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May 25, 1941 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-25

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SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1941

bass Turnout
Of Electorate
To Be Sought
Committee Will Stimulate
Voters In Fight To Aid
School Superintendent
Initiation of a campaign to stimu-
late Ann Arbor's "inert school elec-
torate" into a mass turnout at the
polls next September when the Board
of Education members will be elect-
ed, is the general plan of action de-
cided upon by the Citizens' Com-
mittee which was formed to help
School Superintendent Otto W. Hais-
ley, member Neil Staebler said yes-
The Committee, composed of 12
representative Ann Arbor citizens, has
charged that the Board of Educa-
tion's action dismissi g Haisley, sup-
erintendent of schoos for 17 years,
by a five-to-four vote was done with-
out presenting "reasonable grounds."
Meanwhile, the Warner amendment
to the Tenure Act, said to strengthen
Haisley's position, was signed yester-
day by Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner.
This amendment by implication
means that Haisley comes under the
terms of the original Tenure law, and
therefore has the right to appeal to
the State Tenure Commission for a
Haisley took this step last week up-
on insistence of friends and the Citi-
zens' Committee.
Police Conduct
Test Of Radios
TwoWay System Spans
More Than 40 Miles
EAST LANSING, May 24.-(P)-
Commissioner Oscar G. Olander dis-
losed today that field tests on a
proposed state police two-way radio
system have spanned more than 40
miles "consistently."
Patrol cars equipped with frequen-
cy modulation units have been "read"
by the East Lansing station from such
widely scattered points as Battle
reek, Ann Arbor, Lapeer, and St.
Louis, the commissioner said
"The tests will be slow in devel-
oping," Olander said, "because we
have to ascertain by experiment what
we do know theoretically, namely,
that frequency modulation offers re-
markable aid to police work."
He said the new type of transmis-
aion which is featured by almost com-
plete elimination of static is espec-
ially suitable for communication un-
der unfavorable weather conditions
"During recent electrical storms,'
he said, "it was almost impossible tc
hear regular station broadcasts at a
five-mile distance, while return dis-
patches from a frequency modulation
unit in a patrol car came in clea

Alcoholic lawyer..-


Ruth Matteson
Will Highlight
'Skylark' Cast'
(Continued from Page 1)
wedded to his business. Sherman has
the role of a charming, yet sardonic
and slightly alcoholic, lawyer.
Playwright Samson Raphaelson has
to his credit many literary works in-
cluding the plays "Accent on Youth"
and "Young Love," and the movie
scenarios for "The Merry Widow"
and "One Hour With You." "Sky-
lark" itself will also be released as
a movie in September starring Claud-
ette Colbert and Brian Aherne.
One member of the original cast,
William David, will continue his role
as Ned Franklin in the Ann Arbor
production. Matt Briggs, who played
the role of Ed Keller in "The Male
Animal" this week, will also be feat-
ured in thispresentation.
Ivan Simpson, Dean Damon of "The
Male Animal," will play a role in
"Skylark," as will Lynn Kendall,
Philip Tonge and Dorothy Black-
Valentine B. Windt, who directed
the festival last year, is working again
this season in the same capacity.
Tickets for any of the plays may
be purchased at the box office of
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in
the League.
Prof. Priee Io Play
In Carillon Concert
A group of Russian aires, some
songs of Franz Schubert, and four
hymns have been selected for the
carillon concert at 7;15 p.m. today
by Prof. Percival Price, University
The Russian folk songs will be,
"Dark Eyes," "In the Orchard," "Vel-
vety Night," "In The Dark Room" and
"The Ballad of the Kremlin."
The Schubert songs to be played
are "The Lord Is My Shepard,"
"Thou Art My Peace" and "German
Dances," while the hymns will con-
sist of W. Croft's "St. Ann," J. Dyke's
"Lux Benigna," H. Smart's "Pilgrims"
and the "Cologne," which is of un-
known authorship.
Lutheran Student Group
To Have anquet Today
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold its annual banquet at 6
p.m. today in the Zion Parish Hall
honoring the seniors and grads who
will not return next semester. Betty
Partenfelder, '42, is general chair-
man of the event.
Stuart Anderson, past president of
the association is toastmaster. Speak-
ers inclde Rev. E. C. Stelihorn and
Rev. H. O Yoder, Loyal Gryting,
Grad.; Victor Sieferth, '41E; Ruth
Miller, '41SN; Karl Ben, '44E; and
John Sickert, '43K

Are Awarded
By U' Alumni
100 High School Seniors
Receive Tutition Grantsi
For Next School Year
One hundred high school seniorsj
in every part of Michigan were i
notified yesterday that they had
been awarded Alumni Undegraduate
Scholarships to the University for
the next school year.}
Covering two semesters' fees in any
of the undergraduate schools, the
awards are based upon scholarship,
character and financial need of the
Students in the Ann Arbor district
who received the scholarships this
year are Homer Diebler and John
Kennedy of Ypsilanti, Helen Miller
of Chelsea and Frank Tobey of Ann
Most of the recipients are recom-
mended by local University of Michi-
gan Clubs andaalumnae groups, al-
though a few are selected upon the
recommendation of individual alum-
ni in cdmmunities too small to have
a formal organization.
Students are eligible for renewal
of the scholarships in their succes-
sive years at the University if they
maintain satisfactory grades. At the
present time there are 269 previous
scholarship winners enrolled in the
University. In the 11 years that the
awards have been made more than
700 have benefited.

Because of the increasing interest
in Pan-Americanism in the United
States, La Sociedad Hispanica has
just completed a successful year and
extended its membership of the Span-
ish department considerably, Prof. E.
A. Mercado stated recently.
In reviewing the program for the
past year Professor Mercado, who is
faculty advisor for the club, said
that besides the lectures, movies and
various other undertakings accom-
plished, a new and important policy
was innovated in the offering of two
scholarships to the 1941 Summer

Interest In Pan-Americanism
Proves Aid To Spanish Society

to enable its participants to better
their knowledge of Spanish construc-
tion, explained Professor Mercado,, as
well as to perfect their speaking abil-
ity of the language. All members are
given an opportunity to converse in
Spaniish with natives of that tongue.
Retiring officers of La Sociedad
are president Norma C. Bennett, '41;
vice-president Doreen Voiles, '42;
secretaries Margery Green, '43, and
Carmelita Rosasco, '42, and treasur-
ers Helen Lapitzky, '41, and Ray-
mond Chambers, '41.


School at the University of Mexico.
Trend Indicated
He pointed out that the Mexican
school is making a special exception
in granting free tuition to winners
of the scholarships and that it may
be indicative of a new general trend
in the Mexican attitude toward the
United States. Formerly, scholar-
ships to the University did not in-.
clude free tuition in its Summer
School. Also the Spanish Club is
contributing fifty dollars to each
award, the winners of which this
year are June Larson, '41, and John
Falconieri, '42.

Battle Of Crete
Is Evaluat



Teachers Plan
Special English
Session Here
Conference Will Consider
Instruction Of Language
In Technical Schools
Because of the increasing numbers
of students entering engineering
fields, and because teachers of Eng-
lish as well as administrative officials
feel that the teaching of English in
technical schools involves special pro-
blems, teachers of English in engineer-
ing colleges will hold a special session
here from June 30 to July 21.
Held in connection with a meeting
of the Society for the Promotion of
Engineering Education to be held here
earlier in the summer, the conference
will be divided into three separate
parts, Prof. J. E. Thornton, of the
English department, engineering col-
lege, announced.
Opening the three-week course to
be held in conjunction with the Uni-
versity summer session will be a series
of meetings to consider the problems
of teaching English literature in en-
gineering schools.
The second week of the conference
will consider the problems of teach-
ing composition, taking up the train-
ing necessary for teaching.
Completing the program for the
conferenge will be a week of meetings
dealing with speech, the problems of
subject matter, delivery and speech
composition all being taken up. A
special demonstration of the devices
used to teach speech by the Depart-
ment of Speech will be featured at
the meeting.

A ward Marks
Flying Club's
Trials and tribulations have plagued
the Flying Club since its founding,
but its diligent efforts were repaid
when it was awarded the Loening
Trophy recently for its excellent
"competitive record, safety factors
and activity."
The story of the Club reads almost
like an Horatio Alger story. It be-
gan as an offshoot of theGlider Club.
After obtaining University permis-
sion, the Flying Club, in order to
buy a plane, sorely needed because
of crowded airport conditions, had to
obtain a bank loan.
The plane purchased is a Taylor-
craft, pewered by a 65 horsepower
motor. It has been kept in top me-
chanical shape with one major over-
haul already made.
No longer hampered by the heavy
demand on the airports in this vicin-
ity, many members have been able to
retain their private licenses at less
than 50 per cent of the original cost,
and others to accumulate hours for
their commercial licenses. The Club
has been able to take part in local
and regional competitive meets, the
climax coming with the winning of
the regional flying meet during the
vacation period.
Membership in the Club has in-
creased from 15 to 35 since school
started in September, and its pro-
gram has expanded to include so-
cial meetings and talks by experts
in the aviation field. CAA accident.
reports have been made available
without cost to all members.


Another successful event of the
Club was their annual play. This
year's presentation was a comedy by.
the Quintero Brothers, "La Puebla
de las Mujieres." A Mexican movie,
"Alla Ep el Rancho Grande," was
also included in the program, as well
as a series of six lectures by promi-
nent Spanish teachers from Michi-
gan and other schools.
Art Is Shown
One of the highlights of the activi-
ties was a brief excursion to the To-
ledQ Art Museum to view the works
of some of the most eminent Spanish
artists. Among the miscellaneous
items of the program were the pre-
sentation of Latin-American songs
and dances, and interesting informa-
tion concerning our southern neigh-
The entire program of the club,
and especially the play, is designed

Student Groups
To Hold Final
Religious Event
Special programs will be offered by
student religious organizations as
their concluding meetings of the
year today.
Di. Edward Blakeman, counselor
in religious education, will address
the Wesleyan Guild meeting and pic-
nic at 5:45 p.m. today at the Earhart
estate on "The University after the
The student guild of the Bethle-
hem Evangelical Church will meet
at Professor Hildebrandt's residence
for a picnic and early evening meet-
ing at 4:30 p.m. today.
Freund To Speak
Roger Freund, secretary of the lo-
cal Y.M.C.A., will speak to the West-
minster Student Guild at its evening
supper meeting at the First Presby-
terian Church.
The Disciples Guild will hold a
picnic supper and vesper service on
the Huron River at 4:45 p.m, today
and the Unitarian Church will hold
its worship service at 11 a.m. at Sa-
line Valley Farms preceding the an-
nual church picnic.
Mrs. H. L. Pickerill will speak on
"Stepping Stones to Happy Homes"
at 6:30 p.m. today at the weekly
meeting of the Roger Williams Guild.
The Lutheran Student Association
will honor all of its senior members
and graduate students at a senior
Banquet to be held at 5:30 p.m. to-
day. All members of the student
religious group are asked to attend.
Chaplain's Hour Planned
The chaplain's hour at 7 p.m. to-
day will precede the college work
program of St. Andrew's Episcopal
Church. Rev. Henry Lewis will speak
on "The Individual Christian's Re-
sponsibility Today" in this forum be-
ginning au 7:30 p.m.
Rev. Willis B. Hunting will be the
guest minister at the Bethlehem
Evangelical Church at the morning
lservice at 10:30 a.m. following serv-
ice in German given at 9 a.m.

Simpson Calls InconclusiveN
Sea, Air Action Crucial
The Battle of Crete may not be ak
significant dress rehearsal for Nazi
invasion of England, but it is a
crucial and still inconclusive test oft
sea versus air power.
It will go down that way in :nili-
tary history, whatever the outcome.
From its weird and confused pat-i
tern; also, both German and :Brit-
ish leadership are certain to derive
,new experience to test their plans for,
invasion or defense of England.
Many factors are lacking at Crete
that must be reckoned with in the
case of England. One is the narrow-r
ness of the 20-odd mile Dover Straits1
as compared with a 60-mile sea span
between Crete and the Greek main-1
land. Probable hasty Nazi separation
for the Crete invasion to catch Brit-
ish-Greek defenders more or less by
surprise is another.
An attempt to invade England
would be founded on many months of
Nazi planning and experimentation.
It also would have available from
Germany or from German-occupied
territories vastly greater facilities for
effecting the shorter sea passage than
the Nazis could find for the Crete in-
vasion adventure.
England could throw into the bat-
tle, however, air strength that was
lacking at Crete.
As this is written the British fleet
seems to have foiled Nazi attempt
at sea invasion of Crete. British nav-
al officers said 5,000 German troops
died when British naval units shelled
and ground under their keels a Nazi
Bunting To Attend
Nutrition Meeting
Prof. Russell W. Bunting, Dean
of the School of Dentistry, will attend
the National Nutrition Conference to
be held May 26-27 in Washington,
The nutrition conference, which is
one of the newest developments of
the defense program, will be held un-
der the direction of Paul V. McNutt,
the Federal Security Administrator.
Over 400 delegates are expected to
attend the conference.


ASU Collects 600
Signatures Against
U.S. Convoy Policy
The final count on the number of
names signed to the American Stu-
dent Union's petitions against con-
voying is 600.
The petitions, which read: "We
won't be convoyed into war!" urge
President Roosevelt not to send con-
There will be an ASU meeting
at S p.m. Tuesday in Unity Hall
for the purpose of listening to and
discussing President Roosevelt's
voys or another American Expedi-
tionayy Force.
The campaign on this campus is
part of a nationwide drive to collect
signatures protesting aaginst the use
of convoys. Petitions from all over
the country will be sent simultaneous-
ly in order to reach President Roose-
velt before he makes his speech Tues-

West Quad To Play
Host To Celebrities
A4t 'Victory Dinner'
The West Quadrangle will play
host to many guests, both from the
University and from the sports world,
when the second annual "Victory Din-
ner" takes place there Wednesday
Most famous of the visitors will
be Wally Pipp, onetime first base-
man of the New York Yankees. Mr.
Pipp is now head of the Michigan
NYA. Also honoring the Quad will be
Dean of Students Joseph Bursley, and
Dr. Elmer D. Mitchell, Director of In-
tra-Mural Sports. Other guests from
the Intra-Mural Department are to
be Earl N. Riskey and A. A. James.
Filling out the list are the varsity
and freshmen coaches, and .the cap-
tains and captains-elect of the var-
sity teams.
Wednesday Is Deadline
For Perspectives Poetry
Any student writers who have
poetry they would like to submit for
the final issue of "Perspectives," cam-
pus literary magazine, should leave
their manuscripts at the English
office, 3221 Angell Hall, Irving J.
Weiss, poetry editor, announced yes-

Men Students in
Education Sociology
There are a few student counsellor
postions open at the University of
Michigan Camp for boys. Graduates
and next year Seniors are eligible.
Six hours credit, board room and
lodging for the regular summer ses-
sion fee. For interviews call Mr.
Nicholas Schreiber, 9444, or 2-3467.
TODAY at 1-3-5-7-9 P.M.


as a bell."

f i




May 25, 1941 /

Club Sandwich (Three Decker)
Boysenberry Piej
or Fruit CupI
Fruit Plate with Cottage Cheese
Pistachio Nut Ice Cream
or Lady Baltimore Cake
Shrimp a la Newburg Pattie
Shoe String Potatoes
Fresh Peas
Strawberry Sundae
or Lady T3altimore Cake
Chicken Noodle Soup
Grilled Veal Chop, Spiced Pear
New Potatoes Parsley
Fresh Wax Beans
Caramel 'Mallow Sundae
or Boysenberry Pie
Excellent Service
6 to 7:30 o'clock

Opening Tuesday Evening
Leon Ames - Ruth Matteson
Hiram Sherman
Tucs. through Sat at 8:30-Matinees Thur. and Sat. at 3:15


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