#6 :ItTE 1ICIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY - Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All tights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRtEENttD FUR NATIONAL ADVERTIJING 6Y National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . Los ANGELES . SAN FRANCIsco Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler . . Milton Orshefsky Hroward A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman. . . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . Associate Editor S . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor * . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor S . . .Women's Editor . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause Vi). NIGHT EDITOR: ALVIN DANN The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Poverty Lowers Draftees' Health,. . JOHN B. KELLY, a former Olympic star appointed by President Roose- velt to direct the nation's physical fitness pro- gram, recently said that mechanization of the U.S. Army was useless if "our~ men aren't strong enough to man" the tanks and mobile units. "It is deplorable," he continued, "that 35 per cent of the draftees were found unfit physically." Health requirements under the draft are not so exacting as to demand supermen, but are rather the minima for sound, healthy soldiers. We therefore agree with Mr. Kelly that the con- dition of the draftees is deplorable. Regarding the causes and remedies of the situation, how- ever, Mr. Kelly seems bent upon a viewpoint with implications which we are forced to ques- tion. "IT MUST MEAN," advises Mr. Kelly, "a com- plete change in our present physical educa- tion program and its. part in our structure of education. We must give less time to the devel- opment of the mind and more time to the devel- opnment of the body." This statement compels an examination of Mr. Kelly's perspective and his acquaintance -with facts evident not only to experts but to a great portion of the people. The lack of physical strength which Mr. Kelly finds among the drafted men is indeed a short- coming which should be corrected. There should be pointed out to Mr. Kelly, however, a fact that he, as an athlete must know: weakness due simply to being out of condition or to inactivity can, with proper training, be erased within a reasonable length of time, probably within the mandatory one-year period. We fail to see any logical reason here for any cuts in education. BUT what of the men declared unfit, men emaciated by poverty and slums, filth and malnutrition? Bruce Catton, a Washington col- umnist, wrote of the present draft, "Farm Se- curity Administration officials suspect a great many of the defeats which are showing up . . . are due to poverty-to malnutrition, and to the fact that many Americans are growing up with- out getting any medical care whatever. Health surveys made in two "sample" Southern coun- ties in cooperation with state health boards, FSA officials say. showed 575 low-income ber- sons studied had a net total of 1373 serious phys ical ailments, irieluding things like infected ton- sils, seriously defective vision and bad teeth which could have been corrected if medical care had been available." SURELY Mr Kelly must recognize that to reach the root of these ailments, an effort more basic and fundamental than bodily devel- opment is demanded. Men weakened by long malnutrition, unhealthy surroundings and dis- eases which were never attended to cannot be rejuvenatesl by exercises or a year's training. It is folly to expect that we can have or create a healfhy amy or a healthy nation until we real- ize the futility of patch-up devices devised to aid this ''one-third of our nation." These people mnust enter into a way of life that would at least enable them to live decently, to receive good food in quantity and to receive adequate medical care. It does not follow that the distress should be alleviated at the expense of education. I'he che Drew Pear ad kobeet S.A11es W'ASHINGTON-Even among Britain's best friends there is some grumbling over the' hard bargaining over land for the erection of U.S. air fields and naval bases in the West Indies. U.S. naval officers point out that whereas our 50 destroyers'were completely equipped-includ- ing paper towels, canned goods, typewriters, cigarettes laid out in officers' mess rooms-all the United States got was the right to bargain with local West Indian governments and British real estate agents. Instead of being given British crown lands, the United States has had to buy land from pri- vate owners for its new network of island bases. Thus the 125 acres purchased in Bermuda -will cost $1,500,000-or $12,000 per acre. In com- parison, residential property five miles from the District of Columbia costs only $1,200 an acre. Even aside from the high prices charged, the mere acquisition of land for U.S. bases has been difficult, particularly in Bermuda and Trinidad, where an appeal finally was made direct to London. Sports vs. Defense IN TRINIDAD, U.S. Army and Navy officials picked an area of eleven sjuare miles on the Northwest Peninsula as a naval base, and 18 square miles in the center of the island for an air base. But the local government of Trinidad objected, saying the use of this property would "disturb the normal life of the community," by interfering with certain holiday and sports ac- tivities. Replying, the State Depeartment hinted that protection of the Western Hemisphere was mor important than the playing fields of Trinidad. The dispute dragged on so long that the Gov- ernor of Trinidad visited the United States, where he was finally convinced that the Army and Navy had to have this property, would not: take certain swamp areas offered by the Trin- idad Government. In the end he yielded, but at a cost of $3,000,000. This is what the United States will pay for about 29 square miles of Trinidad. soil. Note-On this will be built an army base cost- ing $51,000,000. Newfoundland NEGOTIATIONS with Bermuda were difficult because the island is small and property values high. Here the United States is building a land plane base, sea plane base, naval base, a garrison area, storage areas for explosives on Small islands, and certain improvements to Castle Harbor. Newfoundland also roused the ire of U.S. naval negotiators by upping prices, forgetting that ten years ago its treasury was empty and4 had to be taken over by the British Government.' Here the War Department will spend $23,000,000 on buildings and equipment, while the Navy will spend $9,425,000 on a naval air station. At one time during the Navy's negotiations over islind bases, Admiral Stark got so exas- perated that he said in effect "Do you want our munitions or don't you? If so, cut out the haggling." Most island questions are now thrashed out, but Army-Navy officers have given interesting ammunition to the congressional committee about to investigate the West Indian deals. 1942 Auto Models?? _T'S SUPPOSED TO BE A TRADE SECRET,I but according to OPM Director William S. Knudsen, the motoring public won't be greatly inconvenienced by national defense priorities. A newsman was quizzing the former General Motors president about the effect of defensej contracts on the output of pleasure cars in future years. "Will auto manufacturers have to repeat 1941 models in 1942?" asked the newsman. "Maybe," grinned Knudsen. "Just between us, they've done it before, but nobody knew the difference." Kin -Maker TO SECRET to insiders is the fact that the "Supreme Court Justice" referred to by Sen- itor Wheeler as running the War Department and the Londoi embassy was Felix Frankfurter. More of a secret is the fact that Henry L. Stimson was appointed Secretary of War at the urging of Justice Frankfurter. A life-long friend, Stimson has taken Frankfurter's advice on many appointments, including that of Judge Robert Patterson, Assistant Secretary of War. Frankfurter also tipped the balance in favor of John Winant as American Ambassador to London, sometimes dubbed by diplomats "Frank- furter's ambassador to Ernest Bevin." Winant got acquainted with British labor leaders while serving as head of the Interna- tional Labor Office in Geneva, and Ernest Bevin. one-time dock-worker, is considered the future hope of the British Labor Party. So in the back of New Deal minds is the theory that- -the next government it England will be Labor and Bevin will head it. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR No 'Little Man's' War _ In the current controversy in your pages over the war, no one has pointed out that the com- mon man has precious little stake in it. This abstraction, the "common man," is you, Sir, and me, and Mascott and H. V. S. Ogden. N THE MIDDLE AGES, the serfs who owed allegiance to a particular lord were said to be under his protection. History teachers point out this early example of symbiosis, in which the serfs worked for the lord, gave him the fruit of their tillage, and he in turn protected them from their enemies. If you don't examine this closely it looks like a fair exchange--at least an exchange. Actually, rather than symbiosis, it's an example of parasitisim as well as one of the earliest exam- ples of "protection" in the derogatory modern sense. The lord is the gangster. He sells "pro- tection" to the serfs. And from whom does he protect them? Why, from other gangsters. When the lord is threatened, and the serfs by implica- jion, since it is assumed they will fight for him, presumably no one thinks in the turmoil and hysteria of the simple syllogism; no lords, no problem. The serfs have come to identify them- selves emotionally with the lord in the face of threat from the outside. This is the age-long stupidity of the common people. They have never seen themselves as sub-statistical factors in a great man's ambition. I submit that we are all, intellectually for the moment, in the position of the serf in the Mid- dle Ages, who was protected against the maraud- ing bands of strange lords, and shamefully mis- treated by his own lord and master. This is not to be cryptic. We little men live by the tolerance of the few who own and operate the country. They toil not, neither do they spin-and they damn well don't fight, either. In the case of war, the little man is put to the defense of the "country," which abstraction is physically con- stituted of these lilies. The serfs fight for the lords, against the serfs of other lords. WHEN H. V. S. OGDEN wants us to aid Brit- ain, he is reasonably enough preferring a familiar evil, as he sees it, but he is confusing himself and the English people with the ruling class in this country and England. Whoever speaks of the heroism of the English people under fire as evidence of the fact that they are a Good Thing, and should be preserved, neglects this distinction. Of course the English serf is a good grade of serf; best damn serf that was ever run through a Spinning Jenny or drowned in a coal mine. But the assumption that a new master would treat him any worse is probably false. Anticipating a criticism-I am not a com- munist. I probably don't take any greater beat- ing under capitalism than I would inder any other system. My ethical position obliges me to "utterly deny all outward wars, and strife, and fightings, and outward weapons"; but if it did not, I should not engage in a war to preserve one ruling class against another. The serf has to toil whatever the system-why should he get his head knocked off over a question of baronial policy? DON'T SUPPOSE, really, that it's any use to preach non-violence, to point out that force begets force in a geometric progression; nor to point out the bitter, bitter truth that you and I have no quarrel with another lord's serfs, and that lords and generals die in bed, probably of a surfeit. I just wanted to read this to you Thessalonians. - El Sereno Who Started The War? The Young Communist League blames a "mor- ibund capitalist imperialist system" for plung- ing the world into war. Lest they have forgott.en may I remind them that it was Communist Russia's partnership pact with Socialist Germany that set the world afire and aligned labor against labor. And was not "labor loving" Russia's conquest of Finland, Latvia, Estonia, and portions of Poland and Rumania imperialism? Oh! but I forgot, the Communists call this the great liber- ation of the people. Labor is rational and because it is it will de- nounce the ruthless intolerance of a monolithic creed toward all individual independence of atti- tude and thinking whether it comes from the Communists or the Fascists. - Fred Niketh ity gives place to none, no not even to the Boston group's) through the symphony's melodic neuroticism with-' out . succumbing in a single instance, Ito the theatrical tendency of less ob- jective and more emotional interpret- ers. Technically, the recording achievement is just as great. In all the rapid shadings of tone and tempi there is no trace of instrumental or ensemble fuzziness. At the end, how- ever,_there is a dissatisfaction: the Berlin Philharmonic has apparently recorded only one other symphony under Mr. Furtwangler's direction. Some critics have unequivocally l hailed Koussevitsky'sand the Boston Symphony's Brahm's Fourth as the best recording to date of the sym- phony, and are on fairly firm ground' simply because Koussevitsky and the Boston did it. But from those of us who have been brought up on the Weingartner and the London Philhar- monic interpretation, there may be some slight protest. It may be true that Koussevitsky has caught more of the meditative lyricism of the ro- mantic second movement (most ob- viously by making use of a more flexible tempo), but it seems just as true to this observer that there are some annoyingly obtrusive spots in the new recording, particularly the strained, uneven horn that opens the second movement. Technically, there is not much to choose, but per- haps a slight edge in clarity and sharpness may go to the newer album. In a word, the debate is as close to a non-decision affair as faulty ob- jectivity can realize, which is to say here, that the newest recording of' Brahm's Fourth may, without any misgivings, be added to a classical 1record shelf. Civilian Pilot Training: The quota for the Spring Phase of CPT has not yet been filled. Any students, ex- cept freshmen, who are interested should obtain further information{ immediately at the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, B-47 Eastj Engineering Building. Identification Cards: New students may call for their identification cards in Room 2, University Hall. Academic Notices Bacteriology seminar, Monday, March 3, at 8:00 p.m., Room 1564 East Medical Building. The subject, will be "Herpes a d Related Viruses." All interested ar invited. Math. 316, Algebra Seminar, will meet today at 3:15 p.m. in 3201 A.H. Mr. Vinogragle will speak "On Ma- trix Sets with Coefficients in a Divi- sion Ring." E.M. 3a, Dynamics Laboratory, will be given today, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in Room 314 Engineering Annex. One hour credit. Biological Chemistry 111: Labora- tory refunds may be obtained this week at the storeroom window at the following hours: Today 4 to 5; Satur- day morning, 11 to 12. Preliminary examinations in French and German fdr the doctorate will be held today, at 4:00 p.m. in the Second Floor Study Hall of the Rack- ham Building. Dictionaries optional. The next preliminary examination will be given early in the Summer Session. erance in this corner: there will be (Continued from Page 2) little indifference, only minor quali- 1 fications, and no outright rejection. academic session of 1940-41 will be For Victor this month has released held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Mon- two symphonic recordings so fine in day, March 3, at 4:10 p.m. Edward H. Kraus themselves that they tend to shed AGENDA a protective glow over the lesser of- 1. Consideration of the minutes of ferings: Tschaikowsky's Symphony the meeting of February 3rd, 1941 yeo. 6 in B minor ("Pathetique") (pp. 710-713), which were distributed rplayed by the Berlin Philharmonic by campus mail. Orchestra under the direction of Wil-2. Retirement of Professors H. M. helm Furtwangler (M or AM-553- Randall and N. H. Williams. six 12-inch records) and Brahm' S3. Introduction of new members of Symphony No. 4 in E minor inter- senate rank. preted by Dr. Serge Koussevitsky and 4. Consideration of the reports: a. the Boston Symphony Orchestra (M, Executive Committee, prepared by AM,*or DM-730-nine 12-inch sides). Professor V. W. Crane. b. University It seems strange that we have had Council, prepared by Professor W. R. to wait so long for what this observer Humphreys, c. Executive Board df is convinced is the best all-around the Graduate School, prepared by recording to date of Tschaikowsky's Associate Professor W. L. Ayre . d. "farewell to the world"-especially Deans' Conference, prepared by iean since it was made in London before E. H. Kraus. the present war. Victor excuses her- 5. Special Order: Evaluation of self somewhat, after admitting that Faculty Services (continuation of dis- it is "a remarkable projection-and cussion). it is so beautifully recorded" by not- 6. New business. ing that her catalogue "already lists 7. Announcements. two fine recordings, both of which many listeners consider the right ap- Students who receive offers from proach to the work." That may well other universities of fellowships or be, but for this listener the Furt- assistantships that require immediate wangler recording, sensitive yet acceptance should see me in the straightforward anti completely hon- Graduate School before replying. This est, is outstanding in its brilliance. notice applies particularly to the Uni- Mr. Furtwangler leads a remarkably versity of California, the University, fine orchestra (whose string section, of Wisconsin, and Brown University. incidentally, in response and flexibil- C. S. Yoakum LECORDSI This is a day of uncritical exub- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN he following lectures under the au- pices of the Political Science De- artment at 4:15 p.m. on the days Lamed. Today: "The Consolidation of apan." Rackham Lecture Hall. March 5: "Far Eastern Reactions o Western Penetration." Rackham umphitheatre. Attention is called to the changes nade in the schedule for Mr. Neville's ectures as originally announced. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Colonel W. H. )raper, of the Selective Service Head- uarters, U.S.A., will lecture on the ubject, "The Selective Service Act nd the College Student" under the uspices of the University Commit- ee on Defense Issues on Thursday, /larch 6, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack- Lam Lecture Hall. The public is ordially invited. Biological Chemistry Lecture: Dr. L. Irvin of Wayne University will cture on "Bile and Bile Acids" in he East Lecture Room of the Rack- Lam Building at 11:00 a.m., Satur- tay, March 1. All interested are in- ited. Events Today J.G.P. Publicity Committee will reet today at 4:30 p.m. in the League. oom notice will be posted on the ulletin board. Those not able to ttend should call Betty Bailie, 2-4314. J.G.P. Programs Committee will eet today in the League at 4:45 .m. Room notice will be posted on he bulletin board. Those not able o attend should call Virginia Drury, 562. Harris Hall: Tea will be served this ,fternoon from 4:00 to 5:30. Episco- alian students and their friends are ivited. Westminster Student Guild tonight, :30 to 8:30 p.m. The class for Uni- rsity students, leq by Dr. Lemon, n "The Oldest Life of Jesus" will eet in the Lewis-Vance Parlors each 'riday evening during Lent. Westminster Student Guild: The oung people of the Baptist Church nd the members of the Westminster ruild are sponsoring a joint party n the social hall of the Presbyterian hurch tonight, 8:30-12:00. Wesley Foundation: The Bible lass will meet at 7:30 tonight in oom 214 with Dr. Brashares. This open to all Methodist students nd their friends. Wesley Foundation: Party tonight~ t 9:00. There will be a "caller" and iusician from the Ford group to irect the group in folk and square ancing. At 11:00 p.m. there will be Box Social. All Methodist stu- tents and their friends are invited to ake reservations by calling 6881 efore Friday noon. Conservative Services will be held t the Hillel Foundation tonight at :30. They will be followed at 8:15 y the regular Fireside Discussion ntitled "This Changing World- 'echniques of Living," which will be ed by Prof. James K. Pollock. The >ublic is invited. The Hillel Institute of Jewish Stu- lies: The class entitled, "The Jew in he Modern Scene," will meet at the iillel Foundation this afternoon at The Membership Mixer for the sec- nd semester, sponsored by the Hillel Foundation, will be held at the Union Ballroom this afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30. Admission is free to Hillel members, who must present their af- filiate membership cards at the door. Admission fee for non-members. Memberships will also be sold at the door. "Trelawney of the Wells," Arthur Wing Pinero's famous comedy of theatre life in the last century, will be performed again tonight And Sat- urday night in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by Play Production of the Department of Speech. Reservations may be made by phoning 6300. oCnQIg Events German Table for Faculty _lMem- bets will meet Monday at 12: ;O p.m. in the Founders' Room, Michigan Union. Members of all departments interested in German conversation are cordially invited. There Will be a brief talk on "Die Tell-Sage in der modernen Kritik" by Mr, Benjamin Wheeler. Alpha Nu will meet on Tuesday, March 4. Dr. Hance will speak and there will be an introduction of new pledges. The Women's Research Club will meet on Monday, March 3, at 7:30 p.m. in the West Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. Dr. Lila Miller will speak on "Stud- ies on the pancreatic function," and FOR THE RECORD: Artie Shaw German Make-up Examinations was really serious when he contended will be held on Saturday, March 8, once that "swing" can have as much from 9-12 a.m. in room 301 U.H. "purring" and "sublety" as "blasting" and "obviousness." The result this Political Science 52 make-up ex- week has been a Victor release of amination (Mr. Heneman's sections) his new shave orchestral version of will be held Thursday, March 6, at "Dancing in the Dark." It is a fine 1:30 p.m., in room 2031 Angell Hall. job by Shaw's 23-piece organization, and coupled with an intimate Gra- Political Science 85 make-up ex- mercy Five interpretation of Smoke l amination will be held Thursday, Gets In Your Eyes on the other side, March 6, at 1:30 p.m. in room 2031 offers an appealing example of Angell Hall. Shaw's versatility. The reverse side- is particularly distinguished by imag- Political Science 107: The make-up inative harpsichord and guitar solos. examination will be held Tuesday, . Sammy Kaye, after discarding the' March 4, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 1018 original arrangement of his own'com- Angell Hall. position, Until Tomorrow, presents Economics 51 and 52: Make-up fin- one which he regards as satisfactory., al examinations will be given Thurs- It is a slow dreamy number featuring day, March 6, 3:00-6:00 p.m. in room the Kadets trio. Other side is , rol- 207 Economics Bldg. licking "Sidewalk Serenade".. . Duke Ellington has a son, Mercer, who com- Economics 101: Make-up final ex- poses popular ballads. Their first job amination will be given Tuesday, together is a good, different little March 4, from 3:00-6:00 p.m., in room number with a wonderful introduc- 205 Economics Bldg. tory sax solo, The Girl in My DIreams Tries To Ilok Like You. The reverse istory Make-U7aExaminations: is a haunting, tropicalF reverie, F- The make-Hi examinatiols iii all his- mingo, with vocal by Herb Jeffries, xi tory courses will be given 3:00-6:00 ringer for Bing Crosby among the pm ,Friday. March 7, in 11o C, lower notes. - V1. t) Havens Hall. Students taking sa make-- __w___s - M. Oup examination must present written - -~~ ~~permission from the instructor in JIL> Pad , THAT BIG, UNHANDSOME FELLOW with the glassy eyes and his arm in a sling was none other than Forest Evashevski. Meek as a kitten, Evy was making his miserable way around Ann Arbor sneaking out of the health service against doctor's orders. Only a few hours before he had been operated on tb remove a fragment of bone which was dislodged from his shoulder during the football wars. Kindly Draft is the naine of a young man registered for Selective Service training in Axis LIanguage Tokyo resents the arrival of Aus-' tralian reinforcements at Singaporer as a belligerent move, and even an act of aggression. This is perfectly in line with the new Axis language which will become compulsory for everybody under the iew Axis world '. order. In that new language people who go about their business in their own country will be aggressors and people who invade foreign countries will be peace defendei. British troops landing in a British port will con- stitute a belligerent action, but Nazi bombs falling on Rotterdan will be law and order enforcement. Norweg- ians who insist on speaking Norweg- ian will bc war spreaders, but Herr charge of the course. Mathematics 350 (b), Short Course: This short course on "The Plateau, Problem" to 'be given by Professor Beckenbach will have its first meet- ing on-Monday, March 3, at 3:00 p.m.a in 3201 A.H. The course will meet' for five weeks, three hours a week. Exhibitions' Exhibit of Maya paintings in Yuca- tan. and Guatemala by Joseph Lin- don Smith., This is sponsored by the Americ'an Federation of Arts, Wash- ington, DlC. Third floor, exhibit hall,' Rackham Building, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. through today. An exhibition of Currier and, Ives