Cloudy; light .howers.
Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
* ditorial
A H eadcach.e
For Britain .. .
- -
Harms Named Capt
Ouit TJhs Of Nine For Next Y
In Le'aguel
Emnploye Resign In Protest
Of Act To 'Discharge
Willian Cannastra, '43
JIspute Is Caused
By WagePetilion
Seven employees of the Michigan
League resigned over the week-end
in the second episode of a labor dis-
pute involving the management and
a 'former student employe - William
Cannastra, '43, - who claims he was
fired because he had intiated a pe-
tition asking for wage adjustments.
All seven quit their work ir pro-
test against League manager, Miss
Ruth Goodlander's, action in dis-
charging Cannastra last Wednesday,
for what she declared was "unsatis-
factory" work. Two of the seven -
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn C. Smith - held
positions as supervisors in the League
dining hall where Cannastra worked.
They were his immediate supervisors
and supported his claim that his
work was satisfactory.
Petition Circulated
The entire dispute began early last
week when Cannastra and other em-
ployes circulated a petition - drawn
up according to NLRB specifications
- asking for a wage increase from
35 cents an hour .to a base of 40
cents. Eighty-five names were signed
to the petition which Cannastra
claims to have read aloud to Miss
Goodlander Wednesday morning, due
to the fact that she was without her
glasses at the time. It was his action
in bringing the petition, that Cannas-
tra explains as the ieason for his
discharge that afternoon. ',
Denies Seeing Petition
Mis Goodlander, on the other
hand, denies having seen the petition,
andc1 explains Cannastra's discharge
as the climax of a series of complaints
about his work. This is the explana-
tion she gave to a delegation of
Cannastra's fellow employes who came
to see her in a body early Thursday
afternoon along with Cannastra. She
also gave this report to two Daily
reporters who met with her later that
The Daily has been unsuccessful in
trying to reconcile the two versions
of the story since Thursday's meeting.
Miss Goodlander refused once more
last night to discuss the matter fur-
ther. The Smiths resigned their jobs
Saturday evening and five other em-
ployes of the League have resigned
since in protest of Cannastra's dis-
San Francisco'
Workers Strike
Wave O)f Labor 11DisptS
Faces Defense Heads
(By The Associated Pr'ss
Warehouse workers in the San
Francisco Bay area struck yesterday
and a two-weeks-old walkout at the
Detroit Steel Products Company
spread to another plant to delay
work on steel window and door sash-
es ordered for Army training centers
and defense production units.
Coming on top of a Sunday strike
of 2,200 truck drivers and helpers in
the Pittsburgh area, the walkouts
confronted defense officials with an
apparent new wave of labor disputes
at a time when they were talking of
a vital need for greater and faster
defense prodution.
Meantime, the Defense Mediation
board began a new government ef-
fort to end the tie-up of $500,000,000
of ship construction and repair work
in 11 San Francisco shipyards and
drydocks. It telegraphed both man-
agement and labor at the San Fran-
cisco plant of the Bethlehem Ship-
building Company to "show their
patriotism" by arranging "immediate
resumption of production" pending a
final settlement of their dispute. The'
Board called a hearing for June 9 in
Washington on the case.
Standout First Baseman
George Ruehle Named
'Most Valuable Player'
V ,-- - -
In a meeting late yesterday after-
noon Michigan's Conference champi-
cnship baseball team elected George
Harms, slugging catcher of the Wol-
verinesaggregation, captain for the
1942 season..
At the same time first baseman
George Ruehle was honored by his
teammates, being awarded the acco-
lade of "most valuable player" over
the 1941 campaign.'
Harms, '42, follows in the wake
of Bill Steppon, popular Maize and
Blue second baseman, who captained
tie Michigan nine to the Big Ten
A native of Detroit, the newly
elected Wolverine diamond leader
plans to work for a law firm this
summer and enter Law School after
his graduation next year. He will
also play baseball in three "Motor
City leagues during the summer va-
cation, donning the mask and pads
in the Down River, Inter-County and
Federation circuits.
For the last eight years, the 20-
year-old Harms has been'participat-
ing in the Detroit leagues. He gave
,up high school ball to play for the
American Legion team, his reason
being that since the high school club
only scheduled seven games and the
Legion nine took part in 20 tilts, he
would be able to receive more dia-
mond experience in the Legion uni-
This year the Wolverine receiver
compiled an enviable batting aver-
age of .330 for the entire campaign,
while slugging over the .400 clip in'
Conference competition. That's quite
a record for a little fellow who stands
only 5 feet 7 inches and tips the
scales at a mere 160 pounds.
Harms was the regular catcher for
To Give Annual
Hopwood Talk
Names Of Prize Winners
To Be Revealed Friday
After Weeks' Address.
Winners of $8000 in 1941 Hopwood
awards will be revealed to the public
and 53 contestants at 4:15 p.m. Fri-
day immediately following the annual
Hopwood lecture to be given by Ed-
ward Weeks, editor of the Atlantic
Monthly, in the Rackham Auditorium.
Weeks, whose topic will be "On
Counting Our Chickens Before They
Are Hatched," is author of "This
Trade Of Writing" and several well-
known essays. He has conducted a
radio program for two seasons over
NBC networks entitled "Meet Mr.
Weeks," and is noted for articles and
book reviews which he has contribut-
ed to national magazines.
Hopwood entrants will have an
opportunity to meet Weeks inform-
ally in the League after a dinner
in his honor to be given by the Hop-
wood committee.
Major and minor awards will again
be given in the fields of drama,
essay, fiction and poetry. A special
contest for freshman has also been
Hopwood lectures in the past have
been given by suchnoted men of lit-
erature as Henry, Seidel Canby, 1940;
Carl Van :Doren, 1939; Walter Pri-
chard Eaton, 1938, and Christopher
Morley in 1939.
The importance on the national
scene of the Hopwoods has been con-
tinually emphasized by the interest
which publishers have shown in the
contest results. Most recent ot the
works published is the novel "Whistle
Stop" by Maritta Wolff, winner of
the major award in fiction in 1939-
Harold Newhouser, Detroit
pitcher, during the 1937 and'
(Continued on Page 3)
Death Call
NEW YORK, June 2.-(A
Gehrig, great first baseman
New York Yankees for 14 yea
tonight after two years illne
rare disease that everyone
himself believed incurable.
The "iron horse" of baseb
would have been 38 years oldJ
passed away at his home in t
ence of his wife after a critical
only three weeks. He did n
consciousness until just befor
at 9:10 p.m.
The disease which erased
from the lineup of the migh
kees on May 2, 1939, was di
as "amyothropic lateral sc
a hardening of the spinal cor
caused muscles to shrivel.
In Chicago, William H
President of the American
expressed deep regret at thed
Lou Gehrig, one of baseball's
est stars.
"The passing of Lou Gehri
Mr. Harridge, "has remove
baseball one of its most belo
outstanding players. His cond
sportsmanship on and off the
field will remain an everlastin
ment to his memory,"
Seniors in the Literary
will be able to obtain thei
mencement announcements
12 a.m. to 4 p.m. today and
to 4 p.m. tomorrow in the c
of University Hall.
in Chief
From I
Geriui" M orized
Troops Believed
To Be In Lalakia
With Weygand
(By The Associated Press)
CAIRO, Egypt, June 2--Syria hut
herself off from comuncation with
Egypt suddenly and without explana-
^ tion tonight amid growing signs that
the French-ruled Middle East state
might be the next battle-ground of
the war veering eastward from the
German motorized infantry with
lorries, armored cars and mobile field
guns have landed at the northern
Syrian port of Latakia, highly-placed
sources in Ankara, the Turkish capi-
. tal, said by troop transports arriving
starting from the eastern Mediterranean.
'38 sea- There was no indication of their num-
A broadcast on the Berlin radio
wave length said the French High
Commissioner of Syria proclaimed a
state of siege for the eastern Syrian
region bordering Iraq and clamped
C down new border restrictions.
, General Maxime Weygand, Com-
[ mander of French forces in North
Africa, arrived at Vichy and conferred
ipimediately with Chief of State Mar-
')-Lou shal Petain.
of the It appeared likely that his unher-
rs, died aided trip to the French provisional
ss of a capital was connected with the Syrian
except proclamation, a possible precaution
against a ' British "get-there-first"
all, who maneuver against. the Axis.
June 19, Meanwhile, .e ian airports used
he pres- by the Germans as way stops enroute
span of to aid the now-squelched Iraqi rebels
not lose again were the targets of the RAF.
e death Other RAF units covered the British
retreat from Crete.
Gehrig Germans circulated reports that the
ty Yan- wily Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, long
agnosed a thorn in Britain's side, had arrived
lerosis," at the rich Mosul Oil Fields of
d which Northern Iraq to reorganize Iraq re-
sistance to the British.
death of Aninitg lazGe Bea S
s great- Firemen In hot Race
ig," said
d from NEW YORK, June 2.-(A')-A 16th
ved and floor awning of an apartment house
luct and caught fire today. Firemen rushed up
playing and extinguished it. But by that time
g monu- falling embers had ignited a 15th floor
Firemen rushed to the 15th floor
and extinguished it. By that time
College falling embers had ignited a 14th floor
Of War
Post On Supreme Court;
Ingersoll, PM Head, To Speak
Toay AtAD ass Meeting
Editor of PM and a leader among
aid-to-Britain advocates, Ralph In-
gersoll will speak at 8:15 p.m. today
in the Rackham Amphitheatre on
"Whose War Is This?" Ingersoll's
address, sponsored by the American
Student Defense League, will con-
clude the organization's state region-
al conference.
Ingersoll will .also talk today at
4:30 p.m. in Room 305 Michigan
Union on "America At The Cross-
roads." This address is part of the
ASDL's program of meetings and dis-
cussions aimed at "answering the iso-
The faculty advisers, executive
committee and guests. of the ASDL
will participate in an after-dinner
discussion at the Union on "What
Kind Of A World Are We Fighting
The state conference follows a
campus-wide petition drive urging
the adoption of convoy protection for
American shipments to England.
One thousand one hundred signa-
tures have been gained so far, ac-
cording to Martin Dworkis, Grad,
chairman of the ASDL.
Ingersoll is well-known through-
out the country as a consistent critic
of social abuses. Under his guid-
ance, PM lias attacked violations of
civil rights, both in labor and in
government. It has also openly come
out against misrepresentation of
manufactured products to the con-
Ingersoll's journalistic experience
started with a reporter's job on the
New York American. Before he
Fortune and the New Yorker and
had served as general manager of
Time, Inc.
Author of a recent series of articles
To Syria Near
Political Situation Is Topic
Of Five-Hour Discussion
Berlin, June 2.-(/P)-Adolf Hitler
and Benito Mussolini discussed thle
"political situation" at Brenner Pass
today only a few hours after the Ger-
man High Command had put its seal
on an announcement of the success-
ful conclusion of the bitterly fought
battle for Crete.
A number of fateful possibilities
regarding Africa and the Mediter-
ranean area lay before the two rulers,
but the announcement of their meet-
ing mentioned none of them.
The Fuehrer and the Duce, with
their respective Foreign Ministers
,Joachim Von Ribbentrop and Count
Galeazzo Ciano beside them, talked
for five hours "in a spirit of cordial
r com-
9 a.m.
Firemen rusherL to tie 14th flor
and extinguished it. By that Lime fa l*i
ing embers, etc.
Right on down to the second floor,
By that time the firemen didn't have
to rush any more, No more awnings.
founded PM, he had helped to pioneer
based on a Clipper trip to England,
Ingersoll has also written the book
"In and Under Mexico."
Gas Rate Cut
Is Expected
A recent ruling ,of the Securities
and Exchange Commission at Wash-
ington will, in effect, cause lowering of
natural gas rates from 31 or 32 cents
per unit, to approximately 20 cents.
throughout the state, Prof. Louis C.
Karpinski of the University's math
department declared last night before
the Common Council of Ann Arbor.
The Council moved that Mayor
Leigh J. Young, or his representative
attend a meeting of mayors of cities
which will be affected by the gas
rate change, to be held June 12.
Prof. Karpinski pointed out that
this meeting will be held for the pur-
pose of seeing that all municipalities
using natural gas receive the benefits
of the rate reduction.
The fact that the unit rate will be
reduced for the gas company, Prof.
Karpinski went on, does not mean
that consumers will automatically
get a reduced rate, The ,mayors' meet-
ing in Detroit must attempt to see.
that the reduction is made, he said.
Further reason for a rate reduction,
he went on, is that, a new natural
gas line will be installed through the
state, and the new line, combined with
the present one, should mean an in-
creased saving in gas costs.
Professor Karpinski has been fight-
ing for a. reduction. in Michigan gas
rates-for several months, and has
conferred with Governor Van Wag-
oner and other state and city officials
during that period on the advisability
of reduction of the cost of gas to con-
Requested Of UA W
By FodCopany
DETROIT, June 2.---P)--The Unit-
ed Automobile Workers (CIO) which
has contractual relations wit. most
of the large automobile manufactur-
ers, was asked by a representative of
the Ford Motor Company today to
~submit samples of the agreemzents it
desires to conclude with the Ford
The request was made by Harry H.
Bennett, personnel director of the
Ford Company at a luncheon meet-
ing today at which he was host to
R. J. Thomas, UAW-CIO president;{
Atlaln Tn, wnnr C .Tfl nrn.nia.nn, -
Authority To Seize
Property Sought
For Roosevelt
Two Vacancies
Will Be Filled
HYDE PARK, N.Y., June 2.-
('P)-President Roosevelt accepted
tonight the request of Chief Jus-
tice Charles Evans Hughes that
he be permitted to retire from the
Supreme Court on 'July 1.
WASHINGTON, June 2.-('P)-
Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes
has notified the President that he
will retire from active serviceon the
bench on July 1, it was stated in
administration circles tonight
The Chief Justice, in a letter made
public by the temporary White House,
informed the President that "consid-
eration of health and age (he is 79)
makes it necessary that I should be
relieved of the duties which I have
been discharging with increasing dif-
The President telegraphed Justice
Hughes that he was "deeply dis-
tressed" by the letter and that it was
his "every inclination" to beg him to
remain. But he said "deep concern
for your health and strength must
be paramount."
Second Vacancies Created
Hughes' retirement created a sec-
ond vacancy on the Supreme Court
bench unless that caused by the re-
tirement of Associate Justice James
C. McReynolds is filled 'before July 1.
(It was predicted in Washington
that Attorney General Robert H'.
Jackson would succeed Justice
With the filling of the two vacan-
cies, President Roosevelt will have
appointed seven ofth e nine Supreme
Court Justices.
Senator James F. Byrnes, South
Carolina Democrat, has been men-
tioned prominently for months as a
likely candidate for appointment to
the high tribunal.
The Chief Justice earlier this af-
ternoon refused to comment on re-
ports that hewould retire in the near
future saying .that any information
on the subject "would be appropriate-
ly announced in due season."
Requested To Quit Work
Hughes for some time has been urging
the Chief Justice to lay aside active
work and devote his remaining days
to rest and travel.
During today's session of the Court
- the last until next October - the
Chief Justice did not show the vigor
which has heretofore marked his con-
duct of the affairs of the tribunal.
It is his present intention to re-
main in Washington during the re-
mainder of the month. Mrs. Eughes
has been under medical treatment
for some time. If her condition will
permit the Chief Justice and Mrs.
Hughes will then go directly to the
ICanadian Rockies, where they spent
a part of last summer.
Add~cition al Pow ers
Sought For FDR
WASHINGTON, June 2.-(P)--A
request by the War Department that'
President Roosevelt be given blanket
powers to take over property "of any
kind" for defense purposes aroused
a mixed reaction tonight on Capitol
Soine legislators expressed quick
approval, others indicated opposition,
while still others would not comment
pending further study.
Along with its request, the War De-
partment sent a bill to carry it out.
The measure, it was made known,
had been approved in advance by the
President, the Navy and the Office
of Production Management.
The authority asked was said of-
ficially to be more sweeping than that
exercised sparingly by President Wil-
son in the World War.
Whether the legislation might be
used to end strikes affecting defense
I orders was not stated. It appeared,
YsLrder, Melodramia Te Spotlight
As 'Ladlies In Retr irmnt' Starts Run
I Sabotage Is Htled
In Crash Of Bomber
After two weeks of comedy, the
1941 Dramatic Season will veer into
murder and melodrama as the English
mystery play, "Ladies in Retirement,"
begins its run at 8:30 p.m. today in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Ruth Gordon, long a noted figure
on the stage and more recently a
screen favorite, is cast; in the role of
Ellen Creed, the iron-willed house-
keeper who murders her employer.
Supporting Miss Gordon in stellar
parts, Mildred Natwick and Doro-
thy Blackburn will lend their talents
to the characterizations of the mur-
deress' imbecilic sisters.
Miss Gordon made her theatrical
debut in 1915 as Nibs in "Peter Pan,"
playing with Maude Adams in the
old Empire Theatre in New York.
Soon after that she went into stock
where she met and married the late
Gregory Kelly with whom she ap-
peared in Booth Tarkington's "Clar-
ence" and "Tweedles."
6 a~tr anv' ohilcren" moe nPofa
'greatest mystery play since "Kind
Lady",' in collaboration with Edward
Percy, doesn't like to call his work
a melodrama, although he admits he
can't think of a better name for it.
The plot, which was taken from a
startling real life story, concerns the
iron-wiiled housekeeper who murders
her benefactress to provide a hope
for her two crazy sisters. As in the
case of most English murder plays,
there is no attempt to fool the aud-
ience about the identity of the slayer.
The suspense lies in the murderess'
battle with her conscience, and in
the eff9rts of a sly and disagreeable
nephew to ferret out the secret of
the bricked-in oven,
Eva Leonard-Boyne, who appeared
ire this locale recently in William Sar-
oyan's "The Time of Your Life," will
assume the role of Leonora Fiske, the
SAN DIEGO, Calif., June 2.-()-
Ellwood Irish To Head A four-motored British Liberator
Architecture Fraternity bomber crashed into San Diego Bay
today apparently carrying four fliers
Tau Sigma Delta, national honor- to death.
ary fraternity for architecture and Hints of sabotage received the at-
allied arts, initiated the following at tention of the Federal Bureau of In-
the last meeing, of the year: Ellwood vestigation after a part of the craft
Irish, '41A, Ralph Peterson, '41A, had been recovered..
°'arnl,'1 V1mmim 'a . tTh wU+hiffmrai'~ , ,.,a- .
ing on the stage, can readily be un-