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May 21, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-21

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I, 1941


Pjwtt fMrN D f'f OiItT LkGm l q i
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Stadent Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions duringrthe regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publisbers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Editorial Staff

Emile Geld

Robert Speckhard
Albert P. Blaustein .
David LachenbrUch .
Bernard Dober
Alvin Dann
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
Associate Editor
S . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
. . Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor
ness Staff
. Business Manager
. Assistant Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business Manager



H. Huyett
B. Collins
Wright .

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Senate Dance Helps
Scholarship Funds
A LTHOUGH the value of a college
education in a shellhole may be de-
batable, there are students on this campus who
believe their attendance here to be worth every
imaginable sacrifice. These students, some of
them entirely self-supporting-some of them
sending money home, need help if they are to
devote a proportionate amount of their time
and effort to gaining their end.
Scholarships are the only solution to this
problem, but scholarships have been neglected
by the University. With the purpose of remedy-
ing an almost disgraceful situation, the Student
Senate is cooperating with faculty scholarship
committees to gain funds. The Senate Scholar-
ship Dance, to be held Friday night in the Union,
is its first move.
F YOU WANT TO FLOW on a May night in
a formal, don't go to this dance. If you want
to spend an evening staring at decorations, stay
away. If you feel that the scholarships awarded
to only eleven out of sixty deserving applicants
are sufficient for this University, you needn't
buy a ticket. If you believe an applicant should
have to maintain close to a B average while
working 25 hours a week before he is even con-
sidered, you have no reason for attending this
tickets to anyone who feels like that. Bill
Sawyer and his band are playing Friday night
for a very select group. This group will be made
up of anybody who wants to dance to the tune
of aid opening up for a larger number of needy
students. The price is the regular Union rate,
one dollar, the band is the same, and the dance
floor will still be one of Ann Arbor's best.
On today's Women's Page, there'is a picture
of President Ruthven buying Ticket Number One
from Jane Connell. With the purchase of this
ticket, the Senate campaign is running all-out
for defense-defense of a needy student's right
to an education without a price tag. You can buy
tickets at the Union desk, from dormitory, fra-
ternity, and co-op representatives, and from
any Student Senator.
There aren't too many worthy causes still
continuing. Let's make sure this one does.
- Dan Behrman
Priorities Need
Single Authority .
AST WEEK observers in Washing-
ton saw one of the most momentous
and significant Congressional struggles with
respect to the defense program yet witnessed.
The storm centered around control of defense
priorities. Priorities are the key to the defense
effort. They determine what government orders
take precedence in production and delivery.
They decide what proportion of, raw materials
go into specific industries and what proportion
of finished products are to be used for military
purposes and civilian consumption. The scope
of a priority control is inestimable. It involves
raw material supply, transportation and even
Up to the present time President Roosevelt
has divided the priority power. Edward P. Stet-

A New Dictionary
* What are Co-ops
DON'T usually run around reading diction-
aries-much less review them. The fact
is that I believe that a dictionary's place is in
the home, and that dictionaries should be seen
and not heard from.
But yesterday I got hold of a new dictionary
which is so different from the usual type that
it deserves some sort of special mention. It's the
Thorndike Senior Dictionary (Scott, Foresman,
$2.48). Originally intended primarily for high
school and college students, it's the first real
dictionary for the man in the street.l
It may interest you to know that Prof. Charles
C. Fries of the English department was on the
editorial and pronunciation advisory commit-
tees for this volume.
A TYPICAL standard dictionary definition for{
hearing is a physical sense with a particulari
type of terminal organ responsible to a particular
type of stimulus. The new Thorndike Dictionary
gives the definition as the sense by which sound
is perceived. Sentences used in definitions are
carefully constructed and contain simple words
so that the reader doesn't have to chase all the
way through the dictionary to find the definition
for one word.
The type is large and readable-it's eight-point
type-slightly larger than that used on this page.-
Standard dictionary type is this six-point
size or even smaller.
IN ADDITION, the many illustrations used in
the book are not the mid-Victorian cuts you
would find in most dictionaries, but clear, modern
pictures. There are plenty of small "spot" maps,
too, which make the volume very helpful in
following the war. New, simplified pronouncia-
tion symbols are employed in the book, too.
In short, the Century Senior is no "kid book."
It's a practical dictionary. Simplicity, fluency
and plasticity are the keynote of this work. And
hereafter, when I want to use big words in this
column, I'll look them up first in my Thorndike.
few years has been noted for the practical
applications of democracy as evidenced its co-
operative residence houses. Each of these cam-
pus co-ops-I think there are 13 of them-func-
tions as a complete democracy. And then they
are all knit together through the Intercoopera-
tive Council, which accepts applications for mem-
bership and divides personnel throughout the
different houses.
In these co-ops, students can live for a frac-
tion of the cost of most other campus residences,
and without more than one hour of work per
day. But more important than the expense angle,
it's a great idea, in that the student is given
a real training in the democratic way of living.
Yes, it's a fine thing, and more people on cam-
pus should know about it. That's why the Inter-
cooperative Council is sponsoring an open meet-
ing on the subject of campus cooperatives at 4:15
Thursday in Room 305 of the Union. Professor
Eggertsen of the education school will speak,
and Harold Guetzkow, president of the Inter-
cooperative Council will talk about life in a men's
co-op. Joan Ferguson of the Pickerill Coopera-
tive will explain something about living in a
girls' co-op.
THE CO-OPS are a very important part of the
University, and I think the half hour or so
you spend in this meeting will pay you dividends
in the knowledge of a well-functioning complete
democracy operating within the boundaries of
Ann Arbor.
* * * .
I've been getting signatures all day on
the petitions asking that the number of
members on the Board in Control of Student
Publications not be altered. It made me feel
good to see how many people were signing it.
And incidentally, there's still time to sign
if you haven't done so already. Come to the
middle of the diagonal at noon today. I'll
be waiting for you.

the Bituminous Coal Commission, the Federal
Trade Commission and the Federal Power Com-
mission. The Army and NaVy Munitions Board
handles military priorities.
been severely criticized by experienced Bern-
ard M. Baruch, World War priority chief. He
calls for a single authority, and last week the
House of Representatives tried to answer him.
Before the House was the Vincent Bill which'
gave the government priority powers over pri-
vate contracts. In a surprise move, when the
"House was asleep" according to Speaker Ray-
burn, an amendment by Representative Cox of
Georgia was tacked on, setting up a new divi-
sion. It established an "independent statutory
priorities board" under Stettinius. Decisions of
the board were to be subject to the approval of
the Joint Army and Navy Munitions Board.
Fortunately, the Senate Military Affairs Com-
mittee struck this provision from the Vincent
Bill after testimony from OPM Director Knud-
sen, Stettinius and price chief Henderson. Stet-
tinius pointed out that priorities must be coor-
dinated with production, procurement and price
and civilian supply control. He said that an-
other agency "will tend to interrupt the efficient
coordination which has been so carefully worked
THESE STATEMENTS paint a true picture of
the problem. Priorities must be closely linked
with all branches of the defense program. It is
clear that the House merely envisioned taking
some of the defense program out of executive
hands in passing the Cox Amendment to the
Vincent Bill in the first place. What is needed,
, -r .-- L±_ ±1!± h A1'{, nt"L.N _ A

On History Teachers
To the Editor:
TUESDAY EVENING John Haynes Holmes
presented a new and stimulating point of
view concerning the today European conflict.
I wondered if Professor Slosson who has so often
written in this column on the opposite view-
point, was there. Most of us can not go as far
as Dr. Holmes. We haven't enough faith in God
and people to be complete pacifists. Many of us
take the middle of the road, the stand of
America First and isolation. But the history
teachers of our country seem to have joined and
led the interventionists.
My father happens to be a history teacher.
For 16 years every idea I had was identical with
his. I listened to all he said as he discussed
history and world affairs. Name a date and he
knew what happened. Discuss a current event
and he knew the picture. He had read books
and books, read "Time" from cover to cover,
listened to Boake Carter, Kaltenborn and Town
Meeting. He was liberal and broad-minded and
I was proud of the open-mindedness he main-
tained in "the war to make the world safe for
OUR GENERATION grew up laughing at that
phrase. It was very funny how America had
been duped. Our teachers taught us well. They
taught us to see both sides using the history we
learned as a basis for perspective. They taught
us to abhor war and to know that no side ever
wins-that war always creates more problems
than it solves.
But today those who taught us these things no
longer believe them. Why? Why have our his-
tory teachers-those whom we believed to be so
much wiser than the rest of us because of their
superior knowledge and because of their sup-
posed impartiality having no power in govern-
ment nor great interests in big business-why
have they deserted en masse the ones they
- Look where you will, Schumann of Williams,
Conant of Harvard (though not a history pro-
fessor and could perhaps be forgiven), Slosson,
the best known name of Michigan, and my own
father at home, and the same is true. Our
prejudices and habits should induce us to follow
but those of us who try to think for ourselves
cannot. We are cowards now because we still
believe in the things our teachers taught us.
PROFESSOR SLOSSON can answer the stu-
dents' letters in The Daily with greater ma-
turity and more accurate facts than they, but
somehow he can't persuade us. He and his fellow/
teachers cannot undo in a year what $ ey taught
for 20--that war solves no problems.
-Ellen Bates
Defenders Of IDemoeracy
To the Editor:
IN PURSUANCE of its often-declared policy of
working for democracy at home and abroad,
the executive committee of the American Stu-
dent Defense League has adopted the following
resolution now under sponsorship of the STU-
"Embattled democracy needs our help. In
England and in Asia brave men defend the ram-
parts of freedom against great odds. They are
holding back the Axis machine which seeks to
dominate the world, imperiling the safety of the
United States and our cherished democratic way
of life. Upon their success depends the hope of
all mankind to build a peaceful, better world in
which freedom of speech, freedom of religion,
freedom from want and freedom from fear will
triumph over oppression and need.
"ARMS, food and munitions from the United
States may well be the deciding factor in
this struggle. It is not enough to produce them.
It is not enough to promise them. We must
insure their safe arrival. The combined resources
of Britain and the United States can barely
replace half the tonnage that is being sunk. In-
valuable ships and cargoes are lost while men on

the distant battle lines desperately need supplies.
"THEREFORE, we, young men and women
under 35, petition that the United States gov-
ernment immediately undertake the responsi-
bility of assuring that these supplies reach the
countries resisting aggression whether by con-
voys or any other method deemed advisable."
Students at the University of Michigan have
wakened to the responsibilities of furthering the
democratic way of life. The ASDL which, today,
is the largest single political student organiza-
tion on campus, growing out of the desires of
students to do their share and make their voices
heard, has pledged itself.to the cause of defend-
ing American democracy.
WE URGENTLY REQUEST all interested
Michigan students and faculty below the
age of 35 to sign the petitions drawn up under
the resolution cited above to be later trans-
mitted to the Congress of the United States as
part of the campaign of the STUDENT DE-
FENDERS OF DEMOCRACY to secure one mil-
lion signatures.
- Executive Committee,
American Student Defense League

Is America To GoImperialistic?
As Others This question is raised by editor who sees signs of it in the
See It public speeches; thinks survival of British important; but
suspects "imnperialistic squad"
From the Springfield (Mass.) Republican

ONLY the small part of an iceberg is seen above the
water; and so it is in relation to foreign policy, if
the potentialities are kept in mind.
Hitler is accused of seeking world domination-and
with good reason. But, on our side, something very
ambitious lurks in the minds of certain spokesmen for
American opinion.
Secretary Frank Knox, a Cabinet member, closed
his recent article on the navy, in the Saturday Eve-
ning Post, with this sentence:
"But we shall not have full security until we have
enough ships, men and bases-all three-to defend
this hemisphere and to share with England that lead-
ership in the world which is the most logical outcome
of the present world convulsion."
Rear Admiral Yarnell, in a recent address at Wil-
liams College, expressed the view that either Germany
or the United States would emerge from the present
war with worldwide pre-eminence.
The editors of Fortune Magazine, in the May issue,
declare in favor af a "new" Chinese policy for the
United States-"our chief object should be, not a
favorable balance of trade, but a strong China." This
"entirely new principle must be injected into our
foreign relations." That thi§ "new" policy of a strong
^hina, must be carried into effect without the coopera-
tion of Japan, or the consent of Japan, in Fortune's
view, seems clear from other passages in the editorial.
WILLIAM C. BULLITT, the American Ambassador
to France in the pre-Vichy period, proclaims that
the Chinese are fighting "our battle" in the Far East.
We must aid them as well as the British-or "perish."
The Bullitt speech happens to synchronize with For-
tune's new "strong China" program.
These signs Qf the te-emergence of old-time Ameri-
can imperialism are not necessarily shocking. For
they are not surprising; they are to be expected in a
period like the present.
The United States entered the war with Spain in

1898 to free Cuba; that was the sole war aim. Yet the
United States came out of it whooping-- with the flag
in the Philippines; proud to be a *world Power"; shar-
ing "the white man's burden" and wishing for more
while the going was good.
Assuming now an ultimate Anglo-American triumph
and Germany's collapse, in case the United States
were to go in deep enough and stay long enough in
the present war, would it not mean that the United
States would virtually take under its tutelary wing the
British Isles, the British Commonwealth of Nations,
much of the British Empire, the Dutch South Pacific
archipelagoes and establish a protectorate over China
-all in addition to what is today comprised within
the scope of the Monroe Doctrine?
HIS FORECAST is certainly consistent with the
Knox idea of sharing "world leadership" with Eng-
land, the Yarnell conception of America's "pre-emi-
nence" and Fortune's blueprint of a strong China de-
veloped under American direction and sustained by
the military power of the United States.
The Wheeler-Nye-Lindbergh school unquestionably
underrates our national interest in the survival of
Britain as a first-class sea power-and hereafter as
a first-class air power.
That school view with too much indifference, from
an American viewpoint, the doom of the British Com-
monwealth. That school certainly are premature in
assuming that Britain is already hopelessly defeated.
And that school estimate too highly the rewards
and merits, in a world constantly contracting in terms
of transportation and communication, of the "splendid
isolation" of the self-sufficient, puissant America of
their ideal and of a well-nurtured tradition.
Yet, at the other extreme, are beginning to march
a squad of imperialistic gentlemen who will bear
watching-if they are not eventually to capture the



(Continued from Page 2)
their own school or college (students
enrolled in the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts, College of Arch-
itecture and Design, School of Music,
School, of Education, and School of
Forestry and Conservation, please
note that application blanks may be
obtained and filed in the Registrar's
Office, Room 4, University Hall).
Please do not delay until the last
day, as more than 2,500 diplomas
and certificates must be lettered,
signed, and sealed and we shall be
greatly helped in this work by the
early filing of applicationskand the
resulting longer period for prepara-
The filing of these applications does
not involve the payment of any fee
Shirley W. Smith

kind that might
them, resulting in
ing the diplomas.

be stored inside
seriously damag-

Charles E. Koella, Room
mance Language Building.

412 Ro-


Notice to all Members of the Uni- o
versity: The following is an extract n
of a by-law of the Regents (Chapter
III-B, Sections 8 and 9) which has s
been in effect since September, 1926: c
"It will hereafter be regarded as
contrary to University policy for any-
one to have in his or her possessiont
any key to University buildings or t
parts of buildings if such key is not s
stamped as provided (i.e. by the 2
Buildings and Grounds Department).
If such unauthorized keys are
found the case shall be referred toc
the Dean or other proper head of the r
University division involved for his t
action in accordance with this prin-
ciple. Any watchman or other proper
representative of the Buildings and
Grounds Department, or any Dean, s
department head or other proper 1
University official shall have the
right to inspect keys believed to open
University buildings, at any reason-
able time or place.-
"--For any individual to order, 7
have made, or hermit to be ordered
or made, any duplicate of his or hert
University key, through unauthorizedr
channels, must be regarded as a spe-1
cial and willful disregard of the safe-,
ty of University property."
These regulations are called to the
attention of all concerned, for their
information and guidance. Any per-
son having any key or keys to Uni-
versity buildings, doors, or other
locks, contrary to the provisions re-
cided above, should promptly sur-
render the same to the Key Clerk at
the office of the Department of
Buildings and Grounds.
Seniors: The firm which furnishes
diplomas for the University has sent
the following caution: Please warn
graduates not to store diplomas in
cedar chests. There is enough of the
moth-killing aromatic oil in the aver-
age cedar chest to soften inks of any
cnn fi ad he itetio todoso-

Shirley W. Smith
To the Members of the University h
Senate: The second regular meeting f
of the University Senate will be held t
on Monday, May 26, at 4:15 p.m., n
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. v
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary Y
To All Members of the Faculty and A
Administrative Staff: If it seems cer- 2
am that any telephones will not be
used during the summer months,
please notify the Business Office,
Mr. Peterson. A saving can be effect-
d if instruments are disconnected m
:or a period of a minimum of three B
nonths. c
Herbert G. Watkins t
Commencement Tickets: Tickets
for Commencement may be obtained
on request after June 1 at the Busi- a
ness office, Room 1, University Hall.
nasmuch as only two Yost Field
House tickets are available for each
enior, please present identificationA
card when applying for tickets.
Herbert G. Watkins
Student Loans: All those wishing
o apply for a student loan for eithera
he summer session or the fall term c
should file their applications in Room
2, University Hall, at once.
Office of the Dean of Students 1
To All Faculty Members and Staff :
Special Employment Time Reports t
must be in the BusinessrOffice today
to be included in the roll fof- May.
Pay day will be Thursday, May 29.
Edna Geiger Miller, Payroll Clerk
Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Re-
search: Applications for grants maya
be arranged for at the office of the
Secretary, F. L. Everett, 104 W. En-
gineering, Building.
Seniors: Interesting and instruc-
tive bulletins are published by the
University of Michigan several times
a year. These bulletins are mailed
to all graduates and former stu-
dents. In order that you may receive
these, please see that your correct ad-
dress is on file at all times at the
Alumni Catalog Office, University of
Lunette Hadley, Director
Phi Eta Sigma: Those members
who were initiated on May 4 and have
not as yet obtained their membership
shingles' may get them from Miss
Waggoner in Room 2, University
All Students who expect to become
candidates for a Teacher's Certificate
in February, June, or August, 1942
should call at the office of the
School of Education at this time for
an application blank for admission
to candidacy for the teacher's cer-
tificate, which is to be returned by
June first.
All students desiring tutors through
the League tutorial system call Betty

The University- Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received a notice from the Wel-
are Council of New York City that
here are various volunteer place-
ment bureaus to help people find
olunteer jobs in and around New
York. A complete list of these Bu-
eaus is on file at the Bureau, 201
Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and
Academic Notices
Seminar in Physical Chemistry will
meet today in room 410 Chemistry
Building at 4:15 p.m. Mr. G. P.
smith will speak on "K-electron cap-
:ure and beta ray spectra."
Algebra Seminar will meet today
t 4:30 p.m. in 3201 A.H. Professor
Rainich will speak on "Some Alge-
raic Problems Arising in Physics."
Professor White expects to meet
Anthropology 152 today.
June Candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate: The Comprehensive Ex-
amination in Efucation will be given
in Saturday, May 24, from 9 to 12
o'clock (and also from 2 to 5 o'clock)
n the auditorium of the University
High School. Students having Satur-
day morning classes may take the ex-
amination in the afternoon. Printed
nformation regarding the examina-
ion may be secured in the School of
Education office.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: All students expecting to
elect directed teaching (Educ. D100)
next semester are required to pass
a qualifying examination in the sub-
ject which they expect to teach. This
examination will be held on Satur-
dlay, May 24, at 1 o'clock. Students
will meet in the auditoriumofdthe
University High School. The exam-
ination will consume about four
hours' time; promptness is therefore
Recital of Compositions: Students
in the Composition Class of Prof. Per-
cival Price will present a recital of
their compositions at 8:30 tonight in
Hill Auditorium. They will be assist-
ed by the Lutheran Student Associa-
tion Male Chorus and Mixed Choir;
the University of Michigan Wood-
wind Quintet; the First Baptist
Church Choir; the University of
Michigan String Quartet; Wilson
Sawyer's Michigan Union Orchestra;
and other students in the University.
The program will be open to the gen-
eral public.
Organ Recital: At 4:15 p.m.
today, three Ann Arbor organ-
ists are to appear in recital in
Hill Auditorium, presenting the sea-
son's final program in the Wednesday
afternoon series. Miss Frieda Op't
Holt, A.B., B.M., M.M., Organist-Di-
rector of the Zion Lutheran Church,


Oity Rditor's
: c0at h



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