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May 30, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-30

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Cloudy and cooler.

Sic A


Axis Is Sneaking
In The Back Door ...l

- Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
VOI,. LI. No. 173 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1941 Z-323


Axis Pincer


Advances In Crete;
Steel Use Limited)

Japanese Given Chance
To 'Escape' From Pact
1111! Describes RelationsAs 'U..iciha ged'
A fter Roosevelt's Fireside Chat

Baseball Squad Clinches
Share Of Big Ten Crown;
Netters Lead First Round

Facilities For Evacuation
Are Held By Germans;
British Face Surrender
'Gasless Sundays'
SuggestedBy Ickes
(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, Friday, May 30.-The end
of the Battle of Crete is believed to
be only a matter of days now with the
Germans* advancing from the west
and Italians attacking from the east,
informed quarteys said today.
With the capture of the island's
capital, Canea, and the seaport of
pandia, another one of Germany's
;amous pincer movements is develop-
ing, military circles indicated.
Combined Forces
The combined British and Greek
forces in the territory between the two
towns will be squeezed gradually, leav-
ing but one alternative - surrender
- and all facilities for evacuation are
in German hands, these circles ex-
The British Navy is no longer Jn
pqition to participate in the fighting
in C'rete, the Germans claimed, refer,
ring to the landing of Italian troops
on the eastern part of the island from
s\ps without the slightest interfer-
ence from the Royal Navy despite
British assertions that the arrival of
rein orcements by sea was impossible.
That bigger and more far-reach-
rng military operations will follow
once Creteis in German hands was
hinted at by the military spokesman.
No Pause In Fight
There will be no pause in the fight
after Crete is taken, he said. The war
against England will be continued re-
lentlessly with the aim of reaching
"important decisions," he asserted.
The statement generally was inter-
rupted as meaning Germany planned
to make Crete a Luftwaffe base for
an attack on the British lifelines at
the Suez Canal and Alexandria.
Government Restricts
Ulse Of steel
(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, May 29.-(')-The
government acted today to restrict
use of steel for non-essential civilian
purposes, and there was talk in high
places of limiting household consump-
tion of electricity, banning night
baseball with its huge electric lights
and forbidding automobile pleasure
riding on Sundays.
These conservation measures, all
directly affecting the man in the
street, came under discussion as the
government pushed the national de-
fense drive, and as the British-aid
program entered a new field with an-
nouncement of plans for training
8,000 RAF pilots in the United States.
Steel Production
There is every prospect, it was ex-
pairned, that steel production will not
be sufficient to meet both defense
demands and normal civilian uses.
Likewise, a power shortage is in pros-
pect by the end of the year.
With oil, the problem is trans-
portation rather than lack of sup-
.plies. Ordinarily, much of the gaso-
line for the populous Atlantic sea-
board is brought from the oil fields by
tankers. So many of these vessels have
been pressed into other uses - prin-
cipally maintaining British supply
lines - that it is a question whether
deliveries of all the fuel desired can
be maintained.
Preference Ordered
the Office of Production Manage-
ment formally ordered a system of
prerence ratings in meeting orders
of steel consumers. While nothing
has yet been done about conserving
electricity and gasoline, Secretary
Ickes suggested at a press conference
that a voluntary reduction of the
use of electric current and a revival of
the "gasless Sundays" of World War

days might be necessary.
Congress Appoints
Tang To Committee
First Chinese student to hold an
office on campus, S. Che Tang, '42E,
has been appointed to the social com-
mittee of Congress. independent men's

Ex-City Editor
Paul Chandler

Quiet simplicity will mark the nup-
tials of Paul M. Chandler, '41, and
Miss Dorothy Francis Folkner at the
First Methodist Church in Trenton,
Mis Folkner, dressed in an informal
green frock, will be given in marriage
by her father, Thomas. F. Folkner.
The Rev. Marshall Hoyt, who chris-
tened Miss Folkner, will officiate.
Mis4 Jane Corlett of Chicago is
to be bridesmaid and Stan M. Swin-
ton, '40, will serve as best man.
Members of the wedding party will
include Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Chand-
ler of Sault Ste. Marie; Mr. and
Mrs. Folkner, also of the Soo, and
Miss Ruth Chandler. A wedding din-
ner will be served at the Dearborn
Inn following the ceremony.
Miss Folkner is a graduate of Sault
Ste. Marie High School and Oberlin
University, where she was prominent
in women's activities. Mr. Chandler
has held a number of important posi-
tions. He was successively night edi-
tor and city editor of The Michigan
Daily and is a member of Sphinx,
junior men's honor society, and Mich-
igamua, senior all-campus honorary
fraternity. For the past two years
he has been a member of the Ann
Arbor bureau of the Detroit News.
The couple will be at home to
friends at 711 Church St. following
a brief boat trip to Niagara Falls,
N.Y. After June 15, they will reside
at 90 Seward Ave. in Detroit.
Schmeling Alive, Says
Beril, But In hospital
BERLIN, Friday, May 30.-(A--
Germany announced officially today
that Max Schmeling, former world
heavyweight boxing champion, is alive
but confined to a hospital with a
tropical disease picked up while fight-
ing as a Nazi parachute trooper in

WASHINGTON, May 29.-(7)--The
United States Government's relations
with Japan here were described as
unchanged by Secretary of State Hull
today, but it appearedthat efforts
were being made to give Tokyo an
avenue of "e cape" from Axis com-
Whether the Japanese government
would take advantage of this open-
ing in the event of war between the
United States and Germany was less
Secretary Hull's comment at his
press conference apparently was in-
tended to counteract assertions by
responsible legislators concerning the
reasons for the omission of any men-
tion of Japan from President Roose-
velt's "fireside chat" Tuesday night.
They attributed this to a growing
belief in Administration quarters that
Japan's ties with the Axis were weak-
ening; that business interests were
growing more influential in Tokyo
and might eventually gain the as-
cendency over more militaristic ele-
Secretary Hull said only that Amer-
ican policies and relations with Ja-
pan had not changed. This was be-
lieved to rule out any possibility that
the United Stats would be willing
to make economic or other conces-
sions to Japan
On the chance, however, that Ja-
'Babel' Banquet
T o Take .Place
In West Quad
Language Tables Meeting
Will Feature Addresses
By Nordrneyer, Keniston
A "Tower of Babel" banquet at
6:15 p.m. Wednesday will write a
fitting finish tontheyear's activities
for the language tables of the West
Distinctive decorations for the three
tables have been planned. Gourds will
adorn the Spanish table, the French
table will be decorated with imported
wine bottles, and the German table
with beer steins.
The banquet will honor the volun-
tary counsellors of the language
groups and special entertainment has
been planned., Bertram Smith, Grad.,
as toastmaster, will introduce the
speakers, Prof. Hayward Keniston,
chairman of the Romance Languages
department, and erof. Henry W
Nordmeyer, chairman of the German
Other guests invited are Dean of
Students Joseph Bursley, Dean of
Women Alice Lloyd, :Director of Resi-
dence Halls Karl Litzenberg, Prof.
Rene Talamon, Prof. Charles Koella
and Mr. Clifford Prator of the French
department, Prof. Philip Diamond
and Mr. Otto Graf of the German
department, and Prof. Julio del Toro
and Prof. Jose Albaladejo of the
Spanish department.
Committee chairmen for the event
are: William Pritula, '44E, spealers;
Jack Vaughn, '43, entertainment;
Bruce Fqrbes, '42, decorations; Wil-
liam MacLeod, '43, publicity; Bernard
Krohn, '43, reservations; and Richard
Harmel, '41, reception.

pan herself may want a way out of
the pact, President Roosevelt was
believed in diplomatic quarters to
have phrased his speech carefully to
provide such an escape.
Yosuke Matsuoka, Japanese foreign
minister, reaffirmed Japan's loyalty
to the three-power pact in a speech
today, but he said also that Germany
and Italy had accepted the original
Japanese text of the accord without
modification - a possible hint that
Japan had left a "loophole."
Under this pact, the three nations
undertook "to assist one another with
all political, economic and military
means when one of the three con-
tracting parties is attacked by a pow-
er at present not involved in the Euro-
pean war or in the Sino-Japanese
Prof. James
Named Head
Of Committee
Faculty Member Appointed
Chairman Of Five Man
Solicitations Committee
Prof. Laylin K. James of the Law
School was appointed chairman of
an advisory committee on solicitations
recently, at a meeting of the com-
Other officers are Joseph W. Hoop-
er, attorney, vice-chairman, and
Louis G. Christman, secretary of the
Chamer of Commerce as secretary of
the committee.
This five man executive committee
was created for current business to
work out general, proper standards
of approvals and forms of application
for solicitations. The committee may
or may not publicize their decisions.
The new board was formed in an
attempt to extend better control over
all charity and emergency solicita-
tions, for cash advertising, merchan-
dising or other methods which may
be used,
Mayor Leigh J. Young agreed to
cooperate with the committee by not
issuing permits to , organizations
which are not approved, but added
that he will not necessarily be bound
by the committee's decision, since re-
sponsibility for solicitation permits
ultimately rests with him.
By means of this advisory board,
it is hoped that unworthy solici-
tation campaigns will be eliminated
from the city. No permits will be
issued, it was pointed out, until the
organization submits statements re-
garding their financial setup and pur-
poses for which the money collected
will be used,
Dramatic Hit
') Close Run
Matteson, Ames, Sherman
Star In_'Skylark'
"Skylark," which is appearing this
week at the Lydia Mendelssohn The--
atre, will bring its week's run to a
close with evening performances to-
day and tomorrow and a matinee
at 3:15 p.m. tomorrow.
The leading roles of Lydia Kenyon
and her neglectful husband are taken
by Ruth Matteson and :Leon Ames,
Both Miss Matteson and Ames ap-
peared here last week in "The Male
Animal." Hiram Sherman shares stel-
lar honors with them, enacting the
role of Bill Blake, the cynical bach-
Other plays this season .nclude
"Ladies in Retirement" opening Tues-
day with Ruth Gordon, "Man and
Superman" with Madge Evans and

"Golden Boy" with Sylvia Sidney and
Luther Adler.
Fort Cuaster 'Alert'
Is Only Practice
For Emergency
FORT CUSTER, Mich., May 29.-
(A')---A "practice alert" at Fort Custer,
with armed soldiers patrolling the re-
servation area and blocking all roads,

Tennis Squad Gains Lead
In Opening Day's Play;
Garners Eight Points
Slight Margin Held
Over Northwestern
(Special to The Daily)
CHICAGO, Ill., May 29 - The Wol-
verine tennis team lived up to fullet
expectations today as it swept through
the.first round matches to score eight
points and take the lead in the West-
ern Conference meet on the University
.f Chicago courts.
Close on the heels of Michigan was
Northwestern, defending champions,
with five points, while Chicago and
Wisconsin were just a step behind
the Wildcats.
Upsets seemed to mark the first
day's activities with six seeded players
falling by the wayside. One of these
was the Maize and Blue's Lawton
Hammett who drew the second seeded
spot in the second bracket. The Bad-
ger Captain, Art Neilson, played ter-
rific ball to down Hammett in
straight sets, 6-1, 6-4.
Hammett Has Trouble
Hammet seemed to be having trou-
ble controlling his shots, especially at
the net. The Wisconsin player offered
Hammett little competition in their
dual meet match earlier in the sea-
Other casualties were Cal Sawyier
of Chicago, who lost a gruelling three
set match to Dick McFarlane of
Ohio State; Jerry Rosenthal of Ohio
State who was beaten by Bill Self
of Chicago; Beryl Shapiro of North-
western who fell victim of the base-
line play of Henry Nosek of Minne-
sota; John Janes of Ohio State who
was beaten by Jack Shapiro of North-
western; and the doubles team of
Mike Lieberman and Ken Silgen of
Minnesota who dropped a close de-
cision to Michigan's third doubles
combination of Gerry Schaflander
and Tom Gamon.
Last Match A Thriller
This last match was a thriller to
watch. Undefeated in dual meet com-
petition, the Minnesota duo had little
difficulty in winning the first set 6-3,
and took a 4-2 advantage in the sec-
ond set before the Wolverine players
started to click. With, Schaflander
leading the way, the Maize and Blue
pair swept the next four games and
second set, 6-4.
The last set went to 5-3, match
point against Michigan when Schaf-
lander again made a brilliant place-
ment shot that brought the game to
deuce. From here on in, it was Schaf-
lander making point after point.
Gamon did his share serving hard
and consistently, aceing his oppon-
ent at least twice duringthe lastfew
games. Score of the final set was 7-5.
Captain Jim Tobin byeezed through
his first singles match with A. L. But-
terworth of Iowa, winning in two
sets 6-3, 6-2. In the doubles, ho
and Hammett made short work of
Butterworth and John Parks 6-1, 6-0.,
(Continued on Page 3)


Roosevelt Talk
Bitterly Flayed
Charles A. Lindbergh told a rally
against war here tonight that if
America attempts to follow the policy
suggested by President Roosevelt
Tuesday night "we will start a war
between the hemispheres that may
last for generations."
Replying directly to the President's
fireside chat, Lindbergh declared:
"Our own President says that the
safety of America lies in controlling
the Cape Verde Islands off the coast
of Africa. Even Hitler never made a
:statement like that.
"Mr. Roosevelt claims that Hitler
desires to dominate the world. But
it is Mr. Roosevelt himself who advo-
cates world domination when he says
that it is our business to control the
wars of Europe and Asia, and that
we in America must dominate is-
lands ,lying off the African coast."
He said there was "still the possi-
bility of a negotiated peace in Eur-
ope" after the fall of Poland "but
not as far as the interventionists were
Lindbergh linked himself with those
"who did not want to see England de-
Council Outlines State
Civilian Defense Flan,
LANSING, May 29.--(A')-A state-
wide civilian defense project was out-
lined by Lieut.-Col. Harold A. Fur-
long, administrator, at the first meet-
ing of the new State Defense Council
He said the program will include
training of between 40,000 and 50,-
000 citizens for aircraft warning serv-

Leading Slugger

Wakefield Homers' Pace
Nine To 9-7 Triumph;
Muir Relieves Stoddard
Numerous Errors
Hurt Varsity Cause
(Special to The Daily)
EVANSTON, May 29.-Paced by
two terrific home ruins off the bat
of Sophomore Dick Wakefield, Mich-
igan's baseball team handed North-
western a 9-7 shellacking here today
to practically clinch their first Big
Ten title since 1936.
The Wolverines were aided by fine
relief pitching of little Mase Gould,
senior left hander who came into the
game in the eighth inning with two
Wildcats on the bases and nobody
out. Mase retired the side with only
one run scoring and went on to hold
the home club without a tally in the
Steppon At Second
Bill Steppon, Michigan captain, was
back at his second base position after
an 'absence of several weeks. He made
one hit and contributed to the Wol-
verine victory by starting a double
play in the eighth to break up a
Northwestern rally.
Six errors marred the game, five
of them by the Wolverines. Michi-
gan's five miscues helped the Purple
to six runs. Mickey Stoddard, who
started on the mound for the Ann
Arbor aggregation was charged with
all seven of the home club's runs but
could have gotten out with only 'one
if he had had perfect support,
Michigan started off by tallying
twice in the opening frame. Davey
Nelson led off with a single, stole
second and scored on two flies to
the outfield.
Then Wakefield steppedup to the
plate and blasted a three and two
pitch far over the Northwestern right
fielder's head for a home run.
Errors Help Wildcats
Two hits and two Wolverine errors
gave the Wildcats a one run lead in
the second stanza. Johnny Henn-
erich started things off with a single
and after Irv Madsen had fouled out,
Russ Wenland reached second and
Hennrich third when Mike Sofiak
Michigan shortstop, threw a double
play ball into right field, Bill Samp-
son then doubled, scoring both run-
Sampson took third when Stoddard
made a bad throw trying to pick him
off second, and scored a moment later
on an outfield fly.
The lead was short lived, however,
since Michigan came back in the
third inning to score two more and go
ahead for good. Steppon walked and
scored on Bud Chamberlain's double
Chamberlain crossed the plate when
George Ruehle singled sharply to
Four More Rims
Four more runs boosted Michigan's
total to eight in the fourth inning.
After two were out, Holman and
Steppon singled and both came home
ahead of Wakefield when the big right
fielder slapped out his second circuit
clout of the day, Chamberlain fol-
lowed with a liner past left fielder
Sampson and Vefore the Wildcat gar-
dener could retrieve the ball, Bud
had circled the bases,
Stoddard's support faded again in
the sixth and this enabledthe Purple
to score three more times and cut
Michigan's lead to two runs. Dick
Erdlitz was safe at first when Sofiak
bobbled his grounder, and he went
to second on George McKinnon's
single to center field. Erdlitz scored
on Hennerich's one bagger and, after
(Continued on Page 3)

Guards Assigned
Waterfront Duty.
Twenty extra guards have been de-
tailed to duty on the San Francisco
waterfront because of rumors that
"something big" might happen to

Nat ional Organtization convenes:f
Medical Library Association
Opens Second Day's Session

Commentary On Federal Reserve;
Installment Credit Limtations
Are Necessa , Watkims Says

Famous collections of medical lit-
erature and source material for var-
ious phases of medicine will be dis-
cussed at the second day's session
of the Medical Library Association
convention, beginning at 9:30 a.m. to-
day in the Rackham Building.
Col. Harold W. Jones of Washing-
ton, D.C., president of the Association,
will speak on the value of special
collections in medical libraries, fol-
lowed by a discussion of the collec-
tions at the University by Prof. Bruno
Meinecke of the Latin department.
Members of the Medical School fac-
ulty who will talk include Prof. Fred-
erick A. Coller of the surgery de-

parts of the country will visit the
William L. Clements Library.
The three-day conference will close
tomorrow with a business meeting and
a visit to the W. K. Kellogg Foun-
dation Institute. Prof. Paul H. Jeser-
ich, director of the Institute, will
speak on the Michigan Community1
Health Project and its library activi-
An exhibit of books from the Army
Medical Library illustrating the his-
tory of military medicine and sur-
gery, is on display for the conference
through the courtesy of Colonel Jones.
They cover the period from the first
century to the present.
Books illustrating the history of
lead poisoning and the history of
hlnnr'.r n *' f , i n fr, nm'c,v, im Bh t, ,

Curtailment of installment credit
seems to be a logical accompaniment
of other monetary and price controls
associated with the defense program,
Prof. Leonard L. Watkins of the
economics department commented on
the recent proposal of the Board of
Governors of Federal Reserve System
to restrict credit expansion in the
field of durable goods purchases.
Utilization. of existing industrial
slack should permit enlarged output
which could satisfy both consumer
demands andsdefense requirements
to a degree, but skilled labor short-
ages and consruction of specialized
machines and factories will result
in inevitable conflict between ordin-
ary demands and defense needs, he
Two general problems arise in re.

tightening up on terms of install-
mentselling affects both ofnthese
problems, since expanding install-
ment sales generate more purchas-
ing power and tend to raise general
prices, and more important, at pres-
ent this type of sale is largest in areas
of actual or potential conflict with
defense requirements such as auto-
mobiles and electric appliances.
The Board of Governors-of the re-
serve system recommended that Con-
gress grant power to enable it to
regulate the amount of down pay-
ment and maximum period install-
ment buyers should have to pay off
More specifically, he added, it was
proposed th'at down payments on
automobiles should be boosted above
one-third of total price and the

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