PAG FURTHE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MWAY 28, 194 THE MICHIGAN DAILY *A Fantastic Drama In Two Acts By TOM THUMB The Common Lot Of Minorities As Others See t... Editorial cites recent Court decision outlawing Negro dis- crimination-chides Jews for their own intolerances-says they must help all minorities. BcOM IE M s'"i'' "--- --- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Stu~dent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year, and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or notrotherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI3ING BY - National Advertising Service, Inc. ,: College Publishers Representative 42O MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff A Emile Geld Robert Speckhard Albert P. Blaustei David Lachenbruc Bernard Dober Alvin Dann . Hal Wilson Arthur Hill Janet Hiatt Grace Miller * . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director n . . . . . . City 'Editor h . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor Sports Editor . Assistant Sports Editor Women's Editor * . Assistant Women's Editor Business Staff . . . Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager . Women's Business Manager Daniel James Louise Evelyn H. Huyett B. Collins Carpenter Wright . NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MANTHO The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A Lesson In German Propaganda .. . H AVE YOU HEARD what's happening in Poland? Neutral observers, news- papermen and relief administrators have not painted a pretty picture of the situation there. They have reported such things as massacres, mass starvation, concentration camps, brutal German rule and enforced labor. But Facts In Review, in its May 12 issue, pub- lished by the German Library of Information, claims that the Polish situation is well under control and everyone is completely satisfied. Following is a partial review of "The Adminis- tration of the Gouvernement General." Administration Predominantly Polish "Since only a few of the former "starost" of- fices were taken over by German officials, the majority of them simply having been abandoned, the shortage of trained personnel immediately became a pressing problem. It was solved by drafting a few officials for key positions from the administrative staff of the Reich, while the vast bulk of all administrative posts in the coun- try were filled by the former Polish incumbents or by Poles called from private life. Conditions in a country where large districts had never been opened up by either railroads or even the postal service were naturally such that administration methods often had to be improvised. Since speed was essential, local authorities were given a great deal of leeway in making decisions, a move which not only increased the feeling of personal responsibility but also permitted the treating of individual problems as such rather than accord- ing to a hard and fast system of rules. Solving Minorities Problems "SIDE BY SIDE with the readjustment of the administrative apparatus--leaving existing Polish laws untouched wherever that was possi- ble-went the cultural and judicial reconstruc- tion of the country. Members of the German minority which had been systematically sup- pressed for decades were given rights to which they had always been entitled. The laws af- fecting this group are administered only by German officials. "Other national minorities, received similar consideration. The Ukrainians, for example, were finally given that complete self-government in cultural, economic and church affairs which the Poles had denied them in spite of solemn promises made when the republic was. founded. In the districts of Lublin and Cracow the Greek Orthodox Church was given official status; the cathedral at Chelm and fifty churches appro- priated by the Poles were returned to their rightful owners. Sports organizations, camps for refugees, schools, convalescent homes for chil- dren and youths, kindergartens and other insti- tutions were made available and a Ukrainian press was permitted to develop. "Naturally, the Jewish problem in the Govern- ment General necessitated special measures. It was obvious from the first that the numerically strong Jews had to be given specific tasks which they could fulfill properly only under relative self-administration. This led to the formation of the so-called Jewish Councils which on the one hand are responsible to the German authori- ties and on the other hand can guarantee the faithful execution of rules and regulations. Supervising Welfare And Sanitary Work "IN CONTRAST to the German and Ukrainian mirnita_ hr Plsh namilantia haiway (The opinions of this writer are his own, and any similarity to those of actual persons, living or In conscription camps, is purely coincidental.) PROLOGUE: The Vinson Bill will, for all practical purposes, outlaw strikes. e-News Item The Hobbs Bill, H.R. 2266, would make it legal for government agencies to tap telephone wires. -News Item Concentration camps are now being built in the United States to house "fifth colmnists" whom the government cannot legally deport. -News Item Anti-war speakers were refused the right to lecture in many American cities. -News Item In official circles it was generally recognized that American convoys may be plying across the ocean at the present time, without the knowledge of the people. -News Item Defense Jobs: Only white Christians of British or Ulster Irish Descent need apply. -From a classified advertisement ACT I: A German University, 1938 FRITZ: We are alone now, Werner. What was it you wanted to speak to me about? WERNER: Fritz, I know that you are a clear thinker, that you realize that under this system of oppression we - FRITZ: ShhhL Someone may hear you -! WERNER: (whispering)-we can never really claim to exist. If we only lived in a democracy- like America-where we could voice our disap- proval-where the people really govern. But here we are kept under the tyranny of oppression, where minorities are persecuted, and anyone op- posing the government mysteriously vanishes ... FRITZ: But have you forgotten? The Reich is fighting-fighting to gain back what is rightfully hers. Sacrifices are necessary- WERNER: Oh, you, too have lost your per- spective in the midst of all this party-con trolled "education." Will we never again be allowed to breathe the fresh air of truth-of freedom-of democracy-? FRITZ: Please keep quiet! And don't mention that word, democracy. There may be people lis- tening. Please don't talk any more. WERNER: What's the use of living if we can't really live? No, I won't keep quiet. I'll say it-I'll shout it! Democracy! DEMOCRACY! The most wonderful word in the world! Democracy! The democracy of America, where one may speak as he wishes, work as he wishes, where the coun- try is run by the people! Heil, DEMOCRACY! (There is a loud rap on the door. Five uniform- ed men plunge into the room, grab WERNER and FRITZ and drag them out.) WERNER: (Shouting as they carry him from the room) See! They do it to us here. But not in America. In America men are free! Men may live! They may speak as they wish! DEMOCRACY! DEMOCRACY! May they have DEMOCRACY FOREVER! ACT II: An American University. Time-the near future. FRED: (At the telephone) Hello, Bill? . . . This is Fred. BILL: (Voice) Yes, Fred. FRED: I called up to say goodbye. I'm leaving school. BILL:)Why in the world are you doing that? FRED: Oh, there are a lot o reasons. For one thing I lost my job today. BILL: Lost your job? How come? I thought you were doing pretty well. FRED: Well, I got into an argument with another one of the busboys. I said I didn't like the way Roosevelt was doing things. Well, the boss heard me. He came up to me and said, 'Isn't your name Stein?' I said 'Yes,, sir, it is.' He said, 'That's a German name, isn't it?' So I told him that originally my family did come from Ger- many.. So then he said, 'If you don't like it here, why don't you go back to your Nazi friends in Germany?' He called me a Nazi, Bill! The Nazis are persecuting my people and he called me a Nazi! BILL: Oh, don't let it get you down, Bill. He was just excited. You can get another job. FRED: Not in this town. I'm blacklisted. I've a number of basic decisions had to be made forthwith in order to safeguard the interests of the country as a whole. To re-establish as quick- ly as possible the regular obligatory examination of domestic aninials, together with the super- vision of slaughtering and the inspection of ,heat, the use of abattoirs was made compulsory, and sanitary laws were more rigorously en- forced. Further, a more modern utilization of cadavers, hides, horns and hoofs was introduced. "It is to be expected that in the course of time innovations will occasionally be necessary to replace the old Polish inefficiency and disorder. But the results achieved in a relatively brief period prove even now that with cooperation from all parties every Polish problem can be solved." THIS, THEN, is the situation in Poland. Let us disregard the stories of Poles being shipped by cattle cars into the most deserted parts of the country and left to starve. Just ignore the mass slaughter of those foolish Poles who dare raise a voice in protest, to the German rule. Pay no attention to the eye witness reports of German citizens walking into Polish homes and taking over, having paid rent in advance to officials in Berlin. Rest easily, the Polish situation is well in hand. - Eugene Mandeberg To facilitate typographical work, all Letters To The Editor conforming to the following specifications will be given preference in the future: tried all the restaurants.. They say I'm a trouble- maker and a fifth columnist and what not. BILL: But can't your father send you enough money to finish out the school year? FRED: On the money he gets? Hell, no! He works all day in the factory; and the prices are so high he can't buy anything with his salary. BILL: But people are making so much money now, with all the defense projects. FRED: Not all of the people. With strikes il- legal, the bosses don't have to consider the people who work for them. They know they can get labor for practically nothing. Because the gov- ernment protects the bosses. I may as well leave school. I'll be drafted soon anyway. BILL: Don't be so pessimistic. This is a great emergency. Don't you read the papers? This is a war to preserve our way of life. FRED: Yeah. But what are the papers now? Little more than Paid Pipers . . . Narrow, regu- lated propaganda. And they don't have to go to war to preserve my way of life the way it is now. My way of life stinks. Where's this democracy everybody's talking about? Democracy! Huh ... If only we had a true democracy, a real democ- racy . . . Hello, Hello! . . . Bill! . . . I guess he hung up. (Five minutes elapse) (A loud rap on the door. A man enters with a badge and a gun.) MAN: Your name Fred Stein? FRED: Why, yes. MAN: I'm from the FBI. Come with me. FRED: What's the matter. I haven't done any- thing. Have you a warrant for my arrest? MAN: You're wanted for attempted sabotage of the defense program. We've had our eyes on you for a long time. And I don't need no warrant. I've got a gun. You're going to a nice, safe labor camp. FRED: But what have you got on me? MAN: We heard you talking on the telephone. Get moving, you red Nazi fifth columnist! FRED: But all I mentioned was democracy! Just democracyn! MAN: Exactly. EPILOGUE : This is exaggerated, but it's graphic. It tells things that an editorial cannot hope to tell. Let's not let it happen here. IS IT NOT SAD that when a group of judges, sitting in the highest court of the United States, issues a decision that Negroes may ride in Pullman cars, the announcement of that decision should make front page news in all the important newspapers? Sad in- deed; for such is the spiritual state of the world that this commonplace of decency appears a boon to ethical progress. But if we are saddened by the conditions of the world which makes such a decision seem like at titanic achievement, we must be delighted by the fact that the Supreme Court of the United States defied the protest of ten Southern Attorney Generals and dealt a powerful blow to discrimination. The case concerned Representative Arthur W. Mitchell, of Chicago, the only Negro membe' of Con- gress, who was refused accommodations on Pullman cars. Justice Hughes insisted that the case hinged upon the vital question of "equality of treatment," and answered objections which sought to minimize the importance of. the problem on the ground that not many Negroes generally call for first-class accommo- dations. "Numbers must not be taken into account," he said, "it is the individual who is entitled to the equal protection of the laws-not merely a group of individuals or a body of persons according to their numbers." Reenforce Freedom ALL THINKING JEWS will recognize at once, in this Supreme Court decision, a reinforcement of those basic guarantees which continue to make the United States the land of freedom; and they will naturally hail the decision. But to hail such a decision does not require much imagination, nor does it imply whole- hearted approval of the principles involved. It is easy enough for A to tell B how he should treat C. What is not quite so easy is for Jews to realize that the wel- fare of the Jews is involved as much in the way Jews treat Negroes as in the way non-Jews treat them. Certainly, when one minority wins a victory, all minor- ities enjoy something of that victory. But the con- verse is also true: the sufferings of one minority will sooner or later affect others, as no minority should ever feel safe so long as another minority is oppressed. We are impelled to utter these truths because of a i From "The Reconstructionist," organ of the Jewish Reconstruction Foundation statement which occurs in the current issue of the Bulletin of the Rabbinical Assembly. Rabbi Aaron H. Blumenthal writes on "When Jew Meets Jew" and says: "For the South has no anti-Semitic problem worth mentioning. The ubiquitous anti-Negro selqti- ment, and the ready outlet for 'self-expression' whic\ it affords are sufficient to absorb all of the violent and virulent propensities of the South. For good measure, some of the border states have their Mexican minori- ties. Jews, on the other hand, are counted among the whites. They feel secure .. " No Minority Safe WE WONDER how secure any minority can or should feel in an atmosphere where violent and virulent propensities have to find an outlet for self- expression. It is not realistic to assume that as long as oppression and exploitation are rife, the Jews may discover some day that the outlet has widened to in- clude themselves? And have we not good reason to suspect that if ever the Negroes, in desperation .and indignation, decide to strike back, they are more likely to attack the Jews who have been profiting at their expense, than they are to attack the large masses of non-Jewish whites, who are equally guilty but less vulnerable to attack. Events in Detroit and in New York, during the last few years, have revealed a deep-seated resentment on the part of Negroes against the Jews whom they accuse of injustice. Undoubtedly, the resentment may be traced less to what the Jews do-for they are probably no worse than non-Jews-than to what they fail to do. What do the Jews fail to do? They fail to identify their destiny as a group with the destiny of all op- pressed and under-privileged groups. They fail to throw their lot with other minorities. They want to be "counted among the whites." The result is that the Jews incur the enmity of the Negroes, and then dis- cover that they do not enjoy the- acceptance of the non-Jewish whites. IF JEWS hope to secure their rights in this land, they must live up to the decision of the Supreme Court with regard to Negroes, and extend it to all phases of life. DRAMA Ann Arbor Dramatic Season presents Skylark by Samson Raphaelson, May 27-31, at the Mendelssohn. THE CAST George Gorell, Philip Tonge; Theodore, Ivan Simp- son; Tony Kenyon, Leon Ames; Lydia Kenyon, Ruth Matteson; Bill Blake, Hiram Sherman; Myrtle valen- tine, Lynn Kendal; Harley valentine, Matt Briggs; Charlotte Franklin, Dorothy Blackburn; Ned Brank- lin, William David; Maid, Adeline Gittlin. With the sudden withdrawal of Ilka Chase from the lead of Skylark, a great many people felt uneasy about the substitution of Ruth Mat- teson. It was a pleasant surprise when last night's audience witnessed an excellent perform- ance, hampered only by an excess of fluttering. The short time for rehearsals was clearly reflect- ed in a readily detectable amount of ad-libbing and miscues. The play, dramatized from a Saturday Eve- ning Post serial, was structurally weak. The plot was trite, a fact brought even more start- lingly to one's attention by comparison with The Male Animal, which could not have reached the Michigan campus at a more appropriate time. The marital strife of an enterprising ad- vertising agent and his bouncing wife versus Baby Malt, a smalltime gold-digger married to a big- time business man, and her alcoholic lawyer boy- friend is a theme older than the hills. Raphael- son is not Noel Coward, and he has not succeed- ed in making the play frothy with the limited material. The chief fault of the whole produc- tion lay in the play's weakness, and it is a Godsend that Hiram Sherman and Leon Ames were present to lift it above its mediocrity. I was surprised when the selection of Skylark was announced for without Gertrude Lawrence it obviously would have closed after a short run. It was a pleasure to Ann Arbor audiences to see Philip Tonge back on the Lydia Mendels- sohn stage. As Tony Kenyon's 'guide' and men- tor, he turned in the same finished performance that has characterized his other appearance here. Notably unpleasant was Lynn Kendal, who radi- ated venom adequately in her highlight scene with Lydia. Matt Briggs as Myrtle's 'Pootchy' displayed the professional finesse he gave Ed Keller last week. It is difficult to avoid comparing Skylark with its predecessor, for the characterizations of Ames and Miss Matteson very closely approached their roles in The Male Animal. Matteson cavorts more vigorously as the harassed wife, while Ames is still incredulous and energetic at his post of the business success. New to Ann Arbor audiences this year, there is little doubt that Ames will be invited to return. In spite of a noticeable insecurity in his lines, the weight of the entire play rests on his shoulders. The anniversary album episode is one of the two or three highlights in the play, and it is not. wasted here. Skylark was old-home-week with the welcome return of Tonge and Sherman. Remembered by this reviewer as the savior of two weak produc- tions in the 1940 Series, A Winter's Tale and Boyd's Shop, Sherman injected a great deal of zestful acting in his other-man role of Bill Blake, the cynical lawyer. Dorothy Blackburn, William David, and particularly Ivan Simpson turned in LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A Mant's Prerogative Dear Editor: DO NOT like to complain but things have gone too far. I'll con- cede women should have equal rights and be able to walk in the front door of the Union. They should remember, however, that complete disillusion- ment of men will destroy the respect for their sex with which every college man is imbued. Therefore I protest in the name of our civilization that the girl on the fourth floor of Martha Cook put away her field glasses and stop watching the lawyers watching the girl on the second floor. Haven't men any prerogatives left? Chivalrously,- Robert Grote, '42L P.S. - "She looks just like Margie." Touchstone's Support Of Lindbergh Criticized To The Editor: ONE CAN'T HELP but feel that Touchstone wants companionship while championing the isolationist cause and doesn't care where he gets it. And to show his appreciation Touchstone is even willing to defend: his newly enlisted cohorts from any attacks they may be laid open to. In his defenise of Charles Lind- bergh or the little boy whom America did wrong, Touchstone tells in beau- tiful language how quickly the people of our country forget about the noble deeds of the brave young aviator. Now the columnist says the president, the cabinet, the dowager ladies turn upon him merely because he says we can't build planes fast enough. But certainly the "poor misunder- stood boy" has done many more things to get his name in the head- lines lately: 1. Accepted a medal from Hitler. 2. Addressed organizations whose memberships are predominantly fascist. 3. Endorsed his wife's book, "Wave of the Future," which accepts to- talitarianism as the government of the future. 4. Condemned the English govern- ment'while never once condemn- ing Naziism. 5. Been praised by Hitler as Amer- ica's greatest living American. 6. Father Coughlin's "Social Jus- tice" magazine feels that he is the logical choice for the presidency of the United States. Come now, Touchstone, certainl we can't continue to shower confett on the boy who has changed froma (Continued from Page 2) Stenographer Clerk B, $105, June 18, 1941. Stenographer Clerk A, $130, June 18, 1941. Medical Stenographer B, $105, June 18, 1941. Complete announcements on file at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet today in room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Topic: "Dis- cussion on Raman Effect." Geology 11 Make-up Examinations (all three blueboks will be made up at the same time): Examinations will be held at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 3, in room 2054. Doctoral Examination for Marvin Augustus Bacon, Economics; Thesis: "The Shifting of the Gasoline Tax and Its Effect on Gasoline Consump- tion, an Inductive Study;" today at 2:00 p.m., in the West Council Room, Rackham Building. Chairman, R. S. Ford. Doctoral Examination for Irving Wingate Burr, Mathematics; Thesis: "Cumulative Frequency Functions," today at 3:00 p.m., in the East Coun- cil Room, Rackham Building. Chair- man, H. C. Carver. Doctoral Examination for Mary Elizabeth Mechem, Education; The- sis: "The Relationship of Affectivity to 'Various Measures of Growth in Children," today at 4:00 p.m., in the West Lecture Hall, Rackham Building. Chairman, W. C. Olson. Doctoral Examination for Charles Howard Peake, English Language and Literature; Thesis: "Domestic Tragedy in Relation to Theology in the First, Half of the Eighteenth Century," today 'at 7:00 p.m., in 3223 Angell Hall. Chairman, Paul Mueschke. Doctoral Examination for Arthur C. Turgeon, Romance Languages; Thesis: "Gustave Planche, the Man -His Literary Relations," today at 3:00 p.m., in Alcove A, Men's Lounge' Rackham Building. Chairman, M. Denkinger. By action of the Executive Board the chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the exam. ination and he may.grant permission to those who foresufficient reason may wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Concerts Carillon Recital: Featured on th carillon program from 7:15 to 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 29, will b the playing of the "First Rhapsody for Two Carillonneurs" by Perciva Price, University Carillonneur, an a rr.wn-A ntirn nth cital at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, June 1, in Hill Auditorium, in partial fulfill- ment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree. The recital will be open to the general public, and the change from the customary 8.30 recital time should be noted. Miss Christiansen is a student of Prof. Palmer Christian. Exhibitions Twelfth Annual Exhibition, of Sculpture in the Michigan League Building. On view until June 21. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Ceramics, by Mr. Grover Cole, members of the Faculty, and students. Ground floor cases, Archi- tecture Building. Open daily, 9 to 5, through June 14. The public is in- vited. Events Today Michigan Alumnae Club. The an- nual garden party and last meeting of the year will be held at the home of Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, to- day, 3:30-5:30 p.m. The election of officers will be held and the anuual reports will be given. Speech Students: Mr. A. G. Gabri- el, general agent for the Midland Mutual Life Insurance Company, will give an informal talk on "Sug- gestions to Students in Making an Interview for a Position" today at 4:00 p.m. in room 4203 Angell Hall. Zeta Phi Eta cordially invites mem- bers of Athena, Alpha Nu, Delta Sig- ma Rho, and all other -persons in- terested, to hear Mr. Ivan Simpson reminisce on theatre experiences at the Society's last meeting in room 1035 Angell Hall at 3:00 p.m. today. * Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity, will formally initiate its present pledge class this evening at 6:00 in the Union. The Annual Spring Banquet will follow at 6:30. Those interested in living in one of the men's cooperative houses next t semester can be interviewed tonight at 7:30 in room 304 of the Union. Hobby House meeting today at 3:15 p.m. All girls interested in leather tooling and wood-burning are invited, Wesley Foundation: Student Tea and Open House for all Methodist a students and their friends today in the Student Lounge, 4:00-5:30 p.m. All Episcopal Students There will be a celebration of the Holy Com- munion in the Bishop Williams Me- e morial Chapel, today, at 7:30 a.m. ie Michigan Dames: The Drama y Group will have a Potluck picnic at 1 the home of Mrs. Cowden, 1016 Olivia, d tonight at 8:00. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 10 r r e I ,,.