PAGE FOR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1941 U __________________________________________ U U ___________________________________________________________________________________________ I I THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the Universityof Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control pf Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the university year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mal matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, b~y mail, $4.50. * jEPRESENTUD FOR NATIONAL AOVERTIaING RY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CuocAGO - BosTON . Los ANGELES . SAN PRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 VE itorral Staff is Emile Geld J Robert Speckhard Albert P. Blaustein David Lachenbruch Bernard Dober Alvin Dann Hal Wilson Arthur Hill Janet Hiatt Grace Miller Id . " , . Managing Editor . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Women's Editor Assistant Women's Editor 7usiness Staff . . . Business Manager . . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager B Daniel ,James Louise velyn H. Huyett B. Collins Carpenter Wright . f. NIGHT EDITOR: EDMUND GROSSBERG The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Ann Arbor Citizens Fight Haisley Ouster ... I T HE HAISLEY CASE HAS JUST BE- GUN - quoth Neil Staebler, head of the Citizen's Committee, at Wednesday's public meeting of the Ann Arbor School Board, after the Board, by another 5-4 decision, re- fused to grant the Superintendent a hearing. Mr. Staebler summed up the situation well, fir both common and legal justice demand that' the Superintendent's seventeen years of admir- .able service in behalf of Ann Arbor and its 'Youth be vindicated. yThat Mr. Haisley's record is admirable is testified by the spontaneous support of all ele- ments of the Ann Arbor public - school child- =ren, their parents and their teachers. No formal charges have been preferred by the Board against Mr. Haisley, and the explanations given by sev- eral individuals on the Board have been exploded as absurd. YET THE BOARD has continued to violate the will of a great majority of interested Ann Arbor citizens, and further violated the provisions of the State Teacher's Tenure Act at Wednes- day's meeting by refusing to even grant the ,Superintendent an open hearing. One member of the five-man block on the Board did rise at !the meeting and gave a lengthy rationale of that action. He said that a rift has been created in the Ann Arbor community over Mr. Haisley's :case, and that, therefore, the dismissal of Mr. Haisley would be in the best interests of the community. What he did not and cannot rationalize is the fact that the arbitrary action of the majority of the Board has itself created the rift he speaks of. As Mr. Staebler aptly put it, "The five members of the Board would shoot the patient to cure the disease" - a disease for which the :Board members are responsible for in a large degree. T HAS BEEN the recognized policy of Mr. Haisley to bring parents, students, teachers and members of the School Board into the best ,Understanding with each other. The National Educational Policies Committee has cited specif- ically the Ann Arbor school system in this re- spect. To lay the blame for any rift in the community about the matter of school policy on the Superintendent who has been instrumental in instituting better understanding about the schools in the community, is as unfair as the previous reasons have been absurd. HE HAISLEY CASE has just begun. Court action promises to force the Board to hold a public hearing, the first setup under the Tenure Act to which Mr. Haisley has appealed. What specifically will follow that is still problematical, but the reaction of the Ann Arbor citizenry prom- ises to carry on the fight until the Superintendent is vindicated. - Robert Speckhard For The Record RIME MINISTER JAN CHRISTIAN SMUTS of the British Union of South Africa says the Jnited States paved the way for the present war. "I feel convinced that America, in abandoning the League to Nations to its fate after taking a Students Ask For Aid To China Today . . . F OR FOUR LONG YEARS the tire- less people of ancient China have battled the aggression of Japan. Today in Ann Arbor students and townspeople will have the opportunity to express their sympathy for the beleagured Republic. Tags will be sold under the auspices of the University of Michigan Chin- ese Students' Club by students who are donat- ing their services for the cause. The greatest need in China at the present time is for food and medical supplies. The last year's harvest fel Lar below the average crop, and Indo-China can ~o longer be counted on as an effective avenue for food supplies because of its apparent submission to Japan. The Japanese blockade has also contributed to the serious situation. Many students are starving or barely subsisting on food scraps. CLOTHING AND SHOES are also at a mini- mum. The army of Chiang Kai-Shek has long been wearing merely sandals, and now even wealthy civilians have Deen forced to get along with them-an ordinary pair of shoes costs $100. The most conservative estimate places the number of refugees in the war-torn areas at 40 millions. These unfortunate beings wander aimlessly, never sure of their next night's shel- ter or food for theirhungry children. Americans all should only be too glad to aid, these brave people in their struggle for nation- al existence. They should do it in the spirit of two Chinese characters which are printed on the tags, "jen" meaning humanity and "yi" meaning righteousness. President Ruthven has explained the situation in an official statement released to the Daily which is as follows: "Our Chinese students, one of the groups for whose presence on the campus we have reason to be most appreciative, are giving us an opportunity to contribute to civilian relief in China. I heartily commend this effort and hope that the response may be a generous one. Thus we can express in a practical way our friendship for an ancient and cultured people and our sympathy for the innocent victims of gross international injustice." THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN has long been famous for its Chinese community. Dr. James B. Angell, a former president of the uni- versity, served as envoy to China shortly after 1893 and at that time persuaded Chinese gov- erment leaders to send students to the Uniteti States. Although the Chinese colony is not as large now as in formet times, it is still as much a part of University life. The students live in dormitories, fraternities and rooming houses just as their American counterparts. They are no' making an effort to help their homeland in it hour of need. One dollar of contributions will mean food for a month for some civilian. Our aid is being asked. Let us not fail to respond.i -George W. Sallade Skimmings by the edit director ADD THIS to Ann Arbor's fame . . . the fair city has cornered the nation's chopsticks market or practically so. It all came about as a result of the relief drive for China sponsored by the local Chinese Student Club on the campus today. Chopsticks will take the place of the traditional tags; 4,000 are to be distributed, which meant the Club has had to buy out the nation's sources of supply-the Chinese settle- ments of New York and San Francisco. * * * Our state legislature has been kept busy this session considering A steady stream of bills designed to stamp out this and investi- gate that. The latest bill (H. 408) would deny the ballot to the Communist party and by its vague language endanger the exist- ence of all minority parties. Actively buck- ing the bill are a group of Michigan church- men, professional men and educators. Professors Preston Slosson, Leroy Waterman and C. N. Wagner of the faculty are among the sponsors. * * * NORMAN THOMAS, who speaks here next week against war, is a veteran visitor to Ann Arbor. Spring or fall never fails to see the man who has gained the distinction as America's number one citizen b7y his never ceasing cru- sades, Twenty-five years ago he left the Pres- byterian ministry and has been preaching ever since. Democracy is his religion. * * * , The petition drive against the Publications Board reorganization plan is over and 4,000 and up student signatures go to Dr. Ruthven today. It's the biggest petition drive in cam- pus history ... One lesson learned was that amount of names is proportional to amount of man hours of soliciting. A very high per- centage of these asked, signed. * * * PICTURE OF THE WEEK, as LIFE would say, was Dr. Kerlekowski-chief resident physi- cian of University Hospital-running one of the hospital's elevators yesterday in the absence of the regular operators. The operators on the 7 a.m. shift had asked the chief engineer for a pay raise before working. He refused and at 9 a.m. they saw hospital chief, Dr. Harley Haines, who fired them after refusing any pay increases. He told them that as far as, he was concerned they had quit their jobs without notice. To facilitate typographical work, all Letters I To The Editor conforming to the following The Reply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE Dear Art Klein, EXCUSE MY ANSWERING it this way, but the nom de plume has been more or less an open secret since Gargoyle got indiscreet, and besides they don't pay me extra for answering letters. You have lots of company. Nobody around here or almost anywhere else seemed to like the review, so although it hurts like an impacted wisdom tooth to admit it, maybe I was all wet. But, there is room for a difference of opinion on how well or how poorly an actor interprets a role. About all a reviewer can do is see as many plays as he has time for, and compare the work of various actors he has seen, and scratch his head and get his copy down by midnight. And when you get right down to it, there isn't any voice of absolute authority on a thing as queezy and changing as the quality of work done by an actor. In refutation of my statement that Miss Matteson and Miss Wilson were not quite up to my idea of snuff, you offer a beautifully simple statement that "rather than using the male members of the cast as a crutch . . . Miss Matte- son played every one of her 'sides' to and with them,"'and that I should study how a play "lifts" by watching "the bright light of Miss Wilson's grand performance." Thanks for the quotes. But if I could take my commercial theatre as serious- ly as you seem to, I'd even disagree with George Jean Nathan if he didn't have anything more to back him up than a couple of adjectives. , IT IS ALWAYS OPEN SEASON on the profes- sionals, old man, and there is absolutely nothing personal in the business. To say a man ,i didn't do a good job on the opening night of a play is not to cast aspersions on his ability- things are relative, not absolute. To say that Conrad Nagel dropped a line does not, except to the serious minded, mean that Nagel is a ham. But to say that part of the trouble in what I felt was a weak first act was a fumble by the lead, when that lead is famous enough, and generally conceded to be good enough to be judged by the highest, most critical standards, is not comma chasing; it is an indication that something in Mr. Nagel's -performance did not quite measure up to what I had expected of him. He is, after all, a pretty experienced actor, and if he drops a line, nobody at all should notice it, he should cover up, perhaps not the way Hugh Norton did on that memorable opening night of Much Ado, but adroitly enough to eliminate the slight feel- ing of acute discomfort such brief revelations of human frailty send up and down my spine. As to the theatre-minded-and-trained people who didn't notice the brief blowup, why not ask Mr. Nagel? BRIEFLY, to wind this thing up, I'm sorry about Mr. Simpson's Dean Damon, but I saw nothing striking about it. I regarded it as a good compet- ent job, worthy of mention if I hadn't run out of space, and when I get around to tearing down the review I'll admit that I should have had space. But your enthusiastic use of the word "genius", your "here is creation in its purest form" bespeaks a rather rapturous attitude which I might say is the main reason why actors are seldom good critics. I can't just say people are good. Aside from the ethical question involved, thatwouldn't be any fun. I try in as honest a way as possible to tell both the good and the bad in a play. If I take a slightly whimsical tone, and don't seem to pay much attention to the main issues, it is probably because I don't see much of cosmic im- portance in a light comedy to warrant such at- tention. To an actor this is unbelievable and inexcusable, but the actor just works there, and that's that. I could have talked about the cos- tumes or the scenery, but what was there to say? French windows down left, door up right? Most of it's in the printed play. As to the subject of the play, I admit that I was mistaken a bit in setting the ante of awareness of Ann Arbor too high. Several people have told me that I should have dealt with the faculty-trustee clash more fully, and to these I can only refer back to a col- umn of mine which appeared shortly after the play was printed in the now-defunct Stage Mag- azine, in which I did just that. And even then I felt a little apprehensive because the play had been running for quite some time on Broadway. I see it is difficult indeed to insult the intelligence of Michigan's chosen. NOW I know I promised to tell you what was wrong with my review, Art, and here it is. The thing is simply upsidedown. Your disagreement would not have come to the fore, I believe, if I had followed safe critical procedure, beginning by telling what was good about the play, then proceeding to tell the minor points which I did not like. The way I did it made the review sound like a pan when actually it was a pretty enthu- siastic boost. I realize that I didn't get around to saying how well I liked The Male Animal until almost the last sentence-I must have had too much coffee, or the AP machine was annoying me. By starting like that, on the straw instead of the hay foot, I set a nasty tone up, and appar- ently did not break it down into that old warm praise in time to offset the first impression. Perhaps it is because people do not read care- fully enough, but I am old enough to realize such things, and the fault is entirely mine. It is a serious fault, maybe-well not quite as serious as it appears in that first fine careless proprietary feeling which gives rise to the letter to the edi- tor-but certainly more serious than the play. A bad job of criticism then, Art old man, and I'll try to do better next time, and nothing is settled because you feel that way and I feel this way, and I read James Thurber and you read Aristotle, and Hemingwayesque is picturesque, and toujours gai, Art, toujours gai. Yours for positivism and atavism. So long until soon, and FIFTY YEARS AGO THIS MONTH Pope Leo XIII issued his great encyclical, "Rerum Novarum" ("On the Condition of the Working Classes"). Ten years ago, Pope Pius XI reaffirmed and reinforced that ut- terance by his "Quadragesimo Anno" ("On the Recon- struction of the Social Order"). The Roman Catholic world does well to celebrate the anniversaries of these two notable pronouncements, and non-Catholic Christians may no less appropriately join in recog- nizing their importance as landmarks on the road to Christianizing the modern economic and industrial order. Leo's encyclical dealt largely with the right of labor to organize for its own defense and with the duty of the state to have special care for the interests of those' elements of society which were less able than others to take care of themselves. The first of these points was aimed at the then general prejudice against labor unions; the second, against the laissez-faire concep- tion that the state has no function except to preserve public order while the strong and the weak struggle f together. IT WAS tremendously significant that this statement of the rights of labor should have been made by a Pope. An encyclical is always front-page news, and it carries the weight of authority with millions. The basic considerations in Pius XI's encyclical were the priority of human interests over the mere production of commodities in the industrial system, the relevance of religion to the economic order, and the consequent right of a representative of religion to speak upon those economic and industrial questions which cannot be divorced from the moral and spiritual interests of men. Encyclical's Five Points -(UADRAGESIMO ANNO" encyclical shows the fol- - 'N lowing as the principal points in Pius XI's social and economic program: 1. The rights of private property and of the trans- mission of property by inheritance 'are supported by divine authority. The right of individuals to acquire title to natural resources not previously held in private ownership by "first occupancy" is defended without qualification. 2. Capital and labor, both being necessary to pro- ductive industry, should share the' wealth produced. The owner of capital has as good a right to income as the laborer has to wages. 3. There should be a more equitable distribution of the products of industry than now exists. Wages should be ample to support the worker and his family without earnings by his wife and young children, and should provide a margin for accumulation of property. Where possible, laborers should be partners, sharing in profits. 4. The right of workers to form unions for collective The Popes On Labor As Others Protestant editor acclaims anniversary of 50 year old ency. clical of Pope Leo XIII which insists on the right to organize, ,See______________fair wages and security for laborers, From the Christian Century bargaining is reasserted. (Leo XIII had been 'very emphatic on the right of voluntary association for this or other purposes, and his statements are now being quoted effectively against the absorption of such asso- ciations into the totalitarian states.) "Vocational groups" representing both labor and capital in whole industries are held to be the most important elements in the economic structure. Employers and employes might also meet and organize separately to consider their special interests. This implies the existence of employers' associations as well as of labor unions Points Of Similarity This has some points of similarity with the pattern of the Fascist "corporative state," but the Pope does not contemplate any close relation of his vocational groups with the government and he voices the fear "that the new syndical and corporative institution possesses an excessively bureaucratic and political character." 5. No reconstruction of the social order can be adequate without an improvement in morals and re- ligion. A Socialist state would "foster a false liberty," and its program "has no place for true social authority which is not based on temporal and material advan- tage but descends from God alone." * * * o QUOTE from our editorial of 10 years ago: "The Pope's encyclical should be welcomed by. the whole Christian world. His condemnation of So- cialism may seem unjust; and his opinion that it is perfectly in accordance with the divine plan for those who have capital to live well without working and to transmit to their heirs forever that same -immunity from toil may seem to mark his proposed reforms as timidly conservative. But what would you? No Tax On Inheritances "You couldn't expect the Pope to declare for Social- ism or for a confiscatory tax on inheritances. When he says that workers should be partners, that labor cannot be bought and sold like a cmmodity, that clas's-conflict is not the road to industrial peace and prosperity, that the laborer is worthy of a better hire, a surer job and a richer life than he has ever had, and that all these social' and economic matters lie within the fields of religion, he is on our side. Welcome, brother!" SO the Christian Century joins heartily in acclaiming the wisdom, the social insight and the human sym- pathy of the two pontiffs whose encyclicals are now being celebrated. They were both notable deliver- ances, widely influential and deserving to be restudied critically but appreciatively. _ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Is This A Machine War? To the Editor: IN DISCUSSING America's part in this war, Gerhart Seger said that England will have no need for United States troops because this is a war of machines and not men. I believe that if England is to win this war she will ask for an American Expeditionary Force of more than a million men. Further, I am sure that if we convoy supplies bound for Britain, public demand will cause us to send an A.E.F. irrespective of England's "need." Ii this is a war of machines only, I wonder why England is training four million troops, and why her Empire is training another four million? I would like to know. why Germany has need of the six to nine million soldiers she now has under arms? This war cannot be won without a superiority in numbers of troops as well as in tanks and planes. The Germans know it, the Americans and the British are afraid to find it out. In the Polish, Norwegian, Belgian, and French campaigns, 'Germany had a great supremacy in manpower as well as in machines of war. In the recent Greek struggle 50,000 British soldiers and 250,000 ill-equipped, worn-out Greeks were pitted against 350,000 Nazis. Hitler's armies. have had local superiority of numbers in every battle in which they have engaged, and they have had greater numbers at most times along their entire war fronts than the opposing armies have had. ENGLAND desperately needs more men in Africa. If we were now convoying she would be begging us to send troops to Freetown and Suez. i I do not believe it will be possible to keep the. Ameri- can public from demanding an expeditionary force after we loose a few destroyer-loads of sailors on con- voy duty. The United States public has been fed lies regarding the preparedness of its Army; and be- lieving as it does that we are invincible, it would most assuredly demand the sending of American doughboys to Europe or Africa. If this should happen within the next two years, the most insane loss of human life in our history would result. As Hugh S. Johnson has said, "Make no mistake about it, there isn't a mili- tary 'expert' in any country who will deny that there 'isn't a chance of that kind of an outcome of this war- the complete conquest of Hitler-without an immense American expeditionary force, probably larger than the last one, fighting once more on battlefields blood- soaked for centuries. If that happens, the slaughter will surpass anything ever known to the human race" - Julian G. Griggs Women Can Help, Too Tn hFd ..- t4~ GO WASHINGTON-Wage-Hour Administrator Philip Fleming soon may join the safari of U.S. officials sent to Great Britain for war studies. F HE GOES, Fleming will study more than wage levels and overtime "efficiency." He isn't saying so for fear of repercussions, but Fleming wants to use the trip as a springboard for recommending some sen- sational changes in the Wage-Hour Act, as follows: (1) A boost in the present 40-hour-a-week working maximum. Fleming believes this is especially neces- sary in the skilled crafts and wants to find out, from British experience, how long a man can work and re- main efficient. (2) A standardization of industrial wage levels all over the country. Fleming dropped some broad hints on this in his annual report when he discussed "chaotic" labor con- ditions during the World War. "Wages were then completely unstandardized and workers wandered from plant to plant seeking the best wages obtainable," Fleming reported. "Such was the confusion that the War Labor Policies Board was finally driven to consider the necessity of universal wage standardization, but peace intervened before that policy was effectuated. "The United States cannot enter a future war with- out giving serious thought to the need for standard- izing wages, both to protect workers and to promote the efficient utilization of their time." War Notes U.S. observers in Germany report that the Hess trip to Scotland is making a bigger impression on the German people even than was expected. Everyone in Germany is talking about it. But inside word is that the British have spoiled the effect somewhat by hurl- ing so much radio propaganda at the Germans. wishing! There are many fields of action for you but they are fields of voluntary draft and find few enlist- ments. It is true that it is easier to give of your emo- tion in heated words over a bridge game than to give of your time in sewing or knitting. Yes, it's easier on the pleasure-time budget, but much harder on the' conscience and the self-respect. You strive for equality with men. Are you going to give it up the first time it entails a small sacrifice on your part? Are you willing to have it said that you always take the easy way out -let strong words and an easy financial donation here and there take the place of the equally important do- nation of time? The Red Cross needs that time and q