l l E MICHiAN DAILY : . -tiLi : ;Ursa-, :ik r ; i . '-'. , .':o Y. m ~ q Dr. A. Sachar German Plans For Invading Will Address Isles Discussed In 1932 Book, Director Solutions Cases British Planes Sweep Channel R A.F Attacks inehas In Numbers, Intenisity (Continued from Page 1) course of British-Turkish action in he Balkan crisis. . The Britons were welcomed tu- multously upon their arrival. United States Ambassador J.V.A. MacMurray and the Greek Minister o Ankara were among Eden's first allers. Closer to the theatre of war in Am- terdam, Holland, six civilians were killed and a number wounded today in clashes between the police and "disturbers of the peace," it was of- icially announced tonight.I A "great number" of persons were arrested. A brief German announcement1 ftated these deaths had taken place in police actions during which "the ringleaders of nightly attacks against the police patrol and a secret Jew- ish organization were uncovered." E. L. Neville Describes Far Eastern Frontiers (Continued from Cage s) Mr. Neville pointed' out; but the Chinese government failed to gain political of military control over Indo- China or Japan. Mr. Neville read parts of letters from the. Khan inviting Japan to place itself under the protection of the Chinese empire, and he noted Japan's complete lack of cooperation. A huge naval force launched against Japan was destroyed by a storm and Chinese army assaults on the island failed miserably, he said. Michigan junior senator, Democrat Prentiss M. Brown, will support the President's lease-lend "aid to Britain" bill upon which the Senate will vote in the near future, it was learned yesterday from Vivian Siemon, '42, of the campus chapter of the Mich- igan Anti-War Committee. Miss Siemon was among several hundred youth from all over the na- tion who visited the nation's capi- tal last week-end in a peace mobiliza- ion sponsored by the Fellowship olk Reconciliation, Keep America Out of War Committee, National Council for Prevention of War, War Resist- ance League, Women's International League For Peace and Freedom and the Youth Committee Against War. Favors .Bill Senator Brown will vote for the lease-lend bill, Michigan's Anti-War representative learned in an inter- view, because he feels that if Hitler is victorious it will necessitate a large military program for the United States, whereas an English victory, will obviate this condition, the Sen- ator believes. "When I pointed out to the Senator that his stand against conscription had led people to hope for his voting against the lease-lend bill, Senator Brown replied that now that con- . scription had passed, lie would sup- port the President in it," Miss Sie- mon said. The Senator added that he had fav- ored a program of paying university students and CCC boys 10 to 12 dol- lars a month if they would take mili- tary training and spend their en- tire summers in military training, instead of the original selective ser- vice act, Miss Siemon related. Wants Hatch Act Amended He will favor such a program after ,he present emergency is past, Miss Siemon learned. Right now the Sen- ator is interested in amending the ffatch Act so that professors, and he ^ited Professor Pollock in particular, vould be able to give their opinions 3n political matters, it was discovered. In spite of Senator Brown's state- nent supporting the lease-lend bill, anti-war groups believe that political Pressure still might induce him to vote finally against the bill. An anti-war strike is planned on ,his 'campus, April 16, Miss Siemon stated, but as yet the speaker is un- determined. Socialist Norman Thom- as, Senator Burton K. Wheeler, and writer John T. Flynn were among those who addressed the anti-war mass meeting in Washington, she }aid. Senator Brown States Support For Presidet's'Bi itish Aid'Bill Graduate Club HoldsMeeting Three papers were presented athrr rst meeting of the newly organized Graduate Study Club of the speech department yesterday. Arthur Klein, Grad., described "The Carnegie Experiment in Dramatics"; Alfred Partridge, Grad., "Logic and Public Speaking;" Virginia Holland, Grad., "General Semantics and Speech Making"; and Lyman Part- ridge, "Metabolic Studies of Stutter- ing." The club has been formed for the purpose of surveying research ma- terials and evaluating methods and techniques of speech pedagogy. Eligible Freshmen Invited To Union Staff Tryont Tryouts for all eligible freshmen interested in becoming members of the Michigan Union student staff have been invited to attend a try- out meeting at 5 p.m. tomorrow in Room 317 of the Union, President Douglas Gould, '41, and Secretary Charles Heinen, '41, of the Union will address the group for a few minutes. Training that the Union gives in business practices, social behavior and group coopera- tion will be among the topics dis- cussed. This map amazingly similar to many invasion diagrams printed to- day appeared in 1932 in a book written by a German military authority, Emil Banse. This book contains a, blueprint of the Nazi War moves including a discussion of the best way to invade England. Back in 1932 a German geogra-t--------------- pher, Prof. Emil Banse of the Bruns- wick Technical College wrote a book, 'Raum und Volk im Weltkriege." It analysed the German mistakes of the last war and pointed out a course of, action for a future Reich military. force.{ Banse sent a copy of the work to dustrial Midlands and also Clyde. "Then England would be in the grip of forceps from west and the south- east," he asserts. He warned the Germans that when the invasion comes, "the nation will rush to arms as one map and with heroic obstinance let itself be mown down before it is forced back step by Prof. J. K. Pollock of the political step." He pointed out, however, that science department whom he had it is questionable whether England met in Brunswick that year. Pollock can face starvation. read the book but thought the views too extreme and did not keep it. To- day the work reads like a blueprint of Hitler's program step by step until the present time and even includes a announced in the near future, Tala- Plan for invading England. mon said. Accurate Predictions j Banse predicted the annexation of Austria; he advocated setting up a °Mussolini in Spain. In Czechoslovakia CT ASSIFIED e emphasized the importance of the ~ ir r4 LI antagonism between the Czechs and Germans in Bohemia. In the last DREIRECTOR war, he said, Germany should have made peace with Russia at any price. jRussia should have been kept sepa- rate from France," he stated. He saw MISCELLANEOUS-20 that Poland would fight but said Ithat it should be partitioned. He ad- WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL - vised taking the Danish cows and Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. ;casts. He was bitter against Norway. Killins Gravel Company, phone For Sweden he suggested careful 7112. Sc treatment. He insisted on the inva- sion of Holland and Belgium. When TAL,.ORING & PRESSING- 12 fighting the French he advised tak- DRESSMAKING and alterations. irg Abbeville first and then taking Coats relined. Also sewing of all Pars after undermining the people. kinds. Call Mrs. Ream, 8653. 23c He predicted that Rumania could be used as an oil reserve base. He EXPERT HOSIERY and garment re- saw Italy as a necessary ally al- pair. Reasonable rates. Weave-Bac though he was contemptuous of the Shop-Upstairs in Nickels Arcade. Italian soldiers. Finally he stressed BEN THE TAILOR-More money for the importance of keeping the United y-sStates out of the war. your clothes--good clothes for sale. Propaganda Considered 122 E. Washington. lc Banse gave careful consideration JOHN'S' TAILOR AND CLEANER in his book to long range propaganda Suits made to measure-Satisfac- planning. tion guaranteed-Alternations and Sale of the book was discontinued Repairing-609 Packard. 287 in Germany and every attempt was made to prevent publication abroad. LOST and FOUND Harcourt, Brace published it in the United States in 1934 under the title IRISH SETTER, chain collar, 2 yrs. Germany Prepares for War." It has old, name "Mike." Reward: Call been somewhat of a rare book and 24509. Psi Upsilon.- a copy of the work is in the Univer- LAUNDERING sity library. When Hitler came to power in 1933, Banse was made a full professor and LAUNDRY-2-1044. Sox darned. Pollock describes him now as one of Careful work at low price. 3c the leading pundits on the .academic STUDENT LAUNDRY-Special stu- side among the military authorities dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226 of Nazi Germany. South First St. Phone 3916. 10c Consequently, his anlysis of the possibilities of invading Great Brit- STUDENT BUNDLES-3 shirts, 3 ain deserve attention. pairs of sox, 6 handkerchiefs fin- I He advises that the invading forces ished, '2 suits underwear, 2 bathf should strike at five points between towels, 1 pajama suit fluffed-99c. Yarmouth and Dover from Amster-j Ace Hand Laundry, 1114 S. Uni- dam, Rotterdam, Ostend, and Calais. versity. 15c The East Anglian penninsula, be- TYPING - 1 8 tween Norfolk and Suffolk, could easily be taken and held by an invad- TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, ing force and when this could be 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or done a second and subsidiary inva- 2-1416. 14c sion could be carried out from the Irish Free State to strike at the in- VIOLA STEIN-Experienced. legal - typist, also mimeographing. Notary Hillel To Hold Mixer public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. Bill Sawyer and his band will make TYPING and duplicating service. a matinee appearance when fhe Hil- Dorothy Testa, M.A., 625 East Lib- lel Foundation has its second semes- erty (at State), Rm. 1. 2-1835. Re- ter membership mixer from 3:30 p.m. ports, theses, dissertations, briefs. to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow in the main 22c ballroom of the Union. I s /7/ K \N .;.. . I Some amount of electricity- TW ICE AS MUCH LT!HT For the same amount of electricity. you can get TWICE THE ILLUMINATION by using new fluorescent tube lights in your factory, store or office. But a word of caution is advisable: Fluorescent lighting is so new and there are so many fixtures on the market, so many claims being. miade, that it is hard for the inex- perienced Iliiver to know what to buy. At present fluorescent fixtures are more expen- sive than other types, and special auxiliary equipment is needed to operate them. so that getting your money's worth is especially important. Our experienced lighting staff will be glad to give you full information about this revo- lutionary new lighting. Call any Detroit Edison office. There is no charge or obli- gation. The Detroit Edison Company does not sell fluorescent lamps or fixtures. See your electrical contractor or lighting fixture dealer. The Detroit Edison Company. ~enkr4 - Your Ension photographs are kept on file for several years so that you may reorder on them in either the regular or identification size. / fvl ,dir / 1 Cdr 1