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May 24, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-24

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I I I - -- . MEM

Fair and Warer.


Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


How About
A Safety Island?..










British Squadron



Landing Attempt

Ic gan Whips Purdue
In Slugfest Under Lights
Wakefield Hits Homer As Wise Pitches
Wolverines Nearer Conference Crown
By MYRON DANNed only fou
(special to The Daily) adalwdol orsatrdht
LAFAYETTE, Ind., May 23.-Play- and two runs in the remaining six
ing the first night game in the innings of the ball game.
history of Big Ten competition Two Unearned Runs
Michigan's rampaging baseball team With the score tied going into the
downed the Purdue Boilermakers, 7-5.
This victory gave the Wolverinesfoth, Pudue decided to be
their seventh win in nine conference to its visitors from the Lake State1
starts and an ironclad grip on first and gave the Wolverines two unearnedJ
place in Big Ten standings. runs by wild pitches and fumbled
Cliff Wise went the distance for
Michigan, allowing eight hits and ground balls.
issuing but one walk, while his team Purdue tallied another run in the
mates got nine hits and eight bases fifth inning to make the score only
on balls off of Don Blanken. 5-4 in favor of Michigan when the
Wakefield Homers s
Dick Wakefield, the Wolverines' usually reliable Bud Chamberlain let

Darlan Denies Submission
To Nazi Fleet Demand
In Radio Declaration
Axis Convoys Sunk
In Action Off Crete
ALEXANDRIA, Egypt, May 23 -(P)
-Five thousand-or more Nazi soldiers
bent on a surprise landing on Crete
were drowned when a ,British naval
squadron smashed into the center of
their hodge-podge convoy and blasted
to the bottom an Italian destroyer,
two merchantmen and 40 sailing ves-
sels, British naval officers related to-
Not a single German managed to
reach the embattled island to rein-
force the airborne Nazis already there,
the officers asserted.
Describing the carnage wrought in
a three-hour engagement which be-
gan about 11 p.m.,. Wednesday. The
captain of one British cruiser which
took part in the Cretan operations
German Boats Sunk
"We sank the German boats with
four-inch guns and pompoms. Cruis-
ers and destroyers rammed them. The
sea was full of thousands of Germans
clinging to the wreckage and shout-
ing for help.
"The havoc we wrought was so
great that no Germans managed to
lang in Crete that night.."
Thus, the officers said, was a great
German convoy of sailing caiques and
small merchantmen, escorted by a
single Italian destroyer, completely
destroyed or dispersed.
The might of the fleet met them in
pitch darkness on Wednesday night.
Steaming Eastward
"We were' steaming eastward," said
the cruiser captain, "when suddenly,
at about 11 p.m., our destroyer ;screen
opened fire on a darkened ship.
"This was the first intimation that
we were in contact with the enemy.
"We. altered course and entered the
"Our destroyer fire was very effec-
tive. A great bonfire appeared on the
ocean, apparently a merchantman
burning from end to end.
Darlan Denies Submission
To German Government
VICHY, Unoccupied France, May 23
-Adolph Hitler has not demanded
possession of the French fleet, colonial
concessions or a French declaration of
war on Britain, vice premier'Admiral
Jean Darlan told the French people
today in a radio address on his nego-
tiations with Genany.
Admiral Darlan did not disclose the
nature of the arrangements being
made with Germany, but declared
they presented a choice between life
and death and the French govern-
ment had chosen life.
Brief Sentences
In brief sentences suitable to the
quarterdeck, he stated:
"The chancellor (Hitler) did not
ask me to hand over our fleet to him.
"Everyone knows - and the Eng-
lish better than anyone - that I will
never hand it over.
"The chancellor did not ask me for
any colonial territory. He did not ask
me to declare war on England.
"Why has he acted so?
"Germany began the war alone and
judges herself able to end it alone
against no matter what coalition.
"At no moment in the conversa-
tions was there any question of France
abandoning in any way her sovereign-
France Chooses Road
"France freely is choosing the road
she is taking.
"On her depends her present and
her future.
"She will have the place in the or-
ganization of Europe which she will
have made for herself."
Ad al , ,ln._ re m 7..71. . . ..

Trustee Denies
Ayres' Claim s
About Haisley
Challenging certain remarks made
by Trustee Louis Ayres at the board
of education meeting Wednesday in
defense of his opposition to dismissed
Superintendent of Schools Otto W.
Haisley, M. H. Waterman, Trustee
supporting Haisley, asserted yester-
day that a legally-forced hearing
for Haisley would result in "a potent
lesson to the inert school electorate
of Ann Arbor."
Part of Waterman's statement
answering Ayres is reprinted here:
"I refer to the implication that the
board of education has knowledge of
facts which would be offensive in dis-
closure and yet which formed the
basis for the majority decision of
the board both in refusing to re-
employ Mr. Haisley and in refusing
to comply with the law in the matter
of granting a hearing in the case.
"As one of the minority, I would
like to state that in all of the board
discussions, in open meetings and
closed, no statements of conditions
or situations were called to my at-
tention which were not, in my opin-
ion, either untrue or irrelevant. If
the majority of the board does have
at its disposal facts which it has not
communicated to the full board, this
-alone is reason for proceeding with
the hearing according to law. If all
of the available facts are as I know
them, there can be but one result of
such a hearing; namely, a potent
lesson to and a pointed accusation
of the inert school electorate of Ann
Cory Announces 'Ensign
Distribution For Monday
Those who have purchased, 1941
Michiganensians will be able to obtain
their copies between 8 a.m. and 6
p.m. Monday, according to Jack Cory,
'41, business manager.
Presentation of the receipt stubI
on the first floor of the Publications
Building will insure each purchaser
his copy. Students are urged to re-
member the receipt, to help eliminate
any confusion in the Publications
Also requested of the students is
a 10 cent fee to partially cover the
sales tax it was necessary to add
this ,year.
A limited number of yearbooks arel
still available at $5 each. These were
copies ordered for students who made
the initial payment, but who failed


fence buster, hit the longest drive ever
made in the Columbia Park Stadium.'
The blow which came in the ninth
innin 'ith n n n n rr ltrl

inning wiz no one on carrned well
over the center field wall, 410 feet
from the plate.
After the Wolverines had scoredl
three runs off of Blanken in the first
inning it appeared as if Michigan
would have an easy time of it, but
Purdue tied it up when it tallied three
runs in the third to make it a new
ball game.
In that frame Wise was touched
for three hits and most of the 3,000
fans who jammed the stadium
thought the big fellow was through
for the evening but Wise settled down
'Male Animal'
WillEnd Run
'Skylark' To Open Monday
With Matteson In Lead
"The Male Animal," currently
showing at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, will conclude its week's run
with a matinee and an evening per-
formance today.
Conrad Nagel is appearing as Pro-
fessor Tommy Turner in Thurber and
Nugent's comedy of college life in
which Ruth Matteson portrays the
distracted wife.
Miss Matteson will take over the
part left vacant by Ilka Chase. She
will rehearse this week for the show-
ing of the second play of the season,
"Skylark," which opens Tuesday.
Leon Ames, who is starring in "The
Male Animal" at the present time,
will reappear next week in the lead
opposite Miss Matteson as the well-
intentioned advertiseri wedded to his
Hiram Sherman will play a charm-
ing and sardonic lawyer, while Wil-
liam David of the original cast will
continue as Ned Franklin.
Today is the last opportunity to buy
season tickets for the festival al-
;hough single performance tickets will
be on sale until the end of the sea-

an easy grounder go through his legs
allowing the Boilermaker catcher
Ernie Young to score from third.
Purdue continued its good neighbor
policy toward the Wolverines by giv-
ing them another run in the sixth
without the necessity of Michigan
making a hit.
Harms and Wise worked the erratic
Mr. Blanken for a pass.
Nelson Safe On Error
Fisher sent Nelson up, sacrificed
Wise over to second and Harms to
third. After Nelson bunted the first
one foul the Purdue infield held a
conference with their pitcher and de-
cided to anchor George Doherty, Pur-
due infielder, on his sack. In an at-
tempt to flag Harms, Nelson laid
down a poorbunt and a good throw
from Blanken to Doherty would have
had the Wolverine catcher out by ten
feet, but the ex-basketball star tried
to back hand the ball to his third
baseman with the result the ball went
into the Michigan dugout and Harms
came all the way in on the error.
Landes Named
New Geology
Dept. Chairman
20 Junior College Awards
Established By Regents;
New Buildings Approved
In its monthly meeting yesterday
the University Board of Regents ap-
pointed Dr. Kenneth Knight Landes,
at present on the University of Kan-
sas faculty, new professor of geology
and Chairman of the Department of
Geology, to take office upon the re-
tirement of Prof. Ermine C. Case,
who will be 70 years of age Sept. 11,
Landes has had a rapid rise to pro-
minence in the field of geology. Be-
ginning his teaching experience in
1924 ashan instructor at Wellesley
College, he has since risen from assist-
ant professor to Chairman of the
Geology Department at the Universi-
ty of Kansas.
Also State Geologist of Kansas, Lan-
des has been very successful in de-
veloping within that state a con-
sciousness of the extent and value
of its mineral resources.
The new appointee gained a great
deal of field work experience with the
U.S. Geological Survey" during the
summers of 1921, 1924, 1925 and
1926 in New Mexico, Colorado, Utah
and Alaska. He has also done inde-
pendent work in several other states
and in Canada. .
Other actions taken by the Re-
gents included the establishment of
a group of Michigan Public Junior
College Scholarships for graduates of
the nine junior colleges in this state
who wish to continue their studies at
the University.
The statement of the Regents in-
dicated they felt the students of two-
year colleges had been neglected in
past years by the University, for
there were almost no scholarships to
which they were eligible.
It was estimated that for the first
year the number of Junior College
awards would be 18 or 20. They will
be awarded to the graduates of
schools at Bay City, Flint, Fordson,
rtrnni a nidnm Hihlan d ark '2ron-.


Axis Reported
To Be Asking
Russian Help
Effort Is Being Set Forth
Tio 1orce Switzerland
Tfo Cooperate Ini War
Invasion Of Britain
Hinted At As Near
ROME, May 23-Diplomatic circles
heard rumors tonight of an imminent
1move to bring Switzerland into the
Axis and an effort to gain Soviet per-
mission to move Axis troops across
Russia to the Persian Gulf for the
German-Italian assault on the British
in the Middle East.
Failing the latter, it was said that
the Russian Ukraine itself . , . (here
the censor cut the Rome correspond-
ent's telephone conversation to the re-
lay office at Bern, Switzerland).
Press Hints Demands
While Axis circles professed ignor-
ance of -either diplomatic move, the
Fascist press has envisaged not only
the Russian possibility, but hinted to-
day that a similar demand might be
made of Turkey to permit access of
Axis ground forces to Syria.
Much was said to depend on the
outcome of the battle of Crete. If the
Axis suffered a setback in the Eastern
Mediterranean, moves elsewhere could
be expected. If Germany and Italy
are successful at Crete, then observers
said that the long-awaited invasion of
England with concurrent drives
through Spain and Portugal against
Gibralter perhaps would follow.
General Demoted
Amid this conjecture, a commu-
nique announced that Premier Musso-
lini had removed as vice chief of
staff and undersecretary of war Gen.
Alfredo Guzzoni, who led the Italian
invasion of Albania.
Gen. Guzzoni was replaced as un-
dersecretary by Division Gen. Antonio
Scuero, now general superintendent
of the Italian Army, while the general
staff post held by Guzzoni was abol-
Alluding to the possible diplomatic
moves in the Near East, Il Polo di
Roma acknowledged that the "politi-
cal evolution" necessary to Axis priv-
ileges in Turkey was not yet foreseen,
but added: "Anti-British ferment in
the Middle East was re-enforcing cur-
rents favorable to the Axis in both
Turkey and Russia."
State Trooper IJured
In Motorcycle Accident
State trooper Brower was seriously
injured yesterday when he was thrown
from his motorcycle at the corner of
Huron River Drive and Main Street.
Riding alongside a companion
trooper, Brower was hurled to the
pavement when the other machine
struck an object in the road and
jumped sideways against him.
Suffering from a fractured skull
and a broken wrist, Brower was
rushed to a Ypsilanti hospital by
sheriff's officers.

Action Overrides
Student Pttin
Against Changes
Kipke Says Consent Of Publications Board
Is Certain; Claims Membership Ad lition
Will Improve University-Daily Relations;
Committee Recommendation Followed
Disregarding the expressed opposition of more than 4,350 students, the
Regents of the University went ahead yesterday in their determination to
increase faculty control of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Acting upon the report of the Committee on Public Relations, which met
early in the afternoon with members of the Publications Board, the Regents
announced that they saw "no reason to rescind or change their former
action on this by-law."
Following the meeting, Regent Harry Kipke said that the proposed
change in membership, as provided in the by-laws adopted at the December
Smeeting of the Regents, was neces-

Men's Dorms
Will Hold Huge
WVictory Dinner'
Residence Halls Banquets
To Feature Presentation
Of Awards To Athletes
The Men's Residence Halls will
conclude another year of active par-
ticipation in Intramural Sports next
Wednesday night when the second
annual "Victory Dinner" takes place
simultaneously in the halls of the
West Quadrangle. The East Quad-
rangle will hold its celebration the
following Wednesday.
The giant banquet had its initia-
tion last year at the end of the first
year on campus of the West Quad.
All of the halls will participate in
honoring team champions, All-Star
players, and winners of Varsity
awards and freshman numerals who
reside in the dormitories. Williams
House succeeds Lloyd House as the
All-Residence Champion.
William Riordan, grad, who has
been in charge of Intramural Activi-
ties of the Residence Halls, will cony
elude his term of active participation
with the planning on the tremendous
fete. Aiding Mr. Riordan throughout
the past year have been the Athletic
Directors of each hall. In the West
Quadrangle, George Jaquillard has
directed Winchell's activities; Harry
X1\oorstein worked at Williams; Dick
Bieneman, at Allen Rumsey; Bill
Bogedain, at Lloyd; Theodore Go-
siewski, at Wenley; Ray Wise, at Ad-
ams; Carl McNicholas, at Chicago
House, and Henry Dongvillo, in
Michigan House.
The following have been in charge
in the East Quadrangle: Pete Speek,
Greene House; Ralph Heide and
John Riopelle, co-directors in Pres-
cott House, and John Lack, Tyler

sary to "improve relations between
The Daily, the University and the
He explained that now the only
action necessary to make the change
final is the approval of the Publica-
tions Board itself.
"There 'is no doubt, however, that
the members of the Board will agree
to the increase. We shall probably
appoint the two new faculty repre-
sentatives at the next Regents'
meeting June 20."
Add Two Faculty Members
The plan would not only add two
faculty members, but would also
give votes to the two non-voting
alumni, thus making the ratio nine
to three against the students as
compared to the existing four to
three set-up.
Nothing was said to indicate that
the signatures of almost 4,500 stu-
dents opposing the increase, which
were presented to President Alexan-
der Ruthven before the meeting,
were considered in the action.
The signatures were submitted to
the president by a committee of five
students representing different sec-
tions of campus opinion. The mem-
bers included Emile Gele, '42, man-
aging editor of The Daily; William
Slocum, '42, president of the Judi-
ciary Council; William 'Clark, '42,
president of the Student Religious
Association., Robert Speckhard, '43,
Daily editorial director, and Donald
Stevenson, '42, president of the Inter-
fraternity Council.
Letters 1P'resented
At the same time the committee
presented Ruthven with letters from
the junior and senior editorial' and
business staff of the Daily, Garg-
oyle and Michiganensian expressing
unanimous disapproval of the pro-
posed changes in the membership of
the Board in Control.
Condemnation of the plan came
also from the three student members
of the Board when Philip Westbrook,
'43L, declared that "no doubt many
of the supporters of the change sin-
cerely believe that it would not affect
the rights of students to ,express
themselves freely but our experiences
indicate that the likely result would
be an immature college sheet, falling
far below the stahdards of the present
Sunderland Agrees
Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, faculty
member of the Publications Board,
agreed with Kipke, however, that in-
creased faculty representation should
and would be approved in the next
meeting of the Board.
"The Board in Control of Student
Publications is only a subsidiary or-
ganization of the Board of Regents,"
he said, "as it was incorporated with
that body's consent."
The adoption of the by-law by the
Regents seems to have come out of
the disturbances caused a little over
a year ago by the appearance of two
or three "radical" editorials in The
Adopted In December
It was in the December meeting
of the Regents that the change was
adopted as a part of their new by-
laws. On May 3 the Board of Con-
trol, notified that it should consider
a resolution to make the Board's cor-
poration laws conform to the newly-
passed by-laws. decided. instead, to

to keep the installments up to date. son, June 21.
Fielding1 . Yost Is Honored
With Emeritus Professorship
-, - .-y

Secretary Of Navy Knox Urges
U.S. To Aid In Control Of Sea

Fielding Harris Yost, the life-blood
of Michigan athletics for the past 40
years - now on his sickbed in a
Nashville hospital-was honored yes-
terday by the Board of Regents by
having the title, Professor Emeritus
of the Theory and Practice of Ath-
letics, conferred upon him.
The title, which becomes effective
on his retirement as Athletic Director
July 1, was bestowed upon Mr. Yost
by the Board as a token of gi'atitude
and appreciation for his long and de-
voted service to the University which
began in 1901 when he assumed the
duties of football coach.
In regard to Mr. Yost's loyal asso-
cation with the University, a Regents
resolution said, "it has meant much
more than a record, however impres-
sive, of contests won and national
acclaim. To very many, Mr. Yost's
example of hard play, fine sportsman-
ship, clean living and good citizenship

WASHINGTON, May 23.-()-In
a fervent appeal for stronger -mea-
sures to -defeat Germany, Secretary
of the Navy Knox declared today,
"This is fight for control of the
high seas, and God help us if we
don't bear our share in that fight
for the control of the sea and against
human slavery."
Following up his recent denuncia-
tion of the Neutrality Act as a ter-
rific blunder, Knox told the Society
of Naval Architects and Marine En-
gineers that if the nation is to keep
its self-respect it must "recapture a
principle for which we fought twice,
the principle of the freedom of the
Halifax Receives Ovation
Near the naval secretary as he
spoke sat Lord Halifax, the British
ambassador. Halifax did not make
an address, but received a rising
ovation as he was escorted into the

ameliorate this situation of ships,
ships and more ships."
Air Power Important
The navy chief said, in expanding
his comments on the high importance
of sea power, that he included air
power as a part of ocean domination.
The time would never come, he said,
when any nation could "successfully
achieve world domination without
a combination of those powers, and
at the base, sea power."
On the other hand, he said, the
world could not achieve peace until
America was "prepared to put be-
hind our devotion to peace the power
that we can control on the seas and
in the air."
Meanwhile, Congress was putting
legislative machinery in shape for
President Roosevelt to take formal
possession of Axis and other ships in
American harbors and press them
into any service he deems fit.


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