PAGE ETiGHT THE M IC HIGAN DAIY SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1941 Leavay Named Prize Winner Speech Major Will Study At Cornell,_Cleveland Charles A. Leavay, '41. of : ew Yorkf City, has been named a recipient ofj one of the five National Theatre onference fellowships, it was an- nounced yesterday. The fellowship, valued at '$1,000, will enable Leavay to spend two five week study periods at Cornell Uni-I versity and the Cleveland, Ohio, Play- house, a practice theatre. A speech major with the emphasis on the the- atre, Leavay was one of the 85 appli- cants from throughout the country. Leavay will go to Wyoming this summer to complete his project - spectacle bases on legends of Paul Bunyan - which earned him the award. He will begin his study period at Cornell this September and enroll in the Playhouse early next year. In 1940 Leavay won two Hopwood awards for a musical play and a comedy. He hasI entered the Hopwood majorscompe- tition this year. The awards are from the $25,000. Rockefeller Foundation grant to enable outstanding workers to gain further practical training and to as- sure the non-commercial theatre of well-rounded leadership. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY HELP WANTED HELP WANTED-Several students for summer school or fall term who would like to room'and board where they may work one hour per day: Engineers preferred. Call 523 Packard. 403 LAUNDERING, LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned Careful work at low price. 3c Remove Body Of Mine Blast Victim Noted Socialist Will Give Talk Here May 28 'The To To Democratic Answer War And Fascism' Be Thomas' Subject! Rescie co-workers brought out one by one the bodies of men killed by an explosion in the Panhandle Coal Mine near Bicknell, Ind. Seventeen other men es caped death. Most of the bodies were badly burned. Here the workers carry out one of the bodies on an ambulance stretcher. Extension Serve Distributes Films For State Visual4 Education Programi STUDENT LAUNDRY-Special dent rates. Moe Laundry, South First St., Phone 3916. stu- 226 10c 4 MISCELLANEOUS THESIS BINDING-Mimeographing.- Brumfield & Brumfield, 30 8. State. 19c WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins GravelCompany, phone 7112. 5c WISE Real Estate Dealers: Run listings of your vacant houses in The Daily. Dial 23-24-1 for spe- cial rates. 353 TRANSPORTATION H. B. GODFREY MOVING - STORAGE - PACKING Local and Long Distance Moving. 410 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 6297 29c RHEAD'S HOUSEHOLD PACKING CO.-Let us move, pack, or ship you to any point. Experienced movers. Special rates for students' storage. Dial 3515. 318 N. First St. 32c FOR SALE FOR SALE-Lady's tan riding boots -inade in England. Size 61/2. Never worn. Phone 2-1196. 396 FOR SALE-Interesting transporta- tion for amateur mechanic. Will sell my beloved Cadillac Phaeton co highest bidder. Phone Strauch at 2-4726. 402 TYPING TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 14c VIOLA STEIN--Exierienced legal typist, also mimeographing. Notary public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Apartment furnished; 2 rooms. First floor. Private bath and porch. 1022 Forest. 3971 COOL, furnished, summer apartment near campus for married grad stu-- dent after June 15. Write Box 10, Michigan Daily. 400 ROOMS including suite with private bath and shower. Continuous hot water. Available now. Summer School or fall. Phone 8544, 422 East Washington. 399 TAILORING and PRESSING SEWING: Cotton formals and uni- forms made. Alterations. Reason- able. Opposite Stockwell. Alta Graves. 2-2678. 28c WANTED TO BUY PORTABLE TYPEWRITER in good condition, reasonably late model. Phone 2-4914. Mrs. S. J. Pryor. CASH for used clothing; men and In a remote corner of the Buildings and Grounds Department, stacked neatly row on row, are over 1200 reels of motion pictures on 600 dif- ferent subjects-all an integral part of a statewide program of visual education which is sponsored by ,the University Extension Service. While the former department is the workshop where the actual handling of the films is done, it is the Bureau of Visual Education which issues the orders that send the reels to over 300 Michigan schools and communities. During each month an average of 1450 film subjects are sent out, and in a year's time this number reaches approximately 14,000. , Comics not being catalogued, the most popular subjects are those deal- ing with science and the social studies. However, in the catalogue of the bureau may be found such other subjects as Vocational Guid- ance, Sports,sHome Economics, Arts and Music, Forestry, and even reels dealing with language pronunciation. Use of this movie library is open to any school, college, university, or responsible organization in this state. Silent or sound films may be secured by a group's paying of a small per diem charge.'. The Visual Education Bureau of the University Extension Service was Draft Opposed By De Valera Will Call Irish Parliament Into Special Session DUBLIN, May 24.- )-Opposing British military conscription in the six counties of Northern Ireland which remain under the English crown, Prime Minister Eamon de Valera today called the Irish Parlia- ment, the Dail Eireann, into special session Monday to discuss the ex- plosive situation. The northern Irish at present serve in Britain's armed forces only on a volunteer basis, but Prime Minister John Miller Andrews of Northern Ireland, who has urged conscription there, was in London today with sev- eral of his cabinet ministers to dis- cuss the situation with British Prime Minister Churchill. Churchill has promised a state- ment at the next session of the House of Commons. De Valera has expressed fears that conscription of the Northern Irish would bring the war closer to neutral Eire. Observers expected him to make a statement to the Dail on the eco- nomic and defense problems of Eire as well as on the military service question. Reports from Belfast, capital of Northern Ireland, told of an anti- conscription movement already start- ed there by Nationalists, who favor unification of the six northern coun- ties with the 26 counties of independ- ent Eire. Student Fellowship Society Will Hold organized over three years ago, and has been widely supported by Mich- igan educators. Its services include aid to schools in the organization and administratii of local visual programs, teacher training in visual IAnn...Arbor I Here Is Today's In Summary News St. Thomas Catholic Church's cen- tennial celebration next Friday will bring a distinguished group of church dignitaries to the city. Archbishop Edward Mooney, De- troit, who formally proclaimed Me- morial Day as the occasion for the 100 anniversary will be the chief guest of more than 200 clergymen expected for the ceremonies. The Archibishop willegive the papal blessing, received by cablegram from the Vatican City. Investigation of the Briggs case is continuing, Gerore Meader, city prosecutor, said yesterday, and statements f aken at the coroner's inquest at Manchester served to correlate events whic1 have aided in establishing the time of the mur- der. Officers are followvin. lines of investigation which, Ais hoped, will clear un p least part of the mystery of Miss Briggs' death. 3 Flag week in Ann Arbor will be June 8-14, Mayor Leigh J. Young announced yesterday. Representatives of various vet- -rans' organizations have been resig- nated to formulate plans for the ob- ervance of the occasion. The United States Army Flying Ca- Jet Board will return to Ann Arbor June 8 seeking to recruit 100 cadets for army flying service, Rawleigh Saunders, member of the flying com- mittee of the Junior Chamber of Commerce has announced. Newman Club To Hold Communion Breakfast The Newman Club, nationalCatho- lic students' organization, will hold its last communion breakfast of the year after 10 a.m. mass today in the St. Mary's Chapel basement. Speaking on "The Wo'rks of G. K. Chesterton," Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department will address the meeting, at which the new offi- cers will be installed. Cha Jane Kenney, '41, is social cirman in charge of the break- fast; Don Counihan, '41, is in charge of food and Robert Kieber, '42, will attend to tickets. techniques, available literature on visual problems, aid to schools in the selection of visual materials and equipment, and, of course, the dis- tribution of the motion pictures. In a recent bulletin the fast-grow- ing department announced the addi- tion of many more film subjects, some dealing with aerodynamics, some with the present war, and many more with foreign countries and the industries thereof. Sources for many of these films are the Pro- Jressive Education Association, whose films illustrate human relations problems by taking cuttings from popular motion pictures, the Erpi Classroom Films, Inc., an Eastman company, the United States Bureau of Mines, land the Department of Agriculture. Navy Duty To End With Emergency Men enlisting in the Naval Reserve will be released from active duty at the end of the present national emer- gency, regardless' of the period of their enlistment, Capt. Lyal A. Dav- idson, Commandant of the University INROTC, pointed out yesterday. This announcement of policy was contained in a recent statement by the Acting Secretary of the Navy, Ralph Bard. According to this new arrangement, a member of the Naval Reserve will be able to return to civil life at the end of the emergency even though his enlistment still has several years to run. Enlistments in the Naval Reserve are for four years, if the applicant is over 18, or for the period of minor- ity if between 17 and 18. i -- 7 m- Norman Thomas, former Presby- terian minister who turned Socialist because of the suffering he saw in his East Harlem parish, will pre- sent "A Democratic Answer to War and Fascism" at 8:15 p.m. Wednes- day, May 28, in the Rackham Amphi- theatre, under the auspices of the Michigan Anti-War Committee. The man who has run for the highest office in, the land four times is a familiar lecturer to University audiences. His last appearance here was Oct. 15 when he took part in a Michigan Forum, speaking on the subject, "Butter and Arms." At pres- ent he is in the midst of a nation- wide lecture tour. His current campaign against war iA only part of a life-long battle against the use of force in interna- tional relations. He opposed Ameri- can participation in World War I, as he does in the present conflict. In 1918 he left the church to join the American Union Against Militar- ism and not king after, the Socialist Party. He rose rapidly in liberal ranks, becoming associate editor of the Nation in 1921 and director of the League for Industrial ljemocracy in 1922. The election of 1928 and the three succeeding' campaigns found him leading the Socialist tick- et as their candidate for President of the United States. Thomas has often presented his ideas through the medium of books and articles. His better known works include "America's Way Out-A Pro- gram for Democracy," "As I See Iit," "Human Exploitation" and "War- No Profit, No Need, No Glory." Army To Keep 4"F } Intact Air Units On Campuses The new policy of the Army Air Corps in keeping intact units of fly- ing cadets from the same schools has reached the University campus. Lieut. C. L. Van Zand from Self- ridge Field will spend the next two weeks at ROTC headquarters inter- viewing men interested in forming at least three units of twenty men each for the flight training. These units will be kept intact during all stages of the instruction. A traveling board will be in Ann Arbor for 4 week starting June 8 to take final action on applications made during Lieut. Van Zand's visit. To be eligible applicants must be 20 to 27 years of age, unmarried citi- zens of the United States and in normal physical condition. Two years of college work excuses applicants from the mental examination. Defense Drive To Terminate Its First Year Knudsen Reports Iicrease In Airplane Deliveries, Industrial Projects WASHINGTON, May 24.-(/P)- America's great defense drive was a year old today, with William S. Knud- sen, the Director of Production, as- serting that airplane deliveries had increased 400 per cent in that period, 1,625 iew industrial projects had been started and $15,200,000,000 worth of I orders placed. With the nation's factories now swinging into mass production of planes, tanks and guns, it was appar- ent, too, that the defense program was also taking on new directions and objectives. And just where it goes from this point may be indicated by President Roosevelt in a long-awaited fireside chat Tuesday night. One of the newest developments of the defense program is scheduled for Monday, a national nutrition confer- ence for defense to be held under the direction of Paul V. McNutt, the Fed- eral Security Administrator. Some 400 delegates are expected to attend the three day session. Another new development is the creation of the-Office of Home De- fense under Mayor Fiorello H. La- Guardia, mayor of New York City. Its task will be to train, civilians in the protection of life, property and strategic points such as bridges and industrial plants in the event of any war emergency. Developments today related to de- fense and the foreign situation in- cluded: Senator Gillette (Dem-Ia) said he had received reports that American companies had supplied war mater- ials to Axis powers in "scores and Swimming Days I ' are coming They call. for big,- colorful Mar- fJ tex beach towels, either plain white or colorful stripes. And don't forget soft bath towels to match in any color to please your fancy. "Always reasonably priced" GAGE LINE N SHOP 8 10 NICKELs ARCADE r4;;;& 4;;;;> ~ ewe - Extension Concert At 4:15 NTU'DENT'S! S I Ii r f Meeting_ At Camp! Cars will be leaving the Congrega- tional Church at 4:30 p.m. today for "he regular meeting of the Congre- 7ational Student Fellowship to be ield at Cedar Lake Camp. The program for the afternoon in- cludes recreation from 4:30 p.m. un- til supper time at 6 p.m. Following supper'there will be a mass meeting with several of the Alumni, who are making plans for the formation of Fly a Flag DECORATION DAY 1..,5 4- ft Tint,. l e r Go Home by Boat DON'T MISS OUT on this new gay method of going home. Include' yourself among the many parties that both boys and girls are planning for their trip home after finals. Make this trip enjoyable by going home afloat. Boats run daily to Cleveland and Buffalo. Obtain tickets, illustrated pamphlets, and informrration from GOODHEW FLORAL CO. (next to Slater's on State St.) \''. /i Lrt e a t o~ l e 9 t tons. eMoringind. snU., Flatner, seclr Ait'o J all 9 toel , ILc ; : :< ; 1 Illustrated is one of many Dorso Originals, exclusive with u II a I ii