Naval Air
Station Pensacola, at the Headquar-
ters Naval ROTC, North Hall at 4:15
p.m. today.
Lowell L. Tilson, Emeritus Profes-
sor of Music Education, Indiana State
Teachers College, will demonstrate
his music tests at the School of Musie
Auditorium, tonight at 7:30.
The Acolytes (philosophical socie-
ty) will meet tonight at 7:45 in the
Rackham Building. Dr. Edith Wat-
son Schipper will read a paper on
"Experience and a Created Order."
Faculty members and students are
Graduate Student and others in-
terested are invited to listen to the
last of the regular Tuesday evening
programs of recorded music in the
Men's Lounge of the Rackham Build-
ing tonight at 8 o'clock. The pro
gram follows: Sibelius, Symphony
No. 3, De Falla, Nights in the Gard-
(Continued on Page 6)
Some excellent positions are
Sopen to the 'college graduate
through the office of the Na-
tionwide Employment Service
of Grand Rapids, who special-
!iizes in office-sales-and tech-
nical positions. There is no
registration fee. Come in and
let us talk over the possibilities
in your field.
125 Federal Square Bldg.
Grand Rapids, Mich.
- - ,- -
nAnnual Exhibition. of
in the Michigan League
On view until June 2.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Ceramics, by Mr. Grover
Cole, members of the Faculty, and
students. Ground floor cases, Archi-
tecture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5,
through June 14. The public is ihi.
course with Gibbs see..
retarial training for a
crearn-of-the-crop ,job!
Catalogue tells all
ask for one.j
- ----4
We Specia lize in
Eugene Permanents and
Vapor Marcel Machine less
5 Nickels Arcade
Phone 9616
i ,
As the school year draws to a close,
students in the Spanish department
are turning their eyes south of the
border with the prospect of spending
their summer in Mexico and South
The ever-increasing interest in
Spanish and in our relations with the
Latin American democracies has in-
duced several Michiganites to form
a minor exodus to the lands of our
southern neighbors - and in various
The Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Thomas,
who have been in the Graduate
School, will go by steamer to Bogota,
Colombia, where they plan to con-
tinue their teaching in the American
College there.
Michelle Silverman, '41, will also
take to the waves, leaving from New
York, with a stop at Havana, and fin-
ally landing at Vera Cruz. From there
she will travel to Mexico City to study
Spanish shorthand and typing.
Don Rivette, '41, of Ann Arbor, is
joining the army to do foreign service
as an officer in Puerto Rico.
Mexico seems to hold the greatest
attraction for Michigan students. Five
of them are driving to the University
of Mexico to study in its Summer
Session; June Larson, Norma Bennett,
RuthdBennett, Frank Hagerty, and
Claude Hulet. Miss Norma Bennett,
and Mr. Hulet are the retiring and
incoming presidents, respectively, of
La Sociedad Hispanica.
John Falconieri, who along with
Miss Larson was the recipient of a
scholarship to the Mexican school,
intends to join the group of Mich-
igan students there, and Miss Car-
melita Rosasco of Ann Arbor will
motor down with her parents to at-
tend the Summer Session.
Jean Crump, '42, will assist in edit-
ing the July issue of "Mademoiselle"
first, and then plans to visit Mexico
afterwards, as does Robert Mantho
sometime during vacation.
, 1
Meeting To Be Held
League dance class committee will
hold a meeting at 5 p.m. today in
the League undergraduate office, Jean
Coffelt, '43, announced. Attendance
is compulsory, and those who for
some reason are unable to attend
should notify Miss Coffelt.
Assembly Board will hold a meeting
at 4:30 p.m. today in the League.
A new subtle shade ...
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aster. '" . ;=s.
Wear "Santa Fe" with your new sum-
mer whites and pastels. Also flatter-
ing with sheer summer frocks in
black, navy and brown.
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