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'Swing Out' Procession
Will Be
274, Pt) t
Seifor March
To Represent
All To Meet In Caps And Gowns
At 3 P.M. By ROTC Fountain;
Signs To Mark Order Of March
From the east, from the west, from
the north and from the south, seniors
of all schools will congregate in the
middle of campus at 3 p.m. today for
thei traditional procession, "Swing
Out." /
All are requested to meet at 3 in caps and gowns at the
ROTC fountain near the library
on the diagonal and to face the en-
gineering arch.
Signs will mark the position of
the schools in the order of the line
of march which will be as follows:
the Band, the literary college, the
engineering college, Law School, the
nursing school, the forestry school,
and the music school.
Following these will come, the edu-
cation school, the dental school, the
pharmacy college, the architecture
college, the bu'siness administration
school and Medical School.
Seniors will march to the engin-
eering arch, to the Union and then
to Hill Auditorium where they will
hear Prof. John L. Brumm of the
Department of Journalism speak.
First, however, Russell La Belle,
chairman of "Swing Out," will intro-
duce Jane Krause, vice-president of
the 'literary college, who will in turn
introduce Prof. Brumm,.
Preceding the narch, Prof. Percival,
Price will give a carillon recital of,
old Michigan songs, which will take
place from 2:40 p.m. to 3:10 p.m.
In case of inclement weather,
seniors and spectators are request-f
ed 1o go directly to Hill Auditorium
where the exercises will start at
3:30 p.m.
Tie class of '41's "Swing Out"
committee includes LaBelle, Miss
Krause, Harry Drickamer, James
French, Margaret Lehman, William.
Ferrell, William Rhoads, Earl Rad-
ley, Sol Heiligman, Paul Norris,]
George Gaunt, Wanzer Bosworth and s
Pat Murphy.
Doubles Won
By Sessions
And Edmunds
Victors in the women's doubles of
the tennis tournament are Sally Ses-
sions, '44, and Jane Edmunds, '44,
who downed Jean Johnson, '42, are
Margaret Cotton, '42, to the tune of
6-4, 6-4.
In the semi-finals, Miss Johnson
and Miss Cotton defeated Lois Kuhl-
man, '43, and Kay Gladding, '42, while
Dorothy Lindquist, '42, and Elizabeth
Bunnell, '44, were beaten by the
eventual winners, Misses Sessions and
Edmunds. '
In the women's singles, which are
still being "played off, Harriett Pratt,
'43, tennis manager has announced
the following results:
The second round found Dorisannr
Hendricks, '42, defeating Miss Pratt,
Josephine Lloyd, '44, downing Alice
Dshlin, '44, Miss Kuhlman winning
over Nancy Hattersley and Miss Lind-
auist over Constance Gilbertson.
Third round results showed 'Miss
Lloyd defeating Helen Arata, '44, Miss
Edmunds downing Miss Kuhlman and
Miss Bunnell, Elizabeth Shaw, '41.
Thtree Organizaftions
To Close Activities
Witih Social Sunday
A social Sunday and the formal
close of all the year's activities will
be combined today by three organi-
Alpha Chi Omega is honoring its
seniors today with a breakfast, at
which each senior will receive a gift.
The Lutheran Students' Associa-
tion will conclude its outing at the
YMCA Camp at Silver Lake at 8:30
p.m. today. Chaperons are Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Warren and the Rev. and
Mrs Henry O. Yoder.
The Tau Beta Pi houseparty, be-
ing held at the University Fresh Air
Camp, will also be brought to a close.
Mr. and Mrs. Axel Marnn and Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Sadler are chaper-
_7e rtite k/lite4D
(Editor's Note: Ton Thumb, who can't
break a precedent by getting cultural
in his own column, begged to be allowed
to use The Mite's space to air his views
on the Youth Orchestra concert in De-
troit. Mr. Thumb's views are his own.)
Leopold Stokowski and the All
American Youth Orchesta played n
Detroit Thursday night in a gigantic
barn, with selections orchestrated for
symphony orchestra, airplane, cig-
arette lighter, livestock and Governor
Van Wagoner. Altogether it was a
colossal monument to practically
The shindig was held in the tre-
mendous State Fair Coliseum underI
the sponsorship of the Detroit Junior1
Board of Commerce, and all profit
was turned over to the Detroit Sym-
phony Orchestra. Unfortunately for
all concerned, I am sure that the prof-
it was so slight that the. Detroit'
Symphony won't get enough for a new
bassoon. It seems that the Junior
Board of Commerce made a slight
mistake in calculation.
They figured that the Grosse
Pointe set was the personification
of culture in Detroit, and they
priced the tickets accordingly. Tick-
ets near the front cost $3.30, and
cthers further back $2.20 and $1.10.
The bleacher seats in the very rear
of the vast Madison-Square-Gard-
en-sized place went for 55 cents
The Jr. B of C must have been
surprised no end when, after the con-
cert started at 9:15 p.m. (it was
scheduled for 8:30 p.m.) there
were but a handful of spectators in
the $3.30, $2.20 and $1.10 seats and
the 55 cent seats were almost
full. It must have shook the young
fellows of the Jr. B of C to discover
that the Grosse Pointe set were too
engrossed in driving their convertible
coupes around upstate, their hair fly-
ing wildly, or occupied with business
to take a little time out for "cul-
Yes, the boys and girls who live
along Nottingham Road didn't turn
out like the honest folk in the
East Dearborn section. Most of the
people came in buses. Limousines
were noticeably lacking. And so
were occupants in the $3.30 seats.
Until after the intermission. Then
the $3.30 seats were full and the 55-
centers empty. But it's only natural.
In case you've never been to the
Coliseum, it's a large place where
they usually hold rodeos and circuses.
It has a smell of livestock about it
and the floor is the good earth, cov-
ered with something that looks like
sawdust (gad, I hope it was!). None
of the ushers seemed to know where
section A was and we never found
row F, after we did finally reach
section A. We just kicked an old lady
down two rows (nobody write a letter
to the editor; we asked her and she
was nobody's mother) and took her
From where we sat, you couldn't
tell Stokowski from a peanut sales-
man, but you could hear the music,
which, incidentally, was pretty good
when there was no interference.
During the second movement of
3eethoven's Fifth, an airplane droned
above, bringing the father of the
symphony up to date. In the tihird
movement, a man in the far sic:
f the bleachers struggled with a
2igarette lighter that made a noise
like a Hallowe'en rachet. When it
finally cast its golden glare, there
was an audible "ahh" from the audi-
Governor Van Wagoner spoke
during the intermission and then
left. Apparently he'd had enough
culcher for one night. The Gover-
nor never failed to get a laugh
frcm the audience when he tried
to pronounce Stokowski. (The first
time it was Stow-kow-skiee and the
second time Stuff-kowff-skieff).
I expected to see livestock parade
back and forth across the podium
while they were playing the Love Mu-
sic from "Tristan and Isolde."
Leopold wasn't bashful about giving
encores, - he just gave 'em. He never
announced the name of a selection.
He'd just say "We will now play;
scme music from Bach," or "You will'
ncw hear some music from Tschai-
kowsky." But the audience clapped
and yelled and shouted for "Beat Me
Daddy" and Stoky was adamant.
His kids would only play longhair'
The concert. wasn't much of a
success. The orchestra was really
swell -- one of America's greats -
but the B of C couldn't have taken
in much, the two-bit programs
didn't exactly go like hot-cakes, and
the trolley-trade were the only ones
who enjoyed themselves.
If they had thrown open the doors
at a 25 or 55 cents general admission
they'd have made a lot more dough,
they'd have had a larger audience for
the orchestra and the Coliseum would
have been considerably warmer.
UnfortunaiLely, members of the'
Detroit Jr. B of C will never learn
that culture doesn't necessarily sit
in the three buck seats and that
you don't have to live in a 12-room
house with a $550 radio-phono -
graph to enjoy good music.
Initiaion Announced
Theta Phi Alpha announces the
initiation of Gloria Nelthorpe, '44,
Betty Ervin, '44, Virginia Becker,
'44A, Olga McGuire, '43, Margaret
McGuire, '42 and Betty Hogan, '44.
Care Of Skin
Is Necessary
In Sunbathing
If you have ideas of combining
study with the process of acquiring
a golden tan while sunbathing on
Stockwell's secluded porch then haere's
a bit of advice.
Maybe you think you won't burn
and maybe you have passed endur-
ance tests for the number of hours in
the sun, but there is always a first
time. Sunburn can be just as seri-
ous as any other burn, so care should
be taken of your skin.
You've had the same advice pound-
ed into you for years: "acquire your
tan slowly by exposing yourself for
about 15 minutes the first time and
gradually lengthening the period."
The advice is still good. A tan can
be acquired sensibly but it doesn't
mean baking your skin to a parched
and peeling state the first time you
are out.
There are numerous preparations
on the market which rely on different
principles for their claims as prevent-
atives. The greasy type keeps your
skin from drying out while some. lo-'
tions have active ingredients which
protect the skin from the burning
rays of the sun.
Just as important as the condition
of your skin is the necessity for keep-
ing your hair from drying to a crisp.
Softball schedule: Alpha Omi-
cron Pi, winner of the "B" tourna-
ment, challenges Gamma Phi Beta,
runnerup in the "A" tournament
at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow. If Alpha
Omicron Pi wins, they will chal-
lenge Mosher, the winner of the
"A" tournament, otherwise the fin-
al results will be Mosher, winner
and Gamma Phi Beta, runnerup.
Tennis: Club meets 4:15 p.m.
tomorrow. All entrants in wo-
men's singles and mixed doubles
tournaments must play off their
matches this week.
Banquet To Be Held
For Detroit s Mayor
Alpha Sigma Phi and its Detroit
Alumni Association will hold a ban-
quet honoring Mayor Edward Jef-
feries, a member of the fraternity, at
the Statler Hotel in Detroit. Tues-
day, June 3.
Mayor Jefferies graduated from
the University in 1917. Mr. Paul
Krause, corporation counsel for De-
troit, and Mr. Charles Oakman, secre-
tary to the mayor, are among the
Detroit alumni who will be present.
Also attending will be the following
alumni from the University faculty;.
Dean Ivan Crawford, of the engin-
eering school; Prof. Ralph W. Aigler,
*of the Law School; Dr. Frederick K.
Sparrow, Jr., of the botany depart-
ment, and Mr. James M. Plumber, of
the Far-Eastern Arts department.
. ,2.
1 1.: 1 A
= White with brown
" White with navy
" White with black
All white
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Drive away the heat
and keep COOL with
6/i 'zat x h .Aden
One bar . . . $1.00
Three bars.. $2.85
If you are looking for an extra
special bathing suit that will
make you look five pounds
younger try JACOBSON'S cot-
ton prints, lastex, sharkskin,
arid jersey anywhere from $3.00
to $7.95. One eye-catcher is a
lastex suit with a printed silk
jersey top and matching skirt.
When you are studying for ex-
ams and trying to learn .that
history course in one night, you
will just have to be cool (phy-
sically). The COLLINS SHOP
has some of the grandest
housecoats we've ever seen yet.
These housecoats come alone or
in sets with matching night-
gowns. In light materials-ba-
tiste, pique, terry cloth, or
washable silks-$2.95 up.
You really need one last fling
at playingtbefored yousettle
down to the grind of -finals.
For an all purpose play outfit
why don't you try DILLONS?
A California inspired play dress
made in colorfully printed
chintz is a three-piece outfit.
It has a useful quilted jacket,
a bra-top, and a full, dirndl
skirt. Very practical and mighty
While playing don't let the sun
make your skin rough, red, and
blistery. It's so easy to find
just your kind of sun prepara-
There are many to choose from
-Tussey's Emulsified Sun Oil
or Sun Lotion, Dorothy Gray s
Sun Oil or Sun Cream, and
Lentheric's new product, Nu-
tan. These are just 'a few of the
many kinds of sun preparations
that you can get there.
Are you in the market for com-
pacts? We found some stunning
SHOP. Some of them are made
of lucite-light, and transpar-
ent material -with cigarette
cases to match. They are very
dainty and feminine-a won-
derful gift suggestion. Other
compacts from $1.00.
What about graduation gifts
for fellows? We asked at SAF-
FEL & BUSH, and they had
lots of ideas about presents for
girls to give boys. Beautiful,
pastel cashmere sweaters - or
light weight wool imported
hose. Leather goods, saddle or
dark,' have numerous possibili-
ties. Then, there is always men's
jewelry, such as studs, tie clips,
and watch chains.
Any graduate would appreciate
an album of good music. The
a large selection of fine albums.
a ,
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Ice-cool freshness for those
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Sizes 9-17, 12-40.
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Summer toppers in white
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Two-Piece Printed
Pique Suit ... $10.95
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