1 THE MICTCTAN D AILY SUNDAY, JUNE 1.194 - I I _, _ _ _, 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY --'a. 'I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The - Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise .credited in this newspaper. All rights of repubication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post-Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second clasp mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4:.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTBD FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISlNG AY National Advertising Servce, Inc. , College Publishers Representative 420 MAD18SN AVE. NEW YORK N.Y. cHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FN ANCIS;@ Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Robert Speckhard Albert P. Blaustein David Lachenbruch Bernard Dober Alvin Dann Hal Wilson Arthur Hill Janet Hiratt Grace. Miller ., * . . a Managing Editor Editorial Director . . City Editor . . , Associate Editor . Associate Editor , Associate Editor Sports Editor , Assistant Sports Editor A . st. .Women's Editor , Assistant Women's .Editor Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright )3usiness Staff . . . Business Manager . . Assistant Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: BARBARA JENSWOLD The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. , 'One Book' ystem Hiampers Students ... N OW that finals are rolling around our library is doing a booming bisi- ess and wherever there is a booming business 4here are always plenty of complaints. At present the "one book" systet used by our library seems to be causing most of the discontent. The object of the system is to keep as few duplicate copies as possible on our libra"ry shelves so that there will be room for a greater variety of books. It is called the one book" ystem but there are sometimes two or three "copies of the same book. Anyone who has taken a tour "behind the scenes'" in our library knows that we can right- fully boast of the number of different books on the shelves. Even when you ask for a very re- mote edition chances are you will get it. Yet, the variety and quality of the books aren't appre- ciated too much. Students are clamoring for quantity. They want more editions of less books. SOlEM STUDENTS. complain that every time they ask for a certain book they get the same reply.. ,"Sorry, that's out." It is getting so bad that the librar'y slips are now being referred to ,s "rejection slips." This is especially true when a professor assigns his classes to read the same books for outside reading. It is just human na- tre for some students to put off their outside reading until the last few weeks of the semester. Then the trouble begins. The "one book" system allows only a few of them to get their assign- ,ments and term papers in before the deadline. Another fault commonly found with the sys- tem is that the more popular books are usually kept in the study halls and cannot be withdrawn except overnight or over the weekend. Conse- quently students must do their reading in piece- work or fn an all-night stand. HE "ONE BOOK" SYSTEM may be all right inr handling fiction but for textbooks and tion-fiction a more adequate system should be provided so that more students can be accommo- dted. It would probably cost plenty to revise the system, but whatever the cost, it would be worth it, - Mark Lipper Leding Li1brlry Needs Contributions . . . HERE IS wide-spread consciousness among students of the inadequacy pf scholarship funds at the University, but they have seriously neglected an agency through which they themselves may be of considerable help to needy students. The Textbook Lending Library each semester bhas to turn down large numbers of requests be- cause the necessary books are not available. Additions to the library are made possible ly tie income from an endowment fund, unclaimed articles from the Lost and Found Department and student contributions " Of these, the lagt could easily become the most important. If, now that the semester is ending, each stu- dent will look over the books which he, himself, no longer needs and contributes at least one, the project will soon reach proportions adequate to the needs of the University and unequalled by any such unit in the country. " F~. , m t cavir, o f the librzv exento Ten Long-.Years On The Daily By TOM TH UMB (Editor's Note-More of Going My Way will be found on page five today under the heading The Mite Writes-adv.) LOOKING BACK through The Daily's files, I have laughed and cried witl my predecessor- columnists, and perhaps you would like to do the same. So I'm listing some extremely quotable quotes from past Daily columnists: 1940 - Fire and Water: We wish now to thank Mr. Palmer, our oft-mentioned economics in- structor; for the apple he sent us via someone else since we were not in class. It was a good apple.. 1939 - Gulliver's Cavils, by Young Gulliver: Today's closing item concerns the enterprising freshman who hzad a date with an extremely large young lady. "Look," .he said, "if I take this girl out, do I get my Physical Ed credit?" 1938 = The Flying Trapeze, by Roy Heath: From yesterday morning's front page: JUST MISSED DIPLOMA; CIVIL WAR HERO DEAD Probably broke the old gentlman's heart. 1937 - Under the Clok, by Disraeli: Looking back' at the flivver the self-starter, W. J. Cameron himself, we still think the Ford Sunday Evening Hour is H. Ford's biggest contribution to American culture. 1935, 1936 - No student columnist (Don't let this give you any ideas, Speckhard). 1934 - tollegiate Observer, by Bud Bernard: A student at Villanova College answered one of those ads, "How to Make MVUoney Quick" and sent in'one dollar. Some time later he received a curt reply, "Do as I do, brother." 1933 - Stars and Stripes, by Karl Seiffert When baby pigs eat dirt they'are preventing anemia, reports Dr. H. C. H. Kernkamp of the University of Minnesota farm. - News Item. Surprising they'd think of it. 1932 - Toasted Rolls, by Oscar The Wonder Horse: DAILY POEM Close upon us, close upon us Comes the time of basketball, Maybe this year we'll be able to see a game without having to sit n the ,rafters; It's a finre world after all! 1931 - Toasted Rolls: Here's your chance to get a job on the Gargoyle. Simply fill out the following form and drop it in the nearest box car: Board in Control, Swamp near Dexter. Dear Board: I hereby apply for the managing editor- ship of Gargoyle for 1931-1932. I am a very funny fellow. Signed . ................. There's the last ten years in Daily columns. Do you really think your uncle, old Tom Thumb, is so bad? Well, if you don't, the following will change your mind: There was a young man from Ann Arbor Whose thoughts were too nasty to harbor; He used-to bite babies In hopes they'd get rabies After eating at old Betsy Barbour. THIS MONTH Columbia announces with legiti- mate pride the record debut of Lotte Leh- mann, Metropolitan Opera soprano, in A Brahms Recital (Set M-453, two 10-inch, two 12-inch records). Miss Lehmann is a Lieder singer with a dramatic sense and flexible voice admir- ably suited to the peculiar demands of the Lied. In this album she interprets-with piano accom- paniment by Paul Ulanowsky-a representative selection of Brahms' songs: Wie Bist Du, Meine Konigin; Wir Wandelten; Sonntag; Auf Dem Kirchoffe; Erlaube Mir; Da Unten Im Tale; Feinsliebchen, D i SolIst Mir Nicht Barfuss Ge- hen; Die Mainacht; An Die Nachtigall; 0 Lieb- liche Wangen. The recording is uniformly good. This month, too, Columbia is releasing the Andre Kostalanetz-Alec Templeton interpreta- tion of George Gershwin's Rhapsody In Blue. (Set X-196, two 12-inch records). Mr. Temple- ton is a pianist of remarkable talents, but the tremendous pace he sets for himself in the be- ginning results almost as often in shoddiness as in brillance. The Kostalanetz Orchestra provides some interesting effects that you are not likely to hear in any other recording of the Rhapsody. Technically, the recording is spotty. On the second side of the second record Mr, Kostalanetz does a typical, slightly over-dressed arrange- ment of Love Walked In from "The Goldwyn Follies." Dominie Saysj A DELCATE and satisfying exchange of good will between two peoples was recorded in our midst Friday of last week when a Tag Day among students, faculty and citizens turned one thousand dollars into Chinese relief. Great Con- fucius said: "Truth is not only the fulfillment of our own being; it is that by which things outside of us have their existence. The fulfillment of our being is the moral sense. The fulfillment of the nature of things outside ourselves is intellect. These, the moral sense and the intellect, are the powers or faculties of our being.- On their human side all religions share common ground; the Jews speaking of the Laws, the Catholics of laws of our nature, Protestants of the Christian spirit, and the Confuciusist of harmony within. In a time when this deep basic human. bond is so grievously forgotten, when cruelty seems the prevailing habit of the age, when life is cheapened by concentration camps, starvation of defenseless civilians, disfranchise- ment of whole peoples, and bombing of cities, it is noble to see student youth turn in their change as silent token of assurance to their fellows from far away China. 1OW MUCH does that one thousand dollars mean when it reaches the suffering Chinese? An incident will illustrate. One of our boys from the Far East was asked as to the cost for him to register. "Sixty American dollars," was the re- ply. "How much in Chinese money?" "Oh, about three hundred dollars." "What did your father receive for writing his encyclopedia of scientific terms in three languages?" "Three thousand dol- lars" "That would be but ten times your tuition for this one semester?" "Yes, exchange is five to one." Now if you would bring forth a Christian thesis with which to measure what our young Americans have done in the day's happening, and without trumpet or show, you would resort to such truths as are stated in the tenth chapter of St. Luke known as "The Good Samaritan," which closes as follows: "Which, then, was neighbor unto him that fell among thieves? And He said, he that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise." Our stu- dents have qualified in a fashion becoming to cultured Christians. The fact that a casual Tag Day was the occasion lends dignity and nobility to the act. ( NCE MORE we sense with pride the long his- tory of Michigan and her Oriental members. Among the more than four hundred Michigan graduates who have entered into religious calings during the century, nearly one hundred have served or are now serving i -China. Here is a bond not only of educational and religious im- port but of international good will which leads out to spiritual assurance, cultural interchange and mutual support. Few of our students were conscious of entering into this particular heritage, but as they dropped their quarters or dimes and went away with chop-sticks there was taking place a ritual of lasting merit between the youth of two great Republics. In the spiritual lives we share, through the feelings which enrich us and in the faith which passes between friends who journey on together, Chinese youth and Ameri- cdn youth at Michigan now face the future not as guest and host, baut as c;reative fellow citizens ins a world hungry for understanding. - Edward W. Blakeman, Counselor in eligious Education TO THE E DITOR Aluri Protests (Mr. S. H. Cady, Jr., a former managing editor of The Daily, has been an active opponent of the Publications Board reorganization. A copy of the following letter to Mr. Hammond, which was sent to The Daily, expresses his feelings toward the ac- tion taken by the Board of Regents.) Ilear Mr. ilanniond: I AM SORRY I cannot attend the meeting at - the University Club next Tuesday and must aisk that you accept my resignation as a member of the Board of Governors of the University of Michigan Club of Chicago, Within recent weeks there has been quite a controversy at Ann Arbor over the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications-a matter of special interest to me as an ex-editor of the Michigan Daily. The board, since long before my day, has consisted of four faculty members and three students. The University proposed to increase the faculty members to six-in my opinion, an unwarranted change. Over the vigorous protest of the present staffs of all the student publica- tions, a considerable number of the faculty itself, and a few alumni who were informed of what was going on, the change was voted by the Re- gents last week. To date, no public statement in explanation of the change has been made by Dr. Ruthven. The University simply decided that faculty con- trol of The Daily (already insured by the four to three setup) should be made overwhelming and proceeded to do it. I don't like the change and I like still less the whole manner in which it was handled. I will continue to attend the Michigan affairs in Chicago, because I thoroughly enjoy them, but as far as working for Michigan is concerned, I'm taking a vacation. I'm sure you cin fill my place on the board of governors of the Chicago club, so that my de- flection won't handicap your administration dur- ing the coming year, and I'll have the satisfac- tion of knowing that I have registered my pro- The Position on The Students Pro fessor John \Vaite of &enale Advisory Corn-mittee to Professor Presto Slosson (This is the second section of Professor Waite's reply to questions concerning tile place of The Daily and students in the unversity. Today's section reprints the material which concerns the students directly. Professor Preston Slosson: THE SENATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE on Univer- sity Affairs has considered the list of Questions which you submitted to us some time ago. You will understand that this Committee has no authority to give up specific answers to those questions. Answers to them can be found, however, in the bylaws of the Regents, the rules set up by the Board in Control of Student Publications, and similar sources. I have myself examined these sources and have drawn from them answers which the Advisory Committee believes to be accurate. I am authorized by the Committee to inform you of them, although, I repeat, they do not purport to be an attempt by the Committee itself to lay down rules or in any way to assume authority which it does not possess. I shall list your questions with what we understand to be the answers as indicated by the rules of the par- ticular bodies having authority. 8. On what terms and conditions may Uiversity rooms be used by students for meetings not spon- sored by regular organizations? The Regential bylaws provide that "The use of Uni- versity lecture rooms and auditoriums may be granted to recognized student organizations for meetings or for lectures on topics of the day . . . . Nd permission shall be granted to any student organization not rec- ognized by University authorities . . . . nor to any indi- vidual student." 9. How much more latitude should be given for off-campus meetings? How freely can they be ad- vertised? Off-campus meetings would seem to be controlled not by University rulings, but by the rules of decency and law. However, a student who fails to conduct himself in accordance with such standards may be subject to discipline for bringing discredit upon the University.' As to advertising, the bylaws forbid the pblicatioil by students of printed matter purporting to emanate from the University without specific 'permission of University authorities. 10. Are certain rooms or buildings subject to re- strictions which do not apply to others? For exam- ple, could a particular type of meeting be held in Natural Science Auditorium but not . in Hill Audi- torium? Or in the Union but not in the League? Or outdoors-on the campus but not in a classroom? THE USE of any room for meetings is subject to the general rules that there shall be "no violation of the recognized rules of hospitality nor advocacy of the subversion of the Government of the United States nor of th'e State, and,that such meetings shall be in spirit and expression worthy of the University. No addresses shall be allowed ...which advocate or ijustify conduct which violates the fundamentals of our accepted codes of morals. Speeches in support of any candidates of any particular party or faction shall not be permitted." These general limitations are not relaxed merely be- cause one particular room rather than some other room is used. The limitations are printed under the general head-. ing. "Use of University Property by Students" and presumably apply to outdoor activities upon the Uni- versity campus as well as to indoor meetings. An addi- tional section of the bylaws provides that use of Uni- versity property other than rooms and auditoriums must accord with rules prescribed by University au- thorities, and that permission for such activities must be obtained from the Secretary of the University. 11. What officials, committees, or other authori- ties must pass on the use of roo's? Are they the same for different places, or must different persons or committees be seen for some buildings and rooms? The use of rooms for public lectures and addresses is under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Univer- sity Lectures. Use for other purposes is under the jurisdiction of the Dean of Students "After an appli- cation has been approved by the Dean of Students or the Committee . . . , the representative of the organ- ization shall apply at the office of the Vice-President and Secretary for an assignment of a room or audi- toriumri." 12. Under what conditions must rooms be "rented" or janitor hire paid? Under what conditions may they be used free of any charge? How do hours (evenings, especially) enter into the question? As indicated in the preceding answer, permission for use must be specifically obtained. Information as to charges must be obained from the Office of the Secretary. 13. Who must approve the names, reputation, and topics of outside speakers, in each and every cate- gory? Under what conditions may this approval be revoked? The bylaws provide "The Coxmmittee on University Lectures is given jurisdiction over all public lectures and addresses held in University buzildinags. . .The Committee may make its own rules of procedure for receiving and passing upon applications." As to its policy, the Committee says: "The Committee has conscientiously endeavored to exclude from considera- tion the personal views of its members toward the subject of the lecture and the beliefs of the proposed speaker. The fact that 'during the past several years only one regularly filled petition has been rejected indicates a certain liberality of mind. The petition As Others See It.... that was rejected requested permission to present a well-known fan fancer to speak on 'salesmanship.' The Committee's primary consideration is 'that such - meetings shall be in spirit and expression worthy of the University.' The Committee is not a disciplinary body. It has sought to guide and advise student or- ganizations, rather than to exercise authority." [HE FACT that authorization has been given would not prevent its revocation upon discovery that be- cause of alteration in plans or through mistake as to circumstances the proceeding contemplated is not in- fact permissible under the limitations set up in the bylaws. Before an organization can properly apply to the Committee on Lectures, it must secure a certificate from the Dean of Men to the effect that it is a recog- nized student organization. 14. Under what conditions and limitations may funds be collected on the campus? For religious purposes? For charitable purposes? For University functions and entertainments? For political propa- ganda? Under what conditions may admission to a meeting be charged? What difference does it make whether the outside speaker is paid a fee, paid "expenses" or paid nothing at all? Can a meeting'- held in a public University room (not, of course, a specific club room) be closed to outsiders? What precautions are, or should be, taken to ensure that an entrance charge or a voluntary collection is hqn- estly administered? The bylaws forbid "the taking of collections or soli- citation of pledges at public meetings in University auditoriums and lecture rooms." The Committee on Lectures will usually approve an admission charge sufficient to cover the expenses of the meeting, which may include a fee to the speaker. When a proposed meeting involves either receipt or expenditure of funds, the Committee requires that a conference be had with the Dean of Students concern- ing proper handling of the funds. Solicitation of funds upon the campus would seem to be within the rule that -"The use of University property by students or student organizations shall be in accordance with rules prescribed from time to time by the Vice-Presi- dent and Secretary of the University." Hence, appli-- cation for permission should be made at the Secre- tary's office. As to closed meetings in University rooms, the by- laws read, "If the Dean of Students finds that the intended use involves a public lecture or address, he shall refer the application to the Committee on Uni- versity Lectures; if he finds that other use is intended, he shall determine whether or not such use is con- sistent with the policies hereinbefore expressed . ." 15. What penalties are appropriate, and which excessive, for organizations violating these rules () in ignorance, (b) in deliberate defiance? No specific rule can be laid down in advance as to what is or is not a suitable penalty; the matter musts be left to the judgment of the proper disciplinary authorities. 16. What regulations are there for the disfribu- tion of circulars, pamphlets, petitions, and leaflets of propagandist character (a) on the campus, (b) by students, but off the campus? If little results, should the responsibility fall on those passing out the papers or on those accepting them but throwing them on the sidewalks later? Permission from the Secretary of the University is required where activity upon the campus is concerned, Off the campus such activity is regulated by state law and city ordinance, though a student is subject also to discipline for any act, whether on campus or off, which "makes it apparent that he is not a desirable ' member of the University." No specific rule can be laid down in advance as to precisely what will or will not constitute such conduct; a proper conclusion must be predicated upon the particular circumstances. If litter restlts, the responsibility is upon those pri- marily responsible for it, though if permission to dis- tribute were granted by the University authorities, those acting under that permission should be exempted from such responsibility to the University. 17. What sorts and kinds of outdoor public meet- ings and demonstrations 'ar (a) -all right without formal permission (b) all right if permission be ob- tained, but not otherwise, (c) a nuisance under any circumstances? To what extent are banners, plac- ards, and other displays acceptable? This has been answered in the answers already given to the more specific questions. 18. How far may students visiting other cities (such as Detroit) participate in labor strikes or demonstrations, in political rallies and processions of various types, etc.? How far may students par- ticipate in labor or political movements in Ann Arbor? See the answer to Question 16. 19. Should a "strike" (i.e., a concerted abstention from classes) be penalized over and above the usual ' "cuts",for the. individual absentees? If so, to what extent and in what manner? r1HE BYLAWS PROVIDE, "Concerted absence from any appointed duty by a class or by any number of students together will be regarded as improper con- duct and those participating in such action shall be liable to disciplinary action by the proper University authorities." - John B. Waite The Senate Advisory Committee answer questions of Professor Slssomi conrerning the position of the students within the Umiversity. ** 1 * FOR THE RECORD: In May Columbia an-. nounced the addition to its list of artists of Sal- vatore "Baloney" Baccaloni, basso-buffo of the Met-and a welcome addition it is, too-with an infectiously good-humored rendition of two arias from Mozart's Don Giovanni: Ah! Ple ai Signori Miei and Madamina. This month Colum- bia has another addition--- Bruna Castagna, Met contralto-and it, too, is a happy occasion. For Mri d-taanI, is sein'ein in fine voie twn of her DAILY OFFICIAL BULETIN SUNDAY, JUNE 1941 VOL. L.No. 174 PublIcation in the Daily Official Bulletin is constiuctive notice to all members of the University. ti Ferry Field, Saturday afternoon, June 21. The gates open at 5:00 p.m.Au- dience should be seated by 5:45 p.m., when procession enters the field. 'The public address system will be interfered with by outside sounds, and the audience is therefore requested to avoid conversation and moving about. Automobile owners are asked kindly to keep their machines away from the vicinity of Ferry Field dur- ing the exercises. are also available at the Business Office, Room 1, University Hall, and will be issued 2 to each graduate. The Ferry Field ticket will not admit to Yost Field House. If it becomes -necessary to transfer the exercises from Ferry Fielf, out- doors, to the Field House, indoors, after the exercises have started, per- sons will be admitted to the Field House without tickets until the seat- ing capacity is exhausted.