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May 22, 1941 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-22

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Swing Out'

And Class Night Are Combined In



Biking Trips,
Are Planned


By Hostelers
Cook-outs, campfires and swim-
ming will keep the youth hostelers
busy when they aren't hiking, on
trips Saturday and Sunday and
another over Memorial Day week-
end, announced Elizabeth Mahlman,
'43, in charge of Outdoor Sports
of WAA, which sponsors these trips.
This week's trip will be to Water-
loo, about 30 miles from Ann Arbor.
The groups will leave at 1:30 p.m.
Saturday from the W.A.B. and will
return in time for Sunday dinner.
Open to anyone interested in biking,
the mixed group will swim and cook
all meals outdoors. There will be a
meeting at 4:30 p.m.- today at W.A.B.
for making definite plans. If any-
one is interested in going on the
trip, but is unable to attend the or-
ganization meeting today, call either
Daniel Saulson, '44, at 24401 or Miss
Mahlman, at 24471.
Memorial Day week-end will pro-
vide the group with four days for their
trip, starting Thursday afternoon
and. returning Sunday. This will be
a very long trip, about 120 miles, so
that persons, planri ig to go must ob-
tain light-weight bikes. The first
night stop will be at Waterloo, then
to Aurelius for the Friday night stop
and back to Waterloo on Saturday
night. Anyone planning to take the
trip is asked to attend the meetirrg
which will be held at 4:30 p.m. Tues-
day in the W.A.B.
Union And League
Hold Joint Banque.t
Members of the Union'and League,
Councils met Tuesday for a banquet
on the second floor terrace of the
The members of next year's League
Council were guests of the Junior
Executive Council of the Union, ex-
plained Andrew-Caughey, '43, of the
Union Staff. Special guests were
Don Stevenson, '42, president of IFC
and Bill Slocum, '42, president of
Men's Judiciary Council.
- tefreshing
Phone 8270


Union Dance
To Inaugurate
Senior Events
Traditional Activities To Start
May 29; University Glee Club
To Present Musical Program
A bigger and better senior gradua-
tion activities program this year be-
came almost inevitable yesterday with
the official announcement that
"Swing Out" and Senior Class Night,
traditional annual events, would be
merged to form Senior. Weekend.
Scheduled for Thursday evening,
May 29, the Class Night will open
the festive weekend program with a
dance at the Union. And from then
until after Swing Out on Sunday,
June 1, the seniors will reign supreme.
Featurel at the lass Night pro-
gram Thursday will be continuous
movies df Michigan's major athletic
events 'of the past four years, to be
shown on the Union Terrace all dur-
ing the evening.
To Play Hit Tunes
'Co-attraction of the evening will be
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra, feat-
uring the hit tunes of the past five
years. During the intermission the
University Men's Glee Club will pre-
sent a program entitled "Cavalcade
of Michigan."
At "Swing Out" Sunday the seniors
will make it known to the rest of
the campus that they are seniors, and
will appear in academic costume,
fallowing a Michigan tIradition dat-
ing back some 70 years according to
University historian Wilford B.
Formerly held along with Swing
Out, Lantern Night, the third of the
traditional senior activities, was held
this week.
To Aid Needy
Proceeds from the Class Night
dance this year will be placed in a
special fund with which to aid needy
students who have been found de-
serving, by virtue of their service and
extra-curricular activity, Harry Dric-
kamer, '41E, president of the senior
class in the College of Engineering,
Scheduled for the day before Me-
morial Day, so as to obtain late per-
mission for women, the Class Night
affair will not be followed by any
special senior darce on Friday night.
Working on the committee for
Senior Class Night are James Tobin,
'41, Robert Morrison, '41E, Douglas
Gould, '41, Paul Johnson, '41E, An-
nabelrVan Winkle, '41, and Mr. Dric-
Ruthven Addresses
Phi Sigma's Silver
Anniversary Banquet
University president and herpetol-
ogist, Alexander G. Ruthven, told
members of a campus biological so-
ciety yesterday that they must pre-
serve the independence and self-
initiative of their research work in
the face of an increasing trend of
the Federal government to "control"
higher education.
Dr. Ruthven spoke before a hun-
dred members of Phi Sigma at their
silver anniversary banquet in the
Union. He is the past national presi-
dent of the society.
For her outstanding work in zool-
ogy, Edna Kearney, 4Grad, was
presented the Phi Sigma Award. She
is a member of Delta Gamma.
Reed Varner, '41F&C, was in-
stalled as president of the organiza-
tion. Other officers inducted were
Boyd Walker, Grad., vice-president;
Frances E. Wynne, Grad., recording
secretary, and Raoul Weisman,
Grad, treasurer.
Cornet Trio Is Featured

A cornet trio will be the feature
of the spring concert of the Uni-
versity Regimental Concert Band to
be presented at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Union Ballroom.

Panhellenic President

Senate Dance
Patrons List




s Announced

- I

Summer South American Tour
Offers Students Travel, Study

Rushing Rules

For Next


Gov. Van Wagoner And Wife
To Appear At Scholarship Ball
Tomorrow In Union Ballroom
Gov. and Mrs. Van Wagoner will
nake the trip to Ann Arbor in order
to attend the Scholarship Dance,
sponsored by the Student Senate,
which will be held from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. tomorrow in the Union Ball-
Pres. and Mrs. Ruthven will act
as patron and patroness along with
Mr. and Mrs. G. Donald Kennedy,'
'tate road commission, Mayor and
Mrs. Edward J. Jeffries of Detroit will
also attend as patrons and patron-
Honorary members who will be pat-
eons and patronesses tomorrow night
are Dean and Mrs. E. A. Walter,
Prof. and Mrs. R. C. Fuller, Prof.
and Mrs. Karl Litzenburg, Prof. W. J.
,McFarlan, Prof. and Mrs. J. E. Pol-
lock, Prof. and Mrs. Arthur Smithies,
Prof. and Mrs. L. G. Vander Velde
Prof. and Mrs, Mentor Williams and
Dean Joseph A. Bursley.
Those who will act as , chaperons
are Dean Lloyd S. Woodburne and Dr.
Edward W. Blakeman, both honorary
members of the Student Senate.
Proceeds from the Scholarship
Dance will be put into the Scholar-
ship fund in order that more needy
and deserving students may receive
help in financing an education.
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra will
furiish the music for the affair which
will be conducted as a regular Union
weekend dance.
Tickets will be on general sale at
the Union desk throughout the week.
Petitions Due May 24
For League Council
Summer Activities
Summer League council positions,
for which petitioning is continuing

Are Changed
Several changes have been made
in the rushing rules for next year,
although on the whole they will re-
main much the same, announced Pa-
tricia Hadley, '42, President of Pan-
Next semester rushing will start
on the Sunday before school offic-
ially begins and will continue on Mon-
day, the first day of school. This
year, rushing teas were held Saturday
and Sunday with rushees being in-
vited in no particular order. Next
fall, however, all women registering
for rushing will have their names ar-
ranged in alphabetical order and will
be divided into two parts, half going
to tea on Sunday and the other
half on Monday. Each girl must go
to tea on the day allotted to her.
The division of the names into alpha-
betical order will be arranged in
the fall.
Dessert parties with entertainment
have been a part of rushing for the
past two years and will be contin-
ued next fall. These dessert parties
formerly started at 7:15 p.m., but this
time has been changed to 7:30 p.m.
and n? women will be allowed to
leave dinner early at their respec-
tive dormitories or league houses to
attend the teas.
Pledging will take place two weeks
from the Sunday upon which rushing
starts, Miss Hadley said.
Softball schedule: At 4:30 p.m.
today Alpha Chi Omega vs. Alpha
Omicron Pi; Gamma Phi Beta vs.
Alpha Phi; and Kappa Kappa
Gamma vs. Jordan III.
Outdoor Sports: Organization
meeting at 4:30 p.m. today at WAB
for plans for hostel trip this week-
International Ball Plan
Committee Appointed
A continuing committee has been
appointed at the International Centerj
to make plans for an International
Ball to be held next year.
Members of the newly formed com-
mittee are Dr. Judith Jiminez, Tony
Bogleff, Grad., and Paul Lim-Yuen,
'42E. This year's ball was given on
April 26 at the League for the benefit
of the library at the International

Are Announced
Marjorie Storkan, '43, Chi Omega,
will be new sub-chairman of The-
atre-Arts, Virginia Appleton, '42,
Theatre-Arts chairman announced
Other appointments include scen-
ery co-chairmen, Cynthia Davis, '42,
and Jean Sollitt, '42, Delta Delta Delta
assited by Francis Ramsdell, '43, Chi
Omega. Co-chairmen of costumes are
to be Olga Gruhzit, '43, Alpha Phi
and Fay Goldner, '42, assisted by
Helen Eckerman, '44, Alpha Gamma
Jane Honey, '43, Gamma Phi Beta,
has received box office chairman-
ship, assisted by Dorothy Davidson,
'43, Alpha Epsilon Phi. Marjorie
Mahon, '43, Pi Beta Phi, assisted by
Dorothy Cummings, '43, Dejta Delta
Delta, will be in charge of contacting
Maintain Contacts
Organization contacts will be main-,
tained by Margaret Brown, '43, Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma, and her assist-
ant, Barbara MacLaughlin, '43, Al-
pha Chi Omega. Program co-chair-
men are to be Dorothy Schloss, '43,
and Marjorie Teller, '43, Alpha Epsi-
lon Phi, assisted by Elizabeth Har-
vey, '44, Alpha Epsilon Phi.
General publicity will be under
Jane Graham, '43A, Delta Gamma
and her assistant, June Bender, '42,
Delta Gamma, Mary Pate, '43, Kap-
pa Delta, is to be art chairman assist-
ed by Margaret Ihling, '43, Gamma
Phi Beta. Kay Ruddy, '42, Chi Ome-
ga, assisted by Geraldine McKinley,
'43, Chi Omega, will head Daily pub-
licity. Ann Arbor News publicity
will be under Charlotte Noble, '43,
Alpha Phi, and Mary Ellen. Alt, '43,
Alpha Gamma Delta.
Ushers Chairman Named
Alvira Sata, '42, is to be chairman
of ushers, assisted by Eleanor Guy,
'43, Alpha Delta Pi, and Helen Kress-
bach, '44. Makeup will be under Kay
Gladding, '42, Kappa Delta, assisted
by Gail Parsons, '43, Kappa Delta,
and Mildred Young, '44, Chi Omega. I
Sally Walsh, '43, Chi Omega, was
selected bookholder, to be assisted by
Geraldine Stadelman, '44, Chi Omega,
and Nell Fead, '44, Alpha Phi. Dance
Chairman will be Mildred Radford,
'42, Alpha Chi Omega, and her assist-
ants are Barbara Alcorn, '43, and
Rita Hyman, '44, Alpha Epsilon Phi.
Joy Wright, '43, Chi Omega, is to
be in charge of music, assisted by
Barbara Amsbury, '43, Kappa Alpha
Theta and Lucy Chase Wright, '44,
Delta Delta Delta.
Marallyn MacRitchie, '43, Alpha
Gamma Delta, is named properties
chairman, to be assisted by Nancy
Fillstrup, '43, Collegiate Sorosis.

Buenos Aires, Rio, Lake Titicaca,
the highest navigable lake in the
world, Sugar Loaf, Trinidad-all the
fascinating sights of South America
plus eight hours credit in Spanish.
That is what is offered by the
"Around South America Tour," which
is being sponsored this summer by
the University of Nebraska.
The cruise is being conducted by
Dean Helen M. Hosp of the univer-
sity, who is keenly interested in fur-
thering Pan-Americanism. Carlos M.
Teran of Ecuador is a graduate of
the University of Bogota, and has
done extensive graduate work at
Louvain and California where he is
now a member of the faculty. For
those who wish college credit, he
offers classes on shipboard, conver-
sation, and conferences in South
As part of the policy of the national
government to acquaint American
students -with our South American
neighbors, the trip is offered as a
unique experience in developing
friendships. In addition to study and
sight-seeing programs, the members
of the party are invited to visit with
families, schools, civic organizations,
and to enjoy the social life in South
American capitals.
The group will sail from New York
June 28, stopping at Cristobal on the
way through the Panama Canal to
Equador and Peru. From Lima they
will begin an overland trip by bus

through Peru, Bolivia and Chile, vis-
iting Cuzco, the ancient capital of
the Incas, as well as La Paz, the
highest capital in the world.
By airplane, the members of the
party will cross the snow-capped
Andes and the broad Argentina pam-
pas to spend five days in Buenos
Aires. From there they will sail to
Rio de Janeiro and Trinidad, arriv-
ing in New York Aug. 25.
Those who are interested in the
tour may obtain more information
from the office of Dean Lloyd, who
suggests that in as much as credit
from the University of Nebraska is
transferable to the University of
Michigan, the cruise would be an
excellent opportunity to combine
study with travel.
Remember the
Ithis weekend
and give her
flowers from
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203 East Liberty Street



Feather-weight wool coat that of-
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today and until Saturday noon, will
be open to all eligible women enrolled
for the regular Summer Session.
This will be an opportunity for
women to mix activities with their
summer school work and also for po-
tential leaders of League activities to
practice on a miniature scale with
full responsibility, Jane Baits, '42,
The jobs for which petitions are to
be filed are president of summer
council, social chairman, publicity
chairman, secretary of council, and
chairman of judiciary committee.
Interviewing will be by appointment
only, and all who petition will be
called by the judiciary committee for
Officers AnnOunced
Officers of Theta Xi fraternity for
this year will be David Meier, '42P,
president; James Rogers, Jr., '42, vice-
president; Raymond Gauthier, '42E,
treasurer; John Brackett, '44, secre-
tary; Carter Taylor, '43E, house man-
ager, and Joseph Hallisy, '42E, stew-

sports, daytime, or summer
ning clothes. Sizes 10 to 20.
* Pink
-y Yellow
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* White




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