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May 21, 1941 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-21

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'Ensian Buyers
May Receive
Copies Monday
Yearbook To Be Obtained
At Publications Building;
Sales Tax To Be Added
The 1941 Michiganensian will pro-.
bably be ready for distribution Mon-
day, May 26, Jack Cory, '41, business
manager, announced yestei'day.
Those who have purchased Ensians.
may receive their copies by present-
ing their receipt between 8 a.m. and
6 p.m. on the first floor of the Publi-
cations Building, Cory said.
A 3 per cent sales tax must be
collected this year, as the book will
niot be exempt from the tax as in the
past. To facilitate matters, Cory an-
nounced, ten cents will be required
from each person who receives his
copy, although that amount is less
than the percentage exacted. Every-
one who comes for his Ensian is urged
to have a dime in change in order to
av od an undue amount of confusion.
A limited number of copies, not more
than 20, are still available at $5 each,
Cory added. These extra copies are
those ordered for students who made
the initial payment, but who failed
to keep the installments up to date.
Prof. Mowat
Lectures Here
f$ristol Professor Praises
American Revolution
Speaking on "Literature and So-
ciety of Eighteenth Century Eng-
land," Prof. R. B. Mowat of the Uni-
versity of Bristol declared in a Uni-
versity lecture yesterday that the
final success of the American Revo-
lution was a victory for' English lib-
Elaborating, he stated that the Rev-
olution was really a civil war which
failed to break out in England only
because of the American distrac-
tion. Likening the eighteenth cen-
tury to the present, he declared them
both to be revolutionary ages, and
it was in this light that he examined
the literature and society of that cen-
tury. He also related the culture of
France to that of England.
IT t

Pedro The Voder' To Perform
In Demonstration, Tomorrow

One of the most interesting lecture-
demonstrations of the year will be
given here at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium when Dr. J. 0. Per-
rine of American Telephone and Tele-
graph puts Pedro the Voder, Bell's
talking machine, -through its paces.
Whether Pedro or Dr. Perrine will
give the lecture is not known, but it
is definite that Pedro will put in his
two cents' worth, and nothing short
of a short circuit is going to shut
him up. He'll sing, talk, recite poetry
or answer questions at the slightest
mov'e of his operator's fingers.
Actually a voice operation demon-
Final Issue Of Technic
-Will Continue On Sale
Those engineers who missed their
chance to get the final Michigan
Technic of the year yesterday need
not despair, as the issue, the biggest
since May, 1938, will be on sale again
today in the Engineering Arch, the
East Engineering lobby and in front
of the secretary's office, West Engi-
neering Building.
Not just one, but three banner
articles are being featured in this
issue, besides the regular features,
In and Around Ann Arbor," "The
Technic Presents," "The Technic
Reflects," and "The Technic Ex-
plores," and an editorial, "Award
for Service."
A special offer being made with
this issue is that of 1941-42 sub-
scriptions to graduating seniors, with
a guarantee of delivery no matter
where the student may be next year.
E ,

strator, the Voder consists of a small
console resembling an old-fashioned
organ, two vacuum tube audio fre-
quency generators, amplifiers and
loud speakers. Keys and pedals make
Pedro sing,:speak, or imitate animals
at will.
Because of its possibilities as a
speech creator and trans~ipitter, it is
hoped that the Voder may contribute
to important developments in the
realm of telephone transmission.
No stranger at the University, D.
Perrine received his master of scienced
degree here and served for a time on
the faculty. Two years ago he lectured
in the Rackham Auditorium.
It is very probable that Dr. Perrine
will treat other phases of telephone
work in addition to "The Artificial
Creation of Speech," Prof. Benjamin
F. Bailey of the electrical engineer-
ing department said, such as the
"inverted speech" now being used in
trans-oceanic transmission.
Virology Lab
, Receives Grant

Money Given
Of Infantile

For Study

of tie


TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen,
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416. lc
VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned
Careful work at low price. 3c
dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226
South First St., Phone 3916. 10c
MARTIN PLACE-Very attractive
6-room unfurnished home. Rent
including heat and garage $75 per
month. Oril Ferguson, 928 Forest.
Phone 2-2839. 391
522 MONROE-Newly decorated 2-
room furnished apartment. Pri-
vate bath. Electric refrigeration.
$40. Adults. Phone 5224 or 2-2839.
WANT RIDE to Miami about last of
May. Contact Dr. L. H. Frank.
Phone 3227. 395
Local and Long Distance Moving.
410 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 6297
CO.-Let us move, pack, or ship
you to any point. Experienced
movers. Special rates for students'
storage. Dial 3515. 318 N. First
St. 32c
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H.Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 31c

Noted biographer Carl Vay Doren
entertained the Lloyd House boys re-
cently with an informal "bull-ses-
sion" while ,sitting on a window seat
there. Van Doren didn't move from
the spot from shortly after dinner
-he was a dinner guest-until mid-
night . . . the boys stood around
hanging on every word.
Winchell House had an exhibition
of the water colors of Mr. Wallace
Mitchell Sunday, accompanied by
short time-outs for tea and refresh-
ments. Mr. Mitchell is connected
with the Cranbrook Academy of
University House held a special tea
Saturday for foreign student friends,
according to word received from
Miss Eaith Barnard, house di-
rector. Musical entertainment was
provided for the enjoyment of the
guests by the residents of the house.
Wenley House is scheduled for an
all-day picnic Friday, May 30-which
is Decoration Day. A barn dance
will follow.
Martha Cook will hold a faculty
supper Sunday. Fifty guests will be
present at the informal gathering of
which Marion Shown, '42, is chair-
man. Helen Westlin, '41SM, is in
charge of the program which will in-
clude a musicale to be given for the
half-hour preceding supper.
Betsy Barbour, Stockwell Hall,
Mosher and Jordan will be a few of
the girls' dorms holding Honors Din-
ners this week-but more about that
later ...
Lana Turner Gets
Back Seat In Garg
Sweater Snapshots
Resolved: That Lana Turner won't
stand a chance after tomorrow when
the public has seen "The Campus
Sweater Set" in the June LIFE issue
of Gargoyle.
Affirmative: candid shots of ten
typical coeds in the regulation cam-
pus garb. Negative: volunteers can't
be found, but no one will be forced
to present this side.
Enough of that, but that's not
enough of girls, so Gargoyle has ac-
quired four full-page 'smoothies,' done
in the style of Petty and Varga, to
occupy the heart of the issue. Origi-
nators of these beauties are Sherman
and Hardy, famed illustrators of
the Michigan State Spartan.
Ordnance Group
Will See Movies
Movies of the different phases of
the army's motorized equipment in
action will be shown members of the
Army-Ordnance Association and visi-
tors at 7:30 p.m. today in the Kel-
logg Foundation Auditorium.

Infantile paralysis and other virus
diseases will soon receive tremendous
additional study and research at the
University as the result of a $30,000
grant from the National Foundation
for Infantile Paralysis for the es-
tablishment of a virology labora-
tory here.I
The laboratory, which will be oper-
ated in the proposed School of Hy-
giene and Public Health, will be es-
tablished in the University Hospital
as soon as possible, and later will be
transferred to the public health
school, soon to be constructed from
funds given by the Rockefeller and
W. K. Kellogg Foundations.
Much knowledge is expected to be
gained about the little-known vi-
ruses, now thought to be similar to
disease germs, but sub-microscopic
in size. All types of diseases caused
by these minute organisms will be
subjected to careful research.
The exact nature of viruses and
the methods by which they transmit
diseases from person to person will
be the primary problem which the
laboratory will attempt to solve.
Field trips will be made to nearby
communities to discover the rela-
tionship between local conditions
and the spread of virus diseases.
The final examination schedule
for the College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts appears correct-
ly on page 11 of the Supplement-
ary Announcement. It differs,
however, from the one on page 24
of the regular Announcement. The
dates under "Time of Examina-
tion" should be increased by two.
Copies of the corrected schedule
are available at Room 4, University
VOL. LL No. 165
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Note to Seniors, June Graduates, and
Graduate Students: Please file appli-
cation for degrees or any special cer-
tificates (i.e. Geology Certificate,
Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once
if you expect to receive a degree or
certificate at Commencement in
June. We cannot guarantee that the
University will confer a degree or
certificate at Commencement upon
any student who fails to'file such ap-
plication before'the close of business
on Wednesday, May 21. If applica-
tion is received later than May 21,
your degree or certificate may not
be awarded until next fall.
Candidates for degrees or certifi-
cates may fill out cards at once at
office of the secretary or recorder of
(Continued on Page 4)
Lost Day
-Coming Thursday -

Honor Banquet
Will Be Given
For Librarian
W. W. Bishop Will Speak
Tomorrow; To Retire
After 26 Years' Work
A banquet honoring retiring Uni-
versity Librarian William W. Bish-
op will be given at 7 p.m. tomorrow
at the League with President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven presiding.
Mr. Bishop will speak on "Libraries
in the Last 45 Years."
Greetings to Mr. Bishop will be
given by Robert M. Lester, secretary
of the Carnegie Corporation, Prof.
Cecil J. McHale of the library science
department and Associate Librarian
Samuel W. McAllister.
A portrait of Mr. Bishop by John
Coppin of Detroit will be presented
the University and will be accepted
on the University's behalf by Presi-
dent Ruthven.
Mr. Bishop is retiring after having
served the University for 26 years,
starting in 1915. He graduated from
,the University in 1892, received his
master's degree in 1893 and has re-
ceived several honorary degrees from
other universities.
Before coming to Michigan in 1915,
he had been affiliated with the Li-
brary of Congress. He is the author,
of several books on library work and
has contributed numerous articles to
library periodicals.
Board Change
Plan Opposed
In Student Poll
(Continued from Page 1)
should be done to keep The Daily
free from censorship and loss of free-
Allen Eschelbach, '43: "The Daily
is a student paper now and I want
to see it remain one."
Dale Chamber'lain, '42: "The Daily
is a student organization and must
continue to be one. What excuses 3
have been able to gather advocating
a change in the Board set-up do not
seem at all advisable in view of the
probable results."
Congress Will Hold
Installation Banquet
Congress, Independent Men's Or-
ganization, will formally induct its
newly elected officers at an installa-
tion banquet to be given at 6:15 p.m.
tomorrow in Room 316 of the Union.
Master of ceremonies at the ban-
quet will be William Rockwell, '41,
outgoing president.
New officers of Congress include
Richard Shuey, '42E, president; El-
mer Hitt, '42, secretary-treasurer;
Albert P. Blaustein, '42, and Louise
Fogel, '43, executive secretaries.
Antilla, Rantala, Reisman
Elected Heads Of Suomi
Clarence Antilla, '42E, was elected
president of the Suomi Club in a
meeting of the group Saturday at
the Island.
Other officers include: Aini Ran-
tala, '43, vice-president, and Linda
Reisman, '44, secretary-treasurer.
This organization of Finnish stu-
dents has held social programs dur-
ing the past year consisting of themes

portraying campus life, and pro-
grams of Finnish folk songs and
Finnish dances. The election and
picnic on Saturday officially closed
the club's activities for the season.
Last Showings Today

Illinois Dean Addresses
Annual Conference
Definite requirements are neces-
sary in the prospective pharmacy
student and should be detected in
the pharmacy school application,
Dean E. R. Serles of the University
of Illinois College of Pharmacy told
the Tenth Annual Conference of the
College of pharmacy yesterday in
t'ackham Amphitheatre.
It is necessary to determine before-
hand, Dr. Serles said, whether or not
the prospective pharmacy student is
fitted for the profession which he
has chosen. In this manner, he
added, both the public and profes-
sion will benefit through the selec-
tive system in accepting pharmacy
students in the universities.
Dr. SerIes flayed the assumption
that the majority of pharmacy stu-
dents go into the retail trade on
graduation from college. A recent
survey, he said, indicated that phar-
macy graduates are employed in 62
different fields of related scientific

Big Post Card
Signed By 560
Goes To FDR
President Robsevelt's mail-bags
won't be big enough 0 bhold one
post-card he will get today.
A gigantic four by six foot post-
card, signed by 560 students said to
be representative of peace sentiment
throughout the campus, was sent
by express to the President yesterday.
The card bore these words:
"Dear Mr. President:
No A.E.F.!
No Convoys!
The 560 signatures were written
Sponsor of the idea is the All-Cam-
pus Peace Committee of which Elman
Service, '41, is chairman. The Com-
mittee, whose first major activity
was the "Peace Strike" held May 1
in Felch Park, was formed by six
students who attended the Harvard
conference on "Democracy in Educa-
The group, according to Service,
has as its program "no convoys, no
A.E.F., no extension of conscription,
and work for democracy." A meeting
of the group will be held at 8 p.m.
Thursday at 1416 Hill St.
Hear Lecture

Members of the University of Mich-,
igan Chinese Club aided by more than
260 other students will take posts
on campus Friday in a final tag day
drive for funds for the United China
Relief campaign which closes this
The tags sold will have two Chinese
characters on them, "jen" meaning
humanity and "yi" meaning right-
eousness. A pair of chopsticks will be
given to the first 4,000 contributors.
Governor Murray D. Van Wagoner
has set Sunday as "China Sunday"
to help the national effort for money
for civilian relief. In a special state-
ment to The Daily President Alexan-
der G. Rluthven commended the tag
day drive and called for student sup-
port. The statement follows:
"Our Chinese students, one of
the groups for whose presence on
the campus we have reason to be
most appreciative, are giving us an
upportuuity to contribute to civil-
ian relief in China. I heartily com-

mend this effort and hope that the
response may be a generous one.
Thus we can express in a practical
way our friendship for An anient
and cultured people and our sym-
pathy for the innocent victims of
gross international Injustice."
The Chinese Students Club is trying
to obtain the help of fraternities,
dormitories and cooperative houses in
selling tags. The Union has already
secured the services of 130 men and
the League 130 women.
A conservative estimate has set the
number of refugees roaming aimless-
ly about China's war-torn areas at
40 millions. Medical supplies and food
are 'badly needed. Cheng K. Tseng,
Grad., is chairman of the local tag
day drive.
Flying Club Elects
Glidden S. Do.wman, '42E, wag
elected president of the Michigan
Flying Club at a recent meeting.


Chinese Students Will Sponsor
Civilian Relief Campaign Friday


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Picture of the Week
* Garg Goes to Pot
* Speaking of Pictures
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THESIS BINDING-Mimeographing.
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c~n +- 1 n

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