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May 27, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-27

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TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1941

_ 1 _


Ede and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.'
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein ,also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class' mail matter.
Subscriptions "during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4,50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Editorial Staff

Emile Gel I. .
Robert Speckhard
Albert P. Blaustein
David Lachenbruch
Bernard Dober
Alvin Dann
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller


. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
* . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . . .Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
. . Assistait Women's Editor


H. Huyett
B. Collins

Business Staff
. . . . Business Manager
. . Assistant Business Manager'
. Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michi-
gap Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Ancient Crete
Falls To Nazis .,.
island which a half century ago was
the ulcer of Turko-Grecian diplomatic relations
is now under German control and occupation.
The British troops, which have been driven from
the island's defenses, have opened the door to
Asia Minor and the East. The "drang nach
osten" has advanced further than any similar
drive since this axiom has been integrated in
German imperial policy.
Today' an island of 386,000 inhabitants, Crete
has a history older than any other European
civilization. The birthplace of the Bronze Age,
Crete enjoyed its greatest prosperity in the per-
ior around 1600 B.C. The Cretan civilization
which spread to Greece was typified by magnifi-
cent palaces at Cnossos and Phaetus. Early
Cretan handwriting employed one of the first
linear scripts to supplant hieroglyphics. This
early civilization existed until about 1250 B.C.
when it marked its sharpest decline because of
the number of Dorian and Achaean invasions.
IN 826 A.D. Moslem freebooters from Spain
seized the island and until 961 it remained
the headquarters of pirates who ravaged the
Mediterranean. In that year the Moslems were
expelled by a Macedonian armada and Chris-
tianity was introduced. After centuries of shift-
ing back and forth under Byzantine and Arabic
supremacy, the Cretans, by means of an insur-
rection in 1878, obtained virtual independence
from the Turkish sultan.
In 1896 the Greek government fomented an-
other insurrection which resulted in the Turko-
Greek War of 1897, after which the Cretan gov-
ernment was given autonomous power until
1905 when Crete joined the Greek kingdom.
TODAY Crete is under another rule. Its cen-
turies. as a pawn in international politics
have been supplemented by the German invasion.
Its position as key to the Near East has once
more been made evident. The alarm with which
the Turkish governments have viewed the island
throughout its .history has again been created.
Turkey has always resented the presence of any
power on the small island, but now it seems as
if the strongest force since the old Byzantine
Empire has occupied this territory which is only
160 miles long and 6 to 35 miles wide.
- Theodore King
Democracy And Tolerance
Depressing to citizens of democracies are the
current indicitions of tolerance, that jewel of
free people, so lacking the character of the dicta-
tors. On the radio, in editorials and in public
addresses there is an even increasing resort to
abuse of individuals and attribution of treason
because of difference in opinion. . . . When peo-
ple permit tolerance to be endangered they take
the first steps toward subscribing to and surrend-
ering to the brutal forces intent upon destroy-
ing all that stands for freedom of expression.
-Salt Lake Tribune
To facilitate typographical work, all Letters
To The Editor conforming to the following
specifications will be given preference in the.
1. Letters at least double-spaced on 8 by 11

The Reply Churlish
have slipped by unnoticed if it weren't for
good old Touchstone; Wednesday, May 21-
(that's last Wednesday)-was the fourteenth
anniversary of Charles Lindbergh's flight across
the Atlantic. Throw a little confetti and ticker
tape on the grave, fellows, and see what the
boys in the back room will have. And in view of
the great American iconoclastic tradition, I think
it only fitting that I reprint here just a snatch
from one of the many popular sopgs circa 1927-
8 It went like this:
Lucky Lindy, up in the sky,
Lucky Lindy, flying so high -
And good old America heaped honors on the
shoulders of this clean, unassuming boy, and
they did photograph him until he didn't like
reporters any more, and they did hold a trial
about his kid who was killed, and it was quite a
trial for a father to have to go through, and
shortly thereafter he did go to England, and
when finally he did return he said he didn't
think we were ready to go to war, and sic semper
Lindy. He is now referred to among the dear
sweet dowager ladies who are getting their faces
into print by wrapping wedgies for Britain, and
among the stiff, proud, frog-faced cabinet mem-
bers in Washington, and by that great leader
and champion of the cause of Woodrow Wilson
(who in 1927 was generally regarded as a man
who had been at least unwise), our President,
and by all the frantic people who either don't
believe in the consarned airplane, or say that
nobody in the world can produce airplanes like
the U.S.A., as "that fascist, Lindbergh." Gone
the commission in the air corps. Gone the false
magic of a built-up name. Lucky Lindy has
learned what Abe Lincoln probably would have
learned if it hadn't been for Ford's Theatre,
that it's mighty hard to stay on top when you
disagree with America's merchant and industrial
dictators. Shed a tear, readers. It can happen
to you.
* * *
NOT MUCH TIME LEFT this semester to start
a serious campaign, but just in passing, I
serve this notice to the Ann Arbor restaurants,
from which the cleanliness-rating signs seem
to have disappeared of late. Of course such
things are generally regarded as nine-day-won-
ders, and after the shouting has died down
you are more or less free to do as you please
about washing dishes, disposing of garbage, and
the other unimportant things in the food-money
racket. But some nasty newspaper man may
start something-you never can tell. So long
until soon.
LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI'S second annual ex-
periment with the musical youth of America
-the All American Youth Orchestra now on its
first trans-continental tour-has been recorded
carefully in all the stages of its progress. With
the release of the June Masterworks Columbia
will have recorded 11 more or less major works
by the 100 young men and women from 18 to 25.
Their three special June releases are: Beetho-
ven's Fifth (M-451), Brahms Fourth (M-452)
and Stravinsky's Firebird Suite (M-446).
Its recording of the Beethoven symppony re-
veals once more the peculiar organizing genius
of Stokowski and the splendid talent of the
young musicians whom he has gathered from all
over the United States. It is still true that the
strings as an ensemble are often immaturely
harsh and thin, and that the entire orchestra
shows traces of an exuberant unevenness. But
on the whole, the members play well as a group,
and justify the announcement that they will
continue to function as a permanent organiza-
tion during the spring and summer months.

FAULT MAY BE FOUND with Mr. Stokowski's
interpretation of the Fifth which deliberates
over-long on the "fate" motive, but that, after
all, is a matter of personal taste. The recording
is good technically with only minor annoyances
from some apparently arbitrary breaks.
As an extra, on the tenth side, Columbia has
thrown in the orchestra's interpretation of its
conductor's arrangement of the Bach "Little
G minor Fugue." All that need be said'is that,
in its intensity and abandon, the recording is
more Stokowski than Bach.
This month Columbia released also the Youth
Orchestra's recording of the Love Music from
Tristan and Isolde (M-427, three 12-inch rec-
ords). This is a briefer version of the melan-
choly eloquence that Stokowski reproduced a,
long time ago with the Philadelphia Orchestra.
Here it is well-read, and well-played, for the
most part, but there is a perplexing deadness of
sound about it, or perhaps it is only this lis-
tener's particular set.
FOR THE RECORD: Among Columbia's sin-
gle records for May; a sparkling, lively per-
formance of the Polka, Furiant and Dance of
the Comedians from Smetana's The Bartered
Bride done by Howard Barlow and the Columbia
Broadcasting Symphony with superb technical
aid . . . Another appearance of the Don Cossack
Chorus of the amazing tenors and basses in an
unparalleled interpretation of the Volga Boat-
men and The Lord's Prayer . . . A generally
rousing medley of march tunes "played with
true British spirit by England's finest military
band,"-The Guards March On recorded by the
Band of H. M. Grenadier Guards, conducted by
Major George Miller.
-M. O.

Of Force And Right
To the Editor:
I wonder if it would be too much to use the
public letter column to do it.
Like a few other "students at the University,
I have come to school, not so much for training
as for the purpose of assisting myself in my
orientation to this world, to develop standards
of personal and social ethics. I guess I could
put it very simply-I am here to learn from the
University how to make the decisions necessary
for living. One of these problems is that be-
tween force and right. If one has power, what
obligation has he to those in his power? I sup-
pose it may be called the relationship of might
and right, very abstractly. It is, I presume, for
this right over might that we are being asked
to join the war.
This whole question had been puzzling me
and one of my reasons for coming to the Uni-
versity was to help solve it. And so I would like
to express my thanks to the Board of Regents.
As a body certainly worthy of my emulation,
they have set for me the example in this par-
ticular problem by their reorganization of the
Board in Control of Student Publications. They
have convinced me that power must not yield
to popular opinion of the weight of reason.
Power is its own justification.
- Ernest London, '43
Thanks A Million
To the Editor:
versity of Michigan wishes to take this oppor-
tunity to express our profound gratitude for
the enthusiastic response to the "Chopsticks
Campaign" which we sponsored last Friday.
The total receipts in the sale of tags and chop- .
sticks amount to $1,117.52 to date, a figure far
exceeding our expectations. The money, at the
present rate of exchange, sufficient to render
general medical care to 6,000 persons in China
for one whole year, will be turned over to the
headquarters of the United China Relief, the
national organization now sponsoring a nation-
wide drive for aid to China's suffering millions.
To enumerate all the individuals and organiza-
tions to whom we owe thanks for the success of
our effort is here, of course, impossible. It seems
imperative, however, that we should here pub-
licly acknowledge the indispensable support of
the following: President Ruthven and the Uni-
versity, for their warm endorsement of the plan;
the Michigan League and Michigan Union,
whose eminently efficient organization (with
special mention to Miss E. A. McCormick and
Miss Dorothy Merki, social director and house
chairman respectively, of the League, and Bob
Sibley and Phil Fisher, president and publicity
chairman of the Union) was responsible for se-
curing about 260 workers for us almost over-
night, and other campus groups who helped to
swell the number of helpers to over 300; fra-
ternities and sororities and individuals who have
made or might make special contributions; Pro-
fessor J. Raleigh Nelson and the International
Center staff for their unstinted aid and encour-
agement; Dean Walter B. Rea, who audited our
accounts; Mayor L. J. Young and the townspeo-
ple of Ann Arbor, whose part was of great sig-
nificance, and last, but undoubtedly not least,
the Michigan Daily, whose columns carried such
splendid accounts of our plans. Your support
has been nothing short of inspiring. We wish we
could write personal writers to thank each and
every one of you who took part. (Incidentally,
we are willing at any time to carry out mass
production lessons in the art of manipulating
those queer eating sticks you now possess.)
with Chinese students are too well-known
to be reiterated here. We only hope that mutu-
ally we may continue and strengthen our 'local

experience in international community living,
praying for the wholesome sanity of its spirit
to catch hold in greater measure elsewhere in
the world. And we hope that as nations, China
and America will forever maintain the bonds
of goodwill and cooperation, for the goal of our
respective nations is one-that of democracy and
freedom-our path is the path of common as-
Michigan Chinese students thank you, for
China! China will not forget!
--- C. K. Tseng, President,
of the University of Michigan
Chinese Students' Club
by the edit director
IERTINENT QUOTE from the new 1941 'En-
sian: "Int this true scientific spirit, Dr. Ruth-
ven last year stated in his report to the regents:
.... During the last decade Michigan has be-
come better integrated, more democratic in ad-
ministration and spirit, and more effective in
attention given to the individual student. This
is not to say, however, that nothing remains to
be done. A University can never be finished.
When it ceases to improve it begins to decline.' "
... One wonders whether to credit the 'Ensian
staff with the gift of prophetic irony or just
plain obliviousness. One thing is certain-the
Regents should have their optics giound so that
they can better read the President's report.

Education vs. Western Civilization

As Others
See It... .

Noted columnist sees failures of time as the result of shift
in educational philosophy from that of classical heritage
to emphasis on vocational training.
Walter Lip pmann in the American Scholar, spring 1941

T WAS ONCE the custom in the great universities
to propound a series of theses which, as Cotton
Mather put it, the student had to "defend manfully."
I should like to revive this custom by propounding a
thesis about the state of education in this troubled age.
The thesis which I venture to submit to you is as
That during the past forty or fifty years those who
are responsible for education have progressively re-
moved from the curriculum of studies the Western
culture which produced the modern democratic state;
That the schools and colleges have, therefore, been
sending out into the world men who no longer under-
stand the creative principle of the society in which
they must live;
That, deprived of their cultural tradition, the newly
educated Western men no longer possess in the form
and substance of their own minds and spirits, the
ideas, the premises, the rationale, the logic, the meth-
od, the values or the deposited wisdom which are the
genius of the development of Western civilization and
is in fact destroying it; +
That our civilization cannot effectively be main-
tained where it still flourishes, or be restored where it
has been crushed, without the revival of the central,
continuous, and perennial culture of the Western
And that, therefore, what is now required in the
modern educational system is not the expansion of its
facilities or the specific reform of its curriculum and
administration but a thorough reconsideration of its
underlying assumptions and of its purposes.
Modern Education Responsible
UNIVERSAL and compulsory modern education was
established by the emancipated democracies during
the 19th century. "No other sure foundation 'can be
devised," said Thomas Jefferson, "for the preservation
of freedom and happiness." Yet as a matter of fact
during the 20th century the generations trained in
these schools have either abandoned their liberties or
they have not known until the last desperate moment,
how to defend them. Those who are responsible for
modern education-for its controlling philosophy-
are answerable for the formation of the mind and edu-
cation of modern men. As the tragic events unfold
they cannot evade their responsibility.
* * *
The institutions of the Western world were formed
by men who learned to regard themselves as inviolable
persons because they were rational and free. They
meant by rational that they were capable of compre-
hending the moral order of the universe and their
place in this moral order. They meant when they
regarded themselves as free that within that order
they had a personal moral responsibility to perforh
their duties and to exercise their corresponding rights.
From this conception of the unity of mankind in a
rational order the Western world has derived its con-
ception of law-which is that all men and all com-
munities of men and all authority among men are
subject to law, and that the character of all particular
laws is to be judged by whether they conform to or
violate, approach or depart from the rational order
of the universe and of man's nature. From this con-
ception of law was derived the idea of constitutional
government and of the consent of the governed an
of civil liberty. Upon this conception of law our own
institutions were founded.
Tradition Was The Base
THE STUDIES and the disciplines which support
and form this spiritual outlook and habit are the
creative cultural tradition of Europe and the Americas.
In this tradition our world was made. By this tradi-
tion our world, like a tree cut off from its roots in the
soil, must die and be replaced by alien and barbarous
The historic fact is that the institutions we cherish-
and now know we must defend against the most de-
termined and efficient attack ever organized against
them-are the products of a culture which, as Gilson
put it:
Is essentially the culture of Greece, inherited from
the Greeks by the Romans, transfused by the Fathers
of the Church with the religious teachings of Chris-
tianity, and progressively enlarged by countless num-
bers of artists, writers, scientists and philosophers from
the beginning of the Middle Ages up to the first third
of the nineteenth century."
The men who wrote the American Constitution and
the Bill of Rights were educated in schools and col-
leges in which the transmission of this culture was
held to be the end and aim of education.
Modern education, however, is based on a denial
that it is necessary or useful for the schools and col-
leges to continue to transmit from generation to gen-
eration the religious and classical culture of the West-
ern world. Modern education rejects and excludes
from the curriculum of necessary studies the whole

religious tradition of the West. It abandons and neg-
lects as no longer necessary the study of the whole
classical heritage of the great works of great men.
Thus there is an enormous vacuum where until a
few decades ago there was the substance of education.

And with what is that vacum filled? It is filled-with
the elective, eclectic, the specialized, the accidental
and incidental improvisations and spontaneous curios
ities of teachers and students. There is no common
faith, no common body of principle, no common body
of knowledge, no common moral and intellectual disci-
pline. Yet the graduates of these moern schools are
expected to form a civilized community., They are
expected to govern themselves. They are expected to
have a social conscience. They are expected to arrive
by discussion at common purposes. When one realizes
that they have no common culture, is it astounding
that they have no common purpose? That they wor-
ship false gods? That only in war do they unite? We
have established a system of education in which we
insist that while everyone must be educated, yet there
is nothing particular that an educated man must
Pure Rationalizatio
FOR IT IS SAID that since the invention of the
steam engine we live in a new era, an era so radi-
cally different from all preceding ages that the cu-
tural tradition is no longer relevant, is in fact mis-
leading. I submit to you that this is a rationalization,
that this is a pretended reason for the educational
void which we now call education. The real reason, I
venture to suggest, is that we reject the religious and
classical heritage, first because to master it requires
more effort than we are willing to compel ourselves
to make, and, second, because it creates issues that are
deep and too contentious to be faced with equanimity:
We must confess, I submit, that modern education
has renounced the idea that the pupil must learn to
understand himself, his fellow men and the world in
which he is to live as bound together in- an ordel
which transcends his immediate need and his present
desires. By separating education from the classical
'religious tradition the school cannot train the pupil
to look upon himself as an inviolable person because
he is made in the image of God. The school cannot
look upon society as a brotherhood arising out of a
conviction that men are made in a common image.
For the vital core of the civilized tradition of the
West is by definition excluded from the modern, secu-
lar, democratic school. The schpol must sink, there-
fore, into being a mere training ground for personal
careers . . . In abandoning the classical religious cul
ture of the West'the schools have ceased to affirm the
central principle of the Western philosophy of life-
that man's reason is the ruler of his appetites. The
working philosophy of the emancipated democracies
is, as a celebrated modern psychologist has put it, that
"the instinctive impulses determine the end of all ac-
tivities . . . and the most highly developed mind is but
the instrument by which those impulses seek their
satisfaction".. .
Disordered Knowledge
T IS this specialized and fundamentally disordered
development of knowledge which has turned so
much of man's science into the means of his own de-
struction. Since reason is not the ruler of men's de-
sires, the power which science placed in men's hands is
ungoverned. Science is the product of intelligence.
But if the function of the intelligence is to be the
instrument of the acquisitive, the possessive and the
domineering impulses, then these impulses, so strong
by nature, must become infinitely stronger when they
are equipped with all the resources of man's intelli-
And, at last, education founded on the secular image
1 of man must destroy knowledge itself. For if its
purpose is to train the intelligence of specialists in
order that by trial and error they may find a satis-
fying *solution to particular difficulties, then each
situation and each problem has to be examined as a
novelty. This is supposed to be "scientific." But in
fact it is a denial of that very principle which has
made possible the growth of science.
For what enables men to know more than their
ancestors is that they start with a knowledge of what
their ancestors have learned. They are able to do ad-
vanced experiments which increase knowledge because
they do not have to repeat the elementary experiments.
It is tradition which brings them to a point where ad-
vanced experimentation is possible. This is the mean-
ing of tradition. This is why society can be progres-
sive only if it preserves its tradition ...
* * *
Having cut off from him the tradition of the past,
modern secular education has isolated the individual.
It has made him a careerist-without social connec-
tion--who must make his way-without the benefit
of man's wisdom-through a struggle in which there
is no principle of order. This is the uprooted and in-
coherent modern "free man" in reality merely the
freed and uprooted and disposed man. To struggle

alone is more than the freed man can bear to do.
And so he gives up his freedom and surrenders his
priceless heritage, unable as he is constituted to over-
come his insoluble personal difficulties and to endure
his awful isolation.


TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1941
VOL. LI. No. 170
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
To Students Graduating at Com-
mencement, June 21, 1941: The bur-
den of mailing diplomas to mem-
bers of the graduating class who do
not personally call for their diplomas
has grown until in 1940 it cost the
University over $400 to perform this
service. The rule has been laid down,
as a result, that diplomas not called

Will each graduate, therefore, be1
certain that the Diploma Clerk hast
his correct mailing address to insure
delivery by mail. The U.S. Mail
Service will, of course, return all
diplomas which-cannot be delivered.
Because of adverse conditions abroad,c
foreign students should leave ad-
dresses in the United States, if pos-
sible, to which diplomas may bei
It is preferred that ALL diplomas
be personally called for.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
To the members of the Guard of
Honor: A meeting for the purpose of
instruction and drill of the Guard
of Honor for the Commencement Day
Exercises will be held at Waterman
Gymnasium today at 4:00 p.m., un-
der the direction of Dr. George A.

loan on mortgages and is eligible to
make F.H.A. loans.
Faculty, School of Education.:'The
special faculty meeting will be held
this evening at 7:30 in the School
of Education library.
Public Health Assembly will be held
today at 4:00 p.m. in the Auditorium
of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation
for Graduate and Postgraduate Den-
tistry. Dr. Melvin P. Isaminger, Dir-
ector of the Bureau of Public Health
Instruction, District of Columbia
Health Department, will be the guest
speaker. His subject will be "Health in
the Nation's Capitol." All students in
the devision of Hygiene and Public
Health are expected to be present.
All students who wish to apply for
assistance through the National
Youth Administration for next year,

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