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May 20, 1941 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-20

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Other Heads
Of Committee
New Chairmen Have Worked
On Previous Class Productions;
Two Transfers Also Named
(Continued from Page 1)








Year s


9t HIGHlt TIME!-
Patrons of the arts were either honored or outraged-we can't decide
which--at the Doodle Dance sponsored by the Architectural School last
Friday. The serious art did the honoring, and the doodles did the outrag-
ing with things that looked like something Salvadore Dali might draw onI
a rainy Sunday. The dancers, disturbed, though they no doubt were, byI
the weird decoration, kept right on dancing in the approved manner. Ollie
Rae Bilby and Johnny Stamm, Esther Guntley and Nick Athens, Helen Cox-
man and Eddie Stroko, and Fern Rice and Phil Dickinson were among them,
-the dancers, we mean, not the doodles.
EmbarassmentA t A Tea...
Neatest Trick of This Week: Scene: the latest of the Ruthven teas.
Actors: President Ruthven, Dick Schell and onlookers. Script: For some
minutes Schell had been staring at a picture on the Presidential wall which

Dance Class, Theatre-Arts, and So-
cial Committee were among activi-
ties aided by Miss Gruhzit, Alpha
Phi. Miss Jones, a transfer from
Stephens College, is a, member of
Kappa Alpha Theta and was here in
time to aid Sophomore Cabaret.
Miss Ralzen, Zeta Tau Alpha,
worked for Michilodeon andTheatre-
Arts, while Miss Ranahan is an ori-
entation adviser. Miss Rakestraw,
Delta Gamma, served for Theatre-!
Arts and Michilodeon; Miss Morley
is a member of Social Committee
and worked for Theatre-Arts. j
Wrote JGP Songy
Miss DeFries, Delta Delta Delta,
who wrote the song "I Can't Get
You Out of My Heart" for JGP, was
active in summer League work and
Theatre-Arts. Miss Gilbertson, an
orientation adviser, worked for As-~
sembly Ball.
Panhellenic Ball, Orientation, The-
atre-Arts, Social Committee, and
style show were among Miss Brown s
activities. She is a member of Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma. Miss Thompson,
Alpha Xi Delta, worked for Theatre
Arts, Panhellenic committees, and
Merit System Committee. Miss Fil-
strup, a transfer from Lake Forestj
College, is on WAA board. '
Helped Red Cross<
Miss Lewin, Alpha Epsilon Phi, has
served for Red Cress, Michilodeon,
Lantern Night and Daily. Miss Mc-
Laughlin, a member of Alpha Chi
Omega, was general chairman of1
Panhellenic Ball, and served for The-
atre Arts and Social Committee. Miss
Alt, Alpha Gamma Delta, serves on
League publicity and social commit-1
tees, and works for Theatre-Arts and
candy booth committees.
Scroll Society
Taps Leaders
17 Junior Women Are Chosen
In Annual Tapping Ceremonyf
Seventeen leaders among the juniorc
women on campus were honored byc
Scroll Society last night in its annual
tapping ceremony held after LanternI
Included in the group of new mem-
bers are Lois Basse, Dolly Haas, Dor-
othy Merki, Jeanne Goudy, Betty
Bailey, Anna Jean Williams, Lou Car-
penter, and Donelda Scheible. 1
Mary Hayden, Betty Fariss, Agnes
Crow, Margaret Gardner, Rae Gus-
tafson, Patty Hadley, Rosalie Smith,
Janet Hiatt, and Mildred Radford;
were also tapped by the honorary so-
ciety for next year's senior women.1
Miss Crow will be formally tapped3
later as she is in the University Hos-1
Selection for-membership in Scroll
is based on leadership in campus ac-1
tivities, scholarship up to the stan-
dard for eligibility, and compatibility.
Initiation will be held at 7 a.m. to-
morrow in the court of the League,;
according to the President of this
year's group, Pedo Ortmayer, '41. New
members are to be dressed in navy]

* 4*

hung slightly to one side. His eyes were becoming
glazed and haunted, and he clenched and unclenched
his hands nervously. Finally, one could see that he
had made the great resolve. He edged carefully over
to the picture, looking furtively over his shoulder,
straightened it, and then threw back his shoulders
with a sigh of relief. But he hadn't looked carefully
enough. The presid'ential voice boomed out: "You're
going to make some girl a wonderful husband." The

presidential voice has remarkable carrying qualities. Exit Schell amid
snickers of a suddenly gathered audience.
The Phi Epsilon Pi's, heated up with the Spring Formal fever, gave
their-Spring Formal, of course, on Friday night. Some of the couples there,
were Adeline Gittlen and Al Hirschfeld, Edith Sandler and Dick Allen, Bert
rater and Sylvia Kasper, Barbara Finsterwald and Dick Goldsmith, andI
.arbara Savage and Ralph Berlow.
Frannie Mendelssohn volunteers to add class (unquote) to this edition
of the column with her contribution. Mademoiselle Mendelssohn attended
the Ivy Ball at the University of Pennsylvania, which affair is one of the
swankiest given in the East. (It says here) Good for Frannie, and may we all
take a lesson from her.
The Parade Of he Formal-cers ...
Kappa Kappa Gamma also decorated its chapter house with Spring
Formal-eers on Saturday night. (Al right so Spring Formals are getting
monotonous; can we help it? )\ Anyway dear readers-or reader-be patient,
spring can't last forever, and you probably enjoy go-
ing to them as much as Ann Winters and George Combs,,
Betty Kinsey and Ben Douglas, Margaret Dodge and
Irl Brent, Elaine Richert and Webb Cook, and Betty
Henkel and Nevin Jamieson did.
Theta Xi's formal-and we are on them, aren't
we?-was decorated Friday night by such luminariesY
(That makes the column sound more Broadway-ish) as Helen Jean and Don
Kipka, Liz Graham and Bill Wadsworth, Jane Connell and Chuck Munn,
and Suki Scheffer and John Hunter.
Senate Scholarship Dance To QiVe
Proceeds To Deserving Students

Adelia Cheever
Wins Lantern
Outsinging 23 other women's cam-
pis groups. Adelia Cheever with
"Can't Stay Away" won the tradition-
al Lantern Night Sing and a silver,
loving cup last night at Palmer Field.
In second place, with "Now I Am
Anchored in Thee," was Delta Gam-
ma while Jordan Hall singing "Mem-
ories of Michigan".came in third.
The participation cup, awarded to,
the sorority, dormitory, or league
house zone with the highest number
of girls participating in WAA sports
throughout the year was awarded at
the Sing also, as is customary, by
Dr. Margaret Bell, to Gamma Phi
Beta which had 551 points and 84
per cent of participation.
Pi Beta Phi came in second in par-
ticipation with 370 points and 89 per
cent, while Martha Cook ranked third
with 201 points and 60 per cent of
j First Nighters
Qreet Premier
Of 1941 Plays
Amidst the swishing of colorful
formals and the gay chatter of First
Nighters, the 1941 Dramatic Season
officially opened last night with the
first performance of "The Male Ani-
In the lobby, early-comers were
conversing with friends and among
them there were Pres. and Mrs. Ruth-
ven, Prof. and Mrs. Palmer Christian,
Prof. and Mrs. Herbert Kenyon, Dr.
and Mrs. C. H. Ross, Mr. and Mrs.
T. Hawley Tapping, Prof., and Mrs.
Waldo Abbott, Prof. and Mrs. I. L.
Sharfman and -Dr. and Mrs. George
Glancing to the other side of the
lobby, we caught sight of Prof. and
Mrs. C. D. Thorpe just entering close-1
ly followed by a party of 8 who had
just come from dinner at the Union:
they were Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Schilling, Mr. and Mrs.Francis La
Pointe, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dolfe and
Mr. and Mrs. Cone Lighthall.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rentschler
(minus the camera) came dashing in
with the first curtain warning buzz-
ing in their ears. Miss Ruth Ann
Oakes swept by us on the arm of
Bill Harrison of Doodle fame.

Needy English Children Are 'Adopted'
By Ann Arbor Residents AndGroups

Dr. and Mrs. R. Bunting
'Adopt' Two Year Old
Baby War Veteran

shelter in England for 30 children for
a year.
Buntings 'Adopt' Child
Foster parents of young Raymond
are Dr. Russell Bunting, Dean of
the College of Dentistry, and Mrs.
Bunting. Information direct from
England concerning the baby States
that there are two children in his
family whose income is only -3.00
a week, of which 12/6 has to be
paid for rent. Adoption will enable
the youngster to have greatly needed
extra nourishment of which he would
otherwise be deprived.
Approximately 200 such adoptions
have been made in Ann Arbor in re-
cent months, according to Mrs. Slos-
son, while $500 has been raised since
May 1 toward the shelter - the fund
for which it is hoped will be coni-
pleted by commencement time in
June. Since it has been impossible to
bring children to this country since
the bombing of the children's ship
last fall, "adoption" or contribution
toward the shelter is suggested as
the next best thing to actually car-
ing for a child.
School Children Contribute
Largest single contributor toward
the cause of the Federation, accord-
ing to Mrs. Slosson, has been the

7 GIRLS from the University
of Michigan are now enroll-
ed for Gibbs secretarial
training. It makes degrees
marketable! Catalogue des-
cribes Special Course for
College Women.


Bach School whose children financed
the adoption of a 13-year-old girl,
Mary Gwendoline Arthur, and whose
teachers are working for the adop-
tion of their second child. Pupils
of the Angell School have adopted
10-year-old Joan Titchener, and are
also raising funds to adopt a second
child. First campus group to contri-
bute, Mrs. Slosson stated, were the
senior wonien of the Alpha Delta
Pi sorority who made a $15 gift for
the shelter, while the Ann Arbor Girl
Scouts have contributed 100 per cent
toward the fund.
A unique shelter contribution, Mrs.
Slosson stated; ca'me through Lieut.-
Col. H. R. Wells of Selfridge Field
and Mrs. Wells, and was the gift
of Mrs. Wells' mother, Mrs. L. M. C.
Churchill of Seattle, Wash.,
r - -



* * *

I U1 t.11 l 11k ' l l
-3Pa~' -5-e e Yr"C


Baby "war veterans," such as two-
year-old Raymond George, pictured
here, are among the English children
who are being "adopted" by Ann Ar-
bor individuals and organizations
through the Save the Children Fed-
eration under the sponsorship in Ann
Arbor of Mrs. Preston Slosson.
Thirty dollars will "adopt" a child
for a year with the money going to
England to pay for milk, medicine,
food, or clothing according to the
child's most urgent needs. In addition
to the sponsorship of these adoptions,
the local chapter of the Federation
is attempting to raise $3000 for a
Meet YOUR Career!
WOMEN from 60 colleges have
been introduced to the career
hest suited to their talents
through the vocational guid-
ance and secretarial -business
training offered by The Career
Institute. Start on YOUR way
to a career NOW.
Special summer Career Clinic.
Professional vocational coun-
selling for all college women.
FALL QUARTERe. . . ...SEPT. 29
TR~ "~Write for Free Booklet
x20 North Michigan Ave., Dept. 9, Chicago


Of the 120 students who applied
for scholarships last year, 60 received
interviews. Out of those interviewed
only five were turned down, leaving 55
deserving and needy students. "Un-
fortunately, however, only 11 scholar-
ships could be awarded," said Dean
Lloyd S. Woodburne.
With this situation in mind, the
Student Senate is sponsoring the
Scholarship dance to be held Friday
in the Union with the hope that with
the money raised more scholarships
may be given to worthy students.
Example Is Typical
A typical example of the truly "de-
serving" student is Mr. Y. He is a
'ophomore in the College of Litera-
ture, Science and the Arts. He has
been entirely self-supporting during
these two years of college except
for an Alumni Undergraduate Schol-
arship, which pays his tuition. He
has worked successively as a waiter
in a local cafe and at the .Michigan
The family-income is meagre and
so irregular that it is utterly impos-
sible for his family to give him any
assistance whatever. Despite these
handicaps he has maintained a scho-
lastic average of 3.7. In order that

he may pursue his plan of further
study in economics and business ad-
ministration, it will be absolutely es-
sential for him to receive some assis-
tance in the form of scholarships.

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