PAGE FOUR T HE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~sLnbH I[TH[E Mn FOr _DN JN~ONU IIO M Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 'under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENT0 FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Emile Gele . Robert Speckhard Albert P. Blaustein, David Lachenbruch Bernard Dober . Alvin Dann Hal Wilson Arthur Hill Janet Hiatt Grace Miller . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director * . .. . City Editor Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor * . . .Sports Editor . . . Assistant Sports Editor . . . .Women's Editor Assistant Women's Editor Daniel James Louise Evelyn H. Huyett B. Collins Carpenter Wright. Business Staff Business Manager . . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager * . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MANTHO The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Haisley's Disnuissal1 Is Unjust Action ..., T HERE IS SOMETHING WRONG IN DENMARK, and by Denmark we mean Ann Arbor's Board of Public Education. Otto W. Haisley was dismissed as superinten- dent of Ann Arbor's public schools at Wednes- day's meeting of the Board in what appears to be a violation of better judgment and the public will. By a five-to-four decision the Board voted, amidst the boos and groans of assembled towns- people and students, not to renew the contract of the man who for 17 years has guided the city's public school system to a position in which it is today respected as one of the nation's finest. r"HE BOARD as such has not given its reasons for the action. Individually, however, accusa- tions have been leveled. Mrs. Martha Huss, one of those who voted for the dismissal, charged Mr. Haisley with overriding the School Board in the choice of the Slauson Jurior High School site, and "protecting" a former School Board treasurer, Grove Ray, found guilty of misappro- priating school funds fifteen years ago. She also charged him with coercing teachers, an ac- cusation closely allied to a statement by another Board member, Mrs. Flora Ward, that she rep- resented an element in Ann Arbor's population which she indicated was in opposition to the Superintendent's "educational policies." All of these allegations break down when confronted with fact. The assertion that Haisley overrode the Board in the choice of a 'site for the Slauson school is refuted by the statement of Mrs. George Walterhouse, Board member at the time of the incident, who said that the Board and not Mr. Haisley had made the selection. Moreover, the Board itself is the policy-making agency, whereas the superintendent is purel an administra- tive officer whose powers are limited to rec- ommendations. The charge that Haisley "rotected" the former treasurer of the Board seems incon- sistent with the fact that it was Mr. Haisley who insisted, over the mild protests of the Board members, that an audit be taken of the yearly million-dollar school budget. It was the audit that exposed the $12,000 de- faultation by Mr. Ray. The best testimony that Mr. Haisley hasnot coerced the teachers was rendered by the spon- taneous protests of the teachers present at the Wednesday Board meeting against the Superin- tendent's dismissal. Mr. Glen Mills, formerly of Ann Arbor High School faculty and now in the University speech department, echoed the sentiments of those teachers when he said, "In my five years as a member of the faculty, I have never heard any word whatsoever against Mr. Haisley in regard to his honesty, fairness or efficiency. I am supported in this belief by the majority of the public schools' faculty who see in this arbitrary and unfair dismissal without trial the makings of a dangerous precedent, s which is not only undemocratic, but because of the feeling of insecurity it would give, is con- dusive to inefficiency and possibly graft." The opposition to Mr. flaisley's "educa- tional policies" seems to rest chiefly on the grounds that it is too "modern" and that inc.runti in 1aiinc fnf the elmentarv LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Regarding Ann Arbor CPT To the Editor: THE DOUBLE DOSE OF MISINFORMATION regarding the Ann Arbor Air Service and the University's CPT course contained in the edi- torial of May 15 and the letter from a former Ann Arbor Air Service instructor on the follow- ing day may lead to some unwarranted and un- just actions. The experience of the instructors in the course has been impugned, and the acci- dent of last Saturday has been used as a spring- board to stir up dire misgivings in connection with the Federal flight training program here. Mr. Behrman's account reveals his lack of knowledge of the principles inherent in heavier- than-air flight, but he may be forgiven this much more easily than for his failure as a jour- nalist to check facts. As for the "Flight In- structor," his is as intriguing a misstatement as has arisen in the welter of rumors connected with the accident. He should know better than to state that the plane was "fifty feet in the air with a solo student, stalled and spun in on top of another one off the runway." A little reflec- tion on the fact that no one was injured, that the first airplane landed right side up on its wheels, and that' damage was confined to its wing tips, the propellor and the fuselage near the empennage, should have made plain that this was no case of "spinning in." That blood- chilling term of the airmen is hardly applicable here, for when a ship hits the earth in a spin- even from the relatively low altitude of 50 feet- it doesn't stand a chance of landing on its wheels, and the pilot can conclude that he is being kept by a Higher Power for some noble work if he doesn't find himself being assembled a la shovel. THE PERSON figuring most prominently in the accident of last Saturday and those who were present give this version. Just after take- off down the runway was begun, the student pilot felt his ship veer to the right, with its left wing high. Presumably a gust of wind caused this, as sometimes is the case, but directly be- fore him loomed another airplane standing at the edge of the runway waiting for him to pass. Because of marshy ground, it had not been taxied at a safer distnce away from the solid runway and its abetting area. Believing he could not avoid "ramming" the other ship, the student pulled the stick into the pit of his stomach in an effort to clear it. As a matter of fact, his ship did takeoff, indicating that he had some measure of flying speed, but his landing gear scraped the right wing of the parked airplane as he passed over. Instantly he was pivoted around to the right, his low right wing digging into the forward edge of the other ship where the wing meets the fuselage, and in this completely reversed position, his ship slid to the ground, lighting on its wheels and sheer- ing the left wing of the other plane. THE ACCIDENT was partly the fault of the student, of course, but he was not guilty of attempting a takeoff without flying speed. He had no other choice if he were to avoid the parked ship. The accident was also made possi- ble by the position of the second airplane so close to the runway, and therein lies the crux of the whole controversy over the series of acci- dents at Ann Arbor Airport. To move further away from runways is to invite a bout with the mud (remember the Army planes!), and so ships taxi closer to the runway than is entirely safe. Ann Arbor has agreed to widen the run- ways, but is progressing with the work at a pace which seems to be barely on a grain-by-grain scale. The Civil Aeronautics Authority has warned that the program will be terminated at, Michi- gan if these runways are not widened, and it is not difficult to foresee that the University will lose this very valuable program if these condi- tions are not fulfilled. As for the instructors, I have always found them competent, interested in my problems, and sincerely devoted to flying. This applies to the operators and the men who maintain the ships as well. The only factor that can't be eliminated in flight training is student carelessness and over- confidence-especially after a few hours of solo flying have given some students the conviction that they are well on the way to becoming Roscoe Turners. - Dean Baker, '36 brand this endeavor with the easy stigma of "modernism" is to fail to realize the sig- nificant place of education in society. Mr. Haisley has not dictated how the instruc- tion of elementary reading should be carried out. He realizes a question is best left to those trained in the field; and it is his general policy to allow the individual teacher the maxi- mum responsibility consistent with a well-bal- anced program of education. That his policies have been well considered is indicated by the fact that the entire public school system of Ann Arbor is widely respected and, in particular, that the average reading ability of elementary stu- dents here is a full half-year above the recog- nized national norm. HAT THE ANN ARBOR PUBLIC appreciates TMr.Haisley's long service and devotion to the education and well-being of its youth, is strikingly borne out by the petitions signed by 1,046 Ann Arbor citizens supporting the Superin- tendent. This represents nearly half of the qualified School Board electors, and others are rallying to his support under the leadership of a Citizens' Committee which has successfully ; . May Festival * Final Exams By TOM THUMB PEAKINGOF MAY FESTIVALS-and every-r body else is-allow me to inject my 15 cents' worth into the discussion.- First of all, let me say that I Have nothing% against May Festivals. And let me add that Ic enjoyed immensely the Philadelphia Orchestra'sE performance in the 1941 Festival. I also likedc Miss Maynor. No one feature of the FestivalI was-as our esteemed music critic, Mr. Karl-t strom, has written-"ungood." I do, however,t have a bone to pick with the audience.c The first Festival Concert of the season, as you may have noticed, featured one Mr. Law-t rence Tibbett, a baritone. This Mr. Tibbett sangc with a certain amount of skill and his voice wasc even good enough to be differentiated from that2 of the baritone singing in the church choir. BUT when Mr. tTibbett finished his last sche- duled song at Hill Auditorium, an overwhelm- ing burst of applause, reminiscent of 10,000t riveting machines being tested during a severer thunderstorm, rewarded him for the little effortc he appeared to have expended.a Completely taken by surprise, Mr. Tibbett stumbled over the chairs and bassoons andc musicians for ani uncountable number of cur- tain (ails, which resulted in two meager en-s cores. Then, when he could sing no more, he chose to (it hurts me to say this) blow kisses 0) at the audience! UT you can't blame Handsome Larry for this. He must have been stunned by the terrific1 applause. Most of the other artists were too. The audience couldn't have liked the stuff that much. My conclusion is that Ann Arbor audi- ences will applaud anything to get their money's worth-even if it hurts. Incidentally, I've discovered why most May Festival vocalists close their eyes when they; sing. They can't bear to see people suffer. IAL WILSON, new Daily Sports Ed., is a mira- cle of clairvoyance. From his Sportfolio last1 week: "We wouldn't know Porter's Cap if wet met her hauling a milk wagon down State Street, but nevertheless she's our choice to cop the; Preakness." Well, as you know, Porter's Cap didn't even place. And, incidentally, Mr. Wilson, wait till football season! Whirl away home, Harold. a* IT WON'T BE LONG before people in this Uni- versity will be studying again--for finals are icumen in, as Chaucer would say. Which, of course, reminds me of a true, true story. The finals in Economics 51 were being held. Room 101 in the Ec Building was filled to ca- pacity with humanity, yet it was mortuary- quiet, save for the scratching of a rusty pen- point somewhere in the northeast corner of the room. A young instructor stood proudly, arrogantly, his back to the blackboard, watching for some inconsiderate student, who, through his dis- honesty, would uproot the entire system upon which modern education is built. His discerning eye finally met with a clue. There was a young fellow in the very last row who was staring at the ceiling. Then leisurely, he would reach into his pocket and pulled out a large and ancient pocket watch. He would stare at it for a few minutes, then return it to his pocket and write like mad on his examination paper. AFTER THIS BURST OF ENERGY he re- turned his gaze to the ceiling. He slowly traveled his eye to the faculty man in the front of the room, then dug into his pocket for the watch again, scrutinized and returned it and wrote furiously for a page and a half. The istructor's ego did flip-flops. "I. L. will give me a merit badge for this," he thought. Impatienty, but nonchalantly, he sidled his way to the rear of the room as the insignificant stu- dent looked at his watch once more and scrawled rapidly. When the instructor reached the back of the room, the student had already replaced the watch in his trousers pocket. The instructor stood directly behind the stu- dent. After a pause of about a minute the stu- dent slowly reached into his watch pocket. The instructor drew in a deep breath. The law of diminishing returns had never even made him this happy! He watched carefully, closely, dis- cerningly over the student's shoulder. The cul- prit slowly removed the timepiece from his pocket and drew it cautiously to the desk top. riHE INSTRUCTOR craned his neck in tor- tuous anticipation of the delights to come. The student pressed the spring which released the cover of the old-fashioned dial. The in- structor could see it clearly. Pasted over the face of the watch was a piece of paper on which was inscribed the message: Go-to &*%(? Physical Force Does Not Alone Comprise Victory I would not have it supposed that physical force and its reactions comprise the secret of our victory (in 1914-18). Without this physical force . . . we could not have won. But should we have had this physical force if there had not stood behind it-never more strong than in the darkest hours-the moral conviction that we were in the right? Great mistakes were made by the generals and politicians. Lives were thrown out on a staggering scale. But still the will to win persisted and pre- wqnni ltr ne of the inniate. unchallenaable A Student 'Bill Of Rights' As Others Committee on Academic Freedom of the American Civil SLiberties Union sets forth a manifesto of rights and __________ responsibilities of college students. From a survey-'What Freedom For American Shidents'-published April, 1941, by ACLU THIS STUDY sets forth the relation between student '"rights" and university authority. It raises the question as to what extent a college in a democracy may properly limit the freedom of students. It is based up- on the assumption that a college should offer the high- est degree of freedom consistent with education. Edu- cation itself requires freedom as well as responsibility. The teacher who is not free to follow the search for truth is not a true scholar. The student who is obliged to accept and not inquire is not a genuine student. This conception of the relation of students to teacher lies at the heart of any college or university which professes to be a center for free inquiry and expression. Its impli- cations also require freedom for students outside the classroom to pursue their own interests both in college and public questions. A college operates as a community and, like other communities, requires rules, or practices so sanctioned by traditoin as to be equivalent to rules. Those rules to be successful must reflect the varied responsibilities involved-to democratic society at large, to the partic- ular commonwealth within which the college exists, to administrative requirements, and to education as a pro- cess of growth and of experience in citizenship. While it is quite impossible to lay down rules for uniform application in colleges of all types, it is ob- vious that the sharp differences revealed in this survey are due not to necessity but to varying pressures, fears, and habits. They represent differing responses which differ in part because of attitudes of college president, faculties and trustees, and in part because of the lack of any clear concept of student freedom and responsi- bility in relation to education. Sets Forth Staindards N ATTEMPTING to set forth certain standards which in our judgment should be observed, we have drawn upon the best practices already existing in one college or another. The practical suggestions which cover the points raised by our survey are not intended for blanket application, but as a statement of policies essential to democratic freedom. 'Their application must of course vary with different types of colleges and within existing general frameworks of student, faculty and administra- tive relations. 1. The policy of every college in relation to student activities outside the classroom should be set forth in. definite terms, and accepted by the college community. To leave complete discretion in such matters solely to a college president, executive officer or faculty committee is to risk putting the determination of critical issues in too few hands influenced by the accidents of the moment, or by the pressures inevitably surrounding a particular crisis when it arises. Democratic decisions re- quire representation of all interests involved, with au- thority and responsibility clearly fixed. 2. A college's stated policy should make clear that students are free to organize associations for political, religious, social and other purposes. Student organ- izations may properly be required to register with the college authorities their names, purposes, by-laws, offi- cers, activities (and where not too burdensome, mem- bership). Secret societies may of course properly be pro- hibited or regulated. 3. Student associations should be permitted to take the name of the college and to use their names in all activities on college property consistent with the pur- poses of the various organizations. Restrictions may fairly be placed on the use of the college name by any association when its activities extend beyond the college campus, such as participation in picketing and in dem- onstrations and parades; but such restrictions in order to reflect the judgment of the college community should be made and enforced only by student councils or joint student-faculty committees. Use College Property 4. THE USE OF COLLEGE PROPERTY outside its primary use for instruction should be made available to any registered student organization carrying out its stated purpose, in accordance with the regulations for the use of college property. Any veto power reserved by a college administration over the use of college property by student organizations on the ground of speakers or program should be exercised only in consultation with a student-faculty committee. Where permission to use college property is denied, no student organization should be disciplined for hold- ing meetings off college property. 5. As a general principle no control should be exer- cised by college authorities over the subjects or out- side speakers chosen by student groups; but if any control is exercised it should be in accordance with the proviso in paragraph 3. 6. In institutions where it is thought desirable to have faculty advisors for student organizations, such advisors should be chosen or approved by the student organizations themselves. Where joint committees of students and faculty supervise student affairs, the stu- dent members should be selected by the student council or by representatives of student organizations. 7. No disciplinary action should be taken against college students for engaging in activities off the cam- pus such as campaigning for political candidates, pick- eting in labor disputes, participating in public demon- strations, etc., provided such students do not claim to be representing the college.°Every precaution should be taken against misrepresenting the college to the outside public and to impress on students their obli- gations to their institution's repute as suggested in paragraph 3. -8. College students should be permitted to publish such newspapers or magazines as they wish, subject to provisions for registering with the college authorities the name, purposes, and editors. No censorship in ad- vance by the college authorities should be exercised over the contents of any publication. If student editors should abuse their responsibility by improprieties or indecency, or fail to live up to responsibilities accepted, disciplinary action should, be taken either by the stu- dent council or council of student organizatiops or a student-faculty committee. In colleges where student publications are under supervision of a joint student- faculty committee or faculty advisors, disagreements between student and faculty members should be re- ferred to the college faculty for final decision. Student Editors 9. THE BOARDS or committees of students re- sponsible for each publication should be free to select editors without control by the college author- ities or faculty (subject to provisions for faculty ad- visors wherever they exist). A student editor should be removable only by the student board, or by majority vote of a student-faculty committee where it exists, or by a majority vote of the faculty when appeal is taken. 10. Where a system of genuine democratic student government exists with control over student activities outside the classroom, a Student "Bill of Rights" or specific rules may be superfluous. For such a system presupposes student control-or joint student-faculty control-over all the matters set forth above. The suc- cessful systems of student government obviously should be extended to all colleges, both in the interest of the smoother operation of the college community and of serving democratic processes. CILeDAlLY.4AWNGTON M~ERRY 9 'ROUND TRADE MARi2 G S ~ E mod jrrll1rrrrw 11 4 r Mw Tfr WASHINGTON - About ten years ago Clarence Streit was covering Geneva for The New York Times. It was his special job to report on the League of Nations, often a very dis- couraging assignment. Month after month he saw prob- lems affecting the welfare of man- kind come before the League - white slave traffic, opium control, the in- vasion of Manchuria. Month after month he heard statesmen represent- ing one country or another rise to say that the paramount interests of the statesman's government would not permit him to concur. AND AS TIME PASSED, Streit also heard the warning that the dic- tator nations sought to dominate the earth. He heard this warning grow from a whisper to a roar. And once while it was growing he sat down with a pencil and paper and added up all the resources and wealth of the democracies and compared them with the wealth of the dictatorships. The comparison was astounding. The democracies controlled more than one-half the worlds territory, 70 to 90 per cent of the world's re- sources, more than half the world's population. They controlled every raw material except silk, which was in the hands of Japan. Their power was tre- mendous The dictatorships, on the other hand, controlled next to nothing. Their resources were pitifully weak. THEREFORE Streit concluded that the cause of all the world's fear of flit-nrqw mo marelr that the de- ing dictatorships grew in prestige and power. English Speaking Union It was about that time tnat Clar- ence Streit became definitely sold on the crusade to which he has-now ded- icated his life - union between the English-speaking democracies of the world. In Europe Streit gradually became convinced that the peoples of Ger- many, Italy, and southern Europe did not have the basic background for democratic government. Servants in Austria, for instance, fell on their knees and kissed his hand. Therefore the hope of the world, he concluded, lay in cooperation between Great Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. AND with the United States, in the opinion of many people, now bal- ancing on the edge of war, Streit has been especially active on Capitol Hill and with various members of the Administration, urging that now is the time to set the peace machinery, for the post-war period. The United States, he argues, must not now make the same mistake of Woodrow Wilson in not exacting an advance pledge from Britain regarding the terms of future peace. League Like 13 Colonies However, the main point this cru- sading young newspaper man drives home to his audiences and in his talks DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, MAY 1'7, 1941 VOL. LI. No. 162 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Seniors: The firm which furnishes diplomas for the University has sent the following caution: Please warn graduates not to store diplomas in cedar chests. There is enough of the moth-killing aromatic oil in' the aver- age cedar chest to soften inks of any kind that might be stored inside them, resulting in seriously damag- ing the diplomas. Shirley W. Smith To the Members of the University Senate: The second regular meeting of the University Senate will be held on Monday, May 19, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. AGENDA: 1. Questions concerning the codifi- cation of the By-Laws of the Board of Regents raised in a request from several members for a special meet- ing. 2. Hospitalization Plan, Vice-Presi- dent S. W. Smith. 3. New Education Fellowship, Vice- President C. S. Yoakum. .4. Statistics on Enrollment, Regis- trar I. M. Smith. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary To All Members of the Faculty and Administrative Staff: If it seems cer- tain that any telephones will not be used during the summer months, please notify the Business Office, Mr. Peterson. A saving can be effect- ed if instruments are disconnected for a period of a minimum of three months. Herbert G. Watkins