E 4X THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 20,1941 Ann Arbor Industry Expands Plants For Defense Pr gram <1 Large Orders Increase Labor, Machine Forces Material Shortages, Priority Ratings Cause Output Delay In Assembly, Tool Shops By DAN BEHRMAN and ROBERT MANTHO (Ed. Note-The figures and information in this article are intended to give a representative survey of the part played by Ann Arbor industry in production for national defense.) The city of Ann Arbor-not the coke parlors or the Diagonal-presents a picture of industry geared for full production in the government's defense program. Machine tool and assembly plants throughout the city have expanded labor forces and equipment to meett the demands of a nation in arms. Delicate valve springs and heavy- duty drill parts are in process of man- ufacture within sight of Ferry Field, Cannon Output Is Speeded Up American Broach and Machine Company, located on West Huron Street, has led the machine tool in- dustry in developing a new technique for rifling aircraft cannon barrels. According to F. J. Lapointe, vice- president in charge of production, his company now rifles a 105 mm. barrel in 50 minutes, a saving of 17 hours over previous methods. Fuse caps, propeller hub parts and tank gears are also turned out by this plant, which has received top priority rat- ings for its raw materials. Even with these preferences, Amer- ican has encountered delays in de- livery of certain metals, such as a three month hold-up in tungsten steel supplies. "It's a case of waiting," Mr. Lapointe noted, "although the great bulk of our plant facilities are now de- voted entirely to defense work." American, which is operating with a labor force of 290 men, is hampered by the general shortage of skilled workmen. This deficiency has consid- erably delayed the introduction of a full twenty-four hour shift. "There is no 'bottle-neck' in ma- chine tools," Mr. Lapointe declared. "In 1939 the industry produced $200,- 000,000 worth of machinery, while, first quarter reports for 1941 -in- dicate that this year's output will be $750,000,000, an increase of almost 300 per cent in less than two years." ly, is now engaged in producing an- ti-tank gun and torpedo boat parts. besides doing sub-contract work on air-cooled radio engines. Stanley High, production "follow up" man, estimates his firm's defense orders at $50,000. The problem of obtaining raw ma- terials is greater at Precision than in machine tool paInts. Priorities? "Too many of them!" is Mr. High's opin- ion. Pressure is brought to bear on OPM by individuals only indirectly connect- ed with national defense work, he explained. This accounts for an ex- cess of priorities, making them in many cases valueless. Orders from Precision's commercial customers are frequently given defense priority rat- ings months after their acceptance, thus forcing a revision of production schedules. Precision has been able to supply its commercial customers to a lim- ited extent through authorized sub- stitution of metals employed. Carbon of chrome-vanadium steel can thus be used in place of nickel alloy steel - almost impossible to obtain for non-defense purposes., One of the most annoying delays in the defense program is that caused by subcontracting, Mr. High asserted. This lag goes "all the way down the line." Million Dollar Order Taken The defense orders for Internation- al Industries, Inc., a camera manu- facturer, ran just short of a million dollars, Robert Miller, secretary of the company stated. These orders entail the production of sights for large cal- ibre aircraft guns together with len- ses for fire-control apparatus. Precision Hits Priority Snag :o substitute brass for aluminum and eplace stainless steel. As yet, Inter- rational has found no need to use lastics in place of metal, but Mr. VAiller admitted difficulty in getting materials, even under priorities. Since the acceleration of the gov- mrnment's program this year, Inter- national has added a $100,000 exten- sion to its plant capacity. The com- pany employs approximately 400 men of whom 50 per cent are skilled. Torpedo Heads Are Produced Biggest employer in Ann Arbor out- side of the University, the King- Seely Corporation has 1270 men on its payroll. Ordinarily it is a producer of electrical gauges, die-castings and precision instruments, but it is now also making torpedo warheads, range finders for airplanes and instruments, used in the Army's new "Jeep" scout cars. Personnel director Lawrence E. Quinn explained that his plant is concerned more with assembly than' with the manufacture of machine tools. However, its machine depart- ment is operating on a full twenty- four basis, and Mr. Quinn anticipates a great increase in assembly opera- tions by next September. There is an excess of unskilled labor at present, he declared, since many industries are still tooling. Labor has been migrating from the South in increasing quantities, but there is little prospect of its absorp- tion until after the summer. King-Seely is experiencing little 'difficulty with labor shortage, since it has always had an apprentice system for training tool and die- Imakers. A man is considered a skilled die- maker at Kng-Seely after he has undergone an intensive four-year in- struction program, Mr. Quinn stated. This should present some idea of the problem in securing skilled labor for expanding plants. Lack Of Labor Is Encountered Economy Baler Company, located on North Main Street near the Huron River, is turning over 95 per cent of its production to direct and indirect defense uses. Economy supplies ma- chines for bailing aluminum, dural, scrap metals and any other materials that can be compressed into a small space. Economy is one of the Ann Arbor firms affected by the activities of out-of-town- corporations in hiring labor.President George W. Langford lays this practice to the cost-plus contract in which the government pays all costs for the manufacturer. In commenting on the prolific use: of priorities, President Langford de- clared that strict preference ratings have forced some firms to abandon much of their commercial business. In many fields it is impossible to obtain essential materials for non- defense purposes, he said -- and thus companies must take on government orders. Specifications Delay Buhr Changes in specificatiors, espec- ially on aircraft orders have hindered production at Buhr Machine Tool, Inc., President Joseph F. Buhr stated in discussing tie-ups in the defense program. Alterations in the design of airplanes call for revision of the machine tools used in their produc- tion, and thus Buhr loses time waiting for government approvals on the new machines. Manufacturers of multiple drilling, tapping and boring equipment for the automobile industry, Buhr is now building tools for tank production. Cradles for the 75 mm. guns used on the Army's medium tanks are bored by its machines. Operations on air- craft parts and tank transmissions are also performed by Buhr products. Key operations have now been put on a twenty-four hour basis and a new addition to the plant has been opened within the last three months. Top priorities for machine tool com- panies have aided Buhr, although there is a shortage in bearings for its own machinery. Alpha Nu, Speech Group, Inducts Officers Today New officers will be inducted today by Alpha Nub honorary speech fra- ternity, at its last meeting of the year, to be held in the Angell Hall chapter room. After the induction of officers and the presentation of Kappa Phi Sigma certificates to graduating senior mem- bers, the meeting will be turned into a forum open to all students. George Shepard, '41, and Gerald Schafland- er, '42, will lead the discussion on "Interventionism vs. Isolationism." QUALITY 11 LIFE INSURANCE AT LOW COST Speec hRobot To Be Heard On Thursday Speaking on "The Artificial Cre- -ation of Speech,?' Dr. J. 0. Perrine of American Telephone and Telegraph will bring Pedro the Voder, Bell Tele- phone's amazing mechanical voice, to Ann Arbor Thursday for a lecture- demonstration in Hill Auditorium. Brought here through the courtesy of Bell Telephone and under the aus- pices of the electrical engineering department, Pedro will assist Dr. Per-; rine at the lecture, demonstrating the formation of the different speech ounds as well as presenting the more spectacular feats of which he is cap- able. Although his topic is given as being on the creation of speech, Dr. Perrine will probably discuss other interesting things about telephone work, Prof. Benjamin F. Bailey of the eletrical engineering department predicted. Several electrical engineering fac-j ulty men will attend a special ban-j New Michigan Technic Goes On Sale Today Staff Will Offer Special 194142 Subscriptions To Graduating Seniors Thirty-six pages of well-illustrated Michigan Technic, containing three large feature articles, will go on sale today in the East Engineering Build- ing lobby, over the Engineering Arch and in front of the Secretary's office, second floor, West Engineering Build- ing. Highlighting the final issue of the year are "Riding Comfort," by Prof. Walter E. Lay of the automotive en- gineering department, "Cellulose Ace- tate," by Blaie B. Kuist, '41E, and "Motion Study and Its Relation to Machine Design," by Guy J. Bates, master mechanic. Other articles appearing in the big- gest issue since May, 1939, are "Glass Plant Inspection Trip," "Open House Highlights," a special article on en- gineering honor and professional soci- eties and an editorial, "Award for Service." A special offer of 1941-42 subscrip- tions to the Teclnic will be made to graduating seniors, the staff guaran- teeing delivery no matter where the student may be next year. Local Chinese students will con- luct tag day drives on Friday and Saturday to aid sufferers in war-torn areas of China. The campus campaign is part of the national United China Relief ef- fort which comes to a close this week. aov. Murray D. Van Wagoner has proclaimed Sunday, May 25, as "China Sunday" to aid the final move for funds for civilian relief. The students here have already thanked Gov. Van Wagoner for his help in an exchange of letters. The University became famous for its Chinese student community not long after 1893 when Dr. James B. Angell, president at the time, was, envoy to China and encouraged gov- ernment leaders there to send stu- dents to America and to the Univer- sity. The Chinese enrollment now num- By GEORGE W. SALLADE Chinese Tag Day Begins Friday ine30 g & eg8 ( ) rj _____ I. 1 I quet to before said. be held in Dr. Perrine's honor' the lecture, Professor Bailey -------~~~-~~~-~~-~~~--~~~ An Editorial. (Continued from Page 1) faculty must dominate the Publi- cations Board." You are the people who elect the student members to the Publica - tions Board. Are you going to sit idly and allow your student repre- sentatives on the Board to be placed in the position of "advisers" in a faculty "dominated" Board? They'll be no more than thai we assure you; though he didn't have his way, the chairman of the Council com- mittee said he didn't think the stu- dent members should even have a vote on the Board., THOSE ARE THE ISSUES, as we see them. Stated in more ab- stract terms, the right and the need of students to exercise a responsible part in the governing of their af- fairs is at stake. Though you may disagree with us on many subjects, as, you have in the past and we anticipate in the future, all of us can agree on that principle. It is not only the assertion of a right, but it is equally the assumption of responsibility, by the student body, the student Board members, and the editors whom the Board selects. It is in this spirit that the individ- uals who have sponsored the peti- tion drive, ask you to add your name. Gerhart."Seo.er To Talk Here Gerhart Seger, former member of the German Reichstag and vigorous anti-Nazi author and lecturer, will speak at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow on "What Confronts America" at the Rackham Lecture Hll under the mmice-s of the hecal chanter of the i _I City Council Votes Airport Money Bill l Precision Parts, Inc., manufacturers This company is also plagued with of automobile wrist-pins commercial- prioities trouble and has been forced Following the recommendation of the budget committee, the Common Council at its meeting last night voted unanimously to appropriate $1,500 for the improvement of the Ann Arbor airport. According to the report of the bud- get committee the funds appropriated were to be used for leveling and grav- eling the runways of the airport. Al- derman Dobson made the correction that the primary purpose of the funds was to widen the runways. The need for such action has been quite apparent since the unfortunate incident of the army planes several weeks ago. At that time, a visiting party of army planes was prevented from landing when two of the'planes became stuck in the mud at the side of the runways. Also up before the Common Coun- cil, which meets every second Monday, was a proposal for a new tractor to be used for airport grading and for various other city purposes. Muskegon Gets Air Line WASHINGTON, May 19.-(OP)-The Civil Aeronautics Boardngave Penn-" sylvania-Central Airlines authority: today to provide direct service-" be- tween Muskegon, Mich., and Chicago. The board's order allows the line to serve Muskegon as an intermediate point on flights between Chicago and Grand Rapids and points beyond without any reduction in service to Grand Rapids. I- bers 75 out of a once-reached peak of 200. This group, however, is still the largest on any campus outside of China. Many of these students are the sons and daughters of wealthy families who have been impoverished by the war. In 1938 in a drive for funds an opera and concert gained $600. A Chinese christmas card sale secured $400. A 1939 bazaar and ice cream social contributed $2300 while another card sale added $200. NOTICE Students interested in tryouts for next year's Gargoyle are in- vited to attend a meeting at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Gargoyle of- fice in the Publications Building. I i WITH MARCHAN DE'S auspAt1 1'Iau Ic Committee To Defend America By Edmonson At Meetig Aiding The Allies. Dean James B. Edmonson of the Seger, who - spoke here last fall ;ducaticn school is attending a four- before a large audience, is now edi- Jay meeting of the Educational Poli- tor of the Neuevolkzeitung, a New ies Commission at Skytop, Pa. York newspaper. For the past two The meeting, which began Sunday, years he has also lectured widely, s a gathering of the leading educa-, speaking in almost every state in the ors of the nation for a discussion on country. 1roblems of their field.! -I _i/ic ilia wit I/he t 1 ivt rnelaCI.l[arCXi afarc/h "MODE AMrTS" are one of our most popular shoes . . . popular with the woman who demands the new style trends; popular, too, with C the woman who must consider corn- fort and fit. Yes, "Mode Arts" are made to combine both style and comfort, in popular price range. -$'50$ 75 thrnd $ l~j other styles to $8.75 9 CERTIFIED COLD STORAGE MOTH SON OPENS re ItLU III . ®#a.&: SIisi Guard your coat against warm woGther dangers -moths, theft, fire and summer air conditions -by sending it to us NOW for expert care. Meanwhile take the time to plan with us how to bring your coat up to the minute in stylish- ness. You'll be agreeably surprised how for a little money will go toward making it a 1941- 42 model. /' Phone 7040 OUR BONDED MESSENGER WILL. CALL *COLD STORAGE 0 Insured $100 Policy * Cleaned 0 Glazed * Cold Storage *Fully Insured $100 Policy 9 Buttons and Loops Checked *6 Minor Rips Sewed $4.85 PAY NEXT FALL 3/y4 t .1