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May 24, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-24

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication. of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier' $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Emile Gel . .
Robert Speckhard
Albert P. Blaustei
David Lachenbruc
Bernard Dober
Alvin Dann
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller

Editorial Staff
. . . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
n . . . . . City Editor
h . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
. . Assistant Women's Editor
Business Staff
. . . . Business Manager
. . Assistant Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
. . Women's Business Manager


H. Huyett
B. Collins
Wright .

An Imperialistic War
To the Editor:
NOTICE TODAY that Professor Slosson says
he was a Wilson man while he was enjoying
his "proud moments" as well as during his "dis-
illusioned nineteen-twenties." In other words,
if I may risk drawing a conclusion, I assume
that Preston Slosson believes, as no doubt Wilson
did, that the Germany of 1916 was a menace
to world peace. So, as everyone knows, Mr. S.
believes that we should go to war to stop Ger-
many, and create another World Court and
League of Nations to maintain the peace.
Prof. Slosson holds that failure of the U.S.'s
entry into the League was responsible for the
League's collapse. But, why did the U.S. stay
out? Why was the League ineffective in its cru-
cial tests? And are those same forces still
A LONG TIME AGO, a school of "Economic
Determinism" predicted a lot of things that
are happening now. It is true that the minute
details were sometimes awry, but I believe that
the analysis of the forces at work was essentially
correct. The capitalist system has created an
aristocracy of wealth in all the nations of'the
world in spite of what Prof. Slosson says about
the free ballot in this and other countries. Harry
Elmer Barnes says that the two major political
parties in this country are becoming more and
more alike every day; Tweedledum and Tweedle-
dee as it were, fighting for the spoils of office.
(Boy, did he hit the nail bn the head in regards
to F.D.R. "opposing" Willkie.) This aristocracy
is compelled by its very nature to pit one group
of nationals against another to gain or maintain
its wealth, and this is the crux of the matter.
The economic frontiers were closed early in the
Twentieth Century, and then began Imperialist
As a result of the last war, Hitlerism was born,
a necessary consequence for the continued state
of war that began in 1900 and is stillgoing on.
And now, Prof. Slosson still holds that if Hitler
is defeated, and a new League of Nations is
formed, victory is ours.
Dear Sir, how in the world are we to have
world peace when a British Empire exists, or if
Mr. Luce's (LIFE) dream of the U.S. policeing the
world comes true? "Collective, cooperative so-
ciety?" By all means; but that does not mean
English or American dictation. It has not been
proven that the English speaking peoples are
the finest people on the earth, as Dorothy
Thompson says. We can learn more about "col-
lective, cooperative society" from the Eskimo
than from the English.
peace, but I venture to say that we can never
obtain it your way. We can get peace by re-
moving the basic cause of poverty, crime, and
war. We can get peace by ridding ourselves of
the most blinding, corrupting, wasteful, and
stifling of all forces, CAPITALISM*.
*Engineers, please note: 1941 model automo-
biles do not mean progress if a coolie earns eight
cents a day in Java to supply rubber for the tires,
and if an army is necessary to see that Herr
Schmutz gets the profit.
We will receive no dividends by fighting Hitler
for the same reasons, and in the same way, as we
fought the Kaiser. Wilson was disillusioned
afterward, and so will Prof. Slosson be. Wait
and see. Time will tell.
- Ruvin Simionivitch

9 T9
WASHINGTON-What most worries the State
Department today is the fact that Hitler is
poised over Spain, can shoot down to the Straits
of Gibraltar, thence to French West Africa.
From there it is a short hop to Brazil and South
In other words, Spain-the mother counfry of
most of South America--is the real spearhead
of Nazi attack and influence among our Good
Neighbors. This was deliberately planned by
Hitler as long as six years ago, and the results
of this far-sighted policy are now beginning to
bear luscious fruit.
THE MARQUIS DE AGUTAR, ageht of Catholic
groups in Spain and certainly no Communist,
this week gave eloquent testimony of this fact.
Already Hitler has twelve divisions in Spain,
the Marquis said, and has sent four ships loaded
with munitions to Nazi sympathizers in Latin
General Franco. whom the State Department
career boys helped install as Spanish dictator,
signed a secret agreement with Hitler on October
8, 1938, by which Germany took over Spain.
However, according to the Marquis de Aguiar,
Hitler found it more expedient to use Spain as
a blind to get everything possible out of the
United States. So, for the time being, Fascist
Spain was instructed to be neutral.
UEAL FACT is that Spain is no more neutral
than France. Today Spanish Falangists are
operating throughout Latin America, even next
door in Cuba. The Falangists have started a
tremendous movement to take that island back
to the mother country-Spain.
Obviously if Spain did win a foothold in Cuba,
the island would become equivalent to Crete,
only nearer, in serving as a stepping-stone for
invasion of the United States.
Meanwhile wealthy Mrs. Alexander Weddell,
wife of the U.S. Ambassador to Spain, donated
an orphanage to the women's auxiliary of the
Falangists, arch-enemies of the U.S.A.-a gift
which the Madrid press credited to the German
rTHIS was not half as bad, however, as the
short-sightedness of certain State Depart-
ment officials who helped put a puppet of Hit-
ler's into power in Spain.
For instance, when civil war broke in Spain
in 1936, it made no difference to the State De-
partment's career clique that General Franco
had consulted with Mussolini before he began
his revolution. Joseph C. Green, head of the
State Department's Munitions Control Board,
went ahead and urged U.S. munitions dealers
not to sell arms to the established government
of Spain to protect itself against the revolution-
ary agents of Hitler and Mussolini.
ALSO, the State Department career boys did
their best to keep the Spanish Ambassador
from seeing the President of the United States;
so that he was only able to get to the White
House through such a roundabout channel as
the then Secretary of Agriculture, Henry Wall-
ace. When he did see the President, Ambassador
de los Rios warned him-even as early as 1936-
that if the seeds of Fascism were planted in
Spain, the mother country, they were sure to
sprout in Latin America, a warning which the
career boys regretfully remember five years

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
How About'
A Safety Island?
LTHOUGH there have been no re-
cent fatalities at the intersection of
North University, Washtenaw Avenue and East
University, the problem of making it a less dan-
gerous place to cross is nofie the less urgent. That
there isn't a high accident toll for that corner
under the present conditions is almost miracu-I
Students hurrying home from the direction
of Barbour Gymnasium at lunch time are faced
with the almost impossible task not only of look-
ing in four directions before crossing but also
of wondering which of several paths a car com-
ing from one of these four directions will take.
To make matters worse, none of these streets
has a stop sign. Each driver, eager to find a
chance to squeeze through to where he wants
to go, will speed across the intersection between
onrushing cars without a glance at a pedestrian
who is often stranded out in the middle of the
crossing with automobiles careening crazily on
all sides of him.
At night the pedestrian is actually taking his
life in his hands to cross there. It is impossible
to see in all directions if one does not step out
into the street, and city busses and autos have
a very dangerous habit of turning off North
University onto East University too close to the
curb for anyone to stand there.
PROBABLY the only way to solve the problem
would be to resort to the methods of metro-
politan cities and construct a small safety is-
land, outlined with reflectors for use at night,
at the middle of the intersection. The proper
shape and position for the island would have
to be left to the genius of some engineer. It will
be a difficult task, but undoubtedly it is a neces-
sary one. Since this is only one of several dan-
gerous intersections in Ann Arbor, perhaps. De-
troit's recently organized Traffic Safety Asso-
ciation will serve as a model for a similar group
to clear up safety problems here.
-Gloria Nishon
A Man Without
A Country .. .
VERYONE is still in the dark as to
what Rudolph Hess's motives were
in dropping over to Bonnie Scotland, but if he
expected sympathy and peaceful refuge as a vic-
tim of Hitlerian "persecution" it seems he must
be shockingly disappointed. According to Wil-
liam L. Stoneman, Chicago Daily News corre-
spondent in London, a recent newsreel depicting
the results of German atrocities throughout the
world was accompanied after each incident by
the comment, "The Nazis did this and Rudolph
Hess is a Nazi." Then, after some shots of Ger-
man aviators, brought down over England, being
marched through a London station, the com-
mentator states, "Let's get all the news we can
from Rudolf Hess and then lock him up with
the rest of the rats." With this last suggestion,
adds Stoneman, "--most British citizens would
Evidently, the "blood, sweat, and tears" diet
which Hitler has forced on the English people
has produced such a passion of hatred for>the
Germans that they cannot reconcile themselves
to being friendly or partial even to those who
arannosedtoor f nrhns digustd with the

SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1941
VOL. I.. No. 168
Publication in the Daly Official
Bulletin is contructive notice to all
members of the University.
To the Members of the University
Senate:, The second regular meeting b
of the University Senate will be held
on Monday, May 26. at 4:15 p.m.,
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. i
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretaryt
Seniors: The firm which furnishes1
diplonmas for the University has sentF
the following caution: Please warn
graduates not to store diplomas in
cedar chests. There is enough of theF
moth-killing aromatic oil in the aver-
age cedar chest to soften inks of any
kind that might be stored inside
them, resulting in seriously damag-
ing the diplomas.
Shirley W. Smithn
Commencement Tickets: Ticketsa
for Commencement may be obtaineda
on request after June 1 at the Busi-T
ness office, Room 1, University Hall.i
Inasmuch as only two Yost Fieldf
House tickets are available for eachd
senior, please present identification
card when applying for tickets. V
Herbert G. Watkins
To All Members of the Faculty andt
Administrative Staff: If it seems cer-
tain thatrany telephones will not be
used during the summer months,
please notify the Business Office,
Mr. Peterson. A saving can be effect-
ed if instruments are disconnectedb
for a period of a minimum of threes
Herbert G. Watkins
Florence E. Allen Scholarships forC
Women at New York Universitys
School of Law: Notice of the estab-
lishment of six full-tuition scholar-t
ships of the New York University2
School of Law for deserving womenc
graduates of accredited universities
and colleges has been received at thet
President's Office and may be in-I
spected there. These scholarshipsC
are for women who desire to enter
the School of Law in September,c
1941. Letters -of application should
be sent to the Secretary of the Com-
mittee on the Florence E. Allenr
Scholarships for Women, Miss Mar-
cia V. Maylott, New York Universityc
School of Law, Washington Square,
New York City. They should be ac-p
companied by an official transcript of
the applicant's college record, a re-
cent photograph of the applicant, atT
least one letter of recommendationE
from an academic officer of the ap- .
plicant's college, and two letters ofa
reference from persons other than
relatives of the applicant residing inr
the applicant's home town. These
papers should be submitted by July
15, 1941.
Scholarships at the Summer Insti-
tute for Social Progress at Wellesley,
Massachusetts, July 5-19, 1941. An
opportunity is presented for twot
members of .the graduating class ort
recent alumni of the University of
Michigan. men or women, to secure
scholarships of $60, covering the cost
of tuition, board and room at this1
conference, the theme of which is
"Strengthening America at Home
and Abroad." The program of the
Institute may be inspected and appli-
cations for the scholarships obtained
at 1021 Angell Hall.
All Senior Engineers: Special as-
sembly from 3:50 to 5:30 p.m., Mon-
day, May 26, in Room 348, West En-
gineering Building, for cooperation
with Carnegie Foundation concern-
ing engineering defense training.
Head Mentor, Professor A. D. Moore
will be in charge.
A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean

To Men Students Living in Room-
ing Houses: The full amount of room
rent for the second semester is due
and payable on or before Thursday,
May 29, 1941. In case a student's
room rent is not paid by this date,
his academic credits will be with-'
held upon request of the householder
to do so.
C. T. Olmsted,
Assi" tant Dean of Students
The following students have been
accepted for admission to the Degree
Program for Honors in Liberal Arts
in the fall of 1941. These students
are to meet in Room 1020 Angell Hall,
Monday, May 26, at 4:30 p.m. Those
who are unable to attend this meet-
ing should see Professor B. D. Thuma
in 2125 Natural Science before Mon-
day noon:
Alcorn, Barbara
Allan, Richard T.
Avery, Margaret A.
Berlow, Ralph F.
Briddon, Dorothy F.
Byer, Alice
Chapman, Robert L.
Chockley, Julie
'Crowe, James A.
Dewey, Horace W.
Gilmer, Jean M.
Goldsmith, Richard E.
Goudsmit, Alfred

Ross, Emily C.
Schwab, Ruth B.
Terrell, James R.
Thomas, Ruth
Waner, Robert M.
Warshaw, Saul
Wolf, James IV.
German Departmental Library: All
books due today.
Le Foyer Francais will again open
its doors at 1414 Washtenaw during
the Summer Session. Read on pages
113 and 114 of the Summer Session
Bulletin all the advantages Le Foyer
Francais offers this Summer.
For further information see Pro-,
fessor Charles E. Koella, Room 412,
Romance Language Building, or
apply directly to the Office of the
Dean of Women.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice that VOGUE is
again sponsoring the Prix de Paris,
a career contest for senior women.
Its purpose is to discover girls with
imagination, writing ability, and a
flair for fashion and to open the
door to those girls who seek a career
in merchandising, journalism, ad-
vertising, or fashion reporting.
Further information on file at the
Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours: 9-12 and 2-4.
Academic Notices
Aeronautical Engineering Students:
Courses Aero. Eng. 6 and 20 will not
be offered in the 1941 Summer Ses-
sion, but will be replaced by the fol-
C. E. 4S, Advanced Theory of
Structures, including analysis of
complicated systems, and methods of
successive approximations. Stephen
P. Timoshenko, Professor, Stanford
University. Offered June 30 to July
26. M, T, Th, F, at 10:00. One hour
Aero. 23a; Design of Aircraft Struc-
tures. Harold W. Sibert, Associate
Professor, University of Cincinnati.
Offered June 30 to August 22. M,
T, W, Th, F, S, at 11. Three hours
Aero. 30a, Methods of Analysis of
Monocoque Structures. Lloyd H. Don-
nell, Associate Professor, Armour Col-
lege of Engineering, Illinois Institute
of Technology. Offered July 25 to
August 22. M, T, Th, F, at 10. One
hour credit.
Doctoral Examination for Donald
Frederick Boucher, Chemical Engin-
eering; Thesis: "Continuous Coun-
ter-Current Extraction of Oil from
a Porous Solid," today at 9:00 a.m.
in 3205 East Engineering Bldg. Chair-
man, J. C. Brier.
Doctoral Examination for Charles
Sanford Rayment, Latin; . Thesis:
"The Unifying Element in Lucan's
Pharsalia," today at 9:00 a.m., in
2009 Angell Hall. Chairman, J. G.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason might wish
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
a recital from 7:15 to 8:00 p.m. Sun-
day, May 25, in the Burton Memorial
Tower. Hi, program will include
Russian hymns and compositions by
Franz Schubert.
Student Graduation Recital: Kath-
erine Sarich, Contralto, will present
a recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree at 8:30 p.m., Monday,
May 26, in the School of Music Audi-
torium. The concert will be compli-

mentary to the general public.
University Band Concert: The Uni-
versity of Michigan Concert Band,
William D. Revelli, Conductor, will
give its annual Spring Concert at
8:15 p.m. on Tuesday, May 27, in
Hill Auditorium. Included on the
program, which will be open to the
general public, will be compositions
by Wagner, Dvorak, Wood, and Wein-
berger, and marches by Sousa, Gold-
man, and Alford.
A massed orchestra of 130 players
formed from civic orchestras of Ann
Arbor, Monroe, and Wyandotte, wil
give a program in' Hill Auditoriu
4:15 p.m. Sunday, May 25, under
the direction of Joseph Maddy of
Ann Arbor and Charles Shipman o:
Monroe, and featuring Flora Mae
Younglove Wolf as piano solott. Ad-
mission complimentary.
Twelfth Annual Exhibition. o
Sculpture ill the Michigan Leagu(
Building. On view until June 21.
I A-A.,..


Coming Events
.. The English Journal Club will
hold its final meting of the year on
Tuesday, May 27, at 8:00 p.m. in the
West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. Officers for next year
will be elected. Miss Barbara Clarke
will present a paper discussing Sher-
man's criticism of Whitman's poetry;
Mr. Edgar McCormick will discuss
Santayana's attack upon Whitman'
"barbarism." The meeting is open to
the public.
Varsity Glee Club: All members are
reminded of the serenade Tuesday
evening, May 27. Meet at 9:45 p.m.
in the Glee Club room.
Institute of Aeronautical Sciences
Annual Banquet will be held on
Wednesday, May 28, at 7:00 p.m. at
the Michigan League. Robert J.
Woods, Chief Design Engineer of Bell
Aircraft, will be the main speaker,,
Cass Hough, President of the Sports-
man Pilots Association, will be toast-
master. All Aeros and others are in-
vited. Tickets may be obtained from
Officers of the Institute or Mrs. An-
derson in the Aero. Department.
Picnic sponsored by the Future
Teachers of America will be on Sun-
day, May 25, at 5:00 p.m. at the
Island. All Education students and
friends are invited. Plans for next
year willbe discussed. Each per-
son should bring his own food.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sunday, May 25, at 2:30 p.m. in the
Clubroom of Rackham Bldg. (Use
north west entrance). Hiking or
bicycling\ Suppe at 6:00 p.m. All
graduate students are cordially in-
The Bethlehem Evangelical-F.P-
formed Student Guild will have a pic-
nic meeting at Bass Lake Sunday.
Cars will leave the Church at 3:30
p.m., rain or shine.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Soul and Body." Sunday
School at 11:45 a.m.
Disciples Guild (Christian Church):
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, Minister.
The Disciples Guild will leave the
Guild-House at 4:45 p.m. Sunday, for
a picnic supper and vesper service on
Huron River. Those wishing to join
the group later should call 5838 for
information concerning location.
The Sunday morning Bible Class
has been discontinued for this year.
Ann Arbor Society of Friends
(Quakers) meets Sunday in Lane
Hall. Silent Meeting for Worship at
5:00 p.m. Business Meeting at 6:00
First Methodist Church: Morning
Worship Service at 10:40. Dr. Charles
W. Brashares will preach on "Church
Union Now." Wesleyan Guild meet-
ing. Meet at the church at 5:45 p.m.
for transportation to the Earhart
Estate for the Guild meeting in honor
of the Seniors. Dr. E. W. Blakeman
will speak on "The University After
the University."
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
9:30 a.m. High School Class, Harris
Hall; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and
Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis;
11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m.
Kindergarten, Harris Hall; College
Work Program, Harris Hall. 7:00
p.m. Chaplain's Hour; 7:30 p.m. "The
Individual Christian's Responsibility
Today," by the Rev. Henry Lewis.
There will also be a Compline Serv-
ice and refreshments. Tea will be

served on Tuesday and Friday from
4 to 5:30. There will be a celebration
of the Holy Communion on Wednes-
day at 7:30 a.m.
Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m. "Wa-
ter Over the Dam" Outdoor service at
Saline Valley Farms, with Annual
Church picnic following. Transpor-
tation will be provided for those not
First Congregational Church: 8:45
a.m. The Church School will meet for
its Annual Spring Sunday School
Breakfast in the Assembly Room.
9:30 a.m. Junior and Intermediate
Departments of Church School.
10:30 a.m. Kindergarten and Pri-
mary Departments of Church School.
10:45 a.m. A Patriotic Memorial
f Service will be- held, which members
of ten patriotic organizations and
- auxiliaries will attend in a body. Dr.
Parr will preach on "What Mean Ye
By These Stones?"
4:30 p.m. Cars will leave promptly
to take members of Student Fellow-
ship to Cedar Lake for a picnic. They
f will be the guests of theUniversity of
e Michigan Congregational Alumni.
They will discuss plans for the student
program for next year.

9 A Letter Home
To My Mother

Dear Ma,
IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME since I've written
you, so I am writing in answer to your
last letter in which you told me to give you the
real lowdown on what's happyening in all these
automobile strikes, etc., up here in Detroit, etc.
The men working at That Motor Company vot-
ed overwhelmingly, I see by the paper, in favor
of the CIO. Harry Bennett, who is in charge
of all the employes at the Co., said "It's a great
victory for the Communist Party, Gov. Murray
D. Van Wagoner and the National Labor Rela-
tions Board. The law provides that we must live
with them and we never violate the law."
You wouldn't know it, Ma, but there's 51,866
of those Communists working at That Plant.
That's what Mr. Bennett says, and he ought to
know. You ought to see that plant these days.
51,866 wild bolsheviks running around like mad,
carrying bombs and sabotaging everything in
sight, with only Mr. Bennett's crew to maintain
THE PLANT is now a veritable battleground.
Them Communists are working their damned
heads off to manufacture them new defense air-
planes and blitzbuggies and stuff -- but they
( ain't doing it for Uncle Sam - it's for Uncle Joe.
They're building all these armaments as part of
the Soviet strategy. What these here fellows are
gonna do is have a revolution when the time is
ripe and then use all these here tanks and
planes and blitzbuggies against the United States
Government. They're even appropriating a V8
Special Deluxe for Commissar Van Wagoner.
Oh, it will be a gory mess. And they have
special secret communications with all the other
unions (unions is the Russian word for orchee-
chornia, which means borers-from-within) and
when this great underground network starts
networking they will Russkrieg the whole U.S.,

and them asking for more dough! It's their way
of sabotaging billions and billions of dollars worth
of national defense orders. Them Communist lab-
orers ain't entitled to more dough, they're just
supposed to do the work. If they had any brains
they'd work their way up to be President Of
The Company, and if they ain't got any brains
they wouldn't know what to do with the money
they got, anyway. They ought to be glad they're
getting anything at all.
HE REAL FELLOW who should get the extra
dough is the President of these here com-
panies, or the Enterprenewer, as we say in Eco-
nomics class. He's the fellow who gets all the
ideas. And besides the cost of living is going up
and he's got to live. Them labor comrades ought to
work for nothing, thankful enough they ain't in
Europe or some other Communist country.
So I think they ought to fire those 51,866
Communists out of that Ford factory and ship
'em all off to Rooshia, where most of 'em came
from anyway, or their ancestors. They can get
law abiding Americans. to work for 'em - fel-
lows who would be glad to work for the great
cause of putting out fine cars for the American
home or putting out blitzbuggies for the Amer-
ican army, without worrying about how they're
going to eat.
Sorry I flied off the handle, Ma, but it gets
me sore the way you read these lies at home
in the Communistic newspapers.
WE HAVE HERE now, I believe, the most per-
fect example of democracy to be found any-
where or at any time. This here democracy
realizes the limitations of all the small men and
puts them in a place where they can get along,
but not beat up on the big fellows who are
running things, as they should.
In conclusion, Ma, let me say again God Bless

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