SIX 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0 M yy 6 :'Y ", I 1 . :.-F:. i_. - P' 1 k: i. 6 .e:.ยข..... Yn .: Col. H.W. Miller To Be Honored At FeteToday, Dean Crawford To Speak, At Technic Banquet For Retiring Adviser Forced to retire after eighteen years of active service as a member of the advisory board of the Michigan Tech- nic, Col. Henry W. Miller of the en- gineering drawing department will be honored at a special Technic ban- quet at the Union. Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the en- gineering college will be the speaker of the evening, while George Weesner, '41E, will act as toastmaster. An increasing demand for his time in national defense work is forcing the retirement, Colonel Miller, the world's foremost authority on heavy artillery, said. Proof of the respect held for him by the members of the Technic staffs of past and present will be the pres- ence at the banquet of A. J. Ashburn, '39E, former editor of the Technic, Walton Rodger, '38E, former editor, and M. R. Herman, '39E, former bus- iness manager. Replacing Colonel Miller as chair- man of the board will be Prof. F. N. Menefee of the engineering mechanics department, while Prof. .Richard Schneidewind of the chemical en- gineering department will be the new, member of the board. Other members who will continue their work on the Technic advisory board are Prof. R. D. Brackett of the English department, engineering col- lege, and Prof. M. B. Stout of the electrical engineering department. i= CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY HELP WANTED HELP WANTED-Several students for summer school or fall term who would like to room and board where they may work one hour per day. Engineers preferred. Call 523 Packard. 403 LAUNDERING LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned Careful work at low price. 3c STUDENT LAUNDRY-Special stu- dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226 South First St., Phone 3916. 10c MISCELLANEOUS THESIS BTNDING-Mimeographing. Brumfield & Brumfield, 308 S. State. 19c WASHED SAND AND, GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company, phone 7112. 5c WISE Real Estate Dealers: Run listings of your vacnt houses in The Daily. Dial 23-24-1 for spe- cial rates. 353 TRANSPORTATION H.B GODFREY MOVING -- STORAGE - PACKING Local and Long Distance Moving. 410 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 6297 ' 29c RHEAD'S HOUSEHOLD PACKING CO.--Let us move, pack, or ship you to any point. Experienced movers. Special ratel for students' storage. Dial 3515. 318 N. First St. 32c FOR SALE FOR SALE- Lady's tan riding boots --made in England. Size 6 ./ Never worn. Phone 2-1196. 396 TYPING Majority Of University Students Don't Attend Church, Poll Shows S By GEORGE W. SALLADE A majority of students in the Uni- versity of Michigan either never at- tend church or else do so very rarely, the results of a poll conducted by the Bureau of Student Opinion released yesterday show. Of the 52.4 per cent in the "rarely and never" class on the basis of the poll, 26.6 per cent rarely go and' 25.8 never go to church.22.7 per centJ of the student body attend church weekly. 19.5 per cent go to worship God while 15.3 per cent go to hear the sermon. Among the reasons for not going to church "feeling no need for it" led with 23.6 per cent, 22.7 sleep Sunday morning while 14 per cent study. A 64 per cent majority also thought that they need not attend church regularly while 34 per cent felt they should. Slight Difference There is only a slight difference between the trends shown by men and women students according to the fig- ures compiled by the poll. Five per cent more women attend church weekly while 6 per cent more feel they ought to go more often; and nine per cent more go to worship God. .Women further evidenced a greater tendency to sleep and study on Sun-; day mornings. Twenty-two per cent of the men1 Co-op Council To Interview For Next Year Students To Be Selected For New Membership On Financial Need The Intercooperative Council will interview prospective members of men's cooperative houses for next year at 7:30 p.m. today in room 304 of the Union. Considerations will be made accord- ing to the needs of each student in acceptance for membership. If he wishes, he may choose to take either room or board at one of the houses instead of both room and board. A certain amount of work will be required of each member of a co-op. The amount of money necessary ranges from $2.00 to $5.50 per week, according to the house. Each member is given an equal opportunity to share in house man- agement, with one vote on all ques-' tions of policy which might arise. The Intercooperative Council is the central agency of all the campus co- operatives, interviewing and allocat- ing members to the various houses according to need. All women interested in living in one of the three women's cooperative houses next year are invited to the personnel and interview meeting at 7:30 p.m. today at the Muriel Lester Cooperative, 909 East University. The cooperative houses are operat- ed for women students with limited funds. Board and room are obtainable at rates ranging from $2.00 to $5.50, according to the house. All work of upkeep is done by student members and is shared equally. 1Rudd, Markovich Get Scholarships Univcrsity Scholarships in the Pro- fessional Schools have been awarded o Edward Rudd '42D. and Anthony W. Markovich, '42D. Eased on scholarsh ip, characteri ad eneral suitability to be the recipient 'f such. award, the scholarships are equivalent to the regular semester fees for an entire year. Tle annual choices are made on the recommenda- tion of the faculty of the school in question. Similar awards, yet to be an- nounced, are given every year in all of the professional schools, including dentistry, forestry, business adminis- tration, law and medicine. students in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts attend weekly as compared with 19 per cent of the engineers. However, 42 per cent of the slide rule masterers feel they ought to go as against only 26 per cent of the literary students. Seven per cent more engineers sleep on Sunday mornings than literary men. Most Unusual Fact The most unusual fact brought out by the survey was that although 29 per cent of the graduate students are church-goers, 40 per cent of them don't feel the need of going. Break- ing the results down to religious sects showed that Catholic students were byi far the most consistent attenders at church. A greater percentage of freshmen go to church weekly than from any other class. Seniors go the least. Questioning on the basis of residence pointed out that 23 per cent of room- ing house residents worship weekly while dormitory residents were sec- ond with 21 per cent. Fraternity and sorority members exhibit smaller attendance records with women leading the men by five per cent. Strangely, nevertheless, 33 per cent of the students in rooming houses never attend. '41 Forester Is Released Dedicated To Prof. Allen Recognizing Service The 1941 Michigan Forester, an- nual publication of the Forestry Club of the forestry and conservation school, was released Monday. This year's edition is dedicated to Pro'f. Shirley W. Allen; popular mem- ber of the forestry and conservation school faculty, in recognition of his services to the students and faculty of the department. Editor of the Forester is Gordon L. Watts, '41F&C, who, with Chester J. Ewing, '42F&C, business manager, supervised publication of the year- book describing activities of the for- estry department., Among the features in the annual is a series of candid biographical sketches of the graduating class writ- ten by Ralph W. Pogue, '41, and Shuman B. Worrell, '41. Another section is filled with sim4lar candid sketches of the professors of the forestry school. Flying Club Will Meet The University of Michigan Flying Club will hold its final meeting for this year at 7:30 p.m. Monday in Room 1042 East Engineering Build- ing. Prof. Sawyer Receives Naval Reserve Post Prof. Ralph A. Sawyer, professor of physics in the engineering school, received an appointment Monday as Lieutenant Commander in the Naval Reserve. Professor Sawyer, one of the na- tion's outstanding physicists, was sworn in at the North Hall head- quarters of the Naval ROTC by Cap- tain Lyal A. Davidson, U.S.N., in a brief ceremony Monday. Professor Sawyer served as Ensign in the Naval Reserve during the last war. He was on duty at an optical company concerned with the manu- facture of apparatus important to the war effort. Professor Sawyer, who is at the present time engaged in work in spectro-chemical analysis for the Navy will probably not be called to active duty. VFW To Get-Medals Members of the faculty and Uni- versity employes who have not re- ceived medals due for past military service may obtain them through the Veterans of Foreign Wars by apply- ing July 3, 4 and 5 at the VFW tent at Dexter, Mich. Fate-Not Bismarck-Was Cause Of Hood Disaster, Bragg Says 11 'This 0 "~the f,, WEEK-END! to relax and have fun hef ore that stren-1 uous ordeal. Relax in a good-looking slack suit; play in one of or play suits; swim in one of our super duper bathin suits;or be a spectator in agood-looking cotton dress. By CHARLES THATCHER Fate, and not the shelling of the Nazi battleship Bismarck, herself now sunk by British seagoing bloodhounds, was responsible for the sinking of the battle cruiser Hood, pride of the Brit- ish fleet, in the engagement off the coast of Greenland over the week- end, according to Prof. E. M. Bragg of the naval architecture department. "The powder magazines on big bat- tleships are usually so well protected," Professor Bragg explained, "that it is very unlikely that a German shell penetrated to one of them. It is more probable that some sort of accident or slilP aboard the Hood herself re- sulted in her explosion and sinking." Number Of Things There are a number of things which could cause such an explosion, he sug- gested. The gun turrets are connected directly to the ammunition supply by ammunition hoists, which must of necessity be kept open at times in order to load the gun. A spark might have found its way down one of these hoists and touched off some of the powder below. "A 'flare-back' is also a remote pos- sibility," he continued, "even though the chances of such a thing are slight' on modern vessels. It sometimes hap- pens, however, that after the shell has been fired, when the breech is opened flame shoots out of the opened breech. Again, with an ammunition hoist nearby it would not be hard for this flame or sparks of it to reach the powder below." Discounts Direct Hit The possibilities of adirect hit on the powder magazine by the German raider Professor Bragg discounted be- cause "the powder magazines are built below the water-line of the ship and well-armored besides. It would be well-nigh-impossible for a shell to get through the water and still pierce this heavy armor plate." The only other possibility would be for the shell to explode inside the gun turret; and ignite the magazine via the hoist. The - gun turrets are well armored too, however, a fifteerl- inch turret being protected by per- haps fifteen inches of armor plate; and the likelihood of a Nazi shell piercing this armor to blow up the Hood is slight. "I think it was just one of those things," Professor Bragg concluded. "It was a one-in-a-thousand occur- rence, one of those things for which there is no defense." t, 1 f::v:, l ,. 1:". C yi. pliL Z}C t .:.: - . i; 5: t; .. ;{ , .f ..1; y s V s :1 .4-4 J*s z 'fi L ~~a TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 14C VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal typist, also mimeographing. Notary public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Apartment furnished; 3 rooms. First floor. Private bath and porch. 1022 Forest. 397 FOR RENT-Modern cottage at North Lake. Inquire Noah's Land- ing, Memorial Day weekend. Keef- er Cottage. 404 COOL, furnished, summer apartment near campus for married grad stu- dent after June 15. Write Box 10, Michigan Daily. 400 ROOMS inclu ing suite with private bath and ower. Continuous hot wvater. Available now. Summer School or fall. Phone 8544, 422 East Washington. 399 WANTED TO BUY ." ..Kr i .... ...- - -... in r -m n -nt I E j WHERE TO GO... WHO TO SEE " Here's a new, easy way to help you find the right job..the one you want! Find the job that will make you happy, that fits you without wearing out shoe leather! Get this practical information that starts where your formal college education stops. C.V.I. is a source of truthful, practical voca- tional information prepared by expert research analysts. Honest reports about various voca- tions, education necessary, how to qualify, chances for advancement, openings available and how to go about getting the job you want! Find the right job and you're a success! Just 50c brings you any one of the 1941 Craig Per- sonalized Reports. CHECK THIS LIST FOR THE JOB YOU WANT CRAIG VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE 510 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Enclosed fend goc for each Craig Personalized Report checked beow: -1 A.iain. rn Traueling aleman . kV 0 I